Pip package coming Soon
importar a classe cliente e criar o objeto Cliente, requer uma chave API como único parâmetro. Você pode obter uma chave de API no site Streamsb
from streamsb import Client
client = Client ( 'Your_API_Key' )
A classe cliente possui atributos para quatro funções diferentes, principalmente
Cada chamada de método retorna um Objeto que possui um atributo "bruto" que contém a resposta json da solicitação, caso ela tenha sido bem-sucedida.
acc_info = client . account . info ()
# AccountInfo Object, which may contain the following attributes.
"raw" : "It contains raw API response of this AccountInfo Object."
"email" : "[email protected]" ,
"balance" : "0.00000" ,
"storage_used" : "24186265" ,
"storage_left" : 128824832615 ,
"premim_expire" : " 2020 - 01 - 20 21 : 00 : 00
Ele retornará um objeto AccountInfo que possui um atributo "bruto" que contém a resposta json da solicitação. Todos os outros atributos deste objeto são os valores em "raw['result']".
acc_stats = client . account . stats ()
acc_stats . stats
# List of Stat objects
# Attributes of Stat object can be
"raw" : "It contains raw API response of this Stat Object."
"downloads" : "0" ,
"profit_views" : "0.00000" ,
"views_adb" : "1" ,
"sales" : "0" ,
"profit_sales" : "0.00000" ,
"profit_refs" : "0.00000" ,
"profit_site" : "0.00000" ,
"views" : "0" ,
"refs" : "0" ,
"day" : "2020-08-01" ,
"profit_total" : "0.00000" ,
"views_prem" : "0"
Ele retornará um objeto AccountStat, cujo atributo stats é uma lista de objetos Stat. Cada objeto stat contém a resposta json bruta da solicitação e todos os atributos da resposta.
file = client . file . info ( filecode = "File code" )
# List of FileInfo objects which may contain attributes.
"raw" : "raw json response"
"status" : 200
" filecode ": " jthi5jdsu8t9 "
" last_download ": datetime . datetime object
" canplay ": bool value
" public ": bool value
" length ": duration of file ( int )
" title ": " File Title "
" views ": " file views ( int )
" name ": " file name ( str ) "
" created ": datetime . datetime Object
#These fields are not document but seen in some responses.
" full_views ": ( int )
" cat_id ": " category id ( int ) "
" player_img ": " video player image ( str )
Ele retornará uma lista de objetos FileInfo, e cada objeto pode conter os atributos acima.
response = client . file . rename ( filecode = "File code" , title = "New Title" , name = "New name" [ optional ])
# Returns True if response is successful otherwise raises APIResponse error.
file = client . file . clone ( filecode = "File Code" )
# Returns a File object.
"raw" : "raw Json response"
"filecode" : "file code"
"url" : "streamsb url of file"
Ele retorna um objeto File que pode conter os atributos acima.
files = client . file . list ( filter = {}[ optional ])
# Filter is a dict which may have following keys
"title" : "title to look for"
"page" : " page no . for pagination :
"per_page" : "no. of items per page"
"folder_id" : "folder id"
"public" : True to list public files , False for private
" created ": datetime . datetime object
qualities = client . file . direct_all ( filecode = "file code" )
# Returns a dict of Quality object
# each dict key can have values ['l','n','h','o']
"l" : Quality (),
"n" : Quality ()
# Each Quality object has attributes
raw : "raw json response"
url : "url of video"
size : "size of video (int)"