Esta es una biblioteca simple pero poderosa para interconectar sin esfuerzo su Arduino con un escáner ELM327 OBD-II. Con esta biblioteca, puede consultar todos y cada uno de los PID compatibles con OBD-II para recopilar una amplia variedad de datos del automóvil (es decir, velocidad, rpm, temperatura del motor, etc.). Además, puede usar ELMduino para ver y borrar los códigos de falla de su automóvil: ¡ya no es necesario ir a AutoZone!
Instale ELMduino utilizando el Administrador de bibliotecas del IDE de Arduino (busque "ELMduino.h")
Si tiene dificultades para conectarse o mantener la conexión con su ELM327, intente usar 38400 baudios en lugar de 115200. Si aún tiene problemas, pruebe con todos los demás baudios posibles. Por último, si usa BluetoothSerial en un ESP32, intente usar la dirección MAC del ELM327 en lugar del nombre del dispositivo "OBDII" y elimine los dispositivos emparejados usando este boceto.
La biblioteca no bloquea. Esto significa que cuando consulta un PID, por ejemplo myELM327.rpm()
, el código no espera la respuesta, lo que bloquearía la ejecución del otro código en el bucle principal. Con ELMDuino, su bucle principal puede continuar realizando otras tareas. Para que esto funcione, debe llamar repetidamente a la función de consulta PID y verificar el estado de recepción sin bloqueo ( myELM327.nb_rx_state
) hasta que sea igual a ELM_SUCCESS
. Si el estado no es ELM_SUCCESS
, es posible que la biblioteca aún esté esperando recibir una respuesta. Esto se indica porque myELM327.nb_rx_state
es igual a ELM_GETTING_MSG
. Si el estado no es igual a ninguno de estos valores (ELM_SUCCESS o ELM_GETTING_MSG), indica que se ha producido un error. Puede llamar a myELM327.printError()
para comprobar cuál fue el problema. Vea el ejemplo simple a continuación que consulta la velocidad del motor en RPM.
Para que quede claro, no intente consultar más de un PID a la vez. Debe esperar a que se complete la consulta PID actual antes de comenzar la siguiente.
# include " ELMduino.h "
# define ELM_PORT Serial1
const bool DEBUG = true ;
const int TIMEOUT = 2000 ;
const bool HALT_ON_FAIL = false ;
ELM327 myELM327;
typedef enum { ENG_RPM,
SPEED } obd_pid_states;
obd_pid_states obd_state = ENG_RPM;
float rpm = 0 ;
float mph = 0 ;
void setup ()
Serial. begin ( 115200 );
ELM_PORT. begin ( 115200 );
Serial. println ( " Attempting to connect to ELM327... " );
if (!myELM327. begin (ELM_PORT, DEBUG, TIMEOUT))
Serial. println ( " Couldn't connect to OBD scanner " );
while ( 1 );
Serial. println ( " Connected to ELM327 " );
void loop ()
switch (obd_state)
case ENG_RPM:
rpm = myELM327. rpm ();
if (myELM327. nb_rx_state == ELM_SUCCESS)
Serial. print ( " rpm: " );
Serial. println (rpm);
obd_state = SPEED;
else if (myELM327. nb_rx_state != ELM_GETTING_MSG)
myELM327. printError ();
obd_state = SPEED;
break ;
case SPEED:
mph = myELM327. mph ();
if (myELM327. nb_rx_state == ELM_SUCCESS)
Serial. print ( " mph: " );
Serial. println (mph);
obd_state = ENG_RPM;
else if (myELM327. nb_rx_state != ELM_GETTING_MSG)
myELM327. printError ();
obd_state = ENG_RPM;
break ;
bool begin (Stream& stream, const bool & debug = false , const uint16_t & timeout = 1000 , const char & protocol = ' 0 ' , const uint16_t & payloadLen = 40 , const byte& dataTimeout = 0 );
bool initializeELM ( const char & protocol = ' 0 ' , const byte& dataTimeout = 0 );
void flushInputBuff ();
uint64_t findResponse ();
void queryPID ( const uint8_t & service, const uint16_t & pid, const uint8_t & num_responses = 1 );
void queryPID ( char queryStr[]);
float processPID ( const uint8_t & service, const uint16_t & pid, const uint8_t & num_responses, const uint8_t & numExpectedBytes, const float & scaleFactor = 1 , const float & bias = 0 );
void sendCommand ( const char *cmd);
int8_t sendCommand_Blocking ( const char *cmd);
int8_t get_response ();
bool timeout ();
float conditionResponse ( const uint8_t & numExpectedBytes, const float & scaleFactor = 1 , const float & bias = 0 );
float batteryVoltage ( void );
int8_t get_vin_blocking ( char vin[]);
bool resetDTC ();
void currentDTCCodes ( const bool & isBlocking = true );
uint32_t supportedPIDs_1_20 ();
uint32_t monitorStatus ();
uint16_t freezeDTC ();
uint16_t fuelSystemStatus ();
float engineLoad ();
float engineCoolantTemp ();
float shortTermFuelTrimBank_1 ();
float longTermFuelTrimBank_1 ();
float shortTermFuelTrimBank_2 ();
float longTermFuelTrimBank_2 ();
float fuelPressure ();
uint8_t manifoldPressure ();
float rpm ();
int32_t kph ();
float mph ();
float timingAdvance ();
float intakeAirTemp ();
float mafRate ();
float throttle ();
uint8_t commandedSecAirStatus ();
uint8_t oxygenSensorsPresent_2banks ();
uint8_t obdStandards ();
uint8_t oxygenSensorsPresent_4banks ();
bool auxInputStatus ();
uint16_t runTime ();
uint32_t supportedPIDs_21_40 ();
uint16_t distTravelWithMIL ();
float fuelRailPressure ();
float fuelRailGuagePressure ();
float commandedEGR ();
float egrError ();
float commandedEvapPurge ();
float fuelLevel ();
uint8_t warmUpsSinceCodesCleared ();
uint16_t distSinceCodesCleared ();
float evapSysVapPressure ();
uint8_t absBaroPressure ();
float catTempB1S1 ();
float catTempB2S1 ();
float catTempB1S2 ();
float catTempB2S2 ();
uint32_t supportedPIDs_41_60 ();
uint32_t monitorDriveCycleStatus ();
float ctrlModVoltage ();
float absLoad ();
float commandedAirFuelRatio ();
float relativeThrottle ();
float ambientAirTemp ();
float absThrottlePosB ();
float absThrottlePosC ();
float absThrottlePosD ();
float absThrottlePosE ();
float absThrottlePosF ();
float commandedThrottleActuator ();
uint16_t timeRunWithMIL ();
uint16_t timeSinceCodesCleared ();
float maxMafRate ();
uint8_t fuelType ();
float ethanolPercent ();
float absEvapSysVapPressure ();
float evapSysVapPressure2 ();
float absFuelRailPressure ();
float relativePedalPos ();
float hybridBatLife ();
float oilTemp ();
float fuelInjectTiming ();
float fuelRate ();
uint8_t emissionRqmts ();
uint32_t supportedPIDs_61_80 ();
float demandedTorque ();
float torque ();
uint16_t referenceTorque ();
uint16_t auxSupported ();
void printError ();
const char AUTOMATIC = ' 0 ' ;
const char SAE_J1850_PWM_41_KBAUD = ' 1 ' ;
const char SAE_J1850_PWM_10_KBAUD = ' 2 ' ;
const char ISO_9141_5_BAUD_INIT = ' 3 ' ;
const char ISO_14230_5_BAUD_INIT = ' 4 ' ;
const char ISO_14230_FAST_INIT = ' 5 ' ;
const char ISO_15765_11_BIT_500_KBAUD = ' 6 ' ;
const char ISO_15765_29_BIT_500_KBAUD = ' 7 ' ;
const char ISO_15765_11_BIT_250_KBAUD = ' 8 ' ;
const char ISO_15765_29_BIT_250_KBAUD = ' 9 ' ;
const char SAE_J1939_29_BIT_250_KBAUD = ' A ' ;
const char USER_1_CAN = ' B ' ;
const char USER_2_CAN = ' C ' ;
const uint8_t SUPPORTED_PIDS_1_20 = 0 ; // 0x00 - bit encoded
const uint8_t MONITOR_STATUS_SINCE_DTC_CLEARED = 1 ; // 0x01 - bit encoded
const uint8_t FREEZE_DTC = 2 ; // 0x02 -
const uint8_t FUEL_SYSTEM_STATUS = 3 ; // 0x03 - bit encoded
const uint8_t ENGINE_LOAD = 4 ; // 0x04 - %
const uint8_t ENGINE_COOLANT_TEMP = 5 ; // 0x05 - °C
const uint8_t SHORT_TERM_FUEL_TRIM_BANK_1 = 6 ; // 0x06 - %
const uint8_t LONG_TERM_FUEL_TRIM_BANK_1 = 7 ; // 0x07 - %
const uint8_t SHORT_TERM_FUEL_TRIM_BANK_2 = 8 ; // 0x08 - %
const uint8_t LONG_TERM_FUEL_TRIM_BANK_2 = 9 ; // 0x09 - %
const uint8_t FUEL_PRESSURE = 10 ; // 0x0A - kPa
const uint8_t INTAKE_MANIFOLD_ABS_PRESSURE = 11 ; // 0x0B - kPa
const uint8_t ENGINE_RPM = 12 ; // 0x0C - rpm
const uint8_t VEHICLE_SPEED = 13 ; // 0x0D - km/h
const uint8_t TIMING_ADVANCE = 14 ; // 0x0E - ° before TDC
const uint8_t INTAKE_AIR_TEMP = 15 ; // 0x0F - °C
const uint8_t MAF_FLOW_RATE = 16 ; // 0x10 - g/s
const uint8_t THROTTLE_POSITION = 17 ; // 0x11 - %
const uint8_t COMMANDED_SECONDARY_AIR_STATUS = 18 ; // 0x12 - bit encoded
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSORS_PRESENT_2_BANKS = 19 ; // 0x13 - bit encoded
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_1_A = 20 ; // 0x14 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_2_A = 21 ; // 0x15 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_3_A = 22 ; // 0x16 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_4_A = 23 ; // 0x17 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_5_A = 24 ; // 0x18 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_6_A = 25 ; // 0x19 - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_7_A = 26 ; // 0x1A - V %
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_8_A = 27 ; // 0x1B - V %
const uint8_t OBD_STANDARDS = 28 ; // 0x1C - bit encoded
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSORS_PRESENT_4_BANKS = 29 ; // 0x1D - bit encoded
const uint8_t AUX_INPUT_STATUS = 30 ; // 0x1E - bit encoded
const uint8_t RUN_TIME_SINCE_ENGINE_START = 31 ; // 0x1F - sec
const uint8_t SUPPORTED_PIDS_21_40 = 32 ; // 0x20 - bit encoded
const uint8_t DISTANCE_TRAVELED_WITH_MIL_ON = 33 ; // 0x21 - km
const uint8_t FUEL_RAIL_PRESSURE = 34 ; // 0x22 - kPa
const uint8_t FUEL_RAIL_GUAGE_PRESSURE = 35 ; // 0x23 - kPa
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_1_B = 36 ; // 0x24 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_2_B = 37 ; // 0x25 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_3_B = 38 ; // 0x26 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_4_B = 39 ; // 0x27 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_5_B = 40 ; // 0x28 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_6_B = 41 ; // 0x29 - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_7_B = 42 ; // 0x2A - ratio V
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_8_B = 43 ; // 0x2B - ratio V
const uint8_t COMMANDED_EGR = 44 ; // 0x2C - %
const uint8_t EGR_ERROR = 45 ; // 0x2D - %
const uint8_t COMMANDED_EVAPORATIVE_PURGE = 46 ; // 0x2E - %
const uint8_t FUEL_TANK_LEVEL_INPUT = 47 ; // 0x2F - %
const uint8_t WARM_UPS_SINCE_CODES_CLEARED = 48 ; // 0x30 - count
const uint8_t DIST_TRAV_SINCE_CODES_CLEARED = 49 ; // 0x31 - km
const uint8_t EVAP_SYSTEM_VAPOR_PRESSURE = 50 ; // 0x32 - Pa
const uint8_t ABS_BAROMETRIC_PRESSURE = 51 ; // 0x33 - kPa
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_1_C = 52 ; // 0x34 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_2_C = 53 ; // 0x35 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_3_C = 54 ; // 0x36 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_4_C = 55 ; // 0x37 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_5_C = 56 ; // 0x38 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_6_C = 57 ; // 0x39 - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_7_C = 58 ; // 0x3A - ratio mA
const uint8_t OXYGEN_SENSOR_8_C = 59 ; // 0x3B - ratio mA
const uint8_t CATALYST_TEMP_BANK_1_SENSOR_1 = 60 ; // 0x3C - °C
const uint8_t CATALYST_TEMP_BANK_2_SENSOR_1 = 61 ; // 0x3D - °C
const uint8_t CATALYST_TEMP_BANK_1_SENSOR_2 = 62 ; // 0x3E - °C
const uint8_t CATALYST_TEMP_BANK_2_SENSOR_2 = 63 ; // 0x3F - °C
const uint8_t SUPPORTED_PIDS_41_60 = 64 ; // 0x40 - bit encoded
const uint8_t MONITOR_STATUS_THIS_DRIVE_CYCLE = 65 ; // 0x41 - bit encoded
const uint8_t CONTROL_MODULE_VOLTAGE = 66 ; // 0x42 - V
const uint8_t ABS_LOAD_VALUE = 67 ; // 0x43 - %
const uint8_t FUEL_AIR_COMMANDED_EQUIV_RATIO = 68 ; // 0x44 - ratio
const uint8_t RELATIVE_THROTTLE_POSITION = 69 ; // 0x45 - %
const uint8_t AMBIENT_AIR_TEMP = 70 ; // 0x46 - °C
const uint8_t ABS_THROTTLE_POSITION_B = 71 ; // 0x47 - %
const uint8_t ABS_THROTTLE_POSITION_C = 72 ; // 0x48 - %
const uint8_t ACCELERATOR_PEDAL_POSITION_D = 73 ; // 0x49 - %
const uint8_t ACCELERATOR_PEDAL_POSITION_E = 74 ; // 0x4A - %
const uint8_t ACCELERATOR_PEDAL_POSITION_F = 75 ; // 0x4B - %
const uint8_t COMMANDED_THROTTLE_ACTUATOR = 76 ; // 0x4C - %
const uint8_t TIME_RUN_WITH_MIL_ON = 77 ; // 0x4D - min
const uint8_t TIME_SINCE_CODES_CLEARED = 78 ; // 0x4E - min
const uint8_t MAX_VALUES_EQUIV_V_I_PRESSURE = 79 ; // 0x4F - ratio V mA kPa
const uint8_t MAX_MAF_RATE = 80 ; // 0x50 - g/s
const uint8_t FUEL_TYPE = 81 ; // 0x51 - ref table
const uint8_t ETHANOL_FUEL_PERCENT = 82 ; // 0x52 - %
const uint8_t ABS_EVAP_SYS_VAPOR_PRESSURE = 83 ; // 0x53 - kPa
const uint8_t EVAP_SYS_VAPOR_PRESSURE = 84 ; // 0x54 - Pa
const uint8_t SHORT_TERM_SEC_OXY_SENS_TRIM_1_3 = 85 ; // 0x55 - %
const uint8_t LONG_TERM_SEC_OXY_SENS_TRIM_1_3 = 86 ; // 0x56 - %
const uint8_t SHORT_TERM_SEC_OXY_SENS_TRIM_2_4 = 87 ; // 0x57 - %
const uint8_t LONG_TERM_SEC_OXY_SENS_TRIM_2_4 = 88 ; // 0x58 - %
const uint8_t FUEL_RAIL_ABS_PRESSURE = 89 ; // 0x59 - kPa
const uint8_t RELATIVE_ACCELERATOR_PEDAL_POS = 90 ; // 0x5A - %
const uint8_t HYBRID_BATTERY_REMAINING_LIFE = 91 ; // 0x5B - %
const uint8_t ENGINE_OIL_TEMP = 92 ; // 0x5C - °C
const uint8_t FUEL_INJECTION_TIMING = 93 ; // 0x5D - °
const uint8_t ENGINE_FUEL_RATE = 94 ; // 0x5E - L/h
const uint8_t EMISSION_REQUIREMENTS = 95 ; // 0x5F - bit encoded
const uint8_t SUPPORTED_PIDS_61_80 = 96 ; // 0x60 - bit encoded
const uint8_t DEMANDED_ENGINE_PERCENT_TORQUE = 97 ; // 0x61 - %
const uint8_t ACTUAL_ENGINE_TORQUE = 98 ; // 0x62 - %
const uint8_t ENGINE_REFERENCE_TORQUE = 99 ; // 0x63 - Nm
const uint8_t ENGINE_PERCENT_TORQUE_DATA = 100 ; // 0x64 - %
const uint8_t AUX_INPUT_OUTPUT_SUPPORTED = 101 ; // 0x65 - bit encoded
const char * const DISP_DEVICE_DESCRIPT = " AT @1 " ; // General
const char * const DISP_DEVICE_ID = " AT @2 " ; // General
const char * const STORE_DEVICE_ID = " AT @3 %s " ; // General
const char * const REPEAT_LAST_COMMAND = " AT r " ; // General
const char * const ALLOW_LONG_MESSAGES = " AT AL " ; // General
const char * const AUTOMATIC_RECEIVE = " AT AR " ; // OBD
const char * const ADAPTIVE_TIMING_OFF = " AT AT0 " ; // OBD
const char * const ADAPTIVE_TIMING_AUTO_1 = " AT AT1 " ; // OBD
const char * const ADAPTIVE_TIMING_AUTO_2 = " AT AT2 " ; // OBD
const char * const DUMP_BUFFER = " AT BD " ; // OBD
const char * const BYPASS_INIT_SEQUENCE = " AT BI " ; // OBD
const char * const TRY_BAUD_DIVISOR = " AT BRD %s " ; // General
const char * const SET_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT = " AT BRT %s " ; // General
const char * const CAN_AUTO_FORMAT_OFF = " AT CAF0 " ; // CAN
const char * const CAN_AUTO_FORMAT_ON = " AT CAF1 " ; // CAN
const char * const CAN_EXTENDED_ADDRESS_OFF = " AT CEA " ; // CAN
const char * const USE_CAN_EXTENDED_ADDRESS = " AT CEA %s " ; // CAN
const char * const SET_ID_FILTER = " AT CF %s " ; // CAN
const char * const CAN_FLOW_CONTROL_OFF = " AT CFC0 " ; // CAN
const char * const CAN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON = " AT CFC1 " ;