Cette bibliothèque vise à surmonter les limitations des Toasts et Snackbars, tout en réduisant la complexité de vos mises en page.
Dans un souci de simplicité, Alerter utilise le modèle de construction pour faciliter une intégration facile dans n'importe quelle application. Une vue d'alerte personnalisable est ajoutée dynamiquement à la vue décor de la fenêtre, superposant tout le contenu.
Incluez le dépôt JitPack.io Maven dans le fichier build.gradle de votre projet
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url " https://jitpack.io " }
Ajoutez ensuite cette dépendance au fichier build.gradle de votre application
dependencies {
implementation ' com.github.tapadoo:alerter:$current-version '
À partir d'une activité -
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
Ou à partir d'un fragment -
Alerter .create(activity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
Pour vérifier si une alerte s'affiche -
Alerter .isShowing()
Pour masquer une alerte en cours d'affichage -
Alerter .hide()
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setBackgroundColorRes( R .color.colorAccent) // or setBackgroundColorInt(Color.CYAN)
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setIcon( R .drawable.alerter_ic_mail_outline)
.setIconColorFilter( 0 ) // Optional - Removes white tint
.setIconSize( R .dimen.custom_icon_size) // Optional - default is 38dp
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setDuration( 10000 )
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setText( " Alert text... " )
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setDuration( 10000 )
.setOnClickListener( View . OnClickListener {
Toast .makeText( this @DemoActivity, " OnClick Called " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ).show();
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " The alert scales to accommodate larger bodies of text. " +
" The alert scales to accommodate larger bodies of text. " +
" The alert scales to accommodate larger bodies of text. " )
Alerter .create( this @KotlinDemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setEnterAnimation( R .anim.alerter_slide_in_from_left)
.setExitAnimation( R .anim.alerter_slide_out_to_right)
Alerter .create( this @KotlinDemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setDuration( 10000 )
.setOnShowListener( OnShowAlertListener {
Toast .makeText( this @KotlinDemoActivity, " Show Alert " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ).show()
.setOnHideListener( OnHideAlertListener {
Toast .makeText( this @KotlinDemoActivity, " Hide Alert " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ).show()
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setTitleAppearance( R .style. AlertTextAppearance_Title )
.setTitleTypeface( Typeface .createFromAsset(getAssets(), " Pacifico-Regular.ttf " ))
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.setTextAppearance( R .style. AlertTextAppearance_Text )
.setTextTypeface( Typeface .createFromAsset(getAssets(), " ScopeOne-Regular.ttf " ))
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
Alerter .create( this @DemoActivity)
.setTitle( " Alert Title " )
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.enableProgress( true )
.setProgressColorRes( R .color.colorAccent)
Alerter .create( this @KotlinDemoActivity)
.setTitle( R .string.title_activity_example)
.setText( " Alert text... " )
.addButton( " Okay " , R .style. AlertButton , View . OnClickListener {
Toast .makeText( this @KotlinDemoActivity, " Okay Clicked " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ).show()
.addButton( " No " , R .style. AlertButton , View . OnClickListener {
Toast .makeText( this @KotlinDemoActivity, " No Clicked " , Toast . LENGTH_LONG ).show()
Alerter .create( this @KotlinDemoActivity, R .layout.custom_layout)
.setBackgroundColorRes( R .color.colorAccent)
. also { alerter ->
val tvCustomView = alerter.getLayoutContainer()?.tvCustomLayout
tvCustomView?.setText( R .string.with_custom_layout)
Veuillez lire ceci si vous signalez un problème ou si vous envisagez de contribuer !
Consultez le fichier LICENSE pour connaître les droits et limitations de licence (MIT).
Copyright 2017 Tapadoo, Dublin.