frida snippets
et aussi des exemples de sortie
Load C/C++ module
One time watchpoint
Socket activity
Intercept open
Execute shell command
List modules
Log SQLite query
Log method arguments
Intercept entire module
Dump memory segments
Memory scan
Cpp Demangler
Early hook
Binder transactions
Get system property
Reveal manually registered native symbols
Enumerate loaded classes
Class description
Turn WiFi off
Set proxy
Hook io InputStream
Android make Toast
Await for specific module to load
Webview URLS
Print all runtime strings & stacktrace
Print shared preferences updates
String comparison
Hook JNI by address
Hook constructor
Hook Java reflection
Trace class
Hooking Unity3d
Get Android ID
Change location
Shared Preferences update
Hook all method overloads
Register broadcast receiver
Increase step count
list classes implements interface with class loaders
$ frida --codeshare FrenchYeti/android-file-system-access-hook -f --no-pause
à la propriété implementation
.OS Log
iOS alert box
File access
Observe class
Find application UUID
Extract cookies
Describe class members
Class hierarchy
Hook refelaction
Device properties
Take screenshot
Log SSH commands
"scope": "source.js",
"completions": [
{"trigger": "fridainterceptor", "contents": "Interceptor.attach(n ptr,n {n onEnter:function(args) {nn },n onLeave: function(retval) {nn }n }n)"},
{"trigger": "fridaperform", "contents": "function main(){n console.log('main()');n}nnconsole.log('script loaded');nJava.perform(main);"},
{"trigger": "fridause", "contents": "var kls = Java.use('kls');"},
{"trigger": "fridahex", "contents": "hexdump(n ptr,n {n offset: 0,n length: ptr_sizen }n);" },
{"trigger": "fridabacktrace", "contents": "console.log('called from:\n' +n Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE)n .map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n'n);"},
{"trigger": "fridamods", "contents": "var mods = Process.enumerateModules().filter(function(mod){n return"<name>");n});"},
{"trigger": "fridaexport", "contents": "Module.findExportByName(null, "<export_name>");"},
{"trigger": "fridabase", "contents": "Module.findBaseAddress(name);"},
{"trigger": "fridaoverload", "contents": "kls.method_name.overload().implementation=function(){}"}
Pour lister les abréviations :ab
Développez en écrivant key
et <Space>
ab fridaintercept Interceptor.attach(ptr, {<CR><Tab>onEnter: function(args) {<CR><CR>},<CR>onLeave: function(retval) {<CR><CR>}<CR><BS>})
ab fridabacktrace console.warn(Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('n'));<ESC>F(3;
ab fridadescribe console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Java.use('$').__proto__).join('nt'))<Esc>F$
Générateur de hook de méthode Java utilisant un raccourci clavier
curl -o ~/$JEB$/scripts/
) var keylog_callback = new NativeCallback ( ( ssl , line ) => {
send ( Memory . readCString ( line ) ) ;
} , 'void' , [ 'pointer' , 'pointer' ] ) ;
if ( ObjC . available ) {
if ( Memory . readDouble ( Module . findExportByName ( 'CoreFoundation' , 'kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber' ) ) >= 1751.108 ) {
Interceptor . attach ( Module . findExportByName ( 'libboringssl.dylib' , 'SSL_CTX_set_info_callback' ) , {
onEnter ( args ) {
ptr ( args [ 0 ] ) . add ( CALLBACK_OFFSET ) . writePointer ( keylog_callback )
} )
} else if ( Java . available ) {
var set_keylog_callback = new NativeFunction ( Module . findExportByName ( '' , 'SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback' ) , 'void' , [ 'pointer' , 'pointer' ] ) ;
Interceptor . attach ( Module . findExportByName ( '' , 'SSL_CTX_new' ) , {
onLeave ( retval ) {
set_keylog_callback ( retval , keylog_callback )
} )
⬆ Retour en haut
# include < iostream >
# include < string >
extern " C " {
void * create_stdstr ( char *data, int size) {
std::string* s = new std::string ();
(*s). assign (data, size);
return s;
$ ./android-ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android21-clang++ a.cpp -o a -shared -static-libstdc++ && adb push a /data/local/tmp/a
[ device ] - >
function readStdString ( str ) {
if ( ( str . readU8 ( ) & 1 ) === 1 ) { // size LSB (=1) indicates if it's a long string
return str . add ( 2 * Process . pointerSize ) . readPointer ( ) . readUtf8String ( ) ;
return str . add ( 1 ) . readUtf8String ( ) ;
[ device ] - > Module . load ( '/data/local/tmp/a' ) ;
[ device ] - > var fp_create_stdstr = Module . findExportByName ( 'a' , 'create_stdstr' ) ;
[ device ] - > var createStdString = new NativeFunction ( fp_create_stdstr , 'pointer' , [ 'pointer' , 'int' ] ) ;
[ device ] - > var stdstr1 = createStdString ( Memory . allocUtf8String ( "abcd" ) , 3 ) ;
[ device ] - > readStdString ( stdstr1 ) ;
$ ./aarch64-linux-android21-clang /tmp/b.c -o /tmp/a -shared ../sysroot/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-android/21/ && adb push /tmp/a /data/local/tmp/a
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#define TAG "TEST1"
#define LOGI (...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGE (...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
void test ( void ) {
FILE * fp = popen ( "ls -l /sdcard 2>&1" , "r" );
if ( fp == NULL )
LOGE ( "executing cmd failed" );
char b [ 256 ];
while ( fgets ( b , sizeof ( b ), fp ) != NULL ) {
LOGI ( "%s" , b );
pclose ( fp );
$ frida -Uf --no-pause --enable-jit -e " Module.load('/data/local/tmp/a') "
[ ] - > new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName( ' a ' , ' test ' ), ' void ' , [])()
⬆ Retour en haut
Interceptez funcPtr
et enregistrez qui lit/écrit sur x2
en supprimant les autorisations avec mprotect
Process . setExceptionHandler ( function ( exp ) {
console . warn ( JSON . stringify ( Object . assign ( exp , { _lr : DebugSymbol . fromAddress ( exp . context . lr ) , _pc : DebugSymbol . fromAddress ( exp . context . pc ) } ) , null , 2 ) ) ;
Memory . protect ( exp . memory . address , Process . pointerSize , 'rw-' ) ;
// can also use `new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName(null, 'mprotect'), 'int', ['pointer', 'uint', 'int'])(parseInt(this.context.x2), 2, 0)`
return true ; // goto PC
} ) ;
Interceptor . attach ( funcPtr , {
onEnter : function ( args ) {
console . log ( 'onEnter' , JSON . stringify ( {
x2 : this . context . x2 ,
mprotect_ret : Memory . protect ( this . context . x2 , 2 , '---' ) ,
errno : this . errno
} , null , 2 ) ) ;
} ,
onLeave : function ( retval ) {
console . log ( 'onLeave' ) ;
} ) ;
[iOS]-> onEnter {
"x2": "0x1c145c6e0",
"mprotect_ret": true,
"errno": 2
"type": "access-violation",
"address": "0x1853b0198",
"memory": {
"operation": "read",
"address": "0x1c145c6e0"
"context": {
"lr": "0x100453358",
"fp": "0x16fb2e860",
"x28": "0x0",
"x27": "0x0",
"x26": "0x104312600",
"x25": "0x0",
"x24": "0x0",
"x23": "0x0",
"x22": "0x0",
"x21": "0xb000000422bbda03",
"x20": "0x1c4a22560",
"x19": "0xb000000422bbda03",
"x18": "0x0",
"x17": "0x100d25290",
"x16": "0x1853b0190",
"x15": "0x0",
"x14": "0x5",
"x13": "0xe5a1c4119597",
"x12": "0x10e80ca30",
"x11": "0x180000003f",
"x10": "0x10e80ca00",
"x9": "0x1020ad7c3",
"x8": "0x0",
"x7": "0x0",
"x6": "0x0",
"x5": "0x0",
"x4": "0xb000000422bbda03",
"x3": "0x1c4a22560",
"x2": "0x1c145c6e0",
"x1": "0x1020ad7c3",
"x0": "0x1c145c6e0",
"sp": "0x16fb2e790",
"pc": "0x1853b0198"
"nativeContext": "0x16fc42b24"
⬆ Retour en haut
. getModuleByName ( { linux : '' , darwin : 'libSystem.B.dylib' , windows : 'ws2_32.dll' } [ Process . platform ] )
. enumerateExports ( ) . filter ( ex => ex . type === 'function' && [ 'connect' , 'recv' , 'send' , 'read' , 'write' ] . some ( prefix => ex . name . indexOf ( prefix ) === 0 ) )
. forEach ( ex => {
Interceptor . attach ( ex . address , {
onEnter : function ( args ) {
var fd = args [ 0 ] . toInt32 ( ) ;
var socktype = Socket . type ( fd ) ;
if ( socktype !== 'tcp' && socktype !== 'tcp6' )
return ;
var address = Socket . peerAddress ( fd ) ;
if ( address === null )
return ;
console . log ( fd , ex . name , address . ip + ':' + address . port ) ;
} )
} )
Exemple Android
# wrap the script above inside Java.perform
$ frida -Uf -l script.js --no-pause
[Android]- > 117 write
117 read
135 write
135 read
135 read
⬆ Retour en haut
Un exemple pour intercepter libc#open
et enregistrer la trace si un fichier spécifique a été ouvert.
Interceptor . attach ( Module . findExportByName ( "/system/lib/" , "open" ) , {
onEnter : function ( args ) {
this . flag = false ;
var filename = Memory . readCString ( ptr ( args [ 0 ] ) ) ;
console . log ( 'filename =' , filename )
if ( filename . endsWith ( ".xml" ) ) {
this . flag = true ;
var backtrace = Thread . backtrace ( this . context , Backtracer . ACCURATE ) . map ( DebugSymbol . fromAddress ) . join ( "nt" ) ;
console . log ( "file name [ " + Memory . readCString ( ptr ( args [ 0 ] ) ) + " ]nBacktrace:" + backtrace ) ;
} ,
onLeave : function ( retval ) {
if ( this . flag ) // passed from onEnter
console . warn ( "nretval: " + retval ) ;
} ) ;
var fds = { } ; // for f in /proc/`pidof $APP`/fd/*; do echo $f': 'readlink $f; done
Interceptor . attach ( Module . findExportByName ( null , 'open' ) , {
onEnter : function ( args ) {
var fname = args [ 0 ] . readCString ( ) ;
if ( fname . endsWith ( '.jar' ) ) {
this . flag = true ;
this . fname = fname ;
} ,
onLeave : function ( retval ) {
if ( this . flag ) {
fds [ retval ] = this . fname ;
} ) ;
[ 'read' , 'pread' , 'readv' ] . forEach ( fnc => {
Interceptor . attach ( Module . findExportByName ( null , fnc ) , {
onEnter : function ( args ) {
var fd = args [ 0 ] ;
if ( fd in fds )
console . log ( ` ${ fnc } : ${ fds [ fd ] }
t ${ Thread . backtrace ( this . context , Backtracer . ACCURATE ) . map ( DebugSymbol . fromAddress ) . join ( 'nt' ) } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
⬆ Retour en haut
import frida
from frida_tools . application import Reactor
import threading
import click
class Shell ( object ):
def __init__ ( self , argv , env ):
self . _stop_requested = threading . Event ()
self . _reactor = Reactor ( run_until_return = lambda reactor : self . _stop_requested . wait ())
self . _device = frida . get_usb_device ()
self . _sessions = set ()
self . _device . on ( "child-added" , lambda child : self . _reactor . schedule ( lambda : self . _on_child_added ( child )))
self . _device . on ( "child-removed" , lambda child : self . _reactor . schedule ( lambda : self . _on_child_removed ( child )))
self . _device . on ( "output" , lambda pid , fd , data : self . _reactor . schedule ( lambda : self . _on_output ( pid , fd , data )))
self . argv = argv
self . env = env
self . output = [] # stdout will pushed into array
def exec ( self ):
self . _reactor . schedule ( lambda : self . _start ())
self . _reactor . run ()
def _start ( self ):
click . secho ( "✔ spawn(argv={})" . format ( self . argv ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
pid = self . _device . spawn ( self . argv , env = self . env , stdio = 'pipe' )
self . _instrument ( pid )
def _stop_if_idle ( self ):
if len ( self . _sessions ) == 0 :
self . _stop_requested . set ()
def _instrument ( self , pid ):
click . secho ( "✔ attach(pid={})" . format ( pid ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
session = self . _device . attach ( pid )
session . on ( "detached" , lambda reason : self . _reactor . schedule ( lambda : self . _on_detached ( pid , session , reason )))
click . secho ( "✔ enable_child_gating()" , fg = 'green' , dim = True )
session . enable_child_gating ()
# print("✔ resume(pid={})".format(pid))
self . _device . resume ( pid )
self . _sessions . add ( session )
def _on_child_added ( self , child ):
click . secho ( "⚡ child_added: {}" . format ( child ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
self . _instrument ( child . pid )
@ staticmethod
def _on_child_removed ( child ):
click . secho ( "⚡ child_removed: {}" . format ( child ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
def _on_output ( self , pid , fd , data ):
# print("⚡ output: pid={}, fd={}, data={}".format(pid, fd, repr(data)))
# fd=0 (input) fd=1(stdout) fd=2(stderr)
if fd != 2 :
self . output . append ( data )
def _on_detached ( self , pid , session , reason ):
click . secho ( "⚡ detached: pid={}, reason='{}'" . format ( pid , reason ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
self . _sessions . remove ( session )
self . _reactor . schedule ( self . _stop_if_idle , delay = 0.5 )
@ staticmethod
def _on_message ( pid , message ):
click . secho ( "⚡ message: pid={}, payload={}" . format ( pid , message ), fg = 'green' , dim = True )
Répertorier le contenu du répertoire :
def ls ( folder ):
cmd = Shell ([ '/bin/sh' , '-c' , 'ls -la ' + folder ], None )
cmd . exec ()
for chunk in cmd . output :
print ( chunk . strip (). decode ())
Extraire le binaire d'iOS
cmd = Shell ([ '/bin/sh' , '-c' , 'cat /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Example.framework/example' ], None )
cmd . exec ()
with open ( '/tmp/example' , 'wb+' ) as f :
f . writelines ( cmd . output )
# $ file /tmp/example
# /tmp/example: Mach-O 64-bit 64-bit architecture=12 executable
⬆ Retour en haut
Process . enumerateModulesSync ( )
. filter ( function ( m ) { return m [ 'path' ] . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( 'app' ) != - 1 ; } )
. forEach ( function ( m ) {
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( m , null , ' ' ) ) ;
// to list exports use Module.enumerateExportsSync(
} ) ;
Liste des modules et exportations
sudo frida Process -- no - pause -- eval ' var x = { } ; Process . enumerateModulesSync ( ) . forEach ( function ( m ) { x [ m . name ] = Module . enumerateExportsSync ( m . name ) } ) ; x ' - q | less + F
"name" : "app_process64" ,
"base" : "0x6313a1c000" ,
"size" : 40960 ,
"path" : "/system/bin/app_process64"
"name" : "" ,
"base" : "0x749ab96000" ,
"size" : 53248 ,
"path" : "/system/lib64/"
"name" : "[email protected]" ,
"base" : "0x749b448000" ,
"size" : 90112 ,
"path" : "/system/lib64/[email protected]"
"name" : "[email protected]" ,
"base" : "0x749ac9e000" ,
"size" : 94208 ,
"path" : "/system/lib64/[email protected]"
"name" : "[email protected]" ,
"base" : "0x74981e0000" ,
"size" : 98304 ,
"path" : "/system/lib64/[email protected]"
"name" : "[email protected]" ,
"base" : "0x73fb4cc000" ,
"size" : 40960