Une stratégie de clustering avec des réseaux de neurones profonds. Cet article de blog fournit un aperçu générique.
Ce référentiel fournit l'implémentation PyTorch des schémas d'apprentissage par transfert (L2C) et deux critères d'apprentissage utiles pour le clustering profond :
*Il est renommé de CCL
Ce référentiel couvre les références suivantes :
title = {Multi-class classification without multi-class labels},
author = {Yen-Chang Hsu, Zhaoyang Lv, Joel Schlosser, Phillip Odom, Zsolt Kira},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
year = {2019},
url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=SJzR2iRcK7}
title = {Learning to cluster in order to transfer across domains and tasks},
author = {Yen-Chang Hsu and Zhaoyang Lv and Zsolt Kira},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
year = {2018},
url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=ByRWCqvT-}
title = {Neural network-based clustering using pairwise constraints},
author = {Yen-Chang Hsu and Zsolt Kira},
booktitle = {ICLR workshop},
year = {2016},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06321}
Ce référentiel prend en charge PyTorch 1.0, python 2.7, 3.6 et 3.7.
pip install -r requirements.txt
# A quick trial:
python demo.py # Default Dataset:MNIST, Network:LeNet, Loss:MCL
python demo.py --loss KCL
# Lookup available options:
python demo.py -h
# For more examples:
# Learn the Similarity Prediction Network (SPN) with Omniglot_background and then transfer to the 20 alphabets in Omniglot_evaluation.
# Default loss is MCL with an unknown number of clusters (Set a large cluster number, i.e., k=100)
# It takes about half an hour to finish.
python demo_omniglot_transfer.py
# An example of using KCL and set k=gt_#cluster
python demo_omniglot_transfer.py --loss KCL --num_cluster -1
# Lookup available options:
python demo_omniglot_transfer.py -h
# Other examples:
Ensemble de données | gt #classe | KCL (k=100) | MCL (k=100) | KCL (k=gt) | MCL (k=gt) |
Angélique | 20 | 73,2% | 82,2% | 89,0% | 91,7% |
Atemayar_Qelisayer | 26 | 73,3% | 89,2% | 82,5% | 86,0% |
Atlante | 26 | 65,5% | 83,3% | 89,4% | 93,5% |
Aurek_Besh | 26 | 88,4% | 92,8% | 91,5% | 92,4% |
Avesta | 26 | 79,0% | 85,8% | 85,4% | 86,1% |
Ge_ez | 26 | 77,1% | 84,0% | 85,4% | 86,6% |
Glagolitique | 45 | 83,9% | 85,3% | 84,9% | 87,4% |
Gurmukhi | 45 | 78,8% | 78,7% | 77,0% | 78,0% |
Kannada | 41 | 64,6% | 81,1% | 73,3% | 81,2% |
Keble | 26 | 91,4% | 95,1% | 94,7% | 94,3% |
Malayalam | 47 | 73,5% | 75,0% | 72,7% | 73,0% |
Manipuri | 40 | 82,8% | 81,2% | 85,8% | 81,5% |
mongol | 30 | 84,7% | 89,0% | 88,3% | 90,2% |
Vieille_Église_Slavonique_Cyrillique | 45 | 89,9% | 90,7% | 88,7% | 89,8% |
Oriya | 46 | 56,5% | 73,4% | 63,2% | 75,3% |
Sylhéti | 28 | 61,8% | 68,2% | 69,8% | 80,6% |
syriaque_Serto | 23 | 72,1% | 82,0% | 85,8% | 89,8% |
Tengwar | 25 | 67,7% | 76,4% | 82,5% | 85,5% |
Tibétain | 42 | 81,8% | 80,2% | 84,3% | 81,9% |
ULOG | 26 | 53,3% | 77,1% | 73,0% | 89,1% |
--Moyenne-- | 75,0% | 82,5% | 82,4% | 85,7% |
La surface de perte de MCL est plus similaire à l'entropie croisée (CE) que celle de KCL. Empiriquement, MCL a convergé plus rapidement que KCL. Pour plus de détails, veuillez vous référer au document ICLR.
title = {Learning to Cluster for Proposal-Free Instance Segmentation},
author = {Yen-Chang Hsu, Zheng Xu, Zsolt Kira, Jiawei Huang},
booktitle = {accepted to the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)},
year = {2018},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.06459}
Ce travail a été soutenu par la National Science Foundation et la National Robotics Initiative (subvention n° IIS-1426998) et le programme Lifelong Learning Machines (L2M) de la DARPA, dans le cadre de l'accord de coopération HR0011-18-2-001.