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" stft": "stnm"; p.efhd=p.pehi>=0?"stft": "stnm"; } else p.efsh=p.efhd="stnm"; ; } fonction stm_bpx(l,r,a) { var p=eval(r); stm_bp(l,a.concat(p.args.slice(a.length))); st_ci =st_ms[st_cm].ps[st_cp].is.length; var m=st_ms[st_cm]; var[st_cp] si(a[0]==6)[st_ci] = { ssiz:a[1], ibgc:[a[2]], simg:stbuf(stgsrc(a[3],m,1)), simw:a[4], simh:a[5], simb : a[6], args:a.slice(0) }; else[st_ci]= { itex:a[0]?a[1]:a[1].replace(new RegExp(" ", " g"),nMAC?" ":" "), iimg:[stbuf(stgsrc(a[2],m,0)),stbuf(stgsrc(a[3],m,0 ) )], iimw:a[4], iimh:a[5], iimb:a[6], iurl:a[7], itgt:a[8], istt:a[9], itip:a[ 10 ], iicn:[stbuf(stgsrc(a[11],m,1)),stbuf(stgsrc(a[12],m,1))], iicw:a[13], iich:a[14] , iicb:a[15], iarr:[stbuf(stgsrc(a[16],m,1)),stbuf(stgsrc(a[17],m,1))], iarw:a[18], iarh : a[19], iarb:a[20], ihal:stHAL[a[21]], ival:stVAL[a[22]], ibgc:nOP5&&nVER<7.0&&a[24]&&a[26]?["transparent " ,"transparent"]:[nOP5&&nVER<7.0||!a[24]?a[23]:"transparent",nOP5&&nVER<7.0||!a[26]?a[25]:"transparent"], ibgi : [stbuf(stgsrc(a[27],m,0)),stbuf(stgsrc(a[28],m,0))], ibgr:[stREP[a[29]],stREP[a[30] ] ], ibds:stBDS[a[31]], ipbw:a[32], ibdc:(!nDM||nNN4)?[a[33].split(st_rsp)[0],a[34].split ( st_rsp)[0]]:[a[33],a[34]], itxc:[a[35],a[36]], itxf:[a[37],a[38]], itxd : [ stgdec(a[39]),stgdec(a[40])], args:a.slice(0) }; var it=st_ms[st_cm].ps[st_cp].is[st_ci]; un [0]; it.mei=st_cm; it.ppi=st_cp; it.iti=st_ci; it.ids=p.ids+st_ci+"e"; it .ityp!=6) it.ibgd=[stgbg(it.ibgc[0],it.ibgi[0],it.ibgr[0]),stgbg(it.ibgc[1],it.ibgi[1 ] ,it.ibgr[1])]; eval(l+"=it;"); } function stm_aix(l,r,a) { var i=eval(r); args .slice(a.length))); } function stm_ep() { var m=st_ms[st_cm]; var[st_cp]; je .mei; st_cp=i.ppi; st_ci=i.iti; } if( {; if(i) i.sub=null; stm_em () { var m=st_ms[st_cm]; if( { st_ms.length--; var mh=""; css '>n"; var l=nDM?; for(var ppi=0;ppi<l;ppi++) { var[ppi]; var ph=stpbtx(p ) ; if(p.isst&&m.maln!="left") ph="<TABLE STYLE='border:none;padding:0px;' CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN="+m.maln+"><Classe TD = st_tdcss>"+ph; for(var iti=0;iti<;iti++) { var[iti]; var ih=""; ih+=p.pver ? "<TR ID ="+i.ids+"TR>" : ""; ih+=stittx(i); ih+=(p.pver ? "</TR>" : ""); ph+=ih; if(i.ityp! = 6) { mc+="."+i.ids+"TX0{"+sttcss(i,0)+"}n"; mc+="."+i.ids+"TX1{"+sttcss(i,1 ) +"}n"; } } ph+=stpetx(p); if(p.isst&&m.maln!="gauche") ph+="</TD></TABLE>" si(p.isst|| nNN4 ||!nDM) mh+=ph; else st_ht+=ph; } mc+="</STYLE>" if(!nDM||nNN4) document.write(mc); ; if(nDM&&!(nIEM||(nIEW&&nVER<5.0))) { if(st_ht) { var o=stgobj('st_gl'+st_gc,'font'); ( nIE&&nVER>=5.0) o.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",st_ht); else o.document.write(st_ht); st_ht='' } if(!nOP&&!nNN) stpre(m); st_cp =0;st_ci=0; } function stpbtx(p) { var s=""; if(nNN4||!nDM) { s+=p.isst?"<ILAYER":"<LAYER"; = cacher"; s+=" ID="+p.ids; s+=" Z-INDEX="+p.zind; s+="><LAYER>"; s+="<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING= " +p.pspc; s+=" FOND='"+p.pbgi+"'"; s+=" BGCOLOR="+(p.pbgi||p.pbgc=="transparent"?"''":p. pbgc ); s+=">"; } else { ds+="position:"+stT2P[p.ppi?1:stgme(p).mtyp]+";"; . zind+";"; ds+="visibilité:caché;"; s+=st_ttb ? " ID="+p.ids; s+=" STYLE='"; if(nIEM) s+="largeur:1px;"; sinon if(nIE) s+="largeur:0px;"; ; s+=ds; s+="'>"; if(st_ttb) s+="<TD class=st_tdcss ID="+p.ids+"TTD>"; s+="<TABLE class=st_tbcss CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 " ; s+=" ID="+p.ids+"TB"; s+=" STYLE='"; s+=stpcss(p); if(nIEW) s+="margin:"+p.psds+"px;"; s+ ="'>"; } return s; } function stpetx(p) { var s="</TABLE>" if(nNN4||!nDM) s+="</LAYER></LAYER>"; if (st_ttb) s+="</TD></TABLE>"; else s+="</DIV>"; return s; fonction stittx(i) { var s=""; ; if(nNN4||!nDM) { s+="<TD WIDTH=1 NOWRAP>"; s+="<FONT STYLE='font-size:1pt;'>"; ids+"><COUCHE"; if(i.ipbw&&i.ityp!=6) s+=" BGCOLOR="+i.ibdc[0]; ? 2:1);l++) { if(i.ityp==6&&l) break; s+="<LAYER Z-INDEX=10 VISIBILITY="+(l?"HIDE":"SHOW"); ityp !=6) { s+=" LEFT="+i.ipbw+" TOP="+i.ipbw; } s+=">"; s+="<TABLE ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING ="+(i.ityp==6 ? 0 : p.ppad); s+=" BACKGROUND='"+(i.ityp!=6?i.ibgi[l]:"")+"'"; s+ =" BGCOLOR="+(i.ityp!=6&&i.ibgi[l]||i.ibgc[l]=="transparent"?"''":i.ibgc[l]) s+=">" ; if(i.ityp==6) { s+="<TD NOWRAP VALIGN=TOP"+ " HEIGHT="+(p.pver ? i.ssiz : "100%")+ " WIDTH="+(p. pver ? "100%" : i.ssiz)+ " STYLE='font-size:0pt;'"+ ">"; s+=stgimg(i.simg,i.ids+"LINE",i.simw,i. simh ,0); s+="</TD>"; autre { if(p.pver&&p.plmw||!p.pver&&i.iicw) { s+="<TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE"; ( je); s+=">"; s+=stgimg(i.iicn[l],"",i.iicw,i.iich,i.iicb); s+="</TD>"; < TD WIDTH=100% NOWRAP ALIGN="+i.ihal+" VALIGN="+i.ival+">"; s+="<A "+stgurl(i)+" CLASS='"+(i.ids+"TX " +l)+"'>"; if(i.ityp==2) s+=stgimg(i.iimg[l],i.ids+"IMG",i.iimw,i.iimh,i.iimb); else { s+="<IMG SRC=""+stgme(i).mbnk+"" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 BORDER=0 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE>" s+=i.itex; > "; s+="</TD>"; if(p.pver&&p.prmw||!p.pver&&i.iarw) { s+="<TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE"; s+=stgaws(i); s+ = ">"; s+=stgimg(i.iarr[l],"",i.iarw,i.iarh,i.iarb); s+="</TD>" } } s+="</TABLE> " ; if(i.ipbw&&i.ityp!=6) s+="<BR CLEAR=ALL><SPACER HEIGHT=1 WIDTH="+i.ipbw+"></SPACER><SPACER WIDTH=1 HEIGHT="+i . ipbw+"></SPACER>"; s+="</LAYER>"; } if(i.ityp!=6) s+="<COUCHE Z-INDEX=20></LAYER>"; / LAYER></ILAYER>" s+="</FONT>"; s+="</TD>"; } else { s+="<TD class=st_tdcss NOWRAP VALIGN="+(nIE ? "MIDDLE" : " TOP "); s+=" STYLE='" s+="padding:"+p.pspc+"px;"; s+="'"; s+=" ID="+p.ids+i.iti; if(nIEW ) s+=" HAUTEUR=100%"; s+=">"; if(!nOP&&!nIE) { s+="<DIV class=st_divcss ID="+i.ids; STYLE =""+sticss(i,0); s+="""; s+=">"; } s+="<TABLE class=st_tbcss CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0"; if(!nOP) s+= " HAUTEUR=100%"; s+=" STYLE=""; si(nOP||nIE) s+=sticss(i,0); s+=""" si(nOP||nIE) s+=stitev( je ); if(p.pver||nIEM) s+=" LARGEUR=100%"; s+=" ID="+(nOP||nIE ? i.ids : (i.ids+"TB")); ! nOP) s+=" TITRE="+stquo(i.ityp!=6 ? i.itip : ""); s+=">" si(i.ityp==6) { s+="<classe TD= st_tdcss NOWRAP VALIGN=TOP"+ " ID="+i.ids+"MTD"+ " HEIGHT="+(p.pver ? i.ssiz : "100%")+ " WIDTH="+(p.pver ? " 100 %" : i.ssiz)+ ">"; s+=stgimg(i.simg,i.ids+"LINE",i.simw,i.simh,0); s+="</TD>"; } else { if(p.pver&&p.plmw||!p.pver&&i.iicw) { s+="<TD class=st_tdcss NOWRAP ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE HEIGHT=100%" s+=" STYLE="padding:"+ p .ppad+"px""; s+=" ID="+i.ids+"LTD"; s+=stgiws(i); s+=">"; s+=stgimg(i.iicn[0],i.ids+ " ICÔNE",i.iicw,i.iich,i.iicb); s+="</TD>"; s+="<TD class=st_tdcss NOWRAP HEIGHT=100% STYLE=""; s+="couleur : "+i.itxc[0]+";"; s+="padding:"+p.ppad+"px;"; s+="""; s+=" ID="+i.ids+"MTD"; s+ =" ALIGN="+i.ihal; s+=" VALIGN="+i.ival+">"; s+="<FONT class=st_ftcss ID="+i.ids+"TX STYLE=""+sttcss( je ,0)+"">"; if(i.ityp==2) s+=stgimg(i.iimg[0],i.ids+"IMG",i.iimw,i.iimh,i.iimb) ; sinon s+=i.itex; s+="</FONT>"; s+="</TD>"; if(p.pver&&p.prmw||!p.pver&&i.iarw) { s+="<classe TD= st_tdcss NOWRAP ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE HEIGHT=100%"; s+=" STYLE="padding:"+p.ppad+"px""; s+=" ID="+i.ids+"RTD"; s+= stgaws (i); s+=">"; s+=stgimg(i.iarr[0],i.ids+"ARROW",i.iarw,i.iarh,i.iarb); ; } } s+="</TABLE>"; if(!nOP&&!nIE) s+="</DIV>"; s+="</TD>" } fonction stpcss(p) { var s = ""; s+="style de bordure :"+p.pbds+";"; s+="largeur de bordure :"+p.ipbw+"px;"; ; "; if(nIE) s+="background:"+p.pbgd+";"; else { s+="background-color:"+(p.pbgc)+";"; if(p.pbgi) { s+ = "background-image:url("+p.pbgi+");"; s+="background-repeat:"+p.pbgr+";" } } return s; " ; if(nIEW&&(nVER>=5.0||!p.isst)) { var dx=nVER>=5.5?"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." : ""; s+="filter:"; if(nVER> = 5.5) { if(p.pesh!="Normal") s+=p.pesh+" "; else { if(p.pesi<24&&p.pesi>=0) s+="revealTrans(Transition="+p. pesi+ ",Duration="+((110-p.pesp)/100)+") "; } s+=dx+"Alpha(opacity="+p.popc+") " if(p.psds) { if( p .pstp==1) s+=dx+"dropshadow(color="+p.pscl+",offx="+p.psds+",offy="+p.psds+",positive=1) "; " Shadow(color="+p.pscl+",direction=135,strength="+p.psds+") "; } if(nVER>=5.5) { if(p.pehd!="Normal") s+=p . pehd+" "; autre { if(p.pehi<24&&p.pehi>=0) s+="revealTrans(Transition="+p.pehi+",Duration="+((110-p.pesp)/100) + ") "; } s+=";"; } return s; } function stics(i,n) { var s=""; je .ibds+";"; s+="border-width:"+i.ipbw+"px;"; s+="border-color:"+i.ibdc[n]+";"; [ n]) { s+="background-image:url("+i.ibgi[n]+");"; s+="background-repeat:"+i.ibgr[n]+";"; if (nIEM&&i.ityp!=6) s+="background:"+i.ibgd[n]+";" else s+="background-color:"+i.ibgc[n]+";"; " curseur:"+stgcur(i)+";"; return s; } function sttcss(i,n) { var s=""; " font:"+i.itxf[n]+";"; s+="text-decoration:"+i.itxd[n]+";"; if(!nDM||nNN4) s+="couleur d'arrière-plan : transparent;color:"+i.itxc[n]; return s; } function stitov(e,o,i) { if(nIEW) { if(!i.layer) i.layer=o; if(!stgpar ( i).issh||(e.fromElement&&o.contains(e.fromElement))) return; else { if(!stgpar(i).issh||(!nNN&&(e.fromElement&& id .indexOf(i.ids)>=0))) return; } if(nNN4) stglay(i).document.layers[0].captureEvents(Event.CLICK); var m=stgme(i); ! i.ppi&&m.mcff) stfrm(m); var w=m.sfrm; if(w!=window) m=w.stmenu(m.mnam); hdid ); m.hdid=null; } var cii=stgpar(i).citi; var ci=null; ) ; if(!p.isck||stgme(i).cked) { if(!=i.iti) { if(>=0) { sthdit([] ) ;; } stshit(i);; } else { var p=stgtsub(i); si(p&!p.issh) stshit(i); ( i.istt) window.status=i.istt; } function stitou(e,o,i) { if(nIEW) { if(!stgpar(i).issh||e.toElement&&o.contains(e.toElement) ) return; } else { if(!stgpar(i).issh||(!nNN&&(e.toElement&&>=0))) return } if( nNN4 ) stglay(i).document.layers[0].releaseEvents(Event.CLICK); var p=stgtsub(i); if(!p||!p.issh) { stshst(i,0); je ).citi=-1; } else if(p&&p.issh&&!p.exed) sthdit(i); window.status="" } function stitck(e,o,i) { if(e.button&&e.button > =2) return ; var m=stgme(i); var p=stgpar(i); if(p.isck) { m.cked=!m.cked; p .citi=i.iti; } else { sthdit(i);; } } if(!nNN4&&!(p.isck&&stgsub(i))&&i.iurl) { if(i.iurl.toLowerCase ( ).indexOf("javascript:")==0) eval(i.iurl.substring(11,i.iurl.length)); sinon if(i.itgt=="_self") window.location.href= je .iurl; sinon if(i.itgt=="_parent") window.parent.location.href=i.iurl; sinon if(i.itgt=="_top") iurl ; else { for(var co=window;co!=co.parent;co=co.parent) { if(typeof(co.parent.frames[i.itgt])!="undéfini") { co.parent . frames[i.itgt].location.href=i.iurl; return; } },i.itgt } } } function stppov(e,o,p) { if(nIEW) { if(!p.layer) p.layer=o; if(!p.issh||(e.fromElement&&o.contains(e.fromElement))) return } else { if(!p.issh||(! nNN&& (e.fromElement&&>=0))) return } var m=stgme(p); ) m=w.stmenu(m.mnam); if(m.hdid) { w.clearTimeout(m.hdid); m.hdid=null } } function stppou(e,o,p) { if(nIEW) { if(!p.issh||(e.toElement&&o.contains(e.toElement))) return } else { if(!p.issh||(!nNN&&(e.toElement&& . indexOf(p.ids)>=0))) return; } var m=stgme(p); var w=m.sfrm; ( m.hdid) w.clearTimeout(m.hdid); m.hdid=w.setTimeout("sthdall(st_ms['"+m.mei+"'],0);",m.mhdd } function stshst); ( je,n) { if(nNN4) { var ls=stgstlay(i); ls[n].parentLayer.bgColor=i.ibdc[n]; n ].visibility="hide"; } else { var os=stglay(i).style; if(nIEM) { if(i.ibgd[0]!=i.ibgd[1]) os.background=i. ibgd [n]; } else { if(i.ibgc[0]!=i.ibgc[1]) { if(nOP&&nVER<6) os.background=i.ibgc[n]; ibgc [n]; } if(i.ibgi[0]!=i.ibgi[1]) os.backgroundImage="url("+(i.ibgi[n]?i.ibgi[n]:stgme(i ) .mbnk)+")"; if(i.ibgr[0]!=i.ibgr[1]) os.backgroundRepeat=i.ibgr[n] } if(i.ibdc[0]!=i. ibdc [1]) os.borderColor=i.ibdc[n]; var t; if(i.iicn[0]!=i.iicn[1]) { t=stgobj(i.ids+'ICON','IMG ' ); if(t) t.src=i.iicn[n]; } if(i.iarr[0]!=i.iarr[1]) { t=stgobj(i.ids+'ARROW','IMG ' ); si(t) t.src=i.iarr[n]; } if(i.ityp==2&&i.iimg[0]!=i.iimg[1]) { t=stgobj(i.ids+' IMG ','IMG'); if(t) t.src=i.iimg[n]; if (!i.txstyle) i.txstyle=stgobj(i.ids+"TX",'FONT').style ; t=i.txstyle; if(i.itxf[0]!=i.itxf[1]) t.font=i.itxf[n] si(i.itxd[0]!=i.itxd[1 ] ) t.textDecoration=i.itxd[n]; if(nOP) stgobj(i.ids+'MTD','td').style.color=i.itxc[n]; [ n]; } } function stshpp(p) { stshow(p); } function sthdpp(p) { if(>=0) { var t=stgsub([]); ( t&&t.issh) sthdpp(t); stshst([],0);; } sthide(p); fonction stshit(i) { var w=stgme(i) ) .tfrm; var p=stgtsub(i); if(p&&!p.issh) w.stshpp(p); stshst(i,1); ; var p=stgtsub(i); if(p&&p.issh) w.sthdpp(p); stshst(i,0); } function stshow(p) { var d=p.ppi&&stgpar(stgpar(p)).pver ? stgme(p).msdv : stgme(p).msdh; p.exed=0; if(!p.rc) stgxy(p); = null; stwels(1,p) } if(d>0) p.tmid=setTimeout(stsdstr(p,1),d p.issh=1; , 1)); } function sthide(p) { if(p.tmid) { clearTimeout(p.tmid=null; } if(p.issh&&!p.exed) { p.exed=0; p .issh=0; } else { p.exed=0; p.issh=0; eval(stsdstr(p,0)); fonction stshx(p) { var ly=stglay(p); ) { ly.visibility='show'; if(!p.fixed) { ly.resizeBy(p.ipbw*2,p.ipbw*2); ly=ly.document.layers[0]; p .ipbw,p.ipbw); ly.onmouseover=stppovn; ly.onmouseout=stppoun; for(var;l>=0;l--) { var [ l]; if(i.ityp!=6) { var ls=stgstlay(i); ls[2].resizeTo(ls[0].parentLayer.clip.width,ls[0].parentLayer.clip.height ) ; if(stgcur(i)=="main") { with(ls[2].document) { open();"<A "+stgurl(i)+""><IMG BORDER=0 SRC ='"+stgme(i).mbnk+"' WIDTH="+ls[2].clip.width+" HEIGHT="+ls[2].clip.height+"></A>"); close() ; } } ls[0].resizeBy(-i.ipbw,-i.ipbw); ls[1].resizeBy(-i.ipbw,-i.ipbw); 0 ]; ly.onmouseover=stitovn; ly.onmouseout=stitoun; ly.onclick=stitckn; } } if(p.ipbw) setTimeout("var pp=st_ms["+p.mei+"].ps["+p . ppi+"];stglay(pp).bgColor=pp.pbdc;",1); p.fixed=1; } } else {'visible'; Alpha '].opacity=p.popc; } } function sthdx(p) { var ly=stglay(p); if(nNN4) ly.visibility='hide'; ' ].opacity=0;'hidden'; } } function sthdall(m,f) { var w=m.sfrm; var s=w==window?m:w.stmenu(m. mnam ); s.cked=0; var[0]; if(p.issh) { if(>=0) { w.sthdit([]); p .citi=-1; } if(s.mtyp==2&&f) w.sthide(p); } s.hdid=null; } function stnmsh(p) { stmvto(stgxy(p),p); - 1,p); stshx(p); } fonction stnmhd(p) { sthdx(p); stwels(1,p); ( st_reg) eval("try{stshfx(p);} catch(er){st_reg=0;stnmsh(p);}"); else stnmsh(p); ) sthdfx(p); else if(st_reg) eval("try{sthdfx(p);}catch(er){st_reg=0;stnmhd(p);}"); else stnmhd(p); p ) { var t=stglay(p).filters[0]; if(nVER>=5.5) t.enabled=1; if(t.Status!=0) t.stop(); , p); stwels(-1,p); t.apply(); stshx(p);; } function sthdfx(p) { var t=stglay(p).filters[stglay(p) . filters.length-1]; if(nVER>=5.5) t.enabled=1; if(t.Status!=0) t.apply(); , p);; } function ststxy(m,xy) { m.mcox=xy[0]; m.mcoy=xy[1] } function stnav() { var v=navigator.appVersion; var a=navigator.userAgent; nMAC=v.indexOf("Mac")>=0; nOP=a.indexOf("Opera")>=0; indexOf ("Opera")+6,a.length)); nOP5=nVER>=5.12&&!nMAC&&a.indexOf("MSIE 5.0")>=0 si(nVER>=7) nOP5=1; nIE =document.all ? 1 : 0; if(nIE) { nIE4=(eval(v.substring(0,1)>=4)); nVER=parseFloat(a.substring(a.indexOf("MSIE ") + 5,a.length)); nIE5=nVER>=5.0&&nVER<5.5&&!nMAC; nIEM=nIE4&&nMAC; nIEW=nIE4&&!nMAC } else { nNN4=navigator.appName.toLowerCase()=="netscape"&&v; . substring(0,1)=="4" ? 1 : 0; if(!nNN4) { nNN6=(document.getElementsByTagName("*") && a.indexOf("Gecko")!=-1); ( nNN6) { nVER=parseInt(navigator.productSub); if(a.indexOf("Netscape")>=0) { st_delb=nVER<20001108+1; st_addb=nVER>20020512-1 } else { st_delb=nVER; < 20010628+1; st_addb=nVER>20011221-1; } } } else nVER=parseFloat(v); nNN=nNN4||nNN6; } } nDM=nOP5||nIE4||nNN } fonction stckpg() { var w =st_cw; var h=st_ch; var l=st_cl; var t=st_ct(); st_cl=stgcl(); ) ||nNN4)&&(st_cw-w||st_ch-h)) document.location.reload(); else if(st_cl-l||st_ct-t) stscr( } function st_onload() { if(nIEM) |nOP5||nNN||(nIEW&&nVER<5.0)) { if(st_ht) document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd',st_ht); for(i=0;i<st_ms.length;i++) stpre(st_ms[ je ]); } st_load=1; if(!nNN4) { for(var i=0;i<st_ms.length;i++) { var m=st_ms[i]; ps .length;j++) { var[j]; if(p.issh&&p.exed) stwels(-1,p } } } } function stpre(m) { var[ m .ps.length-1]; var[]; while(1) if(stglay(i)) break if(!nNN4) stfix(m); m .mtyp!=2) stshow([0]); if(nIE||nNN6) window.onscroll=new Function("if(st_scr)clearTimeout(st_scr);st_scr=setTimeout('stscr(); ' ,nIEM ?500:0);"); sinon if(!st_rl) { st_cw=stgcw(); st_ch=stgch(); st_cl=stgcl(); st_ct=stgct(); st_rl=setInterval("stckpg( ) ;",500); } m.ready=1; } function stfix(m) { for(var l=0;l<;l++) { var[l]; if ( nOP&&nVER<6.0) stglay(p).style.pixelWidth=parseInt(stgobj(p.ids+"TB",'table').style.pixelWidth); if(nIE5) stglay(p).style.width=stglay( p .offsetWidth; else if(nIEM||!nIE) { if(!p.pver) { var ii=0; var fi=stgobj(p.ids+ii); var h=parseInt(nOP ? . pixelHeight : fi.offsetHeight); if(h) { for(ii=0;ii<;ii++) { var[ii]; var th=h-2*p.pspc; if(nOP) lys.pixelHeight=th; else if(i.ityp==6||nIE) lys.height=th+'px'; 2 *i.ipbw+'px'; if(nIEM) { var fh=h-2*p.pspc; var lt=stgobj(i.ids+"LTD"); ; if(lt)'px'; stgobj(i.ids+"MTD").style.height=fh+'px'; } } } } else if(nOP) { for(var ii=0;ii<;ii++) { var[ii] si(i.ityp!=6) { var fi = stgobj(p.ids+ii); var it=stglay(i); var w=parseInt(; var h=parseInt(; pixelWidth =w-2*p.pspc; if(h); } } } } } } function stscr() { for(var l=0;l<st_ms.length;l++) { var m =st_ms[l]; if(m) { sthdall(m,0); if(m.mtyp==1) { var[0]; m .ps[0]),p); stwels(-1,p); } } } } function stwels(c,p) { var m=stgme(p); | p.isst) return; if(m.mhds&&!nNN6) stwtag("SELECT",c,p); if(m.mhdo) stwtag("OBJECT",c,p); ! (nIEW&&nVER>=5.5)) stwtag("IFRAME",c,p); } function stwtag(tg,c,o) { var es=nNN6 ? document.getElementsByTagName(tg) : document.all.tags(tg) ; var l; for(l=0;l<es.length;l++) { var e=es.item(l); var f=0; ) if("Stm")>=0) f=1; if(f) continue else if(stwover(e,o)) { if(e.visLevel) e.visLevel+= c ; else e.visLevel=c; if(e.visLevel==-1) { if(typeof(e.visSave)=='undefined') " caché"; } else if(e.visLevel==0); } } } function stmvto(xy,p) { if(xy&&(p.ppi||stgme(p). mtyp !=0)) { var l=stglay(p); if(nNN4) l.moveToAbsolute(xy[0],xy[1]); = xy[0]; ls.pixelTop=xy[1]; autre { var; ; } p.rc=[xy[0],xy[1],p.rc[2],p.rc[3]]; } } //plus de javascript sur : stsdstr (p,iss) { return "var pp=st_ms["+p.mei+"].ps["+p.ppi+"];pp.tmid=null;"+(iss? p.efsh+"sh(" : p.efhd+"hd(")+"pp);pp.exed=1;" } function stwover(e,o) { var l=0; var w=e.offsetWidth; e .offsetHeight; if(w) e._wd=w; else w=e._wd; if(h) e._ht=h; else h=e._ht; = e.offsetTop; e=e.offsetParent; } return ((l<o.rc[2]+o.rc[0]) && (l+w>o.rc[0]) && (t<o. rc [3]+o.rc[1]) && (t+h>o.rc[1])); } function stevfn(pr,isi) { var s=isi 'st_ri' : 'st_rp'; = '.exec(;mei=RegExp.$1;ppi=parseInt(RegExp.$2);'; if(isi) s+='iti=parseInt(RegExp.$3);return '+pr+' ( e,this,st_ms[mei].ps[ppi].is[iti]);'; else s+='return '+pr+'(e,this,st_ms[mei].ps[ppi]);'; return new Function('e',s); } function stppev(p) { var s=" onMouseOver='stppov(event,this,st_ms["+p.mei+"].ps["+p.ppi+"] ) ;'"; s+=" onMouseOut='stppou(event,this,st_ms["+p.mei+"].ps["+p.ppi+"]);'"; return s; } function stitev(i) { if(i.ityp==6) return ''; var s=" onMouseOver='stitov(event,this,st_ms["+i.mei+"].ps["+i.ppi+"].is[" + i.iti+"]);'"; s+=" onMouseOut='stitou(event,this,st_ms["+i.mei+"].ps["+i.ppi+"].is["+i.iti+ " ]);'"; s+=" onClick='stitck(event,this,st_ms["+i.mei+"].ps["+i.ppi+"].is["+i.iti+"]); ' "; return s; } function stquo(n) { return """+n+"""; } function stgurl(i) { return " HREF=" + stquo(i.iurl=="" ? "# " : i.iurl.replace(new RegExp(""","g"),""")) + " TARGET=" + stquo(i.iurl==""||i.iurl.toLowerCase( ) .indexOf('javascript:')==0 ? "_self" : i.itgt); } //plus de javascript sur : function stgdec(v) { if(v) { var s =''; if(v&1) s+='underline '; if(v&2) s+='line-through '; if(v&4) s+='overline'; ( src,id,w,h,b) { var s='<IMG SRC='; s+=stquo(src); si(id) s+=' ID='+id; ' LARGEUR='+w; sinon si(nNN) s+=' LARGEUR=0'; si(h>0) s+=' HAUTEUR='+h; ' BORDER='+b+'>'; return s; } function stgbg(c,im,r) { var s=c; if(im) s+=" url("+im+") "+r; } function stgcur(i) { if(nNN6) return "default"; return i.ityp!=6&&((i.ppi==0&&stgme(i).mcks&&stgsub(i))||i.iurl) ? : "par défaut"; } function stgiws(o) { if(stgpar(o).pver) return stgpar(o).plmw>0 ? " LARGEUR="+(stgpar(o).plmw+2) : ""; sinon return o.iicw>0 ? " WIDTH="+(o.iicw+2) : ""; } function stgaws(o) { if(stgpar(o).pver) return stgpar(o).prmw>0 ? " WIDTH="+(stgpar(o).prmw+2) : ""; sinon return o.iarw>0 ? " WIDTH="+(o.iarw+2) : "" } function stgme(ip) { return st_ms[ip.mei]; } function stgpar(ip) { if(typeof(ip.iti)!="undefined") return st_ms[ip.mei].ps[ip.ppi]; ? null : st_ms[ip.par[0]].ps[ip.par[1]].is[ip.par[2]]; function stgsub(i) { return !i.sub null : st_ms[ je .sub[0]].ps[i.sub[1]]; } function stgcl() { return parseInt(nNN||nOP ? window.pageXOffset : document.body.scrollLeft } function stgct() { return); parseInt (nNN||nOP ? window.pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop); } function stgcw() { return parseInt(nNN||nOP ? window.innerWidth : (nIEW&&document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement. clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth)); } function stgch() { return parseInt(nNN||nOP ? window.innerHeight : (nIEW&&document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight) ) ; } function stgobj(id,t) { if(nNN6) return document.getElementById(id); else if(nNN4) return document.layers[id] else return t document.all.tags(t)[id ; ] : document.all[id]; } function stglay(ip) { if(!ip.layer) { if(typeof(ip.iti)=='undefined') ip.layer=stgobj(ip.ids,st_ttb ? ' table' : 'div'); sinon ip.layer=nNN4 ? stglay(stgpar(ip)).document.layers[0].document.layers[ip.ids] : stgobj(ip.ids,nIEW ? 'table ' : null); } return ip.layer; } function stgstlay(i) { return stglay(i).document.layers[0].document.layers; } function stgrc(ip) { if(nNN4) { var ly= stglay (ip); return [ly.pageX,ly.pageY,ly.clip.width,ly.clip.height]; autre { var l=0,t=0; var ly=stglay(ip); = typeof(ip.rc)=="undefined"?parseInt(nOP&&nVER<7?[2]; " ?parseInt(nOP&&nVER<7?[3]; while(ly) { l+=parseInt(ly.offsetLeft); t+=parseInt(ly.offsetTop); ly = ly.offsetParent; } if(nIEM) { l+=parseInt(document.body.leftMargin); l-=ip.ipbw t-=ip.ipbw; ) { if(st_delb) { l-=ip.ipbw; t-=ip.ipbw; } if(st_addb) { l+=stgpar(ip).ipbw; t+=stgpar(ip).ipbw; , t,w,h]; } } function stgxy(p) { var x=p.poffx; var y=p.poffy; var sr=stgrc(p); = 0) { if(stgme(p).mtyp==2) return [stgme(p).mcox,stgme(p).mcoy] sinon if(stgme(p).mtyp==1) return [eval( stgme (p).mcox),eval(stgme(p).mcoy)]; sinon return [sr[0],sr[1]]; var ir=stgirc(stgpar(p)); ) ; var ct=stgct(); var cr=cl+stgcw(); var cb=ct+stgch(); if(p.pdir==1) x=p.poffx+ir[0]-sr[2 ] +p.psds; sinon if(p.pdir==2) x=p.poffx+ir[0]+ir[2]-p.psds; sinon x=p.poffx+ir[0]-p. psds ; if(x+sr[2]>cr) x=cr-sr[2]; if(x<cl) x=cl; if(p.pdir==3) y=p.poffy+ir[1 ] -sr[3]+p.psds; sinon if(p.pdir==4) y=p.poffy+ir[1]+ir[3]-p.psds; 1 ]-p.psds; if(y+sr[3]>cb) y=cb-sr[3]; if(y<ct) y=ct; { if(s) { var i=new Image(); st_ims[st_ims.length]=i; i.src=s } return s; ' ) return f ? m.mbnk : ''; var sr=s.toLowerCase(); if(sr.indexOf('http://')==0||(sr.indexOf(':')== 1&&sr .charCodeAt(0)>96&&sr.charCodeAt(0)<123)||sr.indexOf('ftp://')==0||sr.indexOf('/')==0||sr.indexOf ( 'gopher')==0) return s; sinon return m.mweb+s; } function showFloatMenuAt(n,x,y) { if(nDM) { var m=stmenu(n); prêt )!="undéfini"&&m.mtyp==2&&![0].issh) { ststxy(m,[x,y]); stshow([0] } } } function hideMenu(n) { var m=stmenu(n); var w=m.sfrm; if(w!=window) m=w.stmenu(n); m .hdid); m.hdid=null; } w.sthdall(m,1); } function stmenu(n) { for(var l=st_ms.length-1;l>=0;l--) st_ms [l].mnam==n) return st_ms[l]; return null; function stgtsub(i) { var m=stgme(i); var w=m.tfrm; = fenêtre) return stgsub(i); m=w.stmenu(m.mnam); return w.stgsub([i.ppi].is[i.iti] } function stgirc(i) { var m =stgme(i); var w=m.sfrm; if(i.ppi||w==window) return stgrc(i); m=w.stmenu(m.mnam); m .ps[0].is[i.iti]); var x=rc[0]-w.stgcl(); var y=rc[1]-w.stgct(); cas 0:y-=w.stgch();break; cas 1:y+=stgch();break; cas 2:x-=w.stgcw();break; cas 3:x+=stgcw();break; } x+=stgcl()+m.mcfx; y+=stgct()+m.mcfy; return [x,y,rc[2],rc[3]]; mcff .split("."); var w="top"; for(var l=0;l<a.length-1;l++) if(typeof(eval(w+"."+a[l])) = ="non défini") return 0; w=eval("top."+m.mcff); if(typeof(w.st_load)!="undéfini"&&w.st_load) { var t=w.stmenu(m. mnam ); if(typeof(t)=="objet") { if(w!=window) { if(t.mhdd<1000) m.mhdd=t.mhdd=1000; hideMenu(m.mnam); sfrm=t.sfrm=window; m.tfrm=t.tfrm=w; } m.mcff=""; return 1; } stm_bm(['menu19f1',400,'','/ u /info_img/2009-06/20/blank.gif',0,'','',0,0,0,0,50,1,0,0]); 4 ,0,0,0,3,0,0,100,'',-2,'',-2,90,0,0,'#7f7f7f','#000000','',3,0,0 , '#000000']); stm_ai('p0i0',[0,'Celebrity Star','','',-1,-1,0,' / index.htm','_self','','','','',0,0,0,'','' , 0,0,0,0,1,'#000000',0,'#000000',0,'','',3,3,0,0,'#ffffff','#666666',' # ffffff','#ffffff','9pt 宋体','9pt 宋体',0,0]); 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[0, 'Domestic Animation', '', '', - 1, -1,0, 'http: //']); ',' p1i0 ', [0,' Animation japonaise et coréenne ',' ',' ', - 1, -1,0,' http: // ']); / Comic / EUC / index. / html / comic / oc / index.htm ']); , [0, «Film and Drama», '', '', - 1, -1,0, 'http: //' ,'_fel's : // /html/movie/index.htm ']); PROGID: DxiageTransform.Microsoft.wipe (GradientSize = 1,0, Wipeyle = 0, Motion = Forward, activé = 0, durée = 0,52) ', 6,' ', - 2,58,0,0,' # 7f7f7f ',' #ffffff ',' ', 3, 1,1]); html / film / cnm / index.htm ']); 1, -1,0, 'http: / /']); Télévision ',' ',' ', - 1, -1, 0,' http: // ']); , 'p0i0', [0, '|']); / ',' _ self ',' http: // ']); ', [1,4,0,0,0,3, 0,0,83,' PROGID: DxiageTransform.Microsoft.wipe (GradientSize = 1,0, Wipeyle = 0, Motion = Forward, Activé = 0, durée = 0,52) ', 6,' ', - 2,58,0,0,' # 7f7f7f ',' # ffffff ',' ', 3,1,1]); 'Jeu solo', '', '', - 1, - 1,0, 'http: //']); 'p1i0', [0, 'TV Game', '', '', -1, -1,0, 'http: //']); STM_AIX ('P1I2', 'P1I0', [0, 'Games Online', '', '', - 1, -1,0, 'http: // .htm ']); 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