OnlineJudge 用に構築された複数ページのアプリ。デモ
まず、nodejs v8.12.0をインストールします。
npm install
# we use webpack DllReference to decrease the build time,
# this command only needs execute once unless you upgrade the package in build/webpack.dll.conf.js
export NODE_ENV=development
npm run build:dll
# the dev-server will set proxy table to your backend
export TARGET=http://Your-backend
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
npm install
# we use webpack DllReference to decrease the build time,
# this command only needs execute once unless you upgrade the package in build/webpack.dll.conf.js
set NODE_ENV=development
npm run build:dll
# the dev-server will set proxy table to your backend
set TARGET=http://Your-backend
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
最新のブラウザと Internet Explorer 10 以降。