当社のウェブサイトでGetting GuideとAPIドキュメントをご覧ください!
var gulp = require ( 'gulp' ) ;
var less = require ( 'gulp-less' ) ;
var babel = require ( 'gulp-babel' ) ;
var concat = require ( 'gulp-concat' ) ;
var uglify = require ( 'gulp-uglify' ) ;
var rename = require ( 'gulp-rename' ) ;
var cleanCSS = require ( 'gulp-clean-css' ) ;
var del = require ( 'del' ) ;
var paths = {
styles : {
src : 'src/styles/**/*.less' ,
dest : 'assets/styles/'
} ,
scripts : {
src : 'src/scripts/**/*.js' ,
dest : 'assets/scripts/'
} ;
/* Not all tasks need to use streams, a gulpfile is just another node program
* and you can use all packages available on npm, but it must return either a
* Promise, a Stream or take a callback and call it
function clean ( ) {
// You can use multiple globbing patterns as you would with `gulp.src`,
// for example if you are using del 2.0 or above, return its promise
return del ( [ 'assets' ] ) ;
* Define our tasks using plain functions
function styles ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . styles . src )
. pipe ( less ( ) )
. pipe ( cleanCSS ( ) )
// pass in options to the stream
. pipe ( rename ( {
basename : 'main' ,
suffix : '.min'
} ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . styles . dest ) ) ;
function scripts ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . scripts . src , { sourcemaps : true } )
. pipe ( babel ( ) )
. pipe ( uglify ( ) )
. pipe ( concat ( 'main.min.js' ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . scripts . dest ) ) ;
function watch ( ) {
gulp . watch ( paths . scripts . src , scripts ) ;
gulp . watch ( paths . styles . src , styles ) ;
* Specify if tasks run in series or parallel using `gulp.series` and `gulp.parallel`
var build = gulp . series ( clean , gulp . parallel ( styles , scripts ) ) ;
* You can use CommonJS `exports` module notation to declare tasks
exports . clean = clean ;
exports . styles = styles ;
exports . scripts = scripts ;
exports . watch = watch ;
exports . build = build ;
* Define default task that can be called by just running `gulp` from cli
exports . default = build ;
または"type": "module"
import { src , dest , watch } from 'gulp' ;
import less from 'gulp-less' ;
import babel from 'gulp-babel' ;
import concat from 'gulp-concat' ;
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify' ;
import rename from 'gulp-rename' ;
import cleanCSS from 'gulp-clean-css' ;
import del from 'del' ;
const paths = {
styles : {
src : 'src/styles/**/*.less' ,
dest : 'assets/styles/'
} ,
scripts : {
src : 'src/scripts/**/*.js' ,
dest : 'assets/scripts/'
} ;
* For small tasks you can export arrow functions
export const clean = ( ) => del ( [ 'assets' ] ) ;
* You can also declare named functions and export them as tasks
export function styles ( ) {
return src ( paths . styles . src )
. pipe ( less ( ) )
. pipe ( cleanCSS ( ) )
// pass in options to the stream
. pipe ( rename ( {
basename : 'main' ,
suffix : '.min'
} ) )
. pipe ( dest ( paths . styles . dest ) ) ;
export function scripts ( ) {
return src ( paths . scripts . src , { sourcemaps : true } )
. pipe ( babel ( ) )
. pipe ( uglify ( ) )
. pipe ( concat ( 'main.min.js' ) )
. pipe ( dest ( paths . scripts . dest ) ) ;
* You could even use `export as` to rename exported tasks
function watchFiles ( ) {
watch ( paths . scripts . src , scripts ) ;
watch ( paths . styles . src , styles ) ;
export { watchFiles as watch } ;
const build = gulp . series ( clean , gulp . parallel ( styles , scripts ) ) ;
* Export a default task
export default build ;
const paths = {
images : {
src : 'src/images/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png}' ,
dest : 'build/img/'
function images ( ) {
return gulp . src ( paths . images . src , { since : gulp . lastRun ( images ) } )
. pipe ( imagemin ( ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( paths . images . dest ) ) ;
function watch ( ) {
gulp . watch ( paths . images . src , images ) ;
タスクの実行時間はメモリに保存され、ガルプが出ると失われます。 watch
誰でもこのプロジェクトをより良くするのを手伝うことができます - 私たちの寄稿ガイドをチェックしてください!