gpt go
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Referencia de API de Operai Docs:
Nota : ya admite la API GPT-4, utilice la API de finalización de chat.
# clone the project
git clone
# go to the project directory
cd gpt-go
# set API_KEY as environment variable
export API_KEY={YOUR_API_KEY} chatgpt
# go build example binary
make chatgpt-example
# run example
Consulte los documentos GO para obtener una documentación más detallada sobre los tipos y métodos proporcionados:
func main () {
client := gpt . NewClient ( "API_KEY" )
err := client . ChatCompletionStream ( context . Background (), & gpt. ChatCompletionRequest {
Model : gpt . GPT3Dot5Turbo ,
Messages : []gpt. ChatCompletionRequestMessage {
Role : "user" ,
Content : "Hello!" ,
}, func ( response * gpt. ChatCompletionStreamResponse ) {
fmt . Print ( response . Choices [ 0 ]. Delta . Content )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "ChatCompletionStream error: %v n " , err )
func main () {
client := gpt . NewClient ( "API_KEY" )
rsp , err := client . CompletionWithEngine ( context . Background (), & gpt. CompletionRequest {
Model : gpt . TextDavinci003Engine ,
Prompt : [] string { "Hello!" },
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "ChatCompletionStream error: %v n " , err )
fmt . Print ( rsp . Choices [ 0 ]. Text )
func main () {
client := gpt . NewClient ( "API_KEY" )
rsp , err := client . Image ( context . Background (), & gpt. ImageRequest {
Prompt : "Chicken" ,
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "ChatCompletionStream error: %v n " , err )
fmt . Print ( rsp . Data [ 0 ]. URL )
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