Grounding Image Matching in 3D with MASt3R
[プロジェクトページ]、[MASt3R arxiv]、[DUSt3R arxiv]
@misc { mast3r_arxiv24 ,
title = { Grounding Image Matching in 3D with MASt3R } ,
author = { Vincent Leroy and Yohann Cabon and Jerome Revaud } ,
year = { 2024 } ,
eprint = { 2406.09756 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.CV }
@inproceedings { dust3r_cvpr24 ,
title = { DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy } ,
author = { Shuzhe Wang and Vincent Leroy and Yohann Cabon and Boris Chidlovskii and Jerome Revaud } ,
booktitle = { CVPR } ,
year = { 2024 }
コードは CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて配布されます。詳細については、「ライセンス」を参照してください。
# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only).
git clone --recursive
cd mast3r
# if you have already cloned mast3r:
# git submodule update --init --recursive
conda create -n mast3r python=3.11 cmake=3.14.0
conda activate mast3r
conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia # use the correct version of cuda for your system
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dust3r/requirements.txt
# Optional: you can also install additional packages to:
# - add support for HEIC images
# - add required packages for
pip install -r dust3r/requirements_optional.txt
# DUST3R relies on RoPE positional embeddings for which you can compile some cuda kernels for faster runtime.
cd dust3r/croco/models/curope/
python build_ext --inplace
cd ../../../../
チェックポイントは次の 2 つの方法で取得できます。
Huggingface_hub 統合を使用できます。モデルは自動的にダウンロードされます。
モデル名 | トレーニングの決意 | 頭 | エンコーダ | デコーダ |
MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric | 512x384、512x336、512x288、512x256、512x160 | 猫MLP+DPT | ヴィットエル | ViT-B |
これらのモデルのトレーニングに使用したハイパーパラメーターは、セクションで確認できます。 ハイパーパラメーター 使用したデータセットのライセンスを必ず確認してください。
mkdir -p checkpoints/
wget -P checkpoints/
これらのチェックポイントでは、CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 に加えて、使用したすべてのトレーニング データセットのライセンスに必ず同意してください。特に、mapfree データセット ライセンスは非常に制限されています。詳細については、CHECKPOINTS_NOTICE を確認してください。
小さなシーン用の簡略化されたデモで、新しいスパース グローバル アライメントを実行する 1 つのハグフェイス スペースを作成しました: naver/MASt3R ローカルで実行できるデモが 2 つあります。 is the updated demo for MASt3R. It uses our new sparse global alignment method that allows you to reconstruct larger scenes
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric
# Use --weights to load a checkpoint from a local file, eg --weights checkpoints/MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric.pth
# Use --local_network to make it accessible on the local network, or --server_name to specify the url manually
# Use --server_port to change the port, by default it will search for an available port starting at 7860
# Use --device to use a different device, by default it's "cuda" is the same demo as in dust3r (+ compatibility for MASt3R models)
see for details
NVIDIA CUDA サポートを含め、Docker を使用して MASt3R を実行するには、次の手順に従います。
Docker をインストールする: まだインストールされていない場合は、Docker Web サイトからdocker
とdocker compose
NVIDIA Docker Toolkit をインストールする: GPU をサポートするには、Nvidia Web サイトから NVIDIA Docker ツールキットをインストールします。
Docker イメージをビルドして実行します。 cd
cd docker
bash --with-cuda --model_name= " MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric "
または、CUDA サポートなしでデモを実行する場合は、次のコマンドを実行します。
cd docker
bash --model_name= " MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric "
にアクセスして Web UI にアクセスします (または、ネットワークからアクセスするには、 localhost
docker-compose-cuda.yml または docker-compose-cpu.ym 構成ファイルを使用して docker-compose を起動し、 を使用してデモを開始します。
from mast3r . model import AsymmetricMASt3R
from mast3r . fast_nn import fast_reciprocal_NNs
import mast3r . utils . path_to_dust3r
from dust3r . inference import inference
from dust3r . utils . image import load_images
if __name__ == '__main__' :
device = 'cuda'
schedule = 'cosine'
lr = 0.01
niter = 300
model_name = "naver/MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric"
# you can put the path to a local checkpoint in model_name if needed
model = AsymmetricMASt3R . from_pretrained ( model_name ). to ( device )
images = load_images ([ 'dust3r/croco/assets/Chateau1.png' , 'dust3r/croco/assets/Chateau2.png' ], size = 512 )
output = inference ([ tuple ( images )], model , device , batch_size = 1 , verbose = False )
# at this stage, you have the raw dust3r predictions
view1 , pred1 = output [ 'view1' ], output [ 'pred1' ]
view2 , pred2 = output [ 'view2' ], output [ 'pred2' ]
desc1 , desc2 = pred1 [ 'desc' ]. squeeze ( 0 ). detach (), pred2 [ 'desc' ]. squeeze ( 0 ). detach ()
# find 2D-2D matches between the two images
matches_im0 , matches_im1 = fast_reciprocal_NNs ( desc1 , desc2 , subsample_or_initxy1 = 8 ,
device = device , dist = 'dot' , block_size = 2 ** 13 )
# ignore small border around the edge
H0 , W0 = view1 [ 'true_shape' ][ 0 ]
valid_matches_im0 = ( matches_im0 [:, 0 ] >= 3 ) & ( matches_im0 [:, 0 ] < int ( W0 ) - 3 ) & (
matches_im0 [:, 1 ] >= 3 ) & ( matches_im0 [:, 1 ] < int ( H0 ) - 3 )
H1 , W1 = view2 [ 'true_shape' ][ 0 ]
valid_matches_im1 = ( matches_im1 [:, 0 ] >= 3 ) & ( matches_im1 [:, 0 ] < int ( W1 ) - 3 ) & (
matches_im1 [:, 1 ] >= 3 ) & ( matches_im1 [:, 1 ] < int ( H1 ) - 3 )
valid_matches = valid_matches_im0 & valid_matches_im1
matches_im0 , matches_im1 = matches_im0 [ valid_matches ], matches_im1 [ valid_matches ]
# visualize a few matches
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision . transforms . functional
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
n_viz = 20
num_matches = matches_im0 . shape [ 0 ]
match_idx_to_viz = np . round ( np . linspace ( 0 , num_matches - 1 , n_viz )). astype ( int )
viz_matches_im0 , viz_matches_im1 = matches_im0 [ match_idx_to_viz ], matches_im1 [ match_idx_to_viz ]
image_mean = torch . as_tensor ([ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ], device = 'cpu' ). reshape ( 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 )
image_std = torch . as_tensor ([ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ], device = 'cpu' ). reshape ( 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 )
viz_imgs = []
for i , view in enumerate ([ view1 , view2 ]):
rgb_tensor = view [ 'img' ] * image_std + image_mean
viz_imgs . append ( rgb_tensor . squeeze ( 0 ). permute ( 1 , 2 , 0 ). cpu (). numpy ())
H0 , W0 , H1 , W1 = * viz_imgs [ 0 ]. shape [: 2 ], * viz_imgs [ 1 ]. shape [: 2 ]
img0 = np . pad ( viz_imgs [ 0 ], (( 0 , max ( H1 - H0 , 0 )), ( 0 , 0 ), ( 0 , 0 )), 'constant' , constant_values = 0 )
img1 = np . pad ( viz_imgs [ 1 ], (( 0 , max ( H0 - H1 , 0 )), ( 0 , 0 ), ( 0 , 0 )), 'constant' , constant_values = 0 )
img = np . concatenate (( img0 , img1 ), axis = 1 )
pl . figure ()
pl . imshow ( img )
cmap = pl . get_cmap ( 'jet' )
for i in range ( n_viz ):
( x0 , y0 ), ( x1 , y1 ) = viz_matches_im0 [ i ]. T , viz_matches_im1 [ i ]. T
pl . plot ([ x0 , x1 + W0 ], [ y0 , y1 ], '-+' , color = cmap ( i / ( n_viz - 1 )), scalex = False , scaley = False )
pl . show ( block = True )
このセクションでは、MASt3R のトレーニングを開始するための短いデモを紹介します。
DUSt3R の「データセット」セクションを参照してください。
DUSt3R トレーニング デモと同様に、CO3Dv2 (クリエイティブ コモンズ表示 - 非営利 4.0 インターナショナル) の同じサブセットをダウンロードして準備し、その上でトレーニング コードを起動します。 DUSt3R とまったく同じプロセスです。デモ モデルは、非常に小さなデータセットで数エポックにわたってトレーニングされます。あまり良くないでしょう。
# download and prepare the co3d subset
mkdir -p data/co3d_subset
cd data/co3d_subset
git clone
cd co3d
python3 ./co3d/ --download_folder ../ --single_sequence_subset
rm ../ * .zip
cd ../../..
python3 datasets_preprocess/ --co3d_dir data/co3d_subset --output_dir data/co3d_subset_processed --single_sequence_subset
# download the pretrained dust3r checkpoint
mkdir -p checkpoints/
wget -P checkpoints/
# for this example we'll do fewer epochs, for the actual hyperparameters we used in the paper, see the next section: "Our Hyperparameters"
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4
--train_dataset " 1000 @ Co3d(split='train', ROOT='data/co3d_subset_processed', aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, aug_rot90='diff', mask_bg='rand', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5, transform=ColorJitter) "
--test_dataset " 100 @ Co3d(split='test', ROOT='data/co3d_subset_processed', resolution=(512,384), n_corres=1024, seed=777) "
--model " AsymmetricMASt3R(pos_embed='RoPE100', patch_embed_cls='ManyAR_PatchEmbed', img_size=(512, 512), head_type='catmlp+dpt', output_mode='pts3d+desc24', depth_mode=('exp', -inf, inf), conf_mode=('exp', 1, inf), enc_embed_dim=1024, enc_depth=24, enc_num_heads=16, dec_embed_dim=768, dec_depth=12, dec_num_heads=12, two_confs=True) "
--train_criterion " ConfLoss(Regr3D(L21, norm_mode='?avg_dis'), alpha=0.2) + 0.075*ConfMatchingLoss(MatchingLoss(InfoNCE(mode='proper', temperature=0.05), negatives_padding=0, blocksize=8192), alpha=10.0, confmode='mean') "
--test_criterion " Regr3D_ScaleShiftInv(L21, norm_mode='?avg_dis', gt_scale=True, sky_loss_value=0) + -1.*MatchingLoss(APLoss(nq='torch', fp=torch.float16), negatives_padding=12288) "
--pretrained " checkpoints/DUSt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_dpt.pth "
--lr 0.0001 --min_lr 1e-06 --warmup_epochs 1 --epochs 10 --batch_size 4 --accum_iter 4
--save_freq 1 --keep_freq 5 --eval_freq 1 --disable_cudnn_benchmark
--output_dir " checkpoints/mast3r_demo "
すべてのトレーニング データセットをリリースしたわけではありませんが、モデルのトレーニングに使用したコマンドは次のとおりです。
# MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric - train mast3r with metric regression and matching loss
# we used cosxl to generate variations of DL3DV: "foggy", "night", "rainy", "snow", "sunny" but we were not convinced by it.
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8
--train_dataset "57_000 @ Habitat512(1_000_000, split='train', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 68_400 @ BlendedMVS(split='train', mask_sky=True, resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 68_400 @ MegaDepth(split='train', mask_sky=True, resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 45_600 @ ARKitScenes(split='train', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 22_800 @ Co3d(split='train', mask_bg='rand', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 22_800 @ StaticThings3D(mask_bg='rand', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 45_600 @ ScanNetpp(split='train', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 45_600 @ TartanAir(pairs_subset='', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 4_560 @ UnrealStereo4K(resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 1_140 @ VirtualKitti(optical_center_is_centered=True, resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 22_800 @ WildRgbd(split='train', mask_bg='rand', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 145_920 @ NianticMapFree(split='train', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 57_000 @ DL3DV(split='nlight', resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 57_000 @ DL3DV(split='not-nlight', cosxl_augmentations=None, resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5) + 34_200 @ InternalUnreleasedDataset(resolution=[(512, 384), (512, 336), (512, 288), (512, 256), (512, 160)], aug_crop='auto', aug_monocular=0.005, transform=ColorJitter, n_corres=8192, nneg=0.5)"
--test_dataset " Habitat512(1_000, split='val', resolution=(512,384), seed=777, n_corres=1024) + 1_000 @ BlendedMVS(split='val', resolution=(512,384), mask_sky=True, seed=777, n_corres=1024) + 1_000 @ ARKitScenes(split='test', resolution=(512,384), seed=777, n_corres=1024) + 1_000 @ MegaDepth(split='val', mask_sky=True, resolution=(512,336), seed=777, n_corres=1024) + 1_000 @ Co3d(split='test', resolution=(512,384), mask_bg='rand', seed=777, n_corres=1024) "
--model " AsymmetricMASt3R(pos_embed='RoPE100', patch_embed_cls='ManyAR_PatchEmbed', img_size=(512, 512), head_type='catmlp+dpt', output_mode='pts3d+desc24', depth_mode=('exp', -inf, inf), conf_mode=('exp', 1, inf), enc_embed_dim=1024, enc_depth=24, enc_num_heads=16, dec_embed_dim=768, dec_depth=12, dec_num_heads=12, two_confs=True, desc_conf_mode=('exp', 0, inf)) "
--train_criterion " ConfLoss(Regr3D(L21, norm_mode='?avg_dis'), alpha=0.2, loss_in_log=False) + 0.075*ConfMatchingLoss(MatchingLoss(InfoNCE(mode='proper', temperature=0.05), negatives_padding=0, blocksize=8192), alpha=10.0, confmode='mean') "
--test_criterion " Regr3D(L21, norm_mode='?avg_dis', gt_scale=True, sky_loss_value=0) + -1.*MatchingLoss(APLoss(nq='torch', fp=torch.float16), negatives_padding=12288) "
--pretrained " checkpoints/DUSt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_dpt.pth "
--lr 0.0001 --min_lr 1e-06 --warmup_epochs 8 --epochs 50 --batch_size 4 --accum_iter 2
--save_freq 1 --keep_freq 5 --eval_freq 1 --print_freq=10 --disable_cudnn_benchmark
--output_dir " checkpoints/MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric "
DUSt3R の Visloc セクションを参照
を使用すると、アーヘン-昼-夜、InLoc、ケンブリッジのランドマーク、および 7 シーンで視覚的なローカリゼーション実験を実行できます。
# Aachen-Day-Night-v1.1:
# scene in 'day' 'night'
# scene can also be 'all'
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocAachenDayNight('/path/to/prepared/Aachen-Day-Night-v1.1/', subscene=' ${scene} ', pairsfile='fire_top50', topk=20) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/Aachen-Day-Night-v1.1/ ${scene} /loc
# or with coarse to fine:
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocAachenDayNight('/path/to/prepared/Aachen-Day-Night-v1.1/', subscene=' ${scene} ', pairsfile='fire_top50', topk=20) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/Aachen-Day-Night-v1.1/ ${scene} /loc --coarse_to_fine --max_batch_size 48 --c2f_crop_with_homography
# InLoc
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocInLoc('/path/to/prepared/InLoc/', pairsfile='pairs-query-netvlad40-temporal', topk=20) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/InLoc/loc
# or with coarse to fine:
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocInLoc('/path/to/prepared/InLoc/', pairsfile='pairs-query-netvlad40-temporal', topk=20) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/InLoc/loc --coarse_to_fine --max_image_size 1200 --max_batch_size 48 --c2f_crop_with_homography
# 7-scenes:
# scene in 'chess' 'fire' 'heads' 'office' 'pumpkin' 'redkitchen' 'stairs'
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocSevenScenes('/path/to/prepared/7-scenes/', subscene=' ${scene} ', pairsfile='APGeM-LM18_top20', topk=1) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/7-scenes/ ${scene} /loc
# Cambridge Landmarks:
# scene in 'ShopFacade' 'GreatCourt' 'KingsCollege' 'OldHospital' 'StMarysChurch'
python3 --model_name MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric --dataset " VislocCambridgeLandmarks('/path/to/prepared/Cambridge_Landmarks/', subscene=' ${scene} ', pairsfile='APGeM-LM18_top50', topk=20) " --pixel_tol 5 --pnp_mode poselib --reprojection_error_diag_ratio 0.008 --output_dir /path/to/output/Cambridge_Landmarks/ ${scene} /loc