Shin Pokémon rojo, azul, verde, rojo-jp y blue-jp
Versión 1.24.6
Shin (真) - El Kanji para "verdadero".
Utilizado en medios de comunicación japoneses para denotar una remasterización, recuento actualizado o una "forma verdadera" de algo.
Este es un hack de mejora de Pokemon Red & Blue basado en el proyecto de desmontaje pkonsed del equipo PRET. Es un truco en su mayoría de vanilla que se centra en arreglar los errores y los descuidos del motor del juego del juego original. Además, las rutinas de IA del entrenador mejoran y se han agregado múltiples mejoras de calidad de vida. También actúa como una especie de trabajo especulativo informado por la investigación que presenta una interpretación alternativa de los Juegos. Específicamente, ese es lo que podría haber sido el relanzamiento de la consola virtual de Nintendo 2016 de Pokémon Gen-1. Es la imagen de una experiencia sin problemas con las golosinas y mejoras amigables para los jugadores comunes a otras remasterizaciones modernas.
El objetivo principal del repositorio del código fuente que acompaña es estudiar, comentar y reparar errores funcionales. Es importante registrar, en aras de la posteridad, los métodos utilizados para restaurar el juego a un estado sin errores. Finalmente, el código fuente documenta muchas diferencias y cambios entre las diversas versiones japonesas e inglesas.
Lea la "Guía de funciones de nuevos jugadores" para obtener instrucciones sobre todas las cosas nuevas que el jugador puede hacer. No, realmente, hay un montón de nuevas opciones y características. Está obligado a perder a muchos de ellos si no lee esta guía.
¿No te gustan los cambios que no son de vanilla? ¿Prefiere solo las correcciones de errores y las mejoras de IA? ¿Quieres una base de código para lanzar tu propio hack de ROM? Entonces la rama Lite es lo que quieres. Dirígete y comienza a compilar.
Discuta Shin Pokemon en su escaparate dedicado de PokéCommunity.
Siga los medios relacionados con Shin Pokemon en YouTube.
Deja una reseña para Shin Pokemon en Rom Hack Plaza.
Encuentra otros hacks de ROM en el códice de pokerom
Otros enlaces sociales: Servidor de discordias donde acecho. Twitter Bluesky
#Información de inicio
Los parches BPS se proporcionan para ingresar a su emulador preferido, herramienta de parcheo u otro accesorio que admite el formato BPS.
Descargue e ingrese un parche que corresponde a la ROM de la que posee una copia legal.
- Los parches rojos (Shin Pokemon Red, Red_origback y Red-JP) están destinados a USA Red.
- Archivo/ROM SHA-1: EA9BCAE617FDF159B045185467AE58B2E4A48B9A
- Archivo/ROM CRC32: 9F7FDD53
- Todos los demás parches (azules y verdes) están destinados a USA Blue.
- Archivo/ROM SHA-1: D7037C83E1AE5B39BDE3C30787637BA1D4C48CE2
- Archivo/ROM CRC32: D6DA8A1A
- Los parches "_origback" son alternativas que mantienen los sprites originales.
¡Incluye Pokemon Green y Japanese Red!
- El compilador construye principalmente los gráficos y el diseño de la cueva de Cerulean a la versión original japonesa.
- Las entradas de Pokedex adaptan el texto original de la versión verde que se tradujo en Fire Red.
- Pokedex usa unidades métricas.
¡Incluye azul japonés!
- Principalmente construye las listas para encuentros, oficios y premios que estaban en el lanzamiento japonés nunca localizado.
- Pokedex usa unidades métricas.
- Otros ajustes gráficos menores.
Actualización de su archivo Guardar Desactivar todas las opciones especiales y NPC alternar en el antiguo Guardar si es desde un parche anterior.
Al cargar un archivo de guardado antiguo con el último parche, el reproductor se deforma automáticamente a Pallet Town.
Normalmente, esto será suficiente para actualizar el archivo Guardar sin hacer nada más.
Es posible que aún tenga problemas al cargar una salvación de un parche anterior o un juego sin parpadeo.
Para evitar que esto suceda, ahorre en el mapa de la ciudad de paletas al aire libre en el antiguo guardar.
Es posible que te bloqueen las paredes invisibles al cargar el juego.
Para solucionar esto, debe usar la deformación Softlock detallada a continuación para teletransportarse de regreso a Pallet Town.
#Medios de comunicación
Haga clic para mostrar/ocultar imágenes
Pantallas de título (paletas GBC)
Pokemon Yamas de paletas atrasadas y nombres de líderes del gimnasio restaurados
Trainer AI, paleta y símbolo brillante, barra exp, sprites de espalda del mundo espacial
Género y símbolos capturados en batallas salvajes, ataques de colores en el modo GBC
Animaciones de lanzamiento de color en el modo GBC
TMS en Marts con nombres abreviados
Animación brillante
Ranura de movimiento de campo temporal
Muchos NPC nuevos para alternar las funciones
Gamma sombreador para pantallas LCD (la imagen izquierda está desactivada / la imagen derecha está encendida)
Función de área mejorada
Actualizaciones de pantalla de estado con el Pokémon activo en la batalla
Estadísticas para nerds
Haga clic para mostrar/ocultar estadísticas de DV
Se realizaron llamadas consecutivas a la función RNG para llenar la memoria con 8192 bytes de datos RNG.
Estos bytes fueron arrojados y luego se analizaron en NYBBLE para simular valores de DV aleatorios para Pokémon.
Los siguientes son histogramas e información estadística sobre las diversas formas en que este proyecto genera DVS.
Todos los datos se generaron utilizando la metodología XOR-Shift, no el método de registro de Div Vanilla.
DV Wild Pokemon estándar
Modo duro DV Wild Pokemon DVS
DVS de entrenador de modo duro
Características de Lite para una experiencia purista limpia
¡Se han solucionado más de 200 errores, fallas, supervisión y errores de texto de todo tipo! Hay demasiados para enumerar en un resumen simple, y algunos de ellos son muy oscuros o previamente no descubiertos.
Incluye construcciones inglesas de versiones verdes y rojos de JP. Interrumpe los gráficos, el diseño de la cueva ceruleana y unas pocas líneas de texto para replicar las versiones japonesas originales. Las entradas originales de lanzamiento de Pokedex se han adaptado de las traducciones de Fire Red. También tiene todos los datos de PokeDex en métrica.
Incluye una construcción en inglés de la versión Blue-JP. Intercambia premios, intercambios, datos de encuentros salvajes y algún texto para replicar la versión original japonesa. También tiene todos los datos de PokeDex en métrica.
Las características del motor de la versión amarilla de EE. UU. Se han retrasado. ¡No más duocromo! El esquema de color de amarillo se convierte para mostrar en el color Gameboy. Las animaciones de ataque se colorean según el tipo de juego de Gameboy. El motor de audio de Yellow está retrocedido para soporte de sonido estéreo.
¡Nuevas opciones que se pueden alternar! Presione Seleccionar en la pantalla Opciones para ver un menú de opciones adicionales.
- Ciclo a través de tipos de audio.
- ¿Jugarse en modo GBC en una pantalla LCD retroiluminada?
- Presione Seleccionar en la pantalla de derechos de autor para activar la corrección de color.
- O activarlo en el menú adicional
- Modo experimental de 60 fps
- Texto de cero retraso
- Modo duro
- Cambio de entrenador de IA
La opción de modo duro aumenta la dificultad al hacer que las estadísticas de Pokemon del entrenador sean más en su nivel. También duplica el efecto de los elementos X-STAT que a los entrenadores de AI les gusta. Y no permite el uso de elementos de revivir en la batalla. Las batallas que no son de enlace utilizarán las fórmulas de éxito de éxito del estadio 1. Finalmente, hace que atrapar a un mewtwo salvaje más desafiante.
El entrenador AI ha sido mejorado y ampliado enormemente. Algunos entrenadores incluso intentarán cambiar de Pokémon de manera inteligente si no lo ha deshabilitado en el menú de opciones adicionales.
Te notifican cuando se llena una caja (ya sea a través de capturar o depositar un Pokémon).
Cambiar de un movimiento de captura desperdicia el giro del trampero según el estadio de Pokémon. Esto evita escenarios de IA inmejorables, así como una falla de bajo flujo de PP.
La ira se limita a 2-3 giros, pero los aumentos de ataque se mantienen. Esto es principalmente para prevenir infinitos bucles de batalla.
El sueño no evita elegir un movimiento, y el movimiento se usa al despertar. Para mantener la precisión del movimiento del sueño, el sueño comienza con un mostrador de al menos 2. Y descansar ahora establece el mostrador de sueño en 3.
Características maestras adicionales que van más allá de las modificaciones y correcciones del motor
Todos los 151 PKMN están disponibles en una versión, incluidas las evoluciones comerciales (las rarezas pueden variar según la versión).
Puedes jugar como un niño o una niña.
Hay un bar EXP en la batalla.
Puedes buscar Pokémon brillante, y son válidos con los juegos de Gen 2.
No más Pokémon salvaje. Casi todos los entrenadores se pueden reparar simplemente hablando con ellos una o dos veces.
Puede elegir correr mientras mantiene seleccionado en batallas de entrenadores para perder el partido y negrarse.
Hay un modo Nuzlocke incorporado que se puede alternar desde el menú de opciones adicionales.
La niña en el laboratorio de Oak alterna la aleatorización de Pokémon salvaje. Si se activa lo suficientemente temprano en el juego, tus opciones de Pokémon iniciales también son aleatorizadas.
La función de área del PokedEx ahora tiene en cuenta la Super Rod. También le notificará si el Pokémon al que está haciendo referencia está disponible en las inmediaciones. Incluso funciona con el Randomizer Active.
Uno de los ayudantes en el laboratorio de Oak alterna la escala de las listas de entrenadores a su nivel (evolucionándolas si corresponde).
Como alternativa a la escala del entrenador, ahora hay una capa de nivel de obediencia que se puede alternar en el menú de opciones adicionales. Mientras está activo, el nivel de obediencia máxima actual se mostrará en el menú de opciones adicionales. Todos los Pokémon, no solo los intercambios, comenzarán a desobedecer si sobre el límite de nivel mostrado.
El otro asistente en el laboratorio de Oak alterna un símbolo capturado con Pokeball en la batalla después de obtener el Pokedex. Para ayudar con la interacción Gen 2, esto también aplica un símbolo de género a las especies que pueden ser hombres o mujeres.
Otro ayudante NPC está en el Centro de Pokémon Viridian. Él activará/desactiva la aleatorización de entrenadores no especiales.
Un asistente está en el restaurante de Celadon. Se encenderá/apagará una función de Boost de EXP para Pokémon bajo niveles.
El artículo, el sueño, la congelación, la captura y las cláusulas de hiper haz pueden ser alterados por los hermanos de la cláusula en la ciudad de Viridian.
¡La bolsa ahora admite una lista de artículos adicionales para 20 espacios adicionales de espacio! Presione Comience en el menú de la bolsa para que envuelva en caliente la lista de artículos que poca la bolsa activa. Los sistemas del juego generalmente detectarán elementos en el espacio de la bolsa no activa. Los sistemas únicos, como el estadio Pokemon, solo reconocerán la lista de artículos de la bolsa activa.
Mantenga presionado Seleccionar y presione Inicio mientras esté en el menú de la bolsa o el menú de la caja de elementos de PC para clasificar automáticamente sus elementos.
El itemfinder ahora te señala en la dirección correcta. Siempre puede mantener la selección al elegir usarla para recuperar su función original.
Cada Pokémon en tu equipo tiene una ranura para mover el campo. Estas ranuras pueden mantener temporalmente un movimiento de HM solo para el uso del mundo. Ya no tienes que sacrificar uno de tus cuatro movimientos para un movimiento de HM.
Se ha agregado un nuevo juego experimental+. Se puede habilitar si tiene un archivo de guardado no corrupto en el que el Elite 4 ha sido derrotado. Mantenga presionada la selección mientras elige un nuevo juego; Un tintineo confirma la activación.
El laboratorio Cinnabar permite la clonación y la modificación genética de Pokémon. Hace esto mezclando sus DV como de ellos eran similares a los genes y alelos. Esto replica la capacidad de hacer una reproducción selectiva para DV de una manera más realista.
Muchas características de clave rápida.
- Verificación rápida de 'propiedad': coloque el cursor sobre la pelea y presione Select para jugar al enemigo 'Mon Cry si ya es propiedad.
- Softlock Warp: al instante teletransporta a la casa de tu madre si te quedas atascado.
- Zapatos para correr: sostenga B para duplicar su velocidad al caminar, surfear y andar en bicicleta. ¡Incluye aceleración de animación adecuada!
- Uso rápido de HM: presione Seleccionar para usar HMS en función del contexto adecuado.
- Bike/Bike rápida: presione Seleccionar mientras mantiene presionado A para encender/apagar automáticamente su bicicleta o usar la mejor varilla en su inventario.
- Ver STAT EXP - Mantenga presionado Seleccionar e ingrese la pantalla de estado para imprimir una 'exp. Mons STAT.
- Ver DVS: mantenga presionada el inicio e ingrese la pantalla de estado para imprimir un 'DV de Monss.
- Vea la paleta brillante: cuando juegue en color, mantenga su selección al elegir una entrada 'DEX para cargar la paleta brillante.
¡Nuevos NPC!
- El movimiento Relegurner y Deleter se encuentra en la ciudad de Saffron.
- Un NPC en el Hotel Celadon pagará monedas por mostrarle Pokémon como una alternativa a las máquinas tragamonedas.
- Un nuevo puesto de bebidas en la Ruta 19 Beach vende bebidas expendedoras.
- Después del Elite-4, uno de los gruñidos de cohetes en Celadon City venderá monedas a granel.
- Después del Elite-4, un nuevo proveedor se abre en Celadon que permite la compra de artículos normalmente únicos.
- Después del Elite-4, hay un NPC en la ruta subterránea este-oeste que genera batallas de entrenadores aleatorias.
- Después del Elite-4, hay un NPC en el camino subterráneo norte-sur que genera coincidencias espejo.
- Después del Elite-4, el jefe de la esquina del juego comprará Pokémon del jugador.
- Se celebra un torneo en la cocina de SS Anne después de que el Elite-4 sea golpeado. ¡Sí, el barco regresa!
- Se agregó algunas batallas especiales de entrenador después del juego como pequeños huevos de Pascua divertidos. ¿Puedes encontrar y derrotar a los cinco?
Cambios en la pesca!
- Todas las varillas tienen un rango de nivel ampliado.
- La vieja barra tiene una lista de Mon expandida.
- La buena barra tiene una lista de Mon expandida.
- El gurú de pesca de la Ruta 12 se puede visitar al llegar a Lavender Town.
- Las ubicaciones de The Good y Super Rod se han cambiado.
Otros cambios menores para disminuir la molestia.
- La alarma de baja HP solo juega tres veces y luego se apaga.
- TMS y HMS ahora tienen sus nombres de movimiento (aunque abreviado) agregados a los nombres de los elementos.
- Todos los TM se pueden volver a comprar, ya que están estratégicamente dispersos en todos los Kanto Pokemarts.
- La mecánica de la zona de Safari se escapa del nivel en lugar de la velocidad, y las bolas de safari tienen una tasa de captura aumentada.
- Las máquinas tragamonedas son un poco más afortunadas, por lo que ahora puedes ganar en grande.
- No se necesita CUT para llegar al teniente Surge y Erika (un evento de bloqueo reemplaza el arbusto del bermellón).
- Se han integrado los aprendizaje de la versión amarilla, y las evoluciones de piedra recuperan algunos movimientos de niveles.
- Los movimientos de captura juegan una animación de 'poof' en el giro final del movimiento para informar al jugador.
- Una guardería recalibrada proporciona puntos de experiencia escalados para el progreso de su gimnasio.
- La guardería le permite seleccionar movimientos para olvidar (si los hay) al retirar su Pokémon.
- Recuperar un Pokémon de guardería que podría haber evolucionado a través del nivel desencadenará la evolución y aprenderá cualquier movimiento de falta de falta.
¡Trucos y secretos!
- Un Pokémon con día de pago en su ranura superior puede ser útil en la esquina del juego.
- Nuevo artículo, el M.Gene! ¿Podría darle un impulso a Pokémon de bajo DV?
- Maxe el potencial oculto de su Pokémon con la piedra de niebla.
- ¡Cinco entrenadores especiales posteriores al juego para encontrar y derrotar! ¿Qué puede reaparecer cuando todos son derrotados?
- Si un Chansey de nivel 100 lidera tu fiesta, seguramente tendrás algunos encuentros afortunados.
- NUEVO SUPER BOSS: ¿Te atreves a activar la falta de noches en la costa de Cinnabar? Solo si obtienes tu Diploma 'Dex.
- NUEVO SUPER BOSS: ¿Faltar no es lo suficientemente difícil para ti? ¡Intenta activarlo en la infame costa Seafoam!
- La SS Anne tiene un torneo posterior al juego. Intenta ganar con un Pikachu en tu fiesta.
- ¡Y varios otros!
#Notas de compatibilidad
- Se sabe que ciertos emuladores causan errores debido a inexactitudes para replicar el hardware original
- Se requiere un emulador preciso, preferiblemente un emulador dedicado por GBC, para evitar errores inesperados
- Se sabe que Goomba y Visual Boy Advance en particular son problemáticos
- BGB es el estándar compatible debido a sus herramientas de precisión y depuración
- Compatible con Hardware original de Gameboy (DMG, Super, Pocket, Color, Advance, SP)
- Potencialmente compatible con Pokemon Stadium 1 y 2 (usando hardware original de Nintendo)
- Se reconocen carros de flash más simples (como contrabandillas baratas), pero productos con firmware como el EZ Flash Jr. no funcionará.
- Trabaja con las operaciones de archivo Guardar (importación de Pokemon, Gestión de artículos y Gestión de Box) de los estadios 1 y 2.
- Jugará y ahorrará en la Torre GB del Estadio 2.
- No funcionará con la Torre GB del Estadio 1.
- Podría ser posible usar una salvación de Vanilla USA Red/Blue con este hack de ROM
- Ahorre afuera en Pallet Town antes de transferir
- Use la urdimbre de Softlock para despejar cualquier pared invisible
- Las nuevas compilaciones se prueban y depuran con el emulador BGB 1.5.8 y se verifican usando hardware original
- El comercio de enlaces con un cartucho minorista original parece funcionar correctamente en hardware real
- El comercio de enlaces entre las ramas Lite y Master parece funcionar correctamente en hardware real
- Las batallas de enlace todavía no se han probado, y no están respaldadas de las siguientes maneras:
- Link que lucha entre una rama maestra y cualquier otra construcción de rama no maestro
- Link que lucha entre una rama de Lite y cualquier otra construcción de rama no lite
- Enlace que lucha entre construcciones de revisiones diferentes
- Se ha agregado una función de control de revisión que cancelará los enlaces de cable no compatibles
- Las funciones de enlace a través de 3DS Hardware y su emulador de consola virtual no son compatibles con
#Changelog del último lanzamiento completo
NOTA: Changelogs puede contener spoilers
Ver el documento consolidado de ChangeLog de 1.23 a 1.24.0
Se solucionó un problema con el menú de título que se oscurecía al guardar en el túnel de rock
Menú de opciones de oscuridad de túnel de roca fijo que afecta
Se corrigió un problema de desync durante las batallas de enlace con rabia, thrash y movimientos de captura
El 'Bwwoop' SFX ahora se reproduce al registrar Pokémon con nombres cortos como "Onix"
Se corrigió la paleta de colores incorrecta para los azulejos de los sprites del reproductor durante la animación de batido de pantalla
Se corrigió un supervisión donde el jugador no enfrenta la puerta del gimnasio Viridian durante el mensaje que dice que está cerrado
Puntuación de faltación fija en la evaluación de Pokedex de Oak
Corregió el texto en entradas de Pokedex Green & Red-JP
Se corrigió un error en la IA que causaba que los entrenadores usaran movimientos de efecto venenoso de manera inexacta
Se corrigió la opción de aleatorización completa que no se activa
La pantalla de daño de depuración fija no se actualiza correctamente para algunos movimientos de daño estático
Se corrigió un error menor al desmayarse del torneo SS Anne Post-Game
Se corrigió algunos descuidos con los dittos de broma que se pueden pescar en la mazmorra desconocida 3
- No se puede tirar bolas si el Pokémon salvaje está por encima del nivel de la tapa
- ReadsuPerrodData un predef y lo hizo para que los datos de pesca de Dungeon 3 desconocidos vuelvan si el aleatorizador está encendido
Se solucionó un problema con someterse a múltiples evoluciones al sacar un Pokémon de la guardería
Se corrigió un problema en el que la cláusula de movimiento de captura lee el efecto de movimiento de la ronda anterior en lugar de la ronda actual
El azar de Pokémon salvaje ya no cambiará una especie consigo misma
Los sprites no cubrirán la lista de movimientos al olvidar los movimientos en la guardería
Restauraciones completas fijas Cambios de estadísticas de quemaduras/parálisis de la parálisis al curar un Pokémon no activo
El gruñido de cohetes en la ciudad de Cerulean tiene una sola solución al momento de cuando su sprite desaparece
Se corrigió la función de clonación en Cinnabar Lab que maneja la carga de dinero incorrectamente
Mejoras del área de Pokedex
- La función de área del PokedEx ahora tiene en cuenta el Super Rod
- También le notificará si el Pokémon al que se hace referencia está disponible en el mapa cargado actualmente
- Si está disponible en el mapa actual, le notificará si se puede encontrar caminando, surfeando o por Super Rod
- La cueva ceruleana es una "mazmorra desconocida", así que ...
- Los iconos de nido no se mostrarán para esta ubicación
- Pero la notificación para el mapa actual seguirá funcionando
Psywave se ha mejorado con una mecánica oculta
- Psywave ahora rodará por daños varias veces y usará el mejor rollo
- El número de veces que se dispara el daño se basa en el HP actual del objetivo con más HP causando más re-rolls
Ciertos movimientos ahora afectan la mecánica de captura si su Pokémon activo en la batalla
- Razor Wind & Skull Bash - Aditivo +10 a la tasa de captura por lanzamiento de una pelota no safari
- Roar & Whirlwind - Aditivo +20 a la tasa de captura por lanzamiento de una pelota no safari
- Take Down - mejora el factor de pelota de las bolas no safari por 2
- Bomba de huevo: mejora el factor de pelota de bolas no safari por 2 y aditivo +10 a la tasa de captura por lanzamiento de una bola no safari
Pokémon brillante obtiene un multiplicador 4x para el chico de la moneda en el hotel Celadon y vendiendo al Juego de la esquina Jefe
Las cláusulas de batalla entre los jugadores de enlace ahora se sincronizan y se aplican durante las batallas
Las pantallas de estadísticas del Pokémon activo en la batalla mostrarán sus estadísticas de tiempo actual en lugar de sus estadísticas no modificadas
Después de comprar el Magikarp del hombre en el Centro Pokémon del Monta Monta.
- Este es un retroceso para ciertos regalos de Pokemon de Event Japan
- Hable con él con Magikarp en la parte superior de su fiesta, y él le ofrecerá enseñarle Dragon Rage por 5000 yenes.
- Hable con él con Fearow o Rapidash en la parte superior de su fiesta, y él le ofrecerá enseñarle el día de pago por 1000 yenes.
- Hable con él con Pikachu en la parte superior de su grupo que tiene una ranura de movimiento vacía, y puede enseñarle volar para 2000 yenes.
Psyduck Learning Amnesia
- Primero debe tener 151 Pokémon registrado como propiedad de su Pokedex.
- Coloque un Psyduck en su primer puesto de fiesta y luego vaya a hablar con el Psyduck en la casa del Sr. Fuji.
- Ahora intentará aprender el movimiento de amnesia.
La escala de nivel de entrenador se ha amortiguado fuera del modo duro
- Ahora se basa en un promedio ponderado para entrenadores regulares en dificultad normal
- Los líderes del gimnasio siempre usan la escala de nivel absoluto independientemente de la dificultad
Reequilibrado algunos TMS en los inventarios de Pokemart
Water Gun TM ha sido reemplazada por un súper repele en el monte Moon, y ahora se encuentra en el Museo de Pewter
Comenzar un nuevo juego mantendrá el modo duro apagado, pero ahora predeterminado a la velocidad de texto rápida
Encender el modo Nuzlocke no restablecerá sus opciones de dificultad
La tasa de encuentro de Eevee aumentada al 5.5%
Giovanni Gym Battle Battle intercambia Rhyhorn para Kangaskhan
Champan Rival's Charizard cambia las espadas Dance for Fly
El cuadro de texto de la transformación de Shimmer ya no requiere una solicitud de botón para desplazarse
El Shimmer agrega doble nivel a la estadística especial exclusivamente para Hitmonchan
Texto de NPC ajustado para opciones adicionales
Hizo que el Karate Dojo Master actúe como un entrenador especial
- Edición de texto menor para SS Anne NPC en post-juego.
- Arreglo menor para Elemfinder cuando hay múltiples elementos ocultos en la pantalla.
- Ya no se puede pescar ni surfear usando la baldosa de esquina de la pared derecha en el SS Anne.
- Se corrigió el texto del signo incorrecto en el área de Safari 1
- Ajustó algunos nombres de la ciudad en letreros
- Lance y el jugador se enfrentarán cuando hablen.
- Aumentó la velocidad de la animación de la barra HP
- La rareza cuboa en el túnel de roca en segundo piso aumentó de 1.2% a 6.3%.
- Farfetchd Rarity en la ruta 12 aumentó de 4.3% a 6.3%.
- Farfetchd Rarity en la Ruta 13 aumentó de 1.2% a 4.3%.
- El jugador ahora puede elegir si generar o no una nueva ID de entrenador al seleccionar un nuevo juego Plus.
- Las listas de aleatorizador de Pokémon salvajes se han ajustado ligeramente.
- Hablar con la chica en el laboratorio de Oak permite al jugador generar un nuevo valor de semilla de aleatorización.
- Hablar con la niña en el laboratorio de Oak, le indica al jugador si se prefiere la aleatorización completa.
- Ajustó algún texto para el estado mundial posterior al juego.
- Girl Trainer en la Ruta 8 ha ajustado el texto para reflexionar tener un Clefable
- No enseñar un movimiento de campo temporal ahora le impulsará al jugador a abandonar el aprendizaje.
- El arbusto que bloquea la ruta 9 ha sido reemplazado por un evento de bloqueo
- Desactivar y los movimientos de daño estático no criticarán ni mostrarán súper/no muy efectividad
- Se solucionó un problema con el menú superpuesto de NPCS y los cuadros de texto
- Ajustó la paridad de las operaciones en el juego a través de las versiones
- Ajuste de gráficos del menú de opciones
- Alternar el sombreador gamma en el menú de opciones adicionales ahora actualiza automáticamente la paleta
- Movió NPC en Celadon Premio House Dos espacios a la derecha
- Optimizado el desvanecimiento suave de GBC un poco
- Se corrigió un error de texto en movimientos de múltiples golpes
- Fades suaves optimizados para eliminar el jank gráfico durante los apagones de batalla
- Los entrenadores no utilizarán artículos que no sean de curación si ellos o el jugador están en HP bajo, lo que los hace más agresivos
- AI no cambiará si su HP está por debajo del 25%, ya que ususalmente no vale la pena
- Se desvanece o sale al blanco en modo GBC con Gamma Shader habilitado ya no tendrá un marco de color incorrecto
- La transformación de movimiento ahora disminuye PP correctamente cuando la IA lo usa recursivamente
- Las baldosas giratorias se animan correctamente sin recurrir a la desaceleración inducida por Vblank
- Se corrigió un color incorrecto para la animación de movimiento cuando se trata de daños por confusión autoinfligidos
- Reelaboró la función de nivel de premio y los DV sincronizados para Pokemon de regalo agregados a la fiesta o la caja
- Se aplica una efectividad tipada fija de la manera incorrecta a los movimientos de daño estático
- Todas las opciones adicionales en el menú de opciones se han movido a su propio menú separado
- Agregar función de restablecimiento de estadísticas de depuración
- La cláusula brillante fija que ahora funciona en modo Nuzlocke
- Se corrigió un receptor de errores en la Ruta 9 que podía caminar sobre una repisa
- El mensaje para el sustituto de recibir daño ahora solo se muestra después del primer ataque de un movimiento de ataques múltiples
- Movimientos de ataques múltiples Los efectos de visualización solo en el primer ataque en lugar del último ataque
- Twineedle no imprime mensajes redundantes como otros movimientos de múltiples golpes
- Si está activo, el brillo siempre se manifestará en el Pokémon aplicable de Bruno, Agatha y el Karate Master
- Pokémon del maestro de Karate aumentó del nivel 37 al 38
- Extendida misericordia para torre de fantasmas, fantasmas Marowak y Old Man Battle
- Guardería fija a algunos, lo que solicita a aprender el mismo movimiento dos veces
- Se corrigieron símbolos especiales de HUD que se muestran durante el encuentro fantasma Marowak
Added NPC text to hint at how to get the trade evolutions
- NPC in the Pewter Museum that comments on the moon stone
- Lavender Town NPC that asks if you believe in ghosts
- NPC on Cinnabar Island that talks about the mansion
- House NPC in Pewter City that talks about trainers teaching pokemon
Fixed mistakes in the game text
- Attacks reduced to zero damage now say the target is unaffected instead of missing
- Man in cinnabar won't mention raichu evolving (also applies to the jynx trade in cerulean)
- Koga correctly says soul badge increases speed
- Lt. Surge correctly says thunder badge increases defense
- Correct type effectiveness information & sfx should now be displayed when attacking dual-type pkmn
- Viridian girl's notebook 2nd page revised for pkmn-catching effectiveness
- Viridian blackboard BRN info corrected (BRN does not reduce speed)
- Viridian Blackboard PAR info updated
- Cerulean badge-house guy has updated text
- Prof. oak's speech plays the correct Nidorino cry
- Text for using a TM/HM now refers to the "machine" rather than just "TM"
- Fixed daycare man capitalization
- Fixed capitalization in safari zone entrance
- Fixed the flipped text for a girl in Saffron and the letter she is writing
- Fixed text overlap with Oak giving you pokeballs
- Reactivated lost text that was meant to play when you lose to your rival
- Fixed text giving the wrong description of guard spec.
- Fixed woman on silph co 10F having a blank line in her text
- Viridian gym statue will not spoil the gym leader's name reveal
- Fixed inaccurate text when getting the rock slide TM
- Adjusted some city names on signs
- Fixed incorrect sign text in safari area 1
- Fixed missing punctuation in Oak's pokedex evaluation
Made adjustments to the game text
- When a pkmn is caught and fills the box, a reminder is printed that the box is full
- PC has a text prompt to tell you if its full after depositing
- Made cinnabar mansion notes more true to the original japanese text
- TM 18 given an actual explanation
- New student in viridian school explains ohko moves
- Exp.all now prints one message when splitting exp instead of for each party member
- TMs and HMs now have their attacks (albeit abbreviated) appended to the item names
- Removed the word "only" from NPC on Silph Co 5f who talks about trade evos
- Text tweak to route 14 trainer with regards to forgetting HMs
- Adjusted some of Giovanni's final lines for clarity
- Clarified "chem" to mean grade in chemistry
- Fixed pokemon category translation: "Rat" to "Mouse"
- Fixed pokemon category translation: "Shellfish" to "Shell"
- Fixed translation: Route 14 trainer's comment about the legendary birds
- Restored unused text in the vermilion gym puzzle for finding the 2nd switch
- Corrected and clarified the quiz text in the cinnabar gym
- Clarified the text for the super repel on 2F of the celadon dept store
- Girl trainer on route 8 has text adjusted to reflect having a Clefable
Adjustments to multi-attack moves animation and messaging to improve battle flow
- Multi-attack moves only print the effectiveness message after the first attack
- 2-attack moves do not print "hit 2 times" because its obvious that they always hit twice
- Multi-attack moves hide the substitute sprite on the first attack and only restore it after the last attack
- The message for substitute taking damage now only displays after the first attack of a multi-attack move
Adjustments to moves
- Stat-down moves no longer have a 25% miss chance in AI matches
- Moves that hit multiple times in a turn now calculate damage and critical hits for each individual attack
- Trapping moves nerfed big time to prevent the new AI from cheesing them:
- Switching out of a trapping move ends it immediately and wastes its user's turn (prevents PP underflow glitch too)
- A 'poof' animation plays to signal the last turn of the trapping move
- Ghost moves (ie just Lick) do 2x against psychic as was always intended
- Pay Day upped to 5x multiplier of later generations
- Changes to Bide
- damage accumulation is done after taking a damaging hit instead of during turn execution (less room for glitches)
- side effect: bide is buffed because multi-hit moves now add damage to bide for each of the 2 to 5 hits
- changed to Typeless to play nicer with AI routine 3 (it ignores the type chart regardless)
- Rest's sleep condition increased to 3 turns since attacking on wakeup is now allowed.
- Acid armor's animation changed so that does not make its user disappear
- Metronome now classified as a Typeless special damage move to play better with the AI
- Type immunity prevents trapping moves from taking hold at all
- Changes to Rage
- Now only lasts 2 to 3 moves like Bide in order to prevent an infinite loop
- As a tradeoff, attack boosts from rage are kept when it ends
- Minor code correction to Twineedle to prevent future errors, but this has no effect on gameplay
- Psywave has been enhanced with a hidden mechanic
- Psywave will now roll for damage multiple times and use the best roll
- The number of times that damage is rolled is based on the target's current HP with more HP causing more re-rolls
Certain moves now affect catching mechanics if known by your active pokemon in battle
- Razor Wind & Skull Bash - additive +10 to catch rate per toss of a non-safari ball
- Roar & Whirlwind - additive +20 to catch rate per toss of a non-safari ball
- Take Down - improves the ball factor of non-safari balls by 2
- Egg Bomb - improves the ball factor of non-safari balls by 2 and additive +10 to catch rate per toss of a non-safari ball
Adjustment to stat mods, conditions, and items
- Sleep does not prevent choosing a move
- Waking up from sleep does not waste the turn and the chosen move is used
- The sleep counter's minimum value is increased by +1 to maintain accuracy of sleep moves
- Badge stat-ups are now only applied in wild pokemon battles to give parity to enemy trainers (only in hard mode)
- The effect of X-Accuracy is no longer applied to one-hit KO moves (it originally made them auto-hit)
- Using X-Accuracy with a OHKO move now allows it to hit faster opponents
- The limiter on vitamins is raised to a max of 65535 stat exp after the elite 4 have been beaten for 'mons with lvl > 30
- Pkmn added to the player's party (either as a gift or in-game trade) have above-average DVs
- Upped the power of safari balls
- Escaping in the safari zone is now based on level instead of speed
- In hard mode, X-stat items have double the effect
- HP-UP item now preserves your HP ratio
- Non-link battles in hard mode use the Stadium 1 formulas for critical hit probability
- Balls cannot be used against wild pokemon that exceed the level cap
Trainer ai routine #1 (recognition of stats, hp, and conditions) has been modified
- using a move with a dream eater effect is heavily discouraged against non-sleeping opponents
- using a move with a dream eater effect is slightly encouraged against a sleeping opponent
- using a zero-power confusion effect move is heavily discouraged against confused opponents
- moves that would miss against an active substitute are heavily discouraged
- stat buff/debuffs are heavily discouraged if it would have no effect due to hitting the buff/debuff stage limit
- heavily discourage double-using lightscreen, reflect, mist, substitute, focus energy, and leech seed
- leech seed won't be used against grass pkmn
- do not use moves that would be blocked by an active mist effect
- rules for using healing moves:
- heavily discourage healing if at max hp
- slightly encourage healing if below 1/3 hp
- slightly discourage healing if above 1/2 hp
- heavily discourage using Counter against a non-applicable move
- heavily discourage roar, teleport, & whirlwind
- heavily discourage disable against a pkmn already disabled
- Substitute discouraged if less that 1/4 hp remains
- Will discourage using Haze if unstatus'd or has net-neutral or better stat mods
- Discourages explosion moves in proportion to HP remaining
- Will heavily discourage boosting defense against special, OHKO, or static-damaging attacks
- AI layer changes that affect most 0-power moves (with only a few exceptions like heal effects)
- now has a hard stop on using 0-power moves on consecutive turns with a few effect exceptions
- heavily discourages 0-power moves if below 1/3 hp
- Discourage exploding effects if faster than a player in fly/dig state
- Randomly discourage usage of 2-turn moves when confused/paralyzed
- 79.68% chance per status move that the AI is blind to a player switching or using an item
- Prevents situations where AI will always re-status the player after the player switches or heals
- An AI mon with three status moves will have about a 50% chance of ignoring item-use or switching
- Discourage using fly/dig if faster than the player who is also picking fly/dig
- If the player used and item or switched, AI is blind to the player's sleep counter when considering dream eater
Trainer ai routine #3 (choosing effective moves) has been modified
- It now heavily discourages moves that would have no effect due to type immunity
- OHKO moves are heavily discouraged if the ai pkmn is slower than the player pkmn (they would never hit)
- Static damage moves are randomly preferenced 25% of the time to spice things up
- Thunder Wave is not used against immune types
- Poisoning moves discouraged against poison types
- Added some strategy to handle when the player uses fly/dig
- Slightly preference regular effectiveness moves if STAB exists (25% chance per move)
- Slightly discourage a move 25% of the time if it hits neutral with no STAB
- Wherein a special move is being used on a 'mon with greater attack than special stat
- Wherein a physical move is being used on a 'mon with greater special than attack stat
- Slightly discourage a move 25% of the time if it hits neutral with no STAB
- The enemy is blind to the player type if considering a poisoning effect move and the player just switched
- 90.625% chance per damaging move that AI is blind to player type after player switches
- Prevents situations where AI will always pick the ideal move against a switch-in
- 'Blind' in this case means the AI will act as if the move being considered has neutral effectiveness
- The AI might still favor a STAB move or a move that works better with its own stats
Trainer ai routine #4 is no longer unused. It now does rudimentary trainer switching.
- AI will not switch if its HP is below 25% as it's ususally not worth it
- chance to switch based on power of incoming supereffective move
- 12.5% chance to switch if a move is disabled
- 12.5% chance to switch if afflicted with leech seed
- 34% chance to switch if afflicted with toxic poison
- 25% chance to switch if opponent is using a trapping move
- 25% chance to switch if active pkmn is confused
- on the lowest stat mod, 12.5% chance to switch per lowered stage
- There is a chance for the AI to switch a sleeping pokemon based on the sleep counter
- chance is 0% if counter <= 3
- chance is 12.5% if counter > 3
- Additionally, every pokemon in the enemy roster is scored
- based on various criteria to determine which mon gets sent out
- score might dictate that the current mon is the best choice and abort switching
- an enemy mon is flagged when sent out; non-volatile (except sleeping) status or low hp cannot initiate switching
- enemy mon that is recalled back due to a super effective move is flagged; it is demerited from being switched-in
- switch flags are all cleared when player sends out a new mon since the situation is now different
- AI scoring for switching puts a heavier penalty on potentially switching in a bad type matchup
- AI scoring imposes a very heavy penalty for potentially switching in pokemon with less than 1/4 HP
- AI switch scoring now penalizes bad match-ups between player and enemy 'mon types
- AI switch scoring applies an extra penalty for possibly switching a pokemon into a super-effective move
Trainer ai routine #3 added to the following trainer classes
- jr trainer M/F, engineer, rocker, juggler, tamer, birdkeeper, black belt, scientist, gentleman
- bruno, brock, surge, blaine, sabrina, agatha, rival phase 1, chief
Trainer ai routine #4 added to the following trainer classes -jr trainer M/F, pokemaniac, hiker, cueball, psychic, tamer, black belt, rocket, cooltrainer M/F, gentleman, channeler -all rival phases, all gym leaders, elite-4, prof.oak, chief
Trainer switching (ai routine #4)can now toggled ON and OFF
- WHile OFF, trainers will not switch intelligently just like in the original retail games.
- Press SELECT on the option menu to go to the extra menu and toggle this option under "AI SWAPS"
- Note that Jugglers are unaffected because their official gimmick is that they switch randomly.
Trainer stat DVs are now randomly generated to a degree (only in hard mode) to be above-average
Trainer pkmn now have stat experience assigned to them that is scaled to their level (only in hard mode)
- The stat experience total for a given level 'L' is SIGMAn=6,L
- No stat experience is given for level 5 and below.
- Outside of hard mode, trainer pokemon have 0 stat experience per the vanilla games
These are real DVs and statEXP values that utilize the existing enemy party_struct which is normally unused by trainer AI
Trainer pkmn DVs are remembered between switching, and new ones won't be generated on every send-out
Trainer AI battles now track which enemy pkmn have already been sent out, so it supports the new DVs and stat exp
Special trainers, e4, and gym leaders are slightly adjusted in their item use
Special trainers, e4, and gym leaders have slightly adjusted and buffed rosters for flavor and difficulty
Many trainers have recieved slight roster adjustments so that almost all pokemon can be registered as seen
Agatha & cooltrainers will not randomly switch since they now have ai routine 4
Flags for dividing exp among active pokemon are now only reset after fainting an enemy pkmn
- Originally these get reset every time the opponent send out a pkmn (even switching)
- Was never really noticed since most trainers never switch nor would have the opportunity
- Changed based on user feedback since many trainers now try to switch
Adjustements to how trainers use healing items
- Lance now has 2 hyper potions per pokemon like the rest of the elite 4
- The Rival battles from the SS Anne through Pokemon Tower use super potions
- The Rival battles after Pokemon Tower and up through Route 22 2nd-round use hyper potions
- The Champion can use Full Heals in response to a status effect with a 25% chance
- Trainers will not use non-healing items if they or the player are at low HP, making them more aggressive
- All trainers that use any kind of potion now use it with a 50% chance if their HP is low enough
- Gym Leaders and mid-game Rival: below 1/5th total
- Elite-4 and Champion: below 1/3th total
Adjustments to learnsets and base stats
- Slight additions to explodo-mon movesets to play nicer with AI at higer levels
- Pokemon have gained their TMs and Moves from yellow
- Kadabra & Alakazam can access Kinesis via the move relearner and by level
- Raichu gains some attacks back via level
- Arcanine gains some attacks back via level
- Ninetails gains some attacks back via level
- Poliwrath gains some attacks back via level
- Cloyster gains some attacks back via level
- Starmie gains some attacks back via level
- Exeggcutor gains some attacks back via level
- Vileplume gains some attacks back via level
- Victreebel gains some attacks back via level
- Clefable gains some attacks back via level
- Wigglytuff gains some attacks back via level
- Mewtwo can learn Swift by TM
- Kakuna and Metapod learn harden by level-up
- Pikachu and Kadabra have their catch rates adjusted to yellow version
- Butterfree and Beedrill have their prior evolutions' moves added to their level-0 move list
- Clefable and Wigglytuff get some moves back via level-up
- Diglett & Dugtrio can learn cut like in yellow version
Engine changes just for developers
- The trainer move engine has been backported from Yellow version; trainer movesets can now be fully customized
- Improved exp calculation for developers who want a level cap between 101 and 255
- EXP calculation routine now does math in 4 bytes instead of 3 bytes
- Exp calculation result is still capped to 3 bytes regardless of level cap to prevent overflow
- The byte cap on the exp result means that certain growth rates may have a level cap
- For example, the "slow" growth rate is theorized to cap at level 237
- Trainer battle prize money uses 3 bytes instead of 2, lifting the 9999 cap on winnings
- Adjusted daycare to allow exp values over $500000
- Allow up to 8 digits when displaying experience on the status screen
- Pokemon can now learn more than 1 more per level
- The 1.5x EXP boost function now has overflow protection
- EXP Gained can now print up to five digits instead of four
- The "" character mapping can be used as a line-feed
- Added rom hack version tracking for save files
- It's a single byte in the save file that gets incremented each version
- If the save byte does not match, the player is automatically warped back to Pallet Town
- Helps prevent crashes and glitches when updating an older save file
- You will be given the choice to warp to Pallet Town if the rom hack version does not match
- The function that shows the dex entry for starter pokemon is now more robust
- It now works for any pokemon (like if the starters are changed or randomized)
- It keeps a backup of the pokedex-owned flags instead of erasing them
- Removed the unused Ivysaur flag
- Increased the maximum game clock to 32767 hours
- Reduced saving delay to 15 frames
- Tweaked the fly menu to be more responsive and snappy
- Added an error trap to _Divide function for divide-by-zero calls
- Withdrawing or depositing a key item from/to the player's PC will default its quantity to 1
- Item evolutions having a level requirement is now supported
- DelayFrame now manualy calls VBlank if it runs while the LCD is disabled
PokeDex Area enhancements
- The AREA function of the PokeDex now takes the Super Rod into account
- It will also notify you if the Pokemon you are referencing is available on the currently loaded map
- If available on the current map, it will notify you if it can be found by walking, surfing, or by super rod
- The Cerulean Cave is an "unknown dungeon" so...
- Nest icons will not display for this location
- But the notification for the current map will still function
Improved itemfinder function
- If an item is detected, it will play 1 to 3 chimes depending on how close it is (more chimes means closer to the item).
- Lines will point in the direction of the item and flash with the chimes.
- If the player is right on top of the item, no lines will show and the chime till play four times.
- If the SELECT button is held while selecting to USE the itemfinder, then the original itemfinder function is used.
Changes to fishing
- All rods have an expanded level range
- Old rod can fish up two kinds of pokemon (depending on the current map constant value)
- Magikarp or Goldeen
- Magikarp or Poliwag
- When using the old rod, press and hold B within about 1 second to always hook a magikarp
- Good rod can fish up three or four kinds of pokemon (depending on the current map constant value)
- Poliwag, Horsea, Krabby
- Poliwag, Krabby, Goldeen, Psyduck
- Goldeen, Psyduck, Shellder
- Goldeen, Shellder, Horsea, Tentacool
- The Route 12 Fishing Guru is now visitable upon first reaching Lavender Town
- Swapped location of Good and Super Rod
Changes to the daycare
- The daycare lets you select moves to forget (if any) upon retreiving your pokemon
- Retrieving a daycare pokemon that could have evolved via level will trigger evolution and learn any missed-out moves
- The daycare will support two evolutions back-to-back
- The daycare experience gain has been recalibrated
- It no longer gives 1 exp per step
- Instead, it falsifies the act of farming wild encounters against a pokemon with a base exp value of 56
- The falsified encounter starts at level 5, and it increases 5 more levels per badge obtained
- With 8 badges, using the daycare is essentially a faster way of farming level 45 basic pokemon
- The downside of not gaining statEXP in the daycare still remains as a tradeoff
- Added a PC to the daycare
- Daycare allows HM moves on entered pokemon
A regular New Game will default the battle style to SET and text speed to FAST
Starting a New Game while in GBC-mode will default 60FPS mode to ON
Yes/No prompt for flute use has been added to blocking snorlax
Game corner prize costs re-balanced
Slightly increased slot odds
Slot machine coin counter runs twice as fast
There are four lucky slot machines instead of one
Interaction of slot reel modes tweaked for better gameplay
Bushes moved around so Erika can be battled without CUT
The bush blocking the Vermilion gym has been replaced with a blocking pkmn that goes away after the ss anne leaves
The bush that blocks route 9 has been replaced by a blocking event
Gym leaders and elite 4 have their rosters, levels, & movesets slightly tweaked for gradual difficulty
Blaine has a touched-up battle sprite so he doesn't look like an alien
- Snagged this off reddit, but original artist unknown (let me know if this is yours)
The elite 4 now use the gym battle music rather than the standard trainer music
The juggler rosters, especially in fuchsia gym, have been slightly altered for flavor
Just for fun, the last juggler in the fuchsia gym is replaced with a cameo of Janine
- Though at this point she's still just a cooltrainer and doesn't have a unique battle sprite
The L: block doesn't disappear when level hits three digits
Greatly increased the speed and performance of spin tiles
Amber and fossils are now non-key items
Low HP alarm only plays three times then turns itself off
You can now cut the grass in the plateau tileset
Gave a couple TM moves to the cerulean rival's abra
Initiating the Pokemon Tower rival battle will deactivate the following skippable rival battles
- The Cerulean encounter
- The SS Anne encounter
Adjusted the parity of in-game trades across versions
Increased the speed of the HP bar animation
The stat displays of the active pokemon in battle will display its current-time stats instead of its unmodified stats
#Difficulty and scalable trainers
- There is an option to scale trainer rosters to the level of your strongest roster pkmn
- Talk to the right-side aide in Oak's lab to toggle on/off
- Enemy pkmn will evolve by level if applicable
- Pokemon that evolve below level 30 will evolve at 4/3x the original level
- Pokemon that evolve >= level 30 will evolve at 8/7x the original level
- Gym leaders and the E4 scale slightly higher than normal trainers
- If trainer scaling is on, you do not need to beat the 1st route 22 rival solo to get oak's pokeballs
- In hard mode, or against gym leaders, the scaling is based on the absolute highest level of your team
- In normal difficulty against regular trainers, the scaling is based on a weighted average of your team's levels
- Playing on hard mode provides increased difficulty
- Pressing RIGHT while the cursor is in the BATTLE STYLE box will toggle the feature on/off
- Contrasting this, pressing LEFT will let you select a battle style without toggling difficulty
- Enemy trainer pokemon are assigned level-appropriate stat exp
- Enemy trainer pokemon have randomized DVs that are above-average
- Boss trainers (giovanni, elite 4, gym leaders, later-game rival) cannot have DVs below 8
- Wild pokemon DVs get 1 re-roll each if less than 4, biasing them upwards a little bit
- Badge-granted stat boosts are disabled in trainer battles
- X-stat items have double the effect like in more recent generations
- Revive items cannot be used in battles
- Mewtwo will prevent you from using a master ball on it and use AI to choose moves
- Non-link battles in hard mode use the Stadium 1 formulas for critical hit probability
- Warning: The difficulty will be compounded if both trainer scaling and hard mode are active
- Oak's pokeballs will be upgraded to great balls if you beat the route 22 rival in hard mode
- Added the Clause Brothers to Viridian City
- They toggle enforcement of the item, sleep, and/or freeze clauses
- The clauses apply to the player and AI equally
- Sleep and freeze clauses work like they do in Pokemon Stadium
- Added a fourth brother for the Trapping Move Clause
- A counter tracks if the player or the opponent use trapping moves like Wrap multiple times in a row
- The counter increments only if a trapping effect move is selected to be used and it does not miss
- After the counter has incremented to 2,
- selecting a trapping effect move additional times will make the move to go 2nd in the round
- this is the same priority as the move Counter
- The counter only gets reset by switching or using a move that does not have the trapping effect
- Reseting the counter will restore normal priority to trapping effect moves.
- Added a fifth Clause Brother for the hyper beam clause; hyper beam will recharge if it KOs the opponent
- Link battles in the Colosseum now synchronize battle clauses between both players
- The item clause is not applicable because items are not usable in link battles by default
- There is a clipboard in the Colosseum that is used to reset and re-select your battle clauses
- Any active clauses between your opponent and yourself are applied to both players
- A splash screen before battle will desplay the enforced clauses
- There is now an obedience level-cap that can be toggled in the extra options menu under "LVL CAP"
- While active, the current maximum obedience level will display in the options menu
- All pokemon, not just trades, will start to disobey if over the displayed level cap
- The cap will change based on which badge you have
- Not recommended for use with trainer scaling since you might gain too many levels too quickly
- Best to turn this off in the post-game as it's really for the gym challenge and elite-4
#Quick Keys / Options / Menu-Related
- Press SELECT on the option menu to go to the extra options menu where many new options can be toggled!
- Added built-in gamma shader for backlit LCD screens (press SELECT at the copyright screen)
- Gamma shader defaults ON if the destination code in the rom header is set to 00 (JP)
- Pressing SELECT at the copyright info now switches the shader from its default state
- It can also be toggled in the extra menu under "Y SHADER" so you don't have to reset the game to change it
- The default state of the gamma shader can be changed with any gameboy rom header editor
- Alternately, remove the 'j' in 'cjsv' in the Makefile to compile with a JP destination code
- Added an option to make the overworld run in 60fps
- Press SELECT on the opion menu to go to the extra menu, and there you can toggle 30 or 60 under "FPS"
- This feature is more of a proof-of-concept and is still kinda rusty
- Takes advantage of double-speed CPU mode when played as a GBC game
- Text with zero frame delay can be toggled from the extra menu under "INST. TXT"
- The regular text speed selecttion will be ignored while ON
- Turning this OFF will default the text speed to FAST
- Softlock Warp
- Instantly teleport back to your mom's house if you get stuck or are unable to move after updating to a new patch
- Sets money to at least 1000 if you have less than that
- Instructions to perform:
- go to the start menu and put the cursor on OPTION
- press and hold DOWN on the d-pad (the cursor will now be on EXIT)
- while continuing to hold DOWN, press and hold SELECT
- while continuing to hold those two buttons, press B
- the start menu should close and you will warp back to your mom's house
- Vanilla Options Reset
- Deactivates all special options (such as in preparation to update to a new patch)
- Intructions to perform:
- go to the start menu and put the cursor on the top option (usually POKEDEX)
- press and hold UP on the d-pad (the cursor will now be on EXIT)
- while continuing to hold UP, press and hold SELECT
- while continuing to hold those two buttons, press B
- the start menu should close and you will hear a jingle confirming that the option reset worked
- Debug Damage Display: As a debugging cheat, damage values will be displayed in battle as the UI updates
- Toggled on/off the same way as the softlock warp, but by using 'A' instead of 'B'
- Zero damage is not displayed
- Damage is not displayed if either pokemon has zero HP remaining
- DV / Stat EXP Reset function
- On your POKEMON party screen from the start menu, place the cursor over a desired pokemon
- Then press A while holding LEFT + SELECT
- You will be prompted to confirm your decision
- If YES, that pokemon will have all its Stat EXP reset to zero
- Also, it's DVs will be set to match the quantities of the first four items in your active bag
- Context-sensitive SELECT button for using HMs (must have the correct badge and the move on one of your pkmn)
- press SELECT against a shore to surf
- press SELECT when facing a shrub or grass tile to use cut
- press SELECT in a dark area to light it with flash
- press SELECT while facing a boulder to activate strength
- Press and hold A then press SELECT to automatically get on/off your bike or use the best rod in your inventory
- You can now check DVs or stat exp by holding down a button and entering the status screen
- hold SELECT for stat exp
- hold START for DVs
- In-battle way to check if enemy pokemon is owned in the pokedex
- On the main battle menu, place the cursor over an option in the left column
- Press the SELECT button
- The enemy pokemon will play its cry if registered as owned
- Added ability to forfeit trainer battles by choosing RUN in battle while holding SELECT
- Hold SELECT and press START while on the bag menu or PC item box menu to auto-sort your items
- The bag now supports an additional item list for an extra 20 slots of space
- Press START on the bag menu to hot-swap the item list that populates the active bag
- Also works in battle
- Also works when depositing items in the PC
- The game's systems will generally detect items in the non-active bag space
- For example, you can enter the Cinnabar Gym even if the Secret Key is in the non-active bag space
- Certain unique systems may only recognize the active bag's item list
- For example, the Pokemon Stadium games detect only the bag list that was active when last saved
- The player's party 'mons now have temporary field move slots for HM moves
- Each party 'mon has 1 slot separate from its regular move list
- A field move in this slot can be used in the overworld as normal
- You will be asked about filling the slot when teaching a field move out of battle
- You cannot overwrite a slot with a field move already in it
- A slot is cleared when its 'mon leaves the party (such as being put in the PC)
- In the case of a 'mon with 4 regular field moves:
- The slotted temporary move cannot be menu-selected
- The slotted temporary move, if it's a HM move, can be used via quick-key
- Teaching a TM as a field move will not consume the TM
- GBC color palettes have been back-ported from Yellow-version.
- Additional GBC color additions
- Scrolling mons on the title screen have their own palettes loaded on the GBC.
- In the blue version intro, jigglypuff has it's own palette loaded on the GBC.
- Oak-speech nidorino has its color palette on the GBC.
- When playing in GBC-mode, move animations are colored based on their type
- In GBC-mode, when a pokemon is caught, the resting ball now has a defined color
- Tossing pokeballs have color in GBC mode
- You can now play as a girl when starting a new game
- Has front, back, walking, fishing, and cycling sprites
- Has unique default names when starting a new game
- If a pkmn has DVs that would make it shiny in Gen 2
- An unused "power up" style of animation plays when it enters battle
- It also has a shiny symbol by its name
- If playing on a super gameboy, shiny pkmn will have a palette swap on the status screen and also change color in battle
- If playing on super gameboy, hold select when loading a pokedex entry to see that pokemon's shiny palette
- Added an exp bar using code by Danny-E 33
- Pokeball caught indicator for wild battles
- A gender symbol is displayed for pkmn species that are sexed
- non-sexed species have no symbol
- The symbol is displayed for a party mon in its status screen
- The symbol is displayed in the battle hud only for wild enemy mon (the only time it matters)
- Oak's aid at the bottom-left of the lab toggles the caught & gender symbols after obtaining the pokedex
- Red & Blue versions use the back sprites from spaceworld 97 so as to be cohesive with the front sprites
- Added spaceworld-style trainer back sprites for consistency with the spaceworld 'mon back sprites
- The silhouette effect at the start of battle now displays when playing on a DMG gameboy
- Improved fade-in and fade-out to black/white transitions when playing on GBC in 60FPS mode
#Pre-E4 NPCs
- The girl in Oak's lab toggles a built-in randomizer for wild pokemon and your starters
- Shuffles all pokemon that can be gained through walking, surfing, fishing, or from the game corner
- If activated early enough, your starter pokemon options are shuffled as well
- Randomizes using a saved seed value, so the shuffled order is always preserved between play sessions
- A new random seed is generated upon each new game
- There are three pokemon lists based on base-stat-total; A, B, and C tiers
- Pokemon are only shuffled within their own list in order to maintain some modicum of balance
- Scripted events are unaffected (gifts, in-game trades, static encounters, etc)
- The game's five legendary pokemon are excluded from randomization
- The AREA feature of the pokedex automatically adjusts to show the new pokemon locations
- Talking to the girl in Oak's lab allows the player to generate a new randomization seed value.
- The girl will also ask if full randomization is preferred, which will combine the tiers into one big list.
- There is an Aide NPC in the viridian pokemon center that can toggle regular trainer randomization
- Only affects regular trainers that use one level for all 'mons and have no custom movesets
- Will replace their roster 'mons with random non-evolved 'mons (legendaries are excluded)
- The new mons will be swapped with their evolved forms if at a high enough level
- Pokemon that evolve below level 30 will evolve at 4/3x the original level
- Pokemon that evolve >= level 30 will evolve at 8/7x the original level
- This feature was added with the intent of spicing-up subsequent Gen-1 playthroughs
- New NPC in celadon hotel will reward coins for showing him requested pkmn
- Move deleter/relearner added to the saffron house below COPYCAT's house
- Code comes from Mateo's Red++ hack. It's simply the best gen-1 implementation and I cannot come up with something better.
- Talk to the little girl to delete moves.
- Talk to her tutor to relearn moves.
- I have expanded Mateo's code so that it also detects default level-0 moves from the baseStats header files.
- Catch-Up EXP Booster
- Talk to the aide in the Celadon Diner to toggle this feature.
- While active, EXP gained is boosted if the active pokemon's level is lower than that of the fainted enemy.
- The boost is 1.5x multiplied by an additional 1.5x for every 3 levels of difference.
- For example, a level gap of 12 results in an EXP multiplier of (1.5)^4 = 5.0625.
- Use this feature to help you train-up new team members in the mid-to-late game.
- Can rematch gym leaders and most non gym-leader trainers just by talking to them one or two times
- Giovanni respawns after leaving the gym so you can rematch him
- Paras is gifted in the Route 2 house in case the player has no pokemon that can learn Cut
- Unused beedrill trade has been restored and placed on Route 22
- Added a scientist and books to the Cinnabar Lab fossil room for cloning and gene splicing
- This process clones your 1st spot pokemon and modifies it with DNA from your 2nd spot pokemon.
- It does this by treating a pokemon's two bytes of DV values as if they were two genes with two alleles each.
- Gene-A has the Attack DV as its hi-side allele and the Defense DV as its lo-side allele.
- Gene-B has the Speed DV as its hi-side allele and the Special DV as its lo-side allele.
- The A-genes from the two donor pokemon will be mixed to make the clone's A-gene.
- The B-genes from the two donor pokemon will be mixed to make the clone's B-gene.
- Mixing two genes is done via Punnett Squares, and a random result is chosen based on its ratios.
- Within a Punnett quadrant, a hi allele makes the upper digits and a lo allele makes the lower digits.
- If two hi allels or two lo alleles fall within a Punnet quadrant, their order is randomly selected.
- A new drink stand on the route 19 beach sells vending machine drinks
#Post-Game Content
- SS Anne can be re-entered after defeating the elite 4.
- minor text change indicating its return
- the captain's text has been slightly altered for a more generic context
- There's a tournament being held in the SS Anne's kitchen after the elite 4 are beaten
- Talk to the Gym Guy you find there
- win 7 matches in a row for a master ball
- Battles use teams of 3 pokemon
- Your team is healed before battles
- Enemy pokemon levels are based on the level of your strongest party pokemon
- You must have an open item slot to claim your prize
- Any trainer can appear with any three pokemon (excluding mew and mewtwo)
- No breaks allowed in-between battles
- Vendor added to Celadon Dept. Store 3F
- Sells max revives, moon stones, amber, fossils, exp all, master balls, and rare candy
- Only opens up after beating elite 4
- Relocated one of the rocket grunts in celadon city, and he now sells bulk coins in the post-game
- In the safari zone gate, a new NPC can toggle on and off a special safari event after the elite 4
- All pokemon in the safari zone will have above-average DVs
- Also makes it so there is a rare chance for any pokemon to be encountered in the safari zone (depends on location)
- The game corner chief will buy pokemon from the player post-e4
- There is a new NPC in the west-east underground path that generates random battles after beating the elite 4
- There is a new NPC in the north-south underground path that generates mirror matches after beating the elite 4
- New item M.GENE:
- Re-randomizes a pkmn's DVs to above-average values.
- Win 5 matches in a row against the random team NPC to get a M.GENE (leaving the area resets the win streak)
- New item MIST STONE
- Fully maxes-out a lvl > 30 pokemon's stat exp
- If all the stat exp is already at max, then it will set all the DVs to maximum instead.
- There are 5 new trainers to find and battle
- Hint 1: Talking to Oak can guide you to the first one
- Hint 2: The fifth one can only be fought after beating the first four.
- There are two missingno superbosses available after completing the pokedex
- One for each infamous shore
- Uses its L-block appearance remade as a proper image and has its own defined base stats data
- Uses trainer battle routines (different music, uses AI, and uncatchable)
- Mew can be found in the wild, and one of the newly-added trainers gives a hint on how to find it
- New Game Plus has been added (still experimental)
- Activated under these conditions:
- Must have an existing non-corrupt game save on-file
- Must have beaten the elite 4 in the on-file save
- Press and hold SELECT while choosing the New Game option
- A jingle will play to indicate NG+ has activated and the SELECT button can now be released
- Preserves ONLY the following information (your current party will be lost):
- Boxed pokemon
- Play clock
- Pokedex seen/owned registry
- Hall of Fame (experimental)
- Option screen selections
- Trainer ID (boxed pokemon won't count as traded)
- Wild pokemon randomizer seed
- The player can now choose whether or not to generate a new Trainer ID when selecting New Game Plus
#Cheats and Secrets
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After buying the Magikarp from the man in the Mt. Moon pokemon center, he will serve as a move tutor
- This is a throwback to certain Japan-only event pokemon giveaways
- Talk to him with Magikarp at the top of your party, and he will offer to teach it Dragon Rage for 5000 yen.
- Talk to him with Fearow or Rapidash at the top of your party, and he will offer to teach it Pay Day for 1000 yen.
- Talk to him with Pikachu at the top of your party that has an empty move slot, and he can teach it Fly for 2000 yen.
Psyduck Learning Amnesia
- You must first have 151 pokemon registered as owned in your pokedex.
- Place a Psyduck in your 1st party slot then go talk to the Psyduck in Mr. Fuji's house.
- It will now try to learn the Amnesia move.
The surfboard, a nugget, and TM 15 are hidden items added to the vermilion dock
Mew is on the basement level of the unknown dungeon
- it is the rarest encounter in the game
- only shows up after getting the pokedex diploma
- can only be encountered once like static legendaries
Using the super rod in the unknown dungeon basement will yield glitch-level experiment dittos (a trap encounter)
Pay Day shenanigans
- A pkmn with Pay Day in the 1st party slot will play its cry when interacting with a lucky slot machine
- A pkmn with Pay Day in the 1st party slot will play its cry when a slot machine enters payout modes
- 1 cry for a normal payout on the next pull
- 2 cries to signal the possibility of all 7s/bars on the next pull
- 3 cries to signal that super payout mode had been entered
Secret EXP boosting
- Pkmn with levels > level cap give 255 stat exp for each stat
- Pkmn with levels > level cap have 255 base exp yield
If a chansey >= level 100 is first in your roster:
- Shiny wild random encounters and fishing rod encounters are much more common (1 in 256)
- Repel effects will not block shiny encounters
Shiny Mercy
- When a player encounters an AI trainer shiny pokemon, the next wild encounter will be shiny
- AI trainers can only have shinies in hard mode, so it affords more chances to find wild shinies
- Also, shiny mercy extends to tower ghosts, ghost marowak, and the old man catching tutorial
Winning the SS Anne tournament with a pikachu in the party will set its catch rate to 168
- In this rom hack, a pikachu with this catch rate can be taught Surf via HM
- This catch rate makes it hold a gorgeous box if transferred to Gen 2
- In case of multiple pikachus, only the first in the roster will be affected
- Likewise, a pikachu holding a gorgeous box can learn surf if transferred into this rom hack
Defeat Lance with a Dragonite in your top spot and it will be given a catch rate of 168
- Dragonite's cry will play to confirm that this has happened
- In this rom hack, a dragonite with this catch rate can be taught Fly via HM
- This catch rate makes it hold a gorgeous box if transferred to Gen 2
- Likewise, a dragonite holding a gorgeous box can learn fly if transferred into this rom hack
Added Bill's secret garden behind his house
- Put Mew in your top spot and show Bill to gain access
- You will encounter the starter pokemon plus some other rarer pokemon
- Shiny rates are 1-in-128 in this area
Show Mewtwo to Mr. Fuji after beating the Elite 4 to get a M.GENE
Obtaining the MIST STONE:
- There is a secret cave on Route 13, and the book within tells you to go to Bill's secret garden
- Return to this book afterwards in order to find a mist stone
- The mist stone will max-out all the stat exp of the lvl > 30 pokemon on which it is used
The five new trainer battles are as follows
- Talking to prof oak after beating the elite 4 and answering "No" let's you challenge him to a battle
- Can battle Mr. Fuji after beating the elite 4
- Can battle the Silph Chief after beating the elite 4
- Trainer Green (named Seiga) can be battled next to the ss anne dock truck after beating the elite 4
- Mind battle with future Trainer RED after beating the elite 4 via the new girl outside Bill's villa
- Must have beaten Oak, Fuji, Silph Chief, and Green (the order doesn't matter)
- After winning, must re-defeat the four extra trainers before you can challenge again
- A win will respawn Mewtwo, the legendary birds, and allow Mew to be found again, and reset the mist stone events
You can now battle missingno on the infamous cinnabar shoreline
- You must have gotten the pokedex diploma first
- Activated the traditional way via the "old man in viridian" method
- The battle will trigger randomly while surfing on the shore even if you are not moving
- If defeated, it will set a non-key item in the sixth bag slot to a quantity of 99
- Win or lose, you must do the "Old Man" process again to reactivate the encounter
- For an even harder battle, try using the eastern shore of the seafoam islands
- Again, victory will set the quanitity of your sixth bag item to 99
- Beating the seafoam missingo battle adds an achievement to your diploma
Implemented the old Down+B urban legend for pokeballs as a cheat code
- The timing is different. You have to hold Down+B before the "[PLAYER] used [ITEM]" text finishes printing.
- If successful, the ball tossed will be twice as effective as normal
Added "The Shimmer", a cheat feature for those who want viability when using certain low-regarded pokemon.
- Toggled ON/OFF via the glass pokeball decoration in the rival's house.
- The shimmer factor appears randomly and secretly, being more likely to occur by training and sending out eligible 'mons.
- The shimmer only manifests in 'mons that are fully evolved, even if their pre-evos gained the secret shimmer factor.
- When the shimmer manifests as a 'mon gets sent out, that 'mon gets a large boost to some stats that are low-to-poor.
Technical details of the shimmer
- A 'mon eligible for shimmer that is sent out, either by player or enemy trainer, can get the shimmer factor.
- The chance of getting the shimmer factor is 1-in-256 per send-out, rewarding a player that uses the 'mon frequently.
- The odds increase by +(1-in-256) per 2048 HP-StatExp that the sent-out pokemon has, encouraging player investment.
- The shimmer factor is defined via the pokemon's catch rate byte and is a value of $6D (held Miracle Berry in Gen-2).
- The manifestation of the shimmer boosts one-to-four of a 'mons unmodified stats.
- If 3/8ths of an unmodified stat is less than the mon's level, then the level value is added to that stat.
- Stats that can be boosted are: attack, defense, speed, or special.
- Exclusively for Hitmonchan, the shimmer adds the level twice to its special stat so it can use its elemental punches.
- There is the same chance of shimmer manifesting on applicable enemy trainer pokemon.
- Given their rosters, the shimmer will always manifest on the applicable pokemon of Bruno, Agatha, and the Karate Master.
#Availability Changes
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#Added Encounter Locations for the following pokemon (rare if not normally in the chosen version):
- charmander on route 25 (4.3%)
- squirtle on route 6 (4.3%)
- bulbasaur on route 4 (4.3%)
- sandshrew (5.1%) and ekans (5.1%) on route 3
- vulpix (4.3%: red, blue-jp) or growlithe (4.3%: blue, green) on route 8
- bellsprout (4.3%: red, blue-jp) or oddish (4.3%: blue, green) on route 24
- meowth (9.8%: red) or mankey (9.8%: blue, green, blue-jp) on route 5
- farfetchd on route 12 (6.3%) and route 13 (4.3%)
- cubone added to rock tunnel (5.1% floor 1 and 6.3% floor 2)
- dodrio on route 17 (5.1%)
- porygon in the power plant in red version (1.2%)
- electabuzz in power plant in all versions (9.4% red and 5.1% all others)
- magmar in pokemon mansion basement in all versions (4.3%)
- snorlax in digletts cave (5.1%)
- eevee on route 21 grass (5.5%)
- hitmonchan (5.1%) & hitmonlee (5.1%) in victory road 3f
- version-swapped pinser/scyther in safari zone central-area
- lickitung (5.1% red, blue, green) in safari zone east
- kangaskhan (5.1% blue-jp) in safari zone east
- tauros (5.1% blue-jp) in safari zone north
- jynx (5.1% red, blue, green) in safari zone north
- mr mime in safari zone west (5.1%)
- lapras replaces krabby when using super rod in safari zone
- magnemite on route 10 (5.1%)
- ponyta on route 7 (9.8%)
- tentacruel on water routes 19, 20, and 21 (6.3%)
- seaking on water routes 19, 20, and 21 (4.3%)
- route 22 super rod data has changed to give psyduck & poliwag
- version-swapped sandslash/arbok in unknown dungeon 1f
- unknown dungeon changes
- encounter rates between pokemon slightly re-balanced
- chansey is rarer
- dittos are rare
#Trade evolutions now alternately evolve with a stone at a certain level with some new hinting NPC text
- Kadabra: Use a moon stone at >= level 35
- Haunter: Use a thunder stone at >= level 35
- Graveler: Use a fire stone at >= level 35
- Machoke: Use a leaf stone at >= level 35
#Changes to pokemart inventories:
- TMs of all kinds at all stores (Prize Corner included). All TMs are now re-purchaseable at various stages of the game.
- Pewter city has ethers
- Lavender town has max ethers
- Saffron city has elixirs
- Cinnabar island has max elixirs
- Cerulean mart sells escape rope per Yellow version
- Fuchsia mart sells hyper potions per Yellow version
#Changes to item locations:
- Added a hidden max revive in celadon city
- Added a hidden super potion in celadon city
- Added a hidden moon stone in diglett's cave
- Added a hidden nugget in diglett's cave
- Added a hidden potion on route 22
- Additional hidden potion in viridian city
- Added two hidden repels to pewter city
- Added a hidden great ball and pokedoll on route 6
- Added hidden max revive on route 11
- Added hidden ultra ball on route 8
- Water Gun TM has been replaced by a super repel in Mt. Moon, and it is now found in the Pewter Museum
#Built-In Nuzlocke Mode
- Go to the OPTIONS screen and press SELECT to get to the extra menu.
- Toggle this mode under "NUZLOCKE".
This mode DOES NOT check if you have obtained pokeballs yet. It is in full effect when toggled to ON.
Rule 1: A pokemon that faints is considered dead and can no longer be used.
- Revival items cannot be used in battle.
- If a battle ends with no forfeiture, all pokemon with 0 HP are marked dead.
- If a battle ends in a forfeit, all pokemon with 0 HP before the forfeit are marked dead.
- Pokemon marked as dead have $05 written to their catch rate to permanently mark them.
- Even if they are traded back and forth, dead pokemon remain marked as dead while in nuzlocke mode.
- Medicinal items will not work on pokemon marked as dead, nor will Soft-boiled.
- Party healing (Mom, Pokemon Center, blacking out, etc) makes a dead pokemon effectively useless.
- To clarify, it gives a dead pokemon 1 HP, the FRZ status, and 0 PP for all moves.
- This allows a player to continue the game with boxed pokemon in case of a total party loss.
- Dead pokemon transferred to Gen-2 games will be holding a pokeball.
Rule 2: You can only catch the 1st wild pokemon that you encounter in an area.
- An "area" is defined by the name displayed on the town map.
- You will be unable to throw balls in subsequent wild battles in that area.
- Static wild battles count for this as well.
- Wild battles before you can get pokeballs also count.
- In light of this, you may want to delay activating nuzlocke mode until pokeballs are available.
- Story wild battles (Old Man tutorial, Ghost Marowak, and Tower Ghosts) do not apply.
Rule 3 (Optional): Nickname every pokemon you obtain.
- You will always go straight to the nickname screen without a Yes/No prompt.
- You can still opt out of a nickname by leaving the entry field blank.
Built-in exceptions:
- Shiny Clause: Nothing prevents you from throwing balls to catch a wild shiny pokemon.
- Duplication Clause: Encountering a wild "owned" pokemon will not activate Rule 2.
- Rule 2 resets for the Safari Zone area upon paying the entrance fee.
- Catching a pokemon, even if owned, always activates Rule 2. Important for the Safari Zone and New Game+.
- Dead pokemon can still use overworld moves (HM moves, Teleport, etc).
Visuale Aides:
- An Up-Down-Arrow symbol will display on the HUD of a wild pokemon if a ball is allowed to be tossed.
- This symbol follows Rule 2 and any built-in exceptions previously destribed.
Nuzlocke and the Safari Zone:
- The Safari Zone is not inherently limited to a single entry in nuzlocke mode.
- Entering the Safari Zone gives the player an opportunity to catch 1 pokemon.
- And this opportunity presents itself each time the player pays the entry fee.
Nuzlocke and New Game+:
- New Game+ preserves the pokedex.
- This means the Duplication Clause will prevent Rule 2 from activating.
- In light of this, Rule 2 will always activate on an area upon the first catch made there.
Dead pokemon and toggling Nuzlocke mode:
- It is possible to cheat by turning off nuzlocke mode, healing a dead pokemon, then turning it back on.
- If this is done, the healed pokemon is still considered dead.
- This means that party-wide healing will make it useless and medicine still has no effect.
- This has the potential for a kind of "undead run" rule variant.
Removing the death marker:
- The only way to undo this is by modifying the dead pokemon's catch rate.
- This is usually done via the Gen-2 time capsule and trading it back without a hold item or a different hold item.
#About Gameshark Codes
Will they work? Largely, yes...with some rules.
Shin Pokemon does not reassign any wram or hram addresses, so cheat codes that modify values within these address ranges will still work.
The GB/C's wram is in addresses C000-DFFF, and hram is in FF80-FFFE.
Gameshark codes for the GB/C have an 8-digit hexadecimal format in the form of LMNOYZWX. The meaning of the separate digits is:
- LM - External RAM bank number (typically 01)
- NO - a 2-digit byte to act as your injected value
- WXYZ - A 2-byte Memory Address to write the new value to (Note that the gameshark code format reverses the low and high bytes of the address)
So say you want a cheat code that gives you 99 of the first item in the bag.
The quantity of the first item in the bag is at address D31F in wram, and 99-decimal equals 63-hex.
This gives a gameshark code of 01631FD3.
Any codes that follow these conventions and only modify the wram or hram should work like they do in the vanilla games.
#Will Not Implement / Out of Scope
These are things that are commonly requested but fall outside the scope of the project. There are no plans to implement these:
- Yellow Version - This is a different rom base, and I have no intention at this time to start all over on numerous features.
- Gen 2 color / graphics - The goal is to keep art direction and assets within the purview of a pre-1998 direction.
- Battle mechanics from later generations - Gen 1's gameplay must be generally be preserved, so no special defense, physical-special split, critical hits untied from speed, updated move pools, etc.
- Later-gen evolutions/forms/variants - I'm keeping this strictly to the original 151.
- Translations - This is best handled by other teams using their own project repositories.
#Frequently Asked Questions
Will you do a special request just for me or make some specific patches or a ROM file for me?
No. Such requests will be politely declined. If you think you have a good recommendation, please fill out a suggestion ticket in the Issues tab of this project's github repository.
I love your work! How can I donate to you?
The gesture is appreciated and highly flattering, but donations of any sort are politely declined.
What are the best ways to support Shin Pokemon?
There are several ways you can support the project:
- Stream your playthrough.
- Make a Let's Play series.
- Do a review or an analysis piece.
- Create highly detailed bug reports with an "Issues" ticket.
- Recording and uploading your gameplay is the best resource for troubleshooting. Let's Plays and stream VODs are routinely searched for and examined.
How do you come up with with new features and their implementations?
It's primarily based on nostalgic schoolyard rumors, interesting "what if" ideas, and love for secrets and easter eggs from the 1990s gaming era.
A separate project used code from Shin Pokemon to do such-and-such feature. Will you backport it into Shin Pokemon?
Let such projects have their own identity. Other creators need to be able to show off and be proud of what they made.
Why did you not use the artwork of Trainer Green from the Adventures comic or the Let's Go games for the female trainer option?
Internal debate was heated on how to proceed for a female player option, but here's the reasoning that won out:
- Green's design was never intended to be a playable character. Ken Sugimori created her back-view because he needed to depict a trainer trio for an art piece.
- Trainer Red was always supposed to be the player. An original female trainer was never considered until gen-2's development phase around Nov-Dec 1997.
- Others already created original sprite art to include in their own projects, and lifting it might step on their toes or foster ill feelings.
So it was decided to whip-up something simple and original that depicted a female version of Trainer Red. She also acts as a (private) dev shoutout.
Why can Bide still hit opponents in the Fly/Dig state when Pokemon Stadium fixes this?
Bide is a crummy move, but it gains a little more strategy in Shin Pokemon. This oversight was purposefully retained as a "feature" to help it out some more.
Why does Hyper Beam recharge work like it does in gen-2 instead of always needing to recharge like in Stadium?
Shin Pokemon did do always-recharge at one point, but it was hated by literally every player . Removing recharge on a miss was done as a compromise.
Why is there a brief white frame flash when the screen transitions on Gameboy or Gameboy Color?
It's a hardware quirk. There is a brief moment where the LCD is disabled. When it is re-enabled, the screen displays blank white for 1 frame. The LCD gets disabled because it allows writing to VRAM at any time.
EDIT: I believe I've found a workaround by writing to VRAM during the HBLANK and VBLANK periods. The timing is a little tricky.
#Credits / Special Thanks
- Jojobear13's wife, for copywriting and voicework
- The Pret team for the pokered and pokeyellow disassemblies and all the code comments that came with them
- MoriyaFaith's pokejp project for green version assets and code referencing
- Rangi for the tool Polished Map and the jp-style town map from Red/Blue Star
- Exp bar coded by Danny-E 33
- The Pokemon Prism team for the improved RNG used in this project's previous versions
- Patrik Rak for the new xor-shift RNG code
- Move deleter/relearner coded by TheFakeMateo for Pokemon Red++
- Code contributions and bugfixing by wisp92
- GLSWV for correcting the metric conversions of height and weight data
- SteppoBlazer for the spaceworld-style old man back sprite
- Poketto for the spaceworld-style Trainer Red back sprite
- SPazzzi95 for documenting localization changes
- easyaspi314 for optimizations to the gamma shader and wavy-line animation bugfix
- Dracrius' pocketrgb-en project for finding corrections to jp-build inaccuracies
- devolov for the bag-sorting feature
- powderpup for box covers using Sugimori cardass art
The following folks for their great tutorials, glitch videos, and explanations across the internet
- TheFakeMateo
- Cristal_
- ChickasaurusGL
- v0id19
The following folks for bugfix collaboration
- kadetPirx
- JOBOalthor1992
- krazsen
- kmalove
- zycain
- jastolze007
- MStern
- TSinnohTrainer
- Chirutalis
- coltongit
The shinpokered repository was branched from pret/pokered at merge pull request #185 committed on Jul 2, 2018