Adan pytorch
Implementación del Optimizador Adan (algoritmo de impulso ADaptive Nesterov) en Pytorch.
Explicación de Davis Blalock
Código oficial de Adán
$ pip install adan-pytorch
from adan_pytorch import Adan
# mock model
import torch
from torch import nn
model = torch . nn . Sequential (
nn . Linear ( 16 , 16 ),
nn . GELU ()
# instantiate Adan with model parameters
optim = Adan (
model . parameters (),
lr = 1e-3 , # learning rate (can be much higher than Adam, up to 5-10x)
betas = ( 0.02 , 0.08 , 0.01 ), # beta 1-2-3 as described in paper - author says most sensitive to beta3 tuning
weight_decay = 0.02 # weight decay 0.02 is optimal per author
# train
for _ in range ( 10 ):
loss = model ( torch . randn ( 16 )). sum ()
loss . backward ()
optim . step ()
optim . zero_grad ()
@article { Xie2022AdanAN ,
title = { Adan: Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing Deep Models } ,
author = { Xingyu Xie and Pan Zhou and Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin and Shuicheng Yan } ,
journal = { ArXiv } ,
year = { 2022 } ,
volume = { abs/2208.06677 }