____ _____ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____
| _ ___ __ _| ____|_ ___ __ | __ ) _ _(_) | __| | ___ _ __| _ | | | | _
| |_) / _ / _` | _| / / '_ | _ | | | | | |/ _` |/ _ '__| |_) | |_| | |_) |
| _ < __/ (_| | |___ > <| |_) | |_) | |_| | | | (_| | __/ | | __/| _ | __/
|_| ____|__, |_____/_/_ .__/|____/ __,_|_|_|__,_|___|_| |_| |_| |_|_|
|___/ |_|
Portage PHP de regexpbuilderjs
RegExpBuilder intègre des expressions régulières dans le langage de programmation, les rendant ainsi faciles à lire et à maintenir. Les expressions régulières sont créées à l'aide de méthodes et de variables chaînées telles que des tableaux ou des chaînes.
composer req gherkins/regexpbuilderphp
Ou téléchargez la version appropriée et exigez RegExpBuilder.php
et RegExp.php
à partir de /src
use Gherkins RegExpBuilderPHP ;
$ builder = new RegExpBuilder ();
$ regExp = $ builder
-> startOfInput ()
-> exactly ( 4 )-> digits ()
-> then ( " _ " )
-> exactly ( 2 )-> digits ()
-> then ( " _ " )
-> min ( 3 )-> max ( 10 )-> letters ()
-> then ( " . " )
-> anyOf ( array ( " png " , " jpg " , " gif " ))
-> endOfInput ()
-> getRegExp ();
$ regExp -> matches ( " 2020_10_hund.jpg " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 2030_11_katze.png " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 4000_99_maus.gif " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 123_00_nein.gif " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 4000_0_nein.pdf " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 201505_nein.jpg " );
$ regExp = $ builder
-> multiLine ()
-> globalMatch ()
-> min ( 1 )-> max ( 10 )-> anythingBut ( " " )
-> anyOf ( array ( " .pdf " , " .doc " ))
-> getRegExp ();
$ text = ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy SomeFile.pdf eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam
et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. doc_04.pdf Stet clita kasd File.doc. '
$ matches = $ regExp -> findIn ( $ text );
( $ matches [ 0 ] === " SomeFile.pdf " );
( $ matches [ 1 ] === " doc_04.pdf " );
( $ matches [ 2 ] === " File.doc " );
$ regExp = $ builder
-> min ( 1 )
-> max ( 10 )
-> digits ()
-> getRegExp ();
$ text = " 98 bottles of beer on the wall " ;
$ text = $ regExp -> replace (
$ text ,
function ( $ match ) {
return ( int ) $ match + 1 ;
( " 99 bottles of beer on the wall " === $ text );
$ a = $ builder
-> startOfInput ()
-> exactly ( 3 )-> digits ()
-> anyOf ( array ( " .pdf " , " .doc " ))
-> endOfInput ();
$ b = $ builder
-> getNew ()
-> startOfInput ()
-> exactly ( 4 )-> letters ()
-> then ( " .jpg " )
-> endOfInput ();
$ regExp = $ builder
-> getNew ()
-> eitherFind ( $ a )
-> orFind ( $ b )
-> getRegExp ();
$ regExp -> matches ( " 123.pdf " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 456.doc " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " bbbb.jpg " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " aaaa.jpg " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 1234.pdf " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 123.gif " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " aaaaa.jpg " );
$ regExp -> matches ( " 456.docx " );
Jetez un oeil aux tests pour plus d'exemples