Archは、次の信念を持ってEnvoy Proxyに基づいて構築されています(および)
ドキュメントにジャンプして、 Archを使用してGenaiアプリの速度、セキュリティ、パーソナライズを改善する方法を学びます。
& Python
がシステムにインストールされていますAPI Keys
(外部LLMを使用する場合)ArchのCLIを使用すると、Arch Gatewayを効率的に管理および対話できます。 CLIをインストールするには、次のコマンドを実行するだけです。ヒント:開発者は、ARCHをインストールする前に依存関係を分離する新しいPython仮想環境を作成することをお勧めします。これにより、Archgwとその依存関係がシステム上の他のパッケージに干渉しないようにします。
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use: venvScriptsactivate
$ pip install archgw
version : v0.1
listener :
address :
port : 8080 # If you configure port 443, you'll need to update the listener with tls_certificates
message_format : huggingface
# Centralized way to manage LLMs, manage keys, retry logic, failover and limits in a central way
llm_providers :
- name : OpenAI
provider : openai
access_key : $OPENAI_API_KEY
model : gpt-3.5-turbo
default : true
# default system prompt used by all prompt targets
system_prompt : |
You are a network assistant that helps operators with a better understanding of network traffic flow and perform actions on networking operations. No advice on manufacturers or purchasing decisions.
prompt_targets :
- name : device_summary
description : Retrieve network statistics for specific devices within a time range
endpoint :
name : app_server
path : /agent/device_summary
parameters :
- name : device_ids
type : list
description : A list of device identifiers (IDs) to retrieve statistics for.
required : true # device_ids are required to get device statistics
- name : days
type : int
description : The number of days for which to gather device statistics.
default : " 7 "
- name : reboot_devices
description : Reboot a list of devices
endpoint :
name : app_server
path : /agent/device_reboot
parameters :
- name : device_ids
type : list
description : A list of device identifiers (IDs).
required : true
- name : days
type : int
description : A list of device identifiers (IDs)
default : " 7 "
# Arch creates a round-robin load balancing between different endpoints, managed via the cluster subsystem.
endpoints :
app_server :
# value could be ip address or a hostname with port
# this could also be a list of endpoints for load balancing
# for example endpoint: [ ip1:port, ip2:port ]
endpoint : host.docker.internal:18083
# max time to wait for a connection to be established
connect_timeout : 0.005s
from openai import OpenAI
# Use the OpenAI client as usual
client = OpenAI (
# No need to set a specific openai.api_key since it's configured in Arch's gateway
api_key = '--' ,
# Set the OpenAI API base URL to the Arch gateway endpoint
base_url = ""
response = client . chat . completions . create (
# we select model from arch_config file
model = "--" ,
messages = [{ "role" : "user" , "content" : "What is the capital of France?" }],
print ( "OpenAI Response:" , response . choices [ 0 ]. message . content )