Esta biblioteca proporciona una interfaz UNIX-EY para OpenAI. Consulte la instalación y la configuración a continuación, pero primero, algunos ejemplos.
$ ai what is two plus two
Two plus two is equal to four.
$ uptime | ai convert this to json
"time_of_measurement": "13:48:26",
"up_time": "30 days, 18:07",
"users": 3,
"load_average": [
$ ai list the nine planets as JSON | ai convert this to XML but in French | tee
<Planète>La Terre</Planète>
$ curl -sL " " | head -n 5 | ai extract just the title of this webpage | figlet
____ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _
/ ___|__ _| |_ / (_) | _(_)_ __ ___ __| (_) __ _
| | / _` | __| _____ / / /| | |/ / | '_ / _ / _` | |/ _` |
| |__| (_| | |_ |_____| V V / | | <| | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |
______,_|__| _/_/ |_|_|__| .__/ ___|__,_|_|__,_|
$ ls | ai What is this directory for ?
This directory contains the source code for a Ruby-based project called openai_pipe. It includes files related to the project's license (LICENSE.txt), changelog (, dependencies (Gemfile and Gemfile.lock), executables (bin and exe), libraries (lib), signature (sig) and tests (spec). There is also a Rakefile and a file which provide information about how to build and install the project, as well as its features and usage. Finally, it includes the openai_pipe-0.1.0.gem and openai_pipe.gemspec files which are used to build the gem which can be installed on other systems.
$ ls -l | ai which of these are directories ?
bin, exe, lib, sig, spec
$ ls | ai " For each of these files, provide a description of what is likely to be their contents? "
bin - Likely contains compiled binary executable files. - Likely contains a log of changes/modifications, such as bug fixes and new features, that have been made to the project.
exe - Likely contains executable files.
french_planets.xml - Likely contains an XML file containing data related to planets, likely in French.
Gemfile - Likely contains Ruby code for the project's dependencies.
Gemfile.lock - Likely contains a snapshot of the dependencies of the project and versions of those dependencies.
lib - Likely contains the Ruby source code (e.g. classes and modules) for the project.
LICENSE.txt - Likely contains the terms of use/license for the project.
openai_pipe-0.1.0.gem - Likely contains a gem that gathers information from the OpenAI API.
openai_pipe.gemspec - Likely contains configuration details for the gem.
planets.lst - Likely contains a list of planets.
poem.txt - Likely contains a text file containing a poem.
Rakefile - Likely contains Ruby tasks and dependencies that can be used in projects. - Likely contains general information about the project and usage instructions.
reverse.lst - Likely contains a list of words or items that are in reverse order.
sig - Likely contains digital signatures to validate individual files.
spec - Likely contains Ruby specs (i.e. tests) for the project.
uptime.json - Likely contains a file with information regarding system uptime of a computer.
$ git commit -m " $( git status | ai write me a commit message for these changes ) "
[master 7d0271f] Add new files and modify
$ git status | tee /dev/tty | ai write me a sonnet about the status of this git repository
On branch master
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
My master branch may lack to thee its kin
For change it holds the only force within
Thé untracked files, they still remain unnamed
‘Tis fervent hope thé change will soon be claimed
Fraught with the choice to leave or to persist
The repository wavers ‘tween future and past
The openai_pipe-0.1.0 gem stands out
Waiting to be added, not yet about
The commit awaits for brave new changes bold
While time’s old force is ever unfurled
Commit forth young mind, furrow not to crawl
From untracked files, a future stands tall.
% history | ai what was the last thing I did
The last command you entered was 'history'.
NB de alguna manera ve la salida de la historia y determina que el historial se escribió: el comando de historia no incluyó el comando de historia en la salida.
$ history | ai what was the last thing I did before typing history
The last thing you did was amend a file.
NB aquí determinará que la enmienda fue para no del comando anterior, sino de los anteriores que editó
$ cat lib/openai_pipe/version.rb | ai rewrite this file with just the minor version incremented | sponge > lib/openai_pipe/version.rb
$ git diff
diff --git a/lib/openai_pipe/version.rb b/lib/openai_pipe/version.rb
index 0f82357..cc57fab 100644
--- a/lib/openai_pipe/version.rb
+++ b/lib/openai_pipe/version.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module OpenAIPipe
- VERSION = "0.1.0"
+ VERSION = "0.1.1"
$ ruby -e " $( ai write me a python script that prints the current month | ai translate this into ruby ) " | ai translate this into French
Le mois courant est Décembre.
Instale la gema ejecutando:
$ gem install openai_pipe
Esta biblioteca usa Quick_openai que usa Ruby-Optai, por lo que es posible que desee familiarizarse con esos proyectos primero.
Esta biblioteca utiliza OpenAI GPT3 para generar resorts, por lo que deberá tener su token de acceso disponible en aprox. En .bashrc o equivalente,
export OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKEN=mytoken
Por defecto, el ejecutable se llama openai_pipe
. Es recrimido para alias este comando a algo que se siente en .bashrc o equivalente, por ejemplo,
alias ai= " openai_pipe "
Tenga en cuenta que hay un costo asociado cada vez que se invoca GPT3, así que tenga en cuenta su cuenta. También tenga cuidado de enviar datos confidenciales a OpenAI, y también desconfía de ejecutar scripts o programas de arbitraje que genera GPT3.
Después de revisar el repositorio, ejecute bin/setup
para instalar dependencias. Luego, ejecute rake spec
para ejecutar las pruebas. También puede ejecutar bin/console
para un mensaje interactivo que le permitirá experimentar.
Para instalar esta gema en la máquina local, ejecute bundle exec rake install
. Para lanzar una nueva versión, actualice el número en version.rb
y luego ejecute bundle exec rake release
, que creará una etiqueta GIT para la versión, Push Git Commites y la etiqueta creada, y empuje el archivo .gem
Los informes de errores y las solicitudes de extracción son bienvenidos en GitHub en
La gema está disponible como código abierto bajo las alojas de la licencia MIT.