Master ( 7.11.0
?電子ブックは、REST APIのコード生成に関する初心者向けガイドです。初心者にとって良い出発点ですか?
言語/フレームワーク | |
APIクライアント | ActionScript , Ada , Apex , Bash , C , C# (.net 2.0, 3.5 or later, .NET Standard 1.3 - 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0. Libraries: RestSharp, GenericHost, HttpClient), C++ (Arduino, cpp -restsdk, Qt5, Tizen, Unreal Engine 4), Clojure , Crystal , Dart , Elixir , Elm , Eiffel , Erlang , Go , Groovy , Haskell (http-client, Servant), Java (Apache HttpClient 4.x, Apache HttpClient 5 .x、jersey2.x、okhttp、retrofit1.x、retrofit2.x、feign、rettemplate、resteasy、vertx、google apiクライアントライブラリのJava用のクライアントライブラリ、レストアシェアード、スプリング5 Webクライアント、スプリング6レストクライアント、マイクロプロファイルレストクライアント、ヘリドン), Jetbrains HTTP Client , Julia , k6 , Kotlin , Lua , N4JS , Nim , Node.js/JavaScript (ES5, ES6, AngularJS with Google Closure Compiler annotations, Flow types, Apollo GraphQL DataStore), Objective-C , OCaml , Perl , PHP , PowerShell , Python , R , Ruby , Rust (hyper, reqwest, rust-server), Scala (akka, http4s, scalaz, sttp, swagger-async-httpclient, pekko), Swift (2.x, 3.x , 4.x, 5.x, 6.x), Typescript (AngularJS, Angular (9.x - 18.x), Aurelia, Axios, Fetch, Inversify, jQuery, Nestjs, Node, redux-query, Rxjs), XoJo , Zapier |
サーバースタブ | Ada , C# (ASP.NET Core, Azure Functions), C++ (Pistache, Restbed, Qt5 QHTTPEngine), Erlang , F# (Giraffe), Go (net/http, Gin, Echo), Haskell (Servant, Yesod), Java ( MSF4J, Spring, Undertow, JAX-RS: CDI, CXF, Inflector, Jersey, RestEasy, Play Framework, PKMST, Vert.x, Apache Camel, Helidon), Julia , Kotlin (Spring Boot, Ktor, Vert.x), PHP (Flight, Laravel, Lumen, Mezzio (fka Zend Expressive), Slim, Silex, Symfony), Python (FastAPI, Flask), NodeJS , Ruby (Sinatra, Rails5), Rust (rust-server), Scala (Akka, Finch,ラゴム、プレイ、キャスク、スカラトラ) |
APIドキュメントジェネレーター | HTML , Confluence Wiki , Asciidoc , Markdown , PlantUML |
構成ファイル | apache2 |
その他 | GraphQL , JMeter , Ktorm , MySQL Schema , Postman Collection , Protocol Buffer , WSDL |
Openapiジェネレーターバージョン | 発売日 | メモ |
7.11.0(今後のマイナーリリース)スナップショット | 20.12.2024 | 壊れた変化によるマイナーリリース(フォールバック付き) |
7.10.0(最新の安定したリリース) | 18.11.2024 | 壊れた変化によるマイナーリリース(フォールバック付き) |
6.6.0 | 11.05.2023 | 壊れた変化によるマイナーリリース(フォールバック付き) |
5.4.0 | 31.01.2022 | 壊れた変化によるマイナーリリース(フォールバック付き) |
4.3.1 | 06.05.2020 | パッチリリース(拡張、バグ修正など) |
Openapi Spec互換性:1.0、1.1、1.2、2.0、3.0、3.1(ベータサポート)
For old releases, please refer to the Release page.
あなたは私たちのリリースされたアーティファクトをMaven Centralで見つけることができます:
< dependency >
< groupId >org.openapitools</ groupId >
< artifactId >openapi-generator</ artifactId >
< version >${openapi-generator-version}</ version >
</ dependency >
Maven Centralで利用可能なOpenapi-Generatorアーティファクトのさまざまなバージョンを参照してください。
< dependency >
< groupId >org.openapitools</ groupId >
< artifactId >openapi-generator-cli</ artifactId >
< version >${openapi-generator-version}</ version >
</ dependency >
Maven Centralで利用可能なOpenapi-Generator-Cliアーティファクトのさまざまなバージョンを参照してください。
< dependency >
< groupId >org.openapitools</ groupId >
< artifactId >openapi-generator-maven-plugin</ artifactId >
< version >${openapi-generator-version}</ version >
</ dependency >
< dependency >
< groupId >org.openapitools</ groupId >
< artifactId >openapi-generator-gradle-plugin</ artifactId >
< version >${openapi-generator-version}</ version >
</ dependency >
最新の安定したバージョンを探している場合は、少なくともJava 11ランタイム)から直接入手できます。
JAR location:
For Mac/Linux users:
wget -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
For Windows users, you will need to install wget or you can use Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell (3.0+), eg
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile openapi-generator-cli.jar
After downloading the JAR, run java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help
to show the usage.
For Mac users, please make sure Java 11 is installed (Tips: run java -version
to check the version), and export JAVA_HOME
in order to use the supported Java version:
export JAVA_HOME= ` /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.11 `
export PATH= ${JAVA_HOME} /bin: $PATH
mkdir -p ~/bin/openapitools
curl > ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
chmod u+x ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/openapitools/
Now, openapi-generator-cli
is "installed".呼び出しでは、最近リリースされたバージョンのGitHubリポジトリを照会します。これが最後のダウンロードされたJARと一致する場合、通常どおり実行されます。新しいバージョンが見つかった場合、スクリプトは最新リリースをダウンロードして実行します。
If you need to invoke an older version of the generator, you can define the variable OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION
either ad hoc or globally.特定のリリースバージョンを保持したい場合は、この変数をエクスポートできます。
# Execute latest released openapi-generator-cli
openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.1.0 for the current invocation, regardless of the latest released version
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.1.0 openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT for the current invocation
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.1.0-SNAPSHOT openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.0.2 for every invocation in the current shell session
openapi-generator-cli version # is 4.0.2
openapi-generator-cli version # is also 4.0.2
# To "install" a specific version, set the variable in .bashrc/.bash_profile
echo "export OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.0.2" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
openapi-generator-cli version # is always 4.0.2, unless any of the above overrides are done ad hoc
To build from source, you need the following installed and available in your $PATH:
Java 11
Apache Maven 3.8.8以降(オプション)
./mvnw clean install
mvnw.cmd clean install
nix develop
Java 11がインストールされたシェルを入力します。
direnv allow
and have java
and mvn
set up with correct versions each time you enter project directory.
デフォルトのビルドには、最小限の静的分析が含まれています(CheckStyle経由)。 To run your build with PMD and Spotbugs, use the static-analysis
./mvnw -Pstatic-analysis clean install
mvnw.cmd -Pstatic-analysis clean install
To install, run brew install openapi-generator
openapi-generator generate -i -g ruby -o /tmp/test/
To reinstall with the latest master, run brew uninstall openapi-generator && brew install --HEAD openapi-generator
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk11
export JAVA_HOME= ` /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.11 `
brew install maven
Openapiジェネレーター画像は、スタンドアロン実行可能ファイルとして機能します。 Homebrewを介してインストールする代わりに、またはJavaをインストールできない、またはインストールされたバージョンをアップグレードできない開発者向けに使用できます。
docker run --rm -v " ${PWD} :/local " openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate
-g go
-o /local/out/go
The generated code will be located under ./out/go
in the current directory.
# Start container at port 8888 and save the container id
> CID= $( docker run -d -p 8888:8080 openapitools/openapi-generator-online )
# allow for startup
> sleep 10
# Get the IP of the running container (optional)
GEN_IP= $( docker inspect --format ' {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} ' $CID )
# Execute an HTTP request to generate a Ruby client
> curl -X POST --header ' Content-Type: application/json ' --header ' Accept: application/json '
-d ' {"openAPIUrl": ""} '
' http://localhost:8888/api/gen/clients/ruby '
{ " code " : " c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8 " , " link " : " http://localhost:8888/api/gen/download/c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8 " }
# Download the generated zip file
> wget http://localhost:8888/api/gen/download/c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Unzip the file
> unzip c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Shutdown the openapi generator image
> docker stop $CID && docker rm $CID
You can use
to do all development. This script maps your local repository to /gen
in the docker container. It also maps ~/.m2/repository
to the appropriate container location.
To execute mvn package
git clone
cd openapi-generator
./ mvn package
Once built,
will act as an executable for openapi-generator-cli. To generate code, you'll need to output to a directory under /gen
(eg /gen/out
./ help # Executes 'help' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ list # Executes 'list' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ generate -i modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml
-g go -o /gen/out/go-petstore -p packageName=petstore # generates go client, outputs locally to ./out/go-petstore
If an error like this occurs, just execute the ./mvnw clean install -U command:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.lifecycleexecutionexception:目標org.apache.maven.pluginsの実行に失敗しました:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:プロジェクトOpenapi-Generatorでテスト(デフォルトテスト):タイプの非互換性が発生しました。 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test:java.lang.exceptioninitializererrorはにキャストできません
./ ./mvnw clean install -U
ゴールorg.fortasoft:gradle-maven-plugin:1.0.8:Project Openapi-Generator-Gradle-Plugin-Mvn-Wrapper:org.gradle.tooling.buildexceptionでInvoke(default)を呼び出してください:grandleを使用してビルドを実行できませんでした配布 ''
git clone
cd openapi-generator
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
./ ./mvnw package
また、さまざまなプラットフォーム(Linux、Mac、Windowsなど)で利用できるNPMパッケージラッパーもあります。 (JVMはまだ必要です)詳細については、プロジェクトのReadmeをご覧ください。
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g
openapi-generator-cli version
openapi-generator-cli version-manager set 7.10.0
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -D
You can use locally built JARs or SNAPSHOT
versions as well.
git clone
cd openapi-generator
./mvnw clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate
-g php
-o /var/tmp/php_api_client
(if you're on Windows, replace the last command with java -jar modulesopenapi-generator-clitargetopenapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i -g php -oc:tempphp_api_client
To get a list of general options available, please run java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate
To get a list of PHP specified options (which can be passed to the generator with a config file via the -c
option), please run java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar config-help -g php
./bin/ ./bin/configs/java-okhttp-gson.yaml
(Windowsで、上記のコマンドを実行するためにWindowsのGit Bashをインストールしてください)
This script uses the default library, which is okhttp-gson
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate
-g java
-t modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources/Java
--additional-properties artifactId=petstore-okhttp-gson,hideGenerationTimestamp=true
-o samples/client/petstore/java/okhttp-gson
多くのオプションがあります。 Javaオプションはここに文書化されています。
You can also get the options with the help generate
command (below only shows partial results):
openapi-generator-cli generate - Generate code with the specified
openapi-generator-cli generate
[(-a <authorization> | --auth <authorization>)]
[--api-name-suffix <api name suffix>] [--api-package <api package>]
[--artifact-id <artifact id>] [--artifact-version <artifact version>]
[(-c <configuration file> | --config <configuration file>)] [--dry-run]
[(-e <templating engine> | --engine <templating engine>)]
[(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)]
[--generate-alias-as-model] [--git-host <git host>]
[--git-repo-id <git repo id>] [--git-user-id <git user id>]
[--global-property <global properties>...] [--group-id <group id>]
[--http-user-agent <http user agent>]
[(-i <spec file> | --input-spec <spec file>)]
[--ignore-file-override <ignore file override location>]
[--import-mappings <import mappings>...]
[--instantiation-types <instantiation types>...]
[--invoker-package <invoker package>]
[--language-specific-primitives <language specific primitives>...]
[--legacy-discriminator-behavior] [--library <library>]
[--log-to-stderr] [--minimal-update]
[--model-name-prefix <model name prefix>]
[--model-name-suffix <model name suffix>]
[--model-package <model package>]
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)] [(-p <additional properties> | --additional-properties <additional properties>)...]
[--package-name <package name>] [--release-note <release note>]
[--reserved-words-mappings <reserved word mappings>...]
[(-s | --skip-overwrite)] [--server-variables <server variables>...]
[--skip-validate-spec] [--strict-spec <true/false strict behavior>]
[(-t <template directory> | --template-dir <template directory>)]
[--type-mappings <type mappings>...] [(-v | --verbose)]
-a <authorization>, --auth <authorization>
adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI definitions
remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma
separating multiple values
...... (results omitted)
-v, --verbose
verbose mode
cd samples/client/petstore/java/okhttp-gson
mvn package
Please refer to on how to run and use the openapi-generator-online
- a web service for openapi-generator
When code is generated from this project, it shall be considered AS IS and owned by the user of the software.生成されたコードのために、保証(抽出または黙示的な保証)はありません。あなたはそれで望むことをすることができ、一度生成されると、コードはあなたの責任であり、あなたが適切と思われるライセンス条件の対象となります。
What's the design philosophy or principle behind OpenAPI Generator?
We focus on developer experience. The generators should produce code, config, documentation, and more that are easily understandable and consumable by users. We focused on simple use cases to start with (bottom-up approach). Since then the project and the community have grown a lot: 600k weekly downloads via NPM CLI wrapper, 30M downloads via openapi-generator-cli docker image just to highlight a few. We've gradually supported more features (eg oneOf, anyOf introduced in OpenAPI 3.0) in various generators and we will continue this approach to deliver something based on our understanding of user demand and what they want, and continue to add support of new features introduced in OpenAPI specification (such as v3.1 and future versions of the OpenAPI specification).
OpenAPI Generator core team members are contributors who have been making significant contributions (review issues, fix bugs, make enhancements, etc) to the project on a regular basis.
❤️ = Link to support the contributor directly
NOTE : Embedded templates are only supported in Mustache format. Support for all other formats is experimental and subject to change at any time.
Here is a list of template creators:
❤️ = Link to support the contributor directly
Here are the requirements to become a core team member:
To join the core team, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
To become a Template Creator, simply submit a PR for new API client (eg Rust, Elixir) or server stub (eg Ruby Grape) generator.
Members of the OpenAPI Generator technical committee shoulder the following responsibilities:
Who is eligible? Those who want to join must have at least 3 PRs merged into a generator. (Exceptions can be granted to template creators or contributors who have made a lot of code changes with less than 3 merged PRs)
If you want to join the committee, please kindly apply by sending an email to [email protected] with your Github ID.
Languages/Generators | Member (join date) |
ActionScript | |
エイダ | @stcarrez (2018/02) @michelealbano (2018/02) |
アンドロイド | @jaz-ah (2017/09) |
頂点 | |
バッシュ | @frol (2017/07) @bkryza (2017/08) @kenjones-cisco (2017/09) |
c | @zhemant (2018/11) @ityuhui (2019/12) @michelealbano (2020/03) |
C ++ | @ravinikam (2017/07) @stkrwork (2017/07) @etherealjoy (2018/02) @martindelille (2018/03) @muttleyxd (2019/08) |
C# | @mandrean (2017/08) @shibayan (2020/02) @Blackclaws (2021/03) @lucamazzanti (2021/05) @iBicha (2023/07) |
Clojure | |
結晶 | @cyangle (2021/01) |
ダート | @jaumard (2018/09) @josh-burton (2019/12) @amondnet (2019/12) @sbu-WBT (2020/12) @kuhnroyal (2020/12) @agilob (2020/12) @ahmednfwela (2021/08) |
Eiffel | @jvelilla (2017/09) |
エリクサー | @mrmstn (2018/12) |
エルム | @eriktim (2018/09) |
エルラン | @tsloughter (2017/11) @jfacorro (2018/10) @robertoaloi (2018/10) @nelsonvides (2024/09) |
F# | @nmfisher (2019/05) |
行く | @antihax (2017/11) @grokify (2018/07) @kemokemo (2018/09) @jirikuncar (2021/01) @ph4r5h4d (2021/04) @lwj5 (2023/04) |
GraphQL | @renepardon (2018/12) |
Groovy | |
ハスケル | |
Java | @bbdouglas (2017/07) @sreeshas (2017/08) @jfiala (2017/08) @lukoyanov (2017/09) @cbornet (2017/09) @jeff9finger (2018/01) @karismann (2019/03) @Zomzog (2019/04) @lwlee2608 (2019/10) @martin-mfg (2023/08) |
Java Spring | @cachescrubber (2022/02) @welshm (2022/02) @MelleD (2022/02) @atextor (2022/02) @manedev79 (2022/02) @javisst (2022/02) @borsch (2022/02) @banlevente (2022/02) @Zomzog (2022/09) @martin-mfg (2023/08) |
JMeter | @kannkyo (2021/01) |
Jetbrains HTTP Client | @jlengrand (2023/01) |
ジュリア | @tanmaykm (2023/01) |
コトリン | @dr4ke616 (2018/08) @karismann (2019/03) @Zomzog (2019/04) @andrewemery (2019/10) @4brunu (2019/11) @yutaka0m (2020/03) @stefankoppier (2022/06) @e5l (2024/10) |
ルア | @daurnimator (2017/08) |
N4JS | @mmews-n4 (2023/03) |
nim | |
NodeJS/Javascript | @CodeNinjai (2017/07) @frol (2017/07) @cliffano (2017/07) |
ObjC | |
ocaml | @cgensoul (2019/08) |
Perl | @wing328 (2017/07) ❤️ @yue9944882 (2019/06) |
Php | @jebentier (2017/07), @dkarlovi (2017/07), @mandrean (2017/08), @jfastnacht (2017/09), @ybelenko (2018/07), @renepardon (2018/12) |
PowerShell | @wing328 (2020/05) |
Python | @cbornet (2017/09) @tomplus (2018/10) @krjakbrjak (2023/02) @fa0311 (2023/10) @multani (2023/10) |
r | @Ramanth (2019/07) @saigiridhar21 (2019/07) |
ルビー | @cliffano (2017/07) @zlx (2017/09) @autopp (2019/02) |
さび | @frol (2017/07) @farcaller (2017/08) @richardwhiuk (2019/07) @paladinzh (2020/05) @jacob-pro (2022/10) |
スカラ | @clasnake (2017/07), @shijinkui (2018/01), @ramzimaalej (2018/03), @chameleon82 (2020/03), @Bouillie (2020/04) @fish86 (2023/06) |
迅速 | @jgavris (2017/07) @ehyche (2017/08) @Edubits (2017/09) @jaz-ah (2017/09) @4brunu (2019/11) @dydus0x14 (2023/06) |
タイプスクリプト | @TiFu (2017/07) @taxpon (2017/07) @sebastianhaas (2017/07) @kenisteward (2017/07) @Vrolijkx (2017/09) @macjohnny (2018/01) @topce (2018/10) @akehir (2019/07) @petejohansonxo (2019/11) @amakhrov (2020/02) @davidgamero (2022/03) @mkusaka (2022/04) @joscha (2024/10) |
Xojo | @Topheee (2023/04) |
Past Members of Technical Committee:
Languages/Generators | Member (join date) |
Python | @taxpon (2017/07) @frol (2017/07) @mbohlool (2017/07) @cbornet (2017/09) @kenjones-cisco (2017/11) @tomplus (2018/10) @arun-nalla (2019/11) |
❤️ = Link to support the contributor directly
OpenAPI Generator is a fork of Swagger Codegen. In view of the issues with the Swagger Codegen 3.0.0 (beta) release and the disagreement on the project's direction, more than 40 top contributors and template creators of Swagger Codegen decided to fork Swagger Codegen and maintain a community-driven version called "OpenAPIジェネレータ"。 Please refer to the Q&A for more information.
❤️ = Link to support the contributor directly
Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors ( Copyright 2018 SmartBear Software
Apacheライセンス、バージョン2.0(「ライセンス」)に基づいてライセンスされています。ライセンスに準拠している場合を除き、このファイルを使用することはできません。 You may obtain a copy of the License at