ClassicASP Master Library
このリポジトリに含まれる主な見出しと詳細。一部のコード サンプルとコメントは完全ではない可能性があります。横のチェックボックスにチェックを入れます。
Uses the System.Collections.ArrayList object to sort the array.
Check this repo for ready Class : [Sorting Class for ClassicASP](
MyArray = Array ( 1 , 5 , 9 , 7 , 3 , 2 )
tmp_data = MyArray
Response . Write " <h4>Default Array</h4> "
Response . Write Join (tmp_data) & " <hr> "
' OUTPUT: 1 5 9 7 3 2
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, " ASC " )
Response . Write " <h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4> "
Response . Write Join (tmp_data) & " <hr> "
' OUTPUT: 1 2 3 5 7 9
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, " DESC " )
Response . Write " <h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4> "
Response . Write Join (tmp_data) & " <hr> "
' OUTPUT: 9 7 5 3 2 1
Uses Native Javascript runat Server method and return object exist. If object exist, return true, else return false value.
Set Checker = New CheckerClass
' Not Exist Class: SomeClass
' ------------------------------------
Set objClass = Eval ( " New SomeClass " )
If Checker.ClassExist(objClass) = True Then
Response . Write " <span style= "" color:green "" >Exist</span><br> "
Response . Write " <span style= "" color:red "" >Not Exist</span><br> "
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
' Not Exist Property in Class: SomeClass.SomeProperty
' ------------------------------------
Set objClass = Eval ( " New SomeClass " )
If Checker.ObjectExist(objClass, " SomeProperty " ) = True Then
Response . Write " <span style= "" color:green "" >Exist</span><br> "
Response . Write " <span style= "" color:red "" >Not Exist</span><br> "
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
Set Checker = Nothing
It shows making a MySQL database connection and spreading a table to the screen with a loop.
Demo Not found!
Set rsObj = Conn.Execute( " SELECT * FROM tbl_name ORDER BY col_name ASC " )
If rsObj.Eof Then
' No Record Found in tbl_name
Do While Not rsObj.Eof
' Your Looping Code
rsObj.MoveNext : Loop
End If
rsObj.Close : Set rsObj = Nothing
How do I make a connection to a MySQL database using ASP?
On Error Resume Next
' Define Your DB Conneciton
Const conn_db_name = " your_db_name "
Const conn_db_user = " your_db_user "
Const conn_db_pass = " your_db_pass "
Const conn_db_addr = " your_db_address " ' Usually localhost but use for performance
' Set Conn object to db
Set Conn = Server . CreateObject ( " ADODB.Connection " )
Conn.Open = " DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};database= " & Db & " ;server= " & ServerIP & " ;uid= " & User & " ;password= " & Pass & " ; "
Conn.Execute " SET NAMES 'utf8mb4' "
Conn.Execute " SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 "
Conn.Execute " SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8mb4_general_ci' "
If Err <> 0 Then
Response . Write " Database connection failed. Check your conn_ information "
Repsonse. End
End If
' Do Some Stuff With Your DB. Can access db object via 'Conn' object
' Release Connection Object
Set Conn = Nothing
How do I determine the date is weekend or weekday?
IsWeekend( Date ()) ' return true Or false
If IsWeekend( Date ()) = True Then
Response . Write " Yes, It's weekend "
Response . Write " No, It's weekday "
End If