PHP 用の Python スタイルdecorator
PHP 8.1以降
composer require sagittaracc/php-python- decorator
メソッドの実行にかかる時間。 Timer
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator decorator ;
class Calc
use decorator ;
function sum ( $ a , $ b )
sleep ( 1 );
return $ a + $ b ;
$ calc = new Calc ();
echo call_ decorator _func_array ([ $ calc , ' sum ' ], [ 1 , 2 ]); // Total execution: 1.00034234 ms; Result: 3
$ timerOnSum = ( new Timer )-> wrapper ( fn ( $ a , $ b ) => $ calc -> sum ( $ a , $ b ));
echo $ timerOnSum ( 1 , 2 ); // Total execution: 1.00034234 ms; Result: 3
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator decorator ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator modules generics aliases T ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator modules validation core validators ArrayOf ;
class Box
use decorator ;
public $ items ;
public function addItem (#[T] $ item )
$ this -> items [] = $ item ;
$ box = new Box ();
$ box (Pen::class); // new Box<Pen>();
call_ decorator _func_array ([ $ box , ' addItem ' ], [ new Pencil ]); // throws a GenericError
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator decorator ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests examples Progress ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests validators Length ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests validators SerializeOf ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests validators In ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests validators LessThan ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator tests validators UInt8 ;
class Progress
use decorator ;
public $ max ;
#[LessThan( ' max ' )]
public $ pos ;
#[In( ' progress ' , ' finish ' , ' aborted ' )]
public $ status ;
#[Length( 32 )]
public string $ caption ;
$ progress = new Progress ();
set_ decorator _prop ( $ progress , ' max ' , 255 ); // max uint8 - 255
set_ decorator _prop ( $ progress , ' pos ' , 100 ); // should be less than max
set_ decorator _prop ( $ progress , ' status ' , ' progress ' ); // status is one of possible cases (progress, finish or aborted)
set_ decorator _prop ( $ progress , ' caption ' , ' in progress ... ' ); // just a string (max length is 32)
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator decorator ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator modules rpc core Rpc ;
class Controller
use decorator ;
public function sum ( $ a , $ b )
return $ a + $ b ;
$ requestBody = file_get_contents ( ' php://input ' );
$ controller = new Controller ();
$ controller ( $ requestBody );
$ curl -d " { " id " :1, " method " : " sum " , " params " :[1,4]} " http://localhost:4000
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator decorator ;
use Sagittaracc PhpPython decorator modules console core Console ;
class Controller
use decorator ;
#[Console( ' hello ' )]
function greetingPerson ( $ name )
return " Hello, $ name " ;
php index.php -c hello --name Yuriy
次に、 index.php
( new Console ( ' hello ' ))-> setParameters ([ ' name ' => ' Yuriy ' ])-> getMethod (Controller::class)-> run ();