Cree un servidor de token de autenticación y autorización centralizado. Asegure fácilmente los puntos finales de FastAPI basados en usuarios, grupos, roles o permisos para minimizar los requisitos de acceso a la base de datos de Auth.
$ virtualenv -p < python3.X > easy-auth-env
$ source easy-auth-env/bin/activate
(easy-auth) $ pip install easy-auth[server]
(easy-auth) $ pip install easy-auth[client] # without db
Configurar requerir variables ENV a través de un .json
$ cat > server_env.json << EOF
"DB_TYPE": "sqlite",
"DB_NAME": "auth",
"ISSUER": "EasyAuth",
"SUBJECT": "EasyAuthAuth",
"AUDIENCE": "EasyAuthApis",
"KEY_PATH": "/my_key-location",
"KEY_NAME": "test_key"
from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyauth . server import EasyAuthServer
server = FastAPI ()
server . auth = EasyAuthServer . create (
server ,
'/auth/token' ,
auth_secret = 'abcd1234' ,
admin_title = 'EasyAuth - Company' ,
admin_prefix = '/admin' ,
env_from_file = 'server_env.json'
Arrancar sever
uvicorn --host --port 8330 test_server:server
from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyauth . client import EasyAuthClient
from easyauth import get_user
server = FastAPI ()
server . auth = EasyAuthClient . create (
server ,
token_server = '' ,
token_server_port = 8090 ,
auth_secret = 'abcd1234' ,
default_permissions = { 'groups' : [ 'users' ]}
# grants access to users matching default_permissions
@ server . auth . get ( '/default' )
async def default ():
return f"I am default"
# grants access to only specified users
@ server . auth . get ( '/' , users = [ 'jane' ])
async def root ():
return f"I am root"
# grants access to members of 'users' or 'admins' group.
@ server . auth . get ( '/groups' , groups = [ 'users' , 'admins' ])
async def groups ( user : str = get_user ()):
return f" { user } is in groups"
# grants access to all members of 'users' group
# or a groups with role of 'basic' or advanced
@ server . auth . get ( '/roles' , roles = [ 'basic' , 'advanced' ], groups = [ 'users' ])
async def roles ():
return f"Roles and Groups"
# grants access to all members of groups with a roles granting 'BASIC_CREATE'
@ server . auth . get ( '/actions' , actions = [ 'BASIC_CREATE' ])
async def action ():
return f"I am actions"