PyMC (旧名 PyMC3) は、高度なマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ (MCMC) および変分推論 (VI) アルゴリズムに焦点を当てたベイズ統計モデリング用の Python パッケージです。その柔軟性と拡張性により、大規模な一連の問題に適用できます。
PyMC の概要、または多くの例の 1 つを確認してください。 PyMC に関する質問については、PyMC 談話フォーラムにアクセスしてください。
x ~ N(0,1)
x = Normal('x',0,1)
import pymc as pm
# Taking draws from a normal distribution
seed = 42
x_dist = pm . Normal . dist ( shape = ( 100 , 3 ))
x_data = pm . draw ( x_dist , random_seed = seed )
# Independent Variables:
# Sunlight Hours: Number of hours the plant is exposed to sunlight daily.
# Water Amount: Daily water amount given to the plant (in milliliters).
# Soil Nitrogen Content: Percentage of nitrogen content in the soil.
# Dependent Variable:
# Plant Growth (y): Measured as the increase in plant height (in centimeters) over a certain period.
# Define coordinate values for all dimensions of the data
coords = {
"trial" : range ( 100 ),
"features" : [ "sunlight hours" , "water amount" , "soil nitrogen" ],
# Define generative model
with pm . Model ( coords = coords ) as generative_model :
x = pm . Data ( "x" , x_data , dims = [ "trial" , "features" ])
# Model parameters
betas = pm . Normal ( "betas" , dims = "features" )
sigma = pm . HalfNormal ( "sigma" )
# Linear model
mu = x @ betas
# Likelihood
# Assuming we measure deviation of each plant from baseline
plant_growth = pm . Normal ( "plant growth" , mu , sigma , dims = "trial" )
# Generating data from model by fixing parameters
fixed_parameters = {
"betas" : [ 5 , 20 , 2 ],
"sigma" : 0.5 ,
with pm . do ( generative_model , fixed_parameters ) as synthetic_model :
idata = pm . sample_prior_predictive ( random_seed = seed ) # Sample from prior predictive distribution.
synthetic_y = idata . prior [ "plant growth" ]. sel ( draw = 0 , chain = 0 )
# Infer parameters conditioned on observed data
with pm . observe ( generative_model , { "plant growth" : synthetic_y }) as inference_model :
idata = pm . sample ( random_seed = seed )
summary = pm . stats . summary ( idata , var_names = [ "betas" , "sigma" ])
print ( summary )
パラメータ | 平均 | SD | hdi_3% | hdi_97% | mcse_mean | mcse_sd | ess_bulk | ess_tail | r_hat |
ベータ[日照時間] | 4.972 | 0.054 | 4.866 | 5.066 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 3003 | 1257 | 1 |
ベータ[水分量] | 19.963 | 0.051 | 19.872 | 20.062 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 3112 | 1658年 | 1 |
ベータ[土壌窒素] | 1.994 | 0.055 | 1.899 | 2.107 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 3221 | 1559年 | 1 |
シグマ | 0.511 | 0.037 | 0.438 | 0.575 | 0.001 | 0 | 2945 | 1522 | 1 |
# Simulate new data conditioned on inferred parameters
new_x_data = pm . draw (
pm . Normal . dist ( shape = ( 3 , 3 )),
random_seed = seed ,
new_coords = coords | { "trial" : [ 0 , 1 , 2 ]}
with inference_model :
pm . set_data ({ "x" : new_x_data }, coords = new_coords )
pm . sample_posterior_predictive (
idata ,
predictions = True ,
extend_inferencedata = True ,
random_seed = seed ,
pm . stats . summary ( idata . predictions , kind = "stats" )
出力 | 平均 | SD | hdi_3% | hdi_97% |
植物の成長[0] | 14.229 | 0.515 | 13.325 | 15.272 |
植物の成長[1] | 24.418 | 0.511 | 23.428 | 25.326 |
植物の成長[2] | -6.747 | 0.511 | -7.740 | -5.797 |
# Simulate new data, under a scenario where the first beta is zero
with pm . do (
inference_model ,
{ inference_model [ "betas" ]: inference_model [ "betas" ] * [ 0 , 1 , 1 ]},
) as plant_growth_model :
new_predictions = pm . sample_posterior_predictive (
idata ,
predictions = True ,
random_seed = seed ,
pm . stats . summary ( new_predictions , kind = "stats" )
出力 | 平均 | SD | hdi_3% | hdi_97% |
植物の成長[0] | 12.149 | 0.515 | 11.193 | 13.135 |
植物の成長[1] | 29.809 | 0.508 | 28.832 | 30.717 |
植物の成長[2] | -0.131 | 0.507 | -1.121 | 0.791 |
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私たちは、メインのコミュニケーション チャネルとして を使用しています。
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Apache ライセンス、バージョン 2.0
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PyMC は、NumFOCUS 傘下の非営利プロジェクトです。 PyMC を経済的にサポートしたい場合は、ここから寄付できます。
PyMC Labs から専門的なコンサルティング サポートを受けることができます。