Super Tennis Version 3 is a classic arcade game produced by Konami. It is very fun and has a certain degree of difficulty. Tennis Opens are held almost every quarter in the world, and they are distributed in different countries, and the participating players are also star-studded. This competition in the game also has a high level of difficulty. As a newbie, can you stand out and become the biggest dark horse? Try it now and have a real showdown!
The exciting sport of tennis always makes people excited
The game is simple to operate and quick to get started.
The game screen is concise and easy to understand
The game doesn’t take up much space and is very flexible to play.
The classic tennis game is full of fun and competition, and it is quick to pick up. Even if you have never played this type of game before, you can quickly get started and experience the fun it brings. A very good sports game, I recommend everyone to try it~
The built-in emulator is Mame32. After installation, just run the desktop shortcut