我々は、単語の辞書定義のモデリングを通じて、単語のさまざまな分散ベクトル表現を評価するためのツールを提供する、最近導入された定義モデリング手法を検討します。この研究では、定義モデリングにおける単語の曖昧さの問題を研究し、潜在変数モデリングとソフト アテンション メカニズムを採用することで考えられる解決策を提案します。モデルの定量的および定性的な評価と分析により、単語の曖昧さと多義性を考慮することがパフォーマンスの向上につながることがわかりました。
author = "Gadetsky, Artyom and Yakubovskiy, Ilya and Vetrov, Dmitry",
title = "Conditional Generators of Words Definitions",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
pages = "266--271",
location = "Melbourne, Australia",
url = "http://aclweb.org/anthology/P18-2043"
Python 3.6
Pytorch 0.4
Numpy 1.14
Tqdm 4.23
Gensim 3.4
公式サイトから Julia 0.6 バイナリをダウンロードし、~/.bashrc にエイリアスを追加します。
alias julia='JULIA_BINARY_PATH/bin/julia'
source ~/.bashrc
使用して ~/.bashrc をリロードします
次に、 julia
を使用して julia インタープリタをアクティブ化し、次のパッケージをインストールします。
次に ~/.bashrc を追加します
source ~/.bashrc
Mosesdecoder (BLEU 用) をインストールするには、公式サイトの指示に従ってください
言語モデル (LM) 事前トレーニング用のデータを取得するには:
cd pytorch-definitions
mkdir data
cd data
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/research.metamind.io/wikitext/wikitext-103-v1.zip
unzip wikitext-103-v1.zip
Google word Vectorのデータを取得するには公式サイトをご利用ください。 .bin.gz ファイルが必要です。ダウンロードしたファイルをgunzip
ご要望に応じて、適応型スキップグラム ベクトルをご利用いただけます。公式リポジトリの手順を使用して独自のトレーニングを行うこともできます
Oxford Dictionaries の配布ライセンスにより、定義モデリング データはリクエストに応じて入手できます。自分でコレクションすることもできます。独自に収集したい場合は、train、test、val の 3 つのデータ分割を準備する必要があります。各データ分割は、json ファイルとして保存された次の形式の Python 配列です。
data = [
["word1", "word2", ...],
["word1", "word2", ...]
So i-th element of the data:
data[i][0][0] - word being defined (string)
data[i][1] - definition (list of strings)
data[i][2] - context to understand word meaning (list of strings)
python prep_vocab.py
を使用します。 usage: prep_vocab.py [-h] --defs DEFS [DEFS ...] [--lm LM [LM ...]] [--same]
--save SAVE [--save_context SAVE_CONTEXT] --save_chars
Prepare vocabularies for model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--defs DEFS [DEFS ...]
location of json file with definitions.
--lm LM [LM ...] location of txt file with text for LM pre-training
--same use same vocab for definitions and contexts
--save SAVE where to save prepaired vocabulary (for words from
--save_context SAVE_CONTEXT
where to save vocabulary (for words from contexts)
--save_chars SAVE_CHARS
where to save char vocabulary (for chars from all
python prep_w2v.py
を使用します。 usage: prep_w2v.py [-h] --defs DEFS [DEFS ...] --save SAVE [SAVE ...] --w2v
Prepare word vectors for Input conditioning
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--defs DEFS [DEFS ...]
location of json file with definitions.
--save SAVE [SAVE ...]
where to save files
--w2v W2V location of binary w2v file
julia prep_ada.jl
を使用します。 usage: prep_ada.jl --defs DEFS [DEFS...] --save SAVE [SAVE...]
--ada ADA [-h]
Prepare word vectors for Input-Adaptive conditioning
optional arguments:
--defs DEFS [DEFS...]
location of json file with definitions.
--save SAVE [SAVE...]
where to save files
--ada ADA location of AdaGram file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python prep_embedding_matrix.py
使用し、 train.py
として保存された重みへのパスを使用します。 usage: prep_embedding_matrix.py [-h] --voc VOC --w2v W2V --save SAVE
Prepare word vectors for embedding layer in the model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--voc VOC location of model vocabulary file
--w2v W2V location of binary w2v file
--save SAVE where to save prepaired matrix
python train.py
を使用します。 usage: train.py [-h] [--pretrain] --voc VOC [--train_defs TRAIN_DEFS]
[--eval_defs EVAL_DEFS] [--test_defs TEST_DEFS]
[--input_train INPUT_TRAIN] [--input_eval INPUT_EVAL]
[--input_test INPUT_TEST]
[--input_adaptive_train INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TRAIN]
[--input_adaptive_eval INPUT_ADAPTIVE_EVAL]
[--input_adaptive_test INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TEST]
[--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC] [--ch_voc CH_VOC]
[--train_lm TRAIN_LM] [--eval_lm EVAL_LM] [--test_lm TEST_LM]
[--bptt BPTT] --nx NX --nlayers NLAYERS --nhid NHID
--rnn_dropout RNN_DROPOUT [--use_seed] [--use_input]
[--use_input_adaptive] [--use_input_attention]
[--n_attn_embsize N_ATTN_EMBSIZE] [--n_attn_hid N_ATTN_HID]
[--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT] [--attn_sparse] [--use_ch]
[--ch_emb_size CH_EMB_SIZE]
[--ch_feature_maps CH_FEATURE_MAPS [CH_FEATURE_MAPS ...]]
[--ch_kernel_sizes CH_KERNEL_SIZES [CH_KERNEL_SIZES ...]]
[--use_hidden] [--use_hidden_adaptive]
[--use_hidden_attention] [--use_gated] [--use_gated_adaptive]
[--use_gated_attention] --lr LR --decay_factor DECAY_FACTOR
--decay_patience DECAY_PATIENCE --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE --clip CLIP --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
--exp_dir EXP_DIR [--w2v_weights W2V_WEIGHTS]
[--fix_embeddings] [--fix_attn_embeddings] [--lm_ckpt LM_CKPT]
[--attn_ckpt ATTN_CKPT]
Script to train a model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pretrain whether to pretrain model on LM dataset or train on
--voc VOC location of vocabulary file
--train_defs TRAIN_DEFS
location of json file with train definitions.
--eval_defs EVAL_DEFS
location of json file with eval definitions.
--test_defs TEST_DEFS
location of json file with test definitions
--input_train INPUT_TRAIN
location of train vectors for Input conditioning
--input_eval INPUT_EVAL
location of eval vectors for Input conditioning
--input_test INPUT_TEST
location of test vectors for Input conditioning
--input_adaptive_train INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TRAIN
location of train vectors for InputAdaptive
--input_adaptive_eval INPUT_ADAPTIVE_EVAL
location of eval vectors for InputAdaptive
--input_adaptive_test INPUT_ADAPTIVE_TEST
location test vectors for InputAdaptive conditioning
--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC
location of context vocabulary file
--ch_voc CH_VOC location of CH vocabulary file
--train_lm TRAIN_LM location of txt file train LM data
--eval_lm EVAL_LM location of txt file eval LM data
--test_lm TEST_LM location of txt file test LM data
--bptt BPTT sequence length for BackPropThroughTime in LM
--nx NX size of embeddings
--nlayers NLAYERS number of LSTM layers
--nhid NHID size of hidden states
--rnn_dropout RNN_DROPOUT
probability of RNN dropout
--use_seed whether to use Seed conditioning or not
--use_input whether to use Input conditioning or not
--use_input_adaptive whether to use InputAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use InputAttention conditioning or not
--n_attn_embsize N_ATTN_EMBSIZE
size of InputAttention embeddings
--n_attn_hid N_ATTN_HID
size of InputAttention linear layer
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT
probability of InputAttention dropout
--attn_sparse whether to use sparse embeddings in InputAttention or
--use_ch whether to use CH conditioning or not
--ch_emb_size CH_EMB_SIZE
size of embeddings in CH conditioning
--ch_feature_maps CH_FEATURE_MAPS [CH_FEATURE_MAPS ...]
list of feature map sizes in CH conditioning
--ch_kernel_sizes CH_KERNEL_SIZES [CH_KERNEL_SIZES ...]
list of kernel sizes in CH conditioning
--use_hidden whether to use Hidden conditioning or not
whether to use HiddenAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use HiddenAttention conditioning or not
--use_gated whether to use Gated conditioning or not
--use_gated_adaptive whether to use GatedAdaptive conditioning or not
whether to use GatedAttention conditioning or not
--lr LR initial lr
--decay_factor DECAY_FACTOR
factor to decay lr
--decay_patience DECAY_PATIENCE
after number of patience epochs - decay lr
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
number of epochs to train
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--clip CLIP value to clip norm of gradients to
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
random seed
--exp_dir EXP_DIR where to save all stuff about training
--w2v_weights W2V_WEIGHTS
path to pretrained embeddings to init
--fix_embeddings whether to update embedding matrix or not
whether to update attention embedding matrix or not
--lm_ckpt LM_CKPT path to pretrained language model weights
--attn_ckpt ATTN_CKPT
path to pretrained Attention module
python train.py --voc VOC_PATH --nx 300 --nhid 300 --rnn_dropout 0.5 --lr 0.001 --decay_factor 0.1 --decay_patience 0
--num_epochs 1 --batch_size 16 --clip 5 --random_seed 42 --exp_dir DIR_PATH -bptt 30
--pretrain --train_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_TRAIN --eval_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_EVAL --test_lm PATH_TO_WIKI_103_TEST
たとえば、 Seed + Input
python train.py --voc VOC_PATH --nx 300 --nhid 300 --rnn_dropout 0.5 --lr 0.001 --decay_factor 0.1 --decay_patience 0
--num_epochs 1 --batch_size 16 --clip 5 --random_seed 42 --exp_dir DIR_PATH
--train_defs TRAIN_SPLIT_PATH --eval_defs EVAL_DEFS_PATH --test_defs TEST_DEFS_PATH --use_seed
--use_input --input_train PREPARED_W2V_TRAIN_VECS --input_eval PREPARED_W2V_EVAL_VECS --input_test PREPARED_W2V_TEST_VECS
無条件 LM として事前トレーニングを使用してSeed + Input
モデルをトレーニングするには、事前トレーニングされた LM 重みへのパスを提供しますtrain.py
python generate.py
を使用します。 usage: generate.py [-h] --params PARAMS --ckpt CKPT --tau TAU --n N --length
LENGTH [--prefix PREFIX] [--wordlist WORDLIST]
[--w2v_binary_path W2V_BINARY_PATH]
[--ada_binary_path ADA_BINARY_PATH]
[--prep_ada_path PREP_ADA_PATH]
Script to generate using model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--params PARAMS path to saved model params
--ckpt CKPT path to saved model weights
--tau TAU temperature to use in sampling
--n N number of samples to generate
--length LENGTH maximum length of generated samples
--prefix PREFIX prefix to read until generation starts
--wordlist WORDLIST path to word list with words and contexts
--w2v_binary_path W2V_BINARY_PATH
path to binary w2v file
--ada_binary_path ADA_BINARY_PATH
path to binary ada file
--prep_ada_path PREP_ADA_PATH
path to prep_ada.jl script
python eval.py
を使用します。 usage: eval.py [-h] --params PARAMS --ckpt CKPT --datasplit DATASPLIT --type
TYPE [--wordlist WORDLIST] [--tau TAU] [--n N]
[--length LENGTH]
Script to evaluate model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--params PARAMS path to saved model params
--ckpt CKPT path to saved model weights
--datasplit DATASPLIT
train, val or test set to evaluate on
--type TYPE compute ppl or bleu
--wordlist WORDLIST word list to evaluate on (by default all data will be
--tau TAU temperature to use in sampling
--n N number of samples to generate
--length LENGTH maximum length of generated samples
引数を使用して評価します。python bleu.py
使用して bleu を計算します。 usage: bleu.py [-h] --ref REF --hyp HYP --n N [--with_contexts] --bleu_path
Script to compute BLEU
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ref REF path to file with references
--hyp HYP path to file with hypotheses
--n N --n argument used to generate --ref file using eval.py
--with_contexts whether to consider contexts or not when compute BLEU
--bleu_path BLEU_PATH
path to mosesdecoder sentence-bleu binary
--mode MODE whether to average or take random example per word
python train_attention_skipgram.py
を使用してアテンション モジュールを事前トレーニングすることもできます。train.py
引数として使用します usage: train_attention_skipgram.py [-h] [--data DATA] --context_voc
CONTEXT_VOC [--prepared] --window WINDOW
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED [--sparse]
--vec_dim VEC_DIM --attn_hid ATTN_HID
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT --lr LR
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE --num_epochs
Script to train a AttentionSkipGram model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA path to data
--context_voc CONTEXT_VOC
path to context voc for DefinitionModelingModel is
necessary to save pretrained attention module,
particulary embedding matrix
--prepared whether to prepare data or use already prepared
--window WINDOW window for AttentionSkipGram model
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
random seed for training
--sparse whether to use sparse embeddings or not
--vec_dim VEC_DIM vector dim to train
--attn_hid ATTN_HID hidden size in attention module
--attn_dropout ATTN_DROPOUT
dropout prob in attention module
--lr LR initial lr to use
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size to use
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
number of epochs to train
--exp_dir EXP_DIR where to save weights, prepared data and logs