Esta distribuição fornece uma API para os serviços web e bancos de dados GeoIP2 e GeoLite2.
Recomendamos instalar esta biblioteca com NuGet. Para fazer isso, digite o seguinte no console do gerenciador de pacotes do Visual Studio:
install-package MaxMind.GeoIP2
A geolocalização IP é inerentemente imprecisa. Os locais geralmente ficam próximos ao centro da população. Qualquer localização fornecida por uma base de dados GeoIP2 ou serviço web não deve ser usada para identificar um endereço ou domicílio específico.
Para usar a API de serviço web, primeiro crie um novo objeto WebServiceClient
com seu ID de conta e chave de licença:
var client = new WebServiceClient(42, "license_key1");
Para consultar o serviço web GeoLite2, você deve definir o host como
var client = new WebServiceClient(42, "license_key1", host: "");
Para consultar o serviço web Sandbox GeoIP2, você deve definir o host como
var client = new WebServiceClient(42, "license_key1", host: "");
Você também pode especificar as localidades alternativas, o host ou o tempo limite como parâmetros opcionais. Consulte a documentação da API para obter mais informações.
Este objeto é seguro para ser compartilhado entre threads. Se você estiver fazendo várias solicitações, o objeto deverá ser reutilizado para que novas conexões não sejam criadas para cada solicitação. Depois de terminar de fazer as solicitações, você deve descartar o objeto para garantir que as conexões sejam fechadas e todos os recursos sejam prontamente retornados ao sistema.
Você pode então chamar o método sincronizado ou assíncrono correspondente ao ponto final específico, passando-lhe o endereço IP que deseja procurar ou nenhum parâmetro se quiser procurar o dispositivo atual.
Se a solicitação for bem-sucedida, a chamada do método retornará uma classe de resposta para o endpoint que você chamou. Essa resposta, por sua vez, contém diversas classes de modelo, cada uma representando parte dos dados retornados pelo serviço web.
Consulte a documentação da API para obter mais detalhes.
Para usar a API do serviço web com o padrão de fábrica HttpClient como um cliente digitado, você precisa fazer o seguinte:
: // Configure to read configuration options from MaxMind section
services . Configure < WebServiceClientOptions > ( Configuration . GetSection ( " MaxMind " ) ) ;
// Configure dependency injection for WebServiceClient
services . AddHttpClient < WebServiceClient > ( ) ;
com seu ID de conta e chave de licença. ...
"MaxMind" : {
"AccountId" : 123456 ,
"LicenseKey" : "1234567890" ,
// Optionally set a timeout. The default is 3000 ms.
// "Timeout": 3000,
// Optionally set host. "" will use the GeoLite2
// web service instead of GeoIP2. "" will use the
// Sandbox GeoIP2 web service instead of the production GeoIP2 web
// service.
// "Host": ""
} ,
onde você precisa fazer a chamada e utilize-o. [ ApiController ]
[ Route ( " [controller] " ) ]
public class MaxMindController : ControllerBase
private readonly WebServiceClient _maxMindClient ;
public MaxMindController ( WebServiceClient maxMindClient )
_maxMindClient = maxMindClient ;
[ HttpGet ]
public async Task < string > Get ( )
var location = await _maxMindClient . CountryAsync ( ) ;
return location . Country . Name ;
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. Set the named host argument to "" to use the GeoLite2
// web service instead of GeoIP2. Set the named host argument to
// "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web service instead of
// the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = client . Country ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. Set the named host argument to "" to use the GeoLite2
// web service instead of GeoIP2. Set the named host argument to
// "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web service instead of
// the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = await client . CountryAsync ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. Set the named host argument to "" to use the GeoLite2
// web service instead of GeoIP2. Set the named host argument to
// "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web service instead of
// the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = client . City ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( response . City . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. Set the named host argument to "" to use the GeoLite2
// web service instead of GeoIP2. Set the named host argument to
// "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web service instead of
// the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = await client . CityAsync ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( response . City . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. The GeoLite2 web service does not support Insights. Set the named
// host argument to "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web
// service instead of the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = client . Insights ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( response . City . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
// If you are making multiple requests, a single WebServiceClient
// should be shared across requests to allow connection reuse. The
// class is thread safe.
// Replace "42" with your account ID and "license_key" with your license
// key. The GeoLite2 web service does not support Insights. Set the named
// host argument to "" to use the Sandbox GeoIP2 web
// service instead of the production GeoIP2 web service.
using ( var client = new WebServiceClient ( 42 , " license_key " ) )
// Do the lookup
var response = await client . InsightsAsync ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . MostSpecificSubdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( response . City . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( response . Location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
Para usar a API do banco de dados, você deve criar um novo DatabaseReader
com uma representação em string do caminho para seu banco de dados GeoIP2. Você também pode especificar o modo de acesso ao arquivo. Você pode então chamar o método apropriado (por exemplo, city
) para seu banco de dados, passando-lhe o endereço IP que deseja procurar.
Se a pesquisa for bem-sucedida, a chamada do método retornará uma classe de resposta para a pesquisa GeoIP2. Essa classe, por sua vez, contém várias classes de modelo, cada uma representando parte dos dados retornados pelo banco de dados.
Recomendamos reutilizar o objeto DatabaseReader
em vez de criar um novo para cada pesquisa. A criação deste objeto é relativamente cara, pois ele deve ler os metadados do arquivo.
Consulte a documentação da API para obter mais detalhes.
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP.mmdb " ) )
var response = reader . AnonymousIP ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsAnonymous ) ; // true
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsAnonymousVpn ) ; // false
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsHostingProvider ) ; // false
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsPublicProxy ) ; // false
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsResidentialProxy ) ; // false
Console . WriteLine ( response . IsTorExitNode ) ; // true
Console . WriteLine ( response . IPAddress ) ; // ''
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb " ) )
var response = reader . Asn ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . AutonomousSystemNumber ) ; // 217
Console . WriteLine ( response . AutonomousSystemOrganization ) ; // 'University of Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . IPAddress ) ; // ''
// This creates the DatabaseReader object, which should be reused across
// lookups.
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoIP2-City.mmdb " ) )
// Replace "City" with the appropriate method for your database, e.g.,
// "Country".
var city = reader . City ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( city . Country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( city . Country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( city . Country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( city . MostSpecificSubdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( city . MostSpecificSubdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( city . City . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( city . Postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( city . Location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( city . Location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoIP2-Connection-Type.mmdb " ) )
var response = reader . ConnectionType ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . ConnectionType ) ; // 'Corporate'
Console . WriteLine ( response . IPAddress ) ; // ''
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoIP2-Domain.mmdb " ) )
var response = reader . Domain ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . Domain ) ; // ''
Console . WriteLine ( response . IPAddress ) ; // ''
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " /path/to/GeoIP2-Enterprise.mmdb " ) )
// Use the Enterprise(ip) method to do a lookup in the Enterprise database
var response = reader . enterprise ( " " ) ;
var country = response . Country ;
Console . WriteLine ( country . IsoCode ) ; // 'US'
Console . WriteLine ( country . Name ) ; // 'United States'
Console . WriteLine ( country . Names [ " zh-CN " ] ) ; // '美国'
Console . WriteLine ( country . Confidence ) ; // 99
var subdivision = response . MostSpecificSubdivision ;
Console . WriteLine ( subdivision . Name ) ; // 'Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( subdivision . IsoCode ) ; // 'MN'
Console . WriteLine ( subdivision . Confidence ) ; // 77
var city = response . City ;
Console . WriteLine ( city . Name ) ; // 'Minneapolis'
Console . WriteLine ( city . Confidence ) ; // 11
var postal = response . Postal ;
Console . WriteLine ( postal . Code ) ; // '55455'
Console . WriteLine ( postal . Confidence ) ; // 5
var location = response . Location ;
Console . WriteLine ( location . Latitude ) ; // 44.9733
Console . WriteLine ( location . Longitude ) ; // -93.2323
Console . WriteLine ( location . AccuracyRadius ) ; // 50
using ( var reader = new DatabaseReader ( " GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb " ) )
var response = reader . Isp ( " " ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( response . AutonomousSystemNumber ) ; // 217
Console . WriteLine ( response . AutonomousSystemOrganization ) ; // 'University of Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Isp ) ; // 'University of Minnesota'
Console . WriteLine ( response . Organization