ScrapingBee es una API de raspado web que maneja navegadores sin cabeza y rota los servidores proxy por usted. El SDK de Node facilita la interacción con la API de ScrapingBee.
Puede instalar ScrapingBee Node SDK con npm.
npm install scrapingbee
El SDK de ScrapingBee Node es un contenedor de la biblioteca axios. ScrapingBee admite solicitudes GET y POST.
Regístrese en ScrapingBee para obtener su clave API y algunos créditos gratuitos para comenzar.
const scrapingbee = require ( 'scrapingbee' ) ;
async function get ( url ) {
var client = new scrapingbee . ScrapingBeeClient ( 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' ) ;
var response = await client . get ( {
// The URL you want to scrape
url : url ,
params : {
// Block ads on the page you want to scrape
block_ads : false ,
// Block images and CSS on the page you want to scrape
block_resources : true ,
// Premium proxy geolocation
country_code : '' ,
// Control the device the request will be sent from
device : 'desktop' ,
// Use some data extraction rules
extract_rules : { title : 'h1' } ,
// Wrap response in JSON
json_response : false ,
// JavaScript scenario to execute (clicking on button, scrolling ...)
js_scenario : {
instructions : [
{ wait_for : '#slow_button' } ,
{ click : '#slow_button' } ,
{ scroll_x : 1000 } ,
{ wait : 1000 } ,
{ scroll_x : 1000 } ,
{ wait : 1000 } ,
] ,
} ,
// Use premium proxies to bypass difficult to scrape websites (10-25 credits/request)
premium_proxy : false ,
// Execute JavaScript code with a Headless Browser (5 credits/request)
render_js : true ,
// Return the original HTML before the JavaScript rendering
return_page_source : false ,
// Return page screenshot as a png image
screenshot : false ,
// Take a full page screenshot without the window limitation
screenshot_full_page : false ,
// Transparently return the same HTTP code of the page requested.
transparent_status_code : false ,
// Wait, in miliseconds, before returning the response
wait : 0 ,
// Wait for CSS selector before returning the response, ex ".title"
wait_for : '' ,
// Set the browser window width in pixel
window_width : 1920 ,
// Set the browser window height in pixel
window_height : 1080 ,
} ,
headers : {
// Forward custom headers to the target website
key : 'value' ,
} ,
cookies : {
// Forward custom cookies to the target website
name : 'value' ,
} ,
// `timeout` specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out.
// If the request takes longer than `timeout`, the request will be aborted.
timeout : 10000 , // here 10sec, default is `0` (no timeout)
} ) ;
var decoder = new TextDecoder ( ) ;
var text = decoder . decode ( response . data ) ;
console . log ( text ) ;
get ( '' ) . catch ( ( e ) => console . log ( 'A problem occurs : ' + e . message ) ) ;
/* -- output
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>...
ScrapingBee toma varios parámetros para representar JavaScript, ejecutar un script JavaScript personalizado, usar un proxy premium desde una ubicación geográfica específica y más.
Puede encontrar todos los parámetros admitidos en la documentación de ScrapingBee.
Puede enviar cookies y encabezados personalizados como lo haría normalmente con la biblioteca de solicitudes.
Aquí un pequeño ejemplo sobre cómo recuperar y almacenar una captura de pantalla del blog ScrapingBee en su resolución móvil.
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
const scrapingbee = require ( 'scrapingbee' ) ;
async function screenshot ( url , path ) {
var client = new scrapingbee . ScrapingBeeClient ( 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' ) ;
var response = await client . get ( {
url : url ,
params : {
screenshot : true , // Take a screenshot
screenshot_full_page : true , // Specify that we need the full height
window_width : 375 , // Specify a mobile width in pixel
} ,
} ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( path , response . data ) ;
screenshot ( '' , './httpbin.png' ) . catch ( ( e ) =>
console . log ( 'A problem occurs : ' + e . message )
) ;
El cliente incluye un mecanismo de reintento para respuestas 5XX.
const spb = require ( 'scrapingbee' ) ;
async function get ( url ) {
let client = new spb . ScrapingBeeClient ( 'REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-API-KEY' ) ;
let resp = await client . get ( { url : url , params : { render_js : false } , retries : 5 } ) ;
let decoder = new TextDecoder ( ) ;
let text = decoder . decode ( resp . data ) ;
console . log ( text ) ;
get ( '' ) . catch ( ( e ) => console . log ( 'A problem occured: ' + e . message ) ) ;