Una interfaz fácil de usar para PHPMailer que toma un objeto JSON y envía los valores por correo electrónico, respondiendo con JSON
Este proyecto es muy obstinado. Si la mayoría piensa que un cambio sería útil, lo cumpliré con mucho gusto. De lo contrario, no dudes en abrir un PR o enviar ideas.
, SMTPSecure
tampoco lo estará.value
debe establecerse en algo, incluso si solo es una cadena vacía. De lo contrario, value
predeterminado será null
, una condición de errorincludes/create-default-email-body.php
Si el comienzo de la clave JSON enviada (separada por un guión) coincide con una de estas cadenas, el formato utilizado para validar/limpiar el valor se establecerá automáticamente en el formato correspondiente que se muestra aquí si no se pasó ningún 'formato' en la matriz JSON.
Ejemplo: los valores de las claves "phone-cell"
, "phone-home"
y "phone-intergalactic"
se validarán/analizarán como números de teléfono, a menos que su "formato" se establezca explícitamente.
// Default keys on the server
$ default_key_formats = [
' name ' => ' text ' , // or string
' phone ' => ' phone ' ,
' email ' => ' email ' ,
' link ' => ' url ' ,
' url ' => ' url ' ,
' float ' => ' float ' ,
' int ' => ' int ' ,
' num ' => ' int '
Si no se envía ningún formato, el valor predeterminado es "texto". Puede anular los formatos predeterminados (ver arriba) enviándolos en la matriz
{ // Pretend this is the JSON sent
"name" : "Man Guy" ,
// -- OR ---
"name" : {
"format" : "text" ,
"value" : "Man Guy"
} ,
"email" : "[email protected]"
// -- OR ---
"email" : {
"format" : "email" ,
"value" : "[email protected]"
} ,
// -- ETC ---
"phone" : {
"format" : "phone" ,
"value" : "(555) 555-5555"
Todas las respuestas están en JSON y cumplen (en su mayoría) con la forma de respuesta JSend. Un "status"
de "fallo" (con datos) o "éxito" siempre devuelve los datos recibidos sin cambios bajo la clave "raw"
, mientras que un estado de "fallo" establece el motivo por el cual una clave falló bajo "failed"
{ // Server errors
"status" : "error" ,
"message" : "Error message"
{ // User errors
"status" : "fail" ,
"data" : {
// Holds keys of any values that failed and their failure message
"failed" : {
"phone" : "Invalid format" ,
"email" : "Invalid format" ,
"message" : "No value recieved" ,
"favorite-food" : "Required; no key sent" ,
"hidden-field" : "Value did not match required value" ,
} ,
// Values the server received(unchanged)
"raw" : {
"name" : "(Raw value)" ,
"phone" : "(Raw value)" ,
"email" : "(Raw value)"
// ...etc
} ,
// The values after being sanitized
"sanitized" : {
"name" : "(Sanitized value)" ,
"phone" : "(Sanitized value)" ,
"email" : "(Sanitized value)"
-- O --
{ // User errors
"status" : "fail" ,
"message" : "Error message"
{ // Success
"status" : "success" ,
"data" : {
// Values the server received
"raw" : {
"name" : "(Raw value)" ,
"phone" : "(Raw value)" ,
"message" : "(Raw value)"
// ...etc
} ,
// The values after being sanitized
"sanitized" : {
"name" : "(Sanitized value)" ,
"phone" : "(Sanitized value)" ,
"email" : "(Sanitized value)"
// Values will be sanitized as per their format before being emailed.
// All addresses can be formatted as an array with shape
// ['[email protected]', 'A name to send by']
// GLOBAL['ezee_email_vals'][('post-key')] holds all sanitized input values if everything goes well
global $ ezee_email_vals ;
$ name = $ ezee_email_vals [ ' name ' ];
$ email = $ ezee_email_vals [ ' email ' ];
$ message = $ ezee_email_vals [ ' message ' ];
// SMTP is always true
// Configuration for where the email will be sent from (required)
$ ezee_email_send_from_config = [
' encryption_type ' => ' tls ' , // (optional) 'ssl' or 'tls'
' port ' => 587 ,
' server ' => ' smtp.gmail.com ' , // Can also take secondary server separated by a comma
' email ' => ' [email protected] ' , // Email address on server
// or ['address', 'name'](name will be applied to send_as)
' password ' => '' // Password for address server
'send_as' => '[email protected]' // (optional) defaults to value in 'email'
// or ['address', 'name']
// Config for where the email will be sent to (required)
$ ezee_email_send_to_config = [
// NOTE: If using a name for the first address, this must
// be an array of arrays.
// Otherwise it will try to send the 'name' an email, resulting in failure.
' addresses ' => ' addresses ' => [
' [email protected] ' ,
[ ' [email protected] ' , ' Man Guy ' ],
[ ' [email protected] ' , ' Mr Stark ' , true ] // <-- Will be CC
// [email protected]
// ['[email protected]', 'Maximus Prime']
/* Multiple addresses can be specified, defaults to BCC for each address after the first(see notes)
// Setting the third array value (or array[2]) to 'true' will make the email CC
['[email protected]', 'Maximus Prime', true],
['[email protected]', 'Maximus Prime']
' subject ' => " Contact from $ name " , // Sanitized values can be used here(see above)
' reply_to ' => ' [email protected] ' // (optional)
// ['[email protected]', 'my name']
// Flags and required values for POSTed JSON (required)
$ ezee_email_value_options = [
// Only email values under 'required_vals' keys (default true)
' limit_to_required ' => true ,
// Request fails if 'limit_to_required' is true (default true)
// and more inputs than required are posted
' fail_on_value_overload ' => false ,
// Required posted keys and values
// If required value is set to null, the received value can be anything(*anything but null).
' required_values ' => [
// e.g., the 'name' key could hold a number, or text
' name ' => null ,
/* This is for if you have an optional input, like a
message, that may or may not be submitted at all */
' optional-val ' => ' (opt) ' ,
// For clarity: this would be like a text box with
// the 'name' set to 'two-plus-two' and value set to '4'
' two-plus-two ' => ' 4 ' ,
// is_html defaults to true, and uses msgHTML which automatically builds a plain text version if needed.
// Everything below is optional, even the $ezee_email_body_config variable
$ ezee_email_body_config = [
' word_wrap ' => 50 , // Defaults to 72, set 0 for no wrapping
' is_html ' => true , // Defaults to true
' template ' => "
<h2>New contact request</h2>
My name is $ name . I used to be a spy, until...
<br />
<b>Hey look, an email!</b> $ email
<br />
<b>This is a Message</b>
<p> $ message </p>
global $ ezee_email_vals ;
$ name = $ ezee_email_vals [ ' name ' ];
// Where email is sent from
$ ezee_email_send_from_config = [
' encryption_type ' => ' tls ' , // 'ssl' or 'tls'
' port ' => 587 ,
' server ' => ' smtp.gmail.com ' ,
' email ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' password ' => ' xxxxxxxx ' // Password for address server
// Where email is sent to
$ ezee_email_send_to_config = [
// You can send the email to yourself
' addresses ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' subject ' => " Contact from $ name " ,
// With both flags off, you don't have to set required_values
$ ezee_email_value_options = [
' limit_to_required ' => false ,
' fail_on_value_overload ' => false ,
// Uses default email body