A url, search string, or path to a local CSV file.
Run --help "input" to view the accepted inputs.
Can also be passed with -i, --input
--user Soulseek username
--pass Soulseek password
Max concurrent downloads (default: 2)
--write-playlist Create an m3u playlist file in the output directory
--playlist-path Override default path for m3u playlist file
--no-skip-existing Do not skip downloaded tracks
--no-write-index Do not create a file indexing all downloaded tracks
--index-path Override default path for sldl index
--skip-check-cond Check file conditions when skipping existing files
--skip-check-pref-cond Check preferred conditions when skipping existing files
--skip-music-dir Also skip downloading tracks found in a music library by
comparing filenames. Not 100% reliable.
--skip-not-found Skip searching for tracks that weren't found on Soulseek
during the last run.
--listen-port Port for incoming connections (default: 49998)
--on-complete Run a command whenever a file is downloaded.
Available placeholders: {path} (local save path), {title},
Prepend a state number to only run in specific cases:
1:, 2:, 3:, 4: for the Downloaded, Failed, Exists, and
NotFoundLastTime states respectively.
E.g: '1:' will only run the command if the file is
downloaded successfully. Prepend 's:' to use the system
shell to execute the command.
Number of fails to downrank a user's shares (default: 1)
--fails-to-ignore Number of fails to ban/ignore a user's shares (default: 2)
--yt-dlp Use yt-dlp to download tracks that weren't found on
Soulseek. yt-dlp must be available from the command line.
--yt-dlp-argument The command line arguments when running yt-dlp. Default:
"{id}" -f bestaudio/best -cix -o "{savepath}.%(ext)s"
Available vars are: {id}, {savedir}, {savepath} (w/o ext).
Note that -x causes yt-dlp to download webms in case ffmpeg
is unavailable.
--search-timeout Max search time in ms (default: 6000)
--max-stale-time Max download time without progress in ms (default: 50000)
--searches-per-time Max searches per time interval. Higher values may cause
30-minute bans, see --help "search". (default: 34)
--searches-renew-time Controls how often available searches are replenished.
See --help "search". (default: 220)">
--fast-search Begin downloading as soon as a file satisfying the preferred
conditions is found. Only for normal download mode.
--remove-ft Remove 'feat.' and everything after before searching
--no-remove-special-chars Do not remove special characters before searching
--remove-brackets Remove square brackets and their contents before searching
--regex Remove a regexp from all track titles and artist names.
Optionally specify a replacement regex after a semicolon.
Add 'T:', 'A:' or 'L:' at the start to only apply this to
the track title, artist, or album respectively.
--artist-maybe-wrong Performs an additional search without the artist name.
Useful for sources like SoundCloud where the "artist"
could just be an uploader. Note that when downloading a
YouTube playlist via url, this option is set automatically
on a per-track basis, so it is best kept off in that case.
-d, --desperate Tries harder to find the desired track by searching for the
artist/album/title only, then filtering. (slower search)
--fails-to-downrank Number of fails to downrank a user's shares (default: 1)
--fails-to-ignore Number of fails to ban/ignore a user's shares (default: 2)
--yt-dlp Use yt-dlp to download tracks that weren't found on
Soulseek. yt-dlp must be available from the command line.
--yt-dlp-argument The command line arguments when running yt-dlp. Default:
"{id}" -f bestaudio/best -cix -o "{savepath}.%(ext)s"
Available vars are: {id}, {savedir}, {savepath} (w/o ext).
Note that -x causes yt-dlp to download webms in case ffmpeg
is unavailable.
--search-timeout Max search time in ms (default: 6000)
--max-stale-time Max download time without progress in ms (default: 50000)
--searches-per-time Max searches per time interval. Higher values may cause
30-minute bans, see --help "search". (default: 34)
--searches-renew-time Controls how often available searches are replenished.
See --help "search". (default: 220)
--youtube-key Youtube data API key
--get-deleted Attempt to retrieve titles of deleted videos from wayback
machine. Requires yt-dlp.
--deleted-only Only retrieve & download deleted music.
CSV ファイルのオプション
--artist-col Artist column name
--title-col Track title column name
--album-col Album column name
--length-col Track length column name
--album-track-count-col Album track count column name (sets --album-track-count)
--yt-desc-col Youtube description column (improves --yt-parse)
--yt-id-col Youtube video id column (improves --yt-parse)
--time-format Time format in Length column of the csv file (e.g h:m:s.ms
for durations like 1:04:35.123). Default: s
--yt-parse Enable if the CSV contains YouTube video titles and channel
names; attempt to parse them into title and artist names.
--remove-from-source Remove downloaded tracks from source CSV file
--format Accepted file format(s), comma-separated, without periods
--length-tol Length tolerance in seconds
--min-bitrate Minimum file bitrate
--max-bitrate Maximum file bitrate
--min-samplerate Minimum file sample rate
--max-samplerate Maximum file sample rate
--min-bitdepth Minimum bit depth
--max-bitdepth Maximum bit depth
--strict-title File name must contain title
--strict-artist File path must contain artist name
--strict-album File path must contain album name
--banned-users Comma-separated list of users to ignore
--pref-format Preferred file format(s), comma-separated (default: mp3)
--pref-length-tol Preferred length tolerance in seconds (default: 3)
--pref-min-bitrate Preferred minimum bitrate (default: 200)
--pref-max-bitrate Preferred maximum bitrate (default: 2500)
--pref-min-samplerate Preferred minimum sample rate
--pref-max-samplerate Preferred maximum sample rate (default: 48000)
--pref-min-bitdepth Preferred minimum bit depth
--pref-max-bitdepth Preferred maximum bit depth
--pref-banned-users Comma-separated list of users to downrank
--strict-conditions Skip files with missing properties instead of accepting by
default; if --min-bitrate is set, ignores any files with
unknown bitrate.
アルバムのダウンロード オプション
-a, --album Album download mode: Download a folder
-t, --interactive Interactive mode, allows to select the folder and images
--album-track-count Specify the exact number of tracks in the album. Add a + or
- for inequalities, e.g '5+' for five or more tracks.
Retrieve additional images after downloading the album:
'default': No additional images
'largest': Download from the folder with the largest image
'most': Download from the folder containing the most images
--album-art-only Only download album art for the provided album
--no-browse-folder Do not automatically browse user shares to get all files in
in the folder
--failed-album-path Path to move all album files to when one of the items from
the directory fails to download. Set to 'delete' to delete
the files instead. Set to 'disable' keep it where it is.
Default: {configured output dir}/failed
-g, --aggregate Aggregate download mode: Find and download all distinct
songs associated with the provided artist, album, or title.
--aggregate-length-tol Max length tolerance in seconds to consider two tracks or
albums equal. (Default: 3)
--min-shares-aggregate Minimum number of shares of a track or album for it to be
downloaded in aggregate mode. (Default: 2)
--relax-filtering Slightly relax file filtering in aggregate mode to include
more results
artist First artist (from the file tags)
sartist Source artist (as on CSV/Spotify/YouTube/etc)
artists Artists, joined with '&'
albumartist First album artist
albumartists Album artists, joined with '&'
title Track title
stitle Source track title
album Album name
salbum Source album name
year Track year or date
track Track number
disc Disc number
filename Soulseek filename without extension
foldername Soulseek folder name
extractor Name of the extractor used (CSV/Spotify/YouTube/etc)
default-folder Default sldl folder name (usually the playlist name)
profile-cond = interactive && download-mode == "album"
max-stale-time = 999999
# album downloads will never be automatically cancelled in interactive mode
profile-cond = input-type == "youtube"
path = ~/downloads/sldl-youtube
# download to another location for youtube