In the world of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the mysterious businessman you encounter after playing a dungeon can always bring unexpected gains. Here is a detailed list of shopping recommendations to help you take advantage of these valuable opportunities wisely:
1. [Silver Toad Needle] -: Combine into a powerful Black Toad Compass to start an unknown treasure digging journey.
2. [Golden Black Plate] - Complementing the Silver Toad Needle, it is also used in the structure of the compass. Don’t miss this key item for treasure hunting.
3. [Nine Curved Beads] - Important parts for making the peerless weapon - Jinwu . Be sure to buy it every time it appears.
• The mysterious merchant's stay time is limited : each transaction only lasts 2 hours, so be sure to seize the opportunity.
• Distinguish between product types : Remember to check whether it is tradable or a rare item only between players to avoid missing out on precious opportunities.
With these strategies, you can better plan your shopping routes and ensure you get the most out of the game. I wish you a fruitful adventure in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!