Gerencia plug-ins e temas, incluindo instalações, ativações e atualizações.
Links rápidos: Usando | Instalando | Contribuindo | Apoiar
Este pacote implementa os seguintes comandos:
Gerencia plug-ins, incluindo instalações, ativações e atualizações.
wp plugin
Consulte o recurso do desenvolvedor WordPress Plugin Handbook para obter mais informações sobre plug-ins.
# Activate plugin
$ wp plugin activate hello
Plugin 'hello' activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.
# Deactivate plugin
$ wp plugin deactivate hello
Plugin 'hello' deactivated.
Success: Deactivated 1 of 1 plugins.
# Delete plugin
$ wp plugin delete hello
Deleted 'hello' plugin.
Success: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.
# Install the latest version from and activate
$ wp plugin install bbpress --activate
Installing bbPress (2.5.9)
Downloading install package from
Using cached file '/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/'...
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Activating 'bbpress'...
Plugin 'bbpress' activated.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
Ativa um ou mais plug-ins.
wp plugin activate [<plugin>...] [--all] [--exclude=<name>] [--network]
One or more plugins to activate.
If set, all plugins will be activated.
Comma separated list of plugin slugs to be excluded from activation.
If set, the plugin will be activated for the entire multisite network.
# Activate plugin
$ wp plugin activate hello
Plugin 'hello' activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.
# Activate plugin in entire multisite network
$ wp plugin activate hello --network
Plugin 'hello' network activated.
Success: Network activated 1 of 1 plugins.
# Activate plugins that were recently active.
$ wp plugin activate $(wp plugin list --recently-active --field=name)
Plugin 'bbpress' activated.
Plugin 'buddypress' activated.
Success: Activated 2 of 2 plugins.
# Activate plugins that were recently active on a multisite.
$ wp plugin activate $(wp plugin list --recently-active --field=name) --network
Plugin 'bbpress' network activated.
Plugin 'buddypress' network activated.
Success: Activated 2 of 2 plugins.
Desativa um ou mais plugins.
wp plugin deactivate [<plugin>...] [--uninstall] [--all] [--exclude=<name>] [--network]
One or more plugins to deactivate.
Uninstall the plugin after deactivation.
If set, all plugins will be deactivated.
Comma separated list of plugin slugs that should be excluded from deactivation.
If set, the plugin will be deactivated for the entire multisite network.
# Deactivate plugin
$ wp plugin deactivate hello
Plugin 'hello' deactivated.
Success: Deactivated 1 of 1 plugins.
# Deactivate all plugins with exclusion
$ wp plugin deactivate --all --exclude=hello,wordpress-seo
Plugin 'contact-form-7' deactivated.
Plugin 'ninja-forms' deactivated.
Success: Deactivated 2 of 2 plugins.
Exclui arquivos de plugins sem desativar ou desinstalar.
wp plugin delete [<plugin>...] [--all] [--exclude=<name>]
One or more plugins to delete.
If set, all plugins will be deleted.
Comma separated list of plugin slugs to be excluded from deletion.
# Delete plugin
$ wp plugin delete hello
Deleted 'hello' plugin.
Success: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.
# Delete inactive plugins
$ wp plugin delete $(wp plugin list --status=inactive --field=name)
Deleted 'tinymce-templates' plugin.
Success: Deleted 1 of 1 plugins.
# Delete all plugins excluding specified ones
$ wp plugin delete --all --exclude=hello-dolly,jetpack
Deleted 'akismet' plugin.
Deleted 'tinymce-templates' plugin.
Success: Deleted 2 of 2 plugins.
Obtém detalhes sobre um plugin instalado.
wp plugin get <plugin> [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
The plugin to get.
Instead of returning the whole plugin, returns the value of a single field.
Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- yaml
Estes campos serão exibidos por padrão para o plugin:
Estes campos estão opcionalmente disponíveis:
# Get plugin details.
$ wp plugin get bbpress --format=json
{"name":"bbpress","title":"bbPress","author":"The bbPress Contributors","version":"2.6.9","description":"bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress.","status":"active"}
Instala um ou mais plug-ins.
wp plugin install <plugin|zip|url>... [--version=<version>] [--force] [--activate] [--activate-network] [--insecure]
One or more plugins to install. Accepts a plugin slug, the path to a local zip file, or a URL to a remote zip file.
If set, get that particular version from, instead of the
stable version.
If set, the command will overwrite any installed version of the plugin, without prompting
for confirmation.
If set, the plugin will be activated immediately after install.
If set, the plugin will be network activated immediately after install
Retry downloads without certificate validation if TLS handshake fails. Note: This makes the request vulnerable to a MITM attack.
# Install the latest version from and activate
$ wp plugin install bbpress --activate
Installing bbPress (2.5.9)
Downloading install package from
Using cached file '/home/vagrant/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/'...
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Activating 'bbpress'...
Plugin 'bbpress' activated.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
# Install the development version from
$ wp plugin install bbpress --version=dev
Installing bbPress (Development Version)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
# Install from a local zip file
$ wp plugin install ../
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
# Install from a remote zip file
$ wp plugin install
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
# Update from a remote zip file
$ wp plugin install --force
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Renamed Github-based project from 'wp-envato-market-master' to 'wp-envato-market'.
Plugin updated successfully
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
# Forcefully re-install all installed plugins
$ wp plugin install $(wp plugin list --field=name) --force
Installing Akismet (3.1.11)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Removing the old version of the plugin...
Plugin updated successfully
Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
Verifica se um determinado plugin está instalado.
wp plugin is-installed <plugin>
Retorna o código de saída 0 quando instalado, 1 quando desinstalado.
The plugin to check.
# Check whether plugin is installed; exit status 0 if installed, otherwise 1
$ wp plugin is-installed hello
$ echo $?
Obtém uma lista de plug-ins.
wp plugin list [--<field>=<value>] [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>] [--status=<status>] [--skip-update-check] [--recently-active]
Exibe uma lista dos plugins instalados no site com status de ativação, se há ou não atualização disponível, etc.
Use --status=dropin
para listar os dropins instalados (por exemplo, object-cache.php
Filter results based on the value of a field.
Prints the value of a single field for each plugin.
Limit the output to specific object fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- count
- json
- yaml
Filter the output by plugin status.
- active
- active-network
- dropin
- inactive
- must-use
If set, the plugin update check will be skipped.
If set, only recently active plugins will be shown and the status filter will be ignored.
Estes campos serão exibidos por padrão para cada plugin:
Estes campos estão opcionalmente disponíveis:
# List active plugins on the site.
$ wp plugin list --status=active --format=json
# List plugins on each site in a network.
$ wp site list --field=url | xargs -I % wp plugin list --url=%
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| akismet | active-network | none | 5.3.1 | | on |
| hello | inactive | available | 1.6 | 1.7.2 | off |
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| akismet | active-network | none | 5.3.1 | | on |
| hello | inactive | available | 1.6 | 1.7.2 | off |
# Check whether plugins are still active on
$ wp plugin list --fields=name,wporg_status,wporg_last_updated
| name | wporg_status | wporg_last_updated |
| akismet | active | 2023-12-11 |
| user-switching | active | 2023-11-17 |
| wordpress-importer | active | 2023-04-28 |
| local | | |
# List recently active plugins on the site.
$ wp plugin list --recently-active --field=name --format=json
Obtém o caminho para um plugin ou para o diretório do plugin.
wp plugin path [<plugin>] [--dir]
The plugin to get the path to. If not set, will return the path to the
plugins directory.
If set, get the path to the closest parent directory, instead of the
plugin file.
$ cd $(wp plugin path) && pwd
Pesquisa o diretório de plugins do
wp plugin search <search> [--page=<page>] [--per-page=<per-page>] [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
Exibe plug-ins no diretório de plug-ins do que correspondem a uma determinada consulta de pesquisa.
The string to search for.
Optional page to display.
default: 1
Optional number of results to display.
default: 10
Prints the value of a single field for each plugin.
Ask for specific fields from the API. Defaults to name,slug,author_profile,rating. Acceptable values:
**name**: Plugin Name
**slug**: Plugin Slug
**version**: Current Version Number
**author**: Plugin Author
**author_profile**: Plugin Author Profile
**contributors**: Plugin Contributors
**requires**: Plugin Minimum Requirements
**tested**: Plugin Tested Up To
**compatibility**: Plugin Compatible With
**rating**: Plugin Rating in Percent and Total Number
**ratings**: Plugin Ratings for each star (1-5)
**num_ratings**: Number of Plugin Ratings
**homepage**: Plugin Author's Homepage
**description**: Plugin's Description
**short_description**: Plugin's Short Description
**sections**: Plugin Readme Sections: description, installation, FAQ, screenshots, other notes, and changelog
**downloaded**: Plugin Download Count
**last_updated**: Plugin's Last Update
**added**: Plugin's Date Added to Repository
**tags**: Plugin's Tags
**versions**: Plugin's Available Versions with D/L Link
**donate_link**: Plugin's Donation Link
**banners**: Plugin's Banner Image Link
**icons**: Plugin's Icon Image Link
**active_installs**: Plugin's Number of Active Installs
**contributors**: Plugin's List of Contributors
**url**: Plugin's URL on
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- count
- json
- yaml
$ wp plugin search dsgnwrks --per-page=20 --format=json
Success: Showing 3 of 3 plugins.
[{"name":"DsgnWrks Instagram Importer Debug","slug":"dsgnwrks-instagram-importer-debug","rating":0},{"name":"DsgnWrks Instagram Importer","slug":"dsgnwrks-instagram-importer","rating":84},{"name":"DsgnWrks Twitter Importer","slug":"dsgnwrks-twitter-importer","rating":80}]
$ wp plugin search dsgnwrks --fields=name,version,slug,rating,num_ratings
Success: Showing 3 of 3 plugins.
| name | version | slug | rating | num_ratings |
| DsgnWrks Instagram Importer Debug | 0.1.6 | dsgnwrks-instagram-importer-debug | 0 | 0 |
| DsgnWrks Instagram Importer | 1.3.7 | dsgnwrks-instagram-importer | 84 | 23 |
| DsgnWrks Twitter Importer | 1.1.1 | dsgnwrks-twitter-importer | 80 | 1 |
Revela o status de um ou de todos os plugins.
wp plugin status [<plugin>]
A particular plugin to show the status for.
# Displays status of all plugins
$ wp plugin status
5 installed plugins:
I akismet 3.1.11
I easy-digital-downloads 2.5.16
A theme-check 20160523.1
I wen-logo-slider 2.0.3
M ns-pack 1.0.0
Legend: I = Inactive, A = Active, M = Must Use
# Displays status of a plugin
$ wp plugin status theme-check
Plugin theme-check details:
Name: Theme Check
Status: Active
Version: 20160523.1
Author: Otto42, pross
Description: A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. A great theme development tool!
Alterna o estado de ativação de um plugin.
wp plugin toggle <plugin>... [--network]
Se o plugin estiver ativo, ele será desativado. Se o plugin estiver inativo, ele será ativado.
One or more plugins to toggle.
If set, the plugin will be toggled for the entire multisite network.
# Akismet is currently activated
$ wp plugin toggle akismet
Plugin 'akismet' deactivated.
Success: Toggled 1 of 1 plugins.
# Akismet is currently deactivated
$ wp plugin toggle akismet
Plugin 'akismet' activated.
Success: Toggled 1 of 1 plugins.
Desinstala um ou mais plug-ins.
wp plugin uninstall [<plugin>...] [--deactivate] [--skip-delete] [--all] [--exclude=<name>]
One or more plugins to uninstall.
Deactivate the plugin before uninstalling. Default behavior is to warn and skip if the plugin is active.
If set, the plugin files will not be deleted. Only the uninstall procedure
will be run.
If set, all plugins will be uninstalled.
Comma separated list of plugin slugs to be excluded from uninstall.
$ wp plugin uninstall hello
Uninstalled and deleted 'hello' plugin.
Success: Uninstalled 1 of 1 plugins.
# Uninstall all plugins excluding specified ones
$ wp plugin uninstall --all --exclude=hello-dolly,jetpack
Uninstalled and deleted 'akismet' plugin.
Uninstalled and deleted 'tinymce-templates' plugin.
Success: Uninstalled 2 of 2 plugins.
Atualiza um ou mais plug-ins.
wp plugin update [<plugin>...] [--all] [--exclude=<name>] [--minor] [--patch] [--format=<format>] [--version=<version>] [--dry-run] [--insecure]
One or more plugins to update.
If set, all plugins that have updates will be updated.
Comma separated list of plugin names that should be excluded from updating.
Only perform updates for minor releases (e.g. from 1.3 to 1.4 instead of 2.0)
Only perform updates for patch releases (e.g. from 1.3 to 1.3.3 instead of 1.4)
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- summary
If set, the plugin will be updated to the specified version.
Preview which plugins would be updated.
Retry downloads without certificate validation if TLS handshake fails. Note: This makes the request vulnerable to a MITM attack.
$ wp plugin update bbpress --version=dev
Installing bbPress (Development Version)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Removing the old version of the plugin...
Plugin updated successfully.
Success: Updated 1 of 2 plugins.
$ wp plugin update --all
Enabling Maintenance mode...
Downloading update from
Unpacking the update...
Installing the latest version...
Removing the old version of the plugin...
Plugin updated successfully.
Downloading update from
Unpacking the update...
Installing the latest version...
Removing the old version of the plugin...
Plugin updated successfully.
Disabling Maintenance mode...
| name | old_version | new_version | status |
| akismet | 3.1.3 | 3.1.11 | Updated |
| nginx-cache-controller | 3.1.1 | 3.2.0 | Updated |
Success: Updated 2 of 2 plugins.
$ wp plugin update --all --exclude=akismet
Enabling Maintenance mode...
Downloading update from
Unpacking the update...
Installing the latest version...
Removing the old version of the plugin...
Plugin updated successfully.
Disabling Maintenance mode...
| name | old_version | new_version | status |
| nginx-cache-controller | 3.1.1 | 3.2.0 | Updated |
Gerencia temas, incluindo instalações, ativações e atualizações.
wp theme
Consulte o recurso do desenvolvedor WordPress Theme Handbook para obter mais informações sobre temas.
# Install the latest version of a theme from and activate
$ wp theme install twentysixteen --activate
Installing Twenty Sixteen (1.2)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
Activating 'twentysixteen'...
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 themes.
# Get details of an installed theme
$ wp theme get twentysixteen --fields=name,title,version
| Field | Value |
| name | Twenty Sixteen |
| title | Twenty Sixteen |
| version | 1.2 |
# Get status of theme
$ wp theme status twentysixteen
Theme twentysixteen details:
Name: Twenty Sixteen
Status: Active
Version: 1.2
Author: the WordPress team
Ativa um tema.
wp theme activate <theme>
The theme to activate.
$ wp theme activate twentysixteen
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Exclui um ou mais temas.
wp theme delete [<theme>...] [--all] [--force]
Remove o tema ou temas do sistema de arquivos.
One or more themes to delete.
If set, all themes will be deleted except active theme.
To delete active theme use this.
$ wp theme delete twentytwelve
Deleted 'twentytwelve' theme.
Success: Deleted 1 of 1 themes.
Desativa um tema em uma instalação multisite do WordPress.
wp theme disable <theme> [--network]
Remove a capacidade de um tema ser ativado no painel de um site em uma instalação multisite do WordPress.
The theme to disable.
If set, the theme is disabled on the network level. Note that
individual sites may still have this theme enabled if it was
enabled for them independently.
# Disable theme
$ wp theme disable twentysixteen
Success: Disabled the 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
# Disable theme in network level
$ wp theme disable twentysixteen --network
Success: Network disabled the 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Ativa um tema em uma instalação multisite do WordPress.
wp theme enable <theme> [--network] [--activate]
Permite que o tema seja ativado no painel de um site em uma instalação multisite do WordPress.
The theme to enable.
If set, the theme is enabled for the entire network
If set, the theme is activated for the current site. Note that
the "network" flag has no influence on this.
# Enable theme
$ wp theme enable twentysixteen
Success: Enabled the 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
# Network enable theme
$ wp theme enable twentysixteen --network
Success: Network enabled the 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
# Network enable and activate theme for current site
$ wp theme enable twentysixteen --activate
Success: Enabled the 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Obtém detalhes sobre um tema.
wp theme get <theme> [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
The theme to get.
Instead of returning the whole theme, returns the value of a single field.
Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- yaml
$ wp theme get twentysixteen --fields=name,title,version
| Field | Value |
| name | Twenty Sixteen |
| title | Twenty Sixteen |
| version | 1.2 |
Instala um ou mais temas.
wp theme install <theme|zip|url>... [--version=<version>] [--force] [--activate] [--insecure]
One or more themes to install. Accepts a theme slug, the path to a local zip file, or a URL to a remote zip file.
If set, get that particular version from, instead of the
stable version.
If set, the command will overwrite any installed version of the theme, without prompting
for confirmation.
If set, the theme will be activated immediately after install.
Retry downloads without certificate validation if TLS handshake fails. Note: This makes the request vulnerable to a MITM attack.
# Install the latest version from and activate
$ wp theme install twentysixteen --activate
Installing Twenty Sixteen (1.2)
Downloading install package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
Activating 'twentysixteen'...
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Sixteen' theme.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 themes.
# Install from a local zip file
$ wp theme install ../
# Install from a remote zip file
$ wp theme install
Verifica se um determinado tema está instalado.