duckduckgo ai chat
英語 | 中国語
duckduckgo-ai-chat は、gpt-4o-mini を無料で使用できる JavaScript/TypeScript 用の Duckduckgo AI Chat API を提供します。
npx jsr add @mumulhl/duckduckgo-ai-chat
# or
pnpm dlx jsr add @mumulhl/duckduckgo-ai-chat
# or
yarn dlx jsr add @mumulhl/duckduckgo-ai-chat
# or
deno add jsr:@mumulhl/duckduckgo-ai-chat
import { initChat } from "@mumulhl/duckduckgo-ai-chat" ;
// Initialize, optional models are gpt-4o-mini, claude-3-haiku, llama, mixtral
const chat = await initChat ( "gpt-4o-mini" ) ;
// Fetch the full reply in one go
let message = await chat . fetchFull ( "Hello" ) ;
console . log ( message )
// Redo
chat . redo ( )
message = await chat . fetchFull ( "Hello" ) ;
console . log ( message )
// Fetch the streamed reply
const stream = chat . fetchStream ( "Hello" ) ;
for await ( let data of stream ) {
console . log ( data )