POR FAVOR, verifique a compilação "Dev" antes de fazer um PR se o master não tiver o recurso que você procura.
TwitchLib é uma biblioteca C# poderosa que permite a interação com vários serviços Twitch. Os serviços atualmente suportados são: chat e sussurro, APIs (v5 (obsoleto), helix, não documentado e de terceiros), sistema de eventos PubSub e extensões Twitch. Abaixo estão as descrições dos componentes principais que compõem o TwitchLib.
Fale diretamente conosco no Discord. https://discord.gg/8NXaEyV
Para documentação completa da biblioteca, veja a documentação do doxygen aqui.
Abaixo estão exemplos básicos de como utilizar cada um dos componentes principais do TwitchLib. Estes são exemplos de C#. NOTA: Twitchlib.API atualmente não oferece suporte a Visual Basic. ATUALIZAÇÃO: PR corrigiu o Visual Basic, mas requer testes por alguém que o usa.
using System ;
using TwitchLib . Client ;
using TwitchLib . Client . Enums ;
using TwitchLib . Client . Events ;
using TwitchLib . Client . Extensions ;
using TwitchLib . Client . Models ;
using TwitchLib . Communication . Clients ;
using TwitchLib . Communication . Models ;
namespace TestConsole
class Program
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
Bot bot = new Bot ( ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ;
class Bot
TwitchClient client ;
public Bot ( )
ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials ( " twitch_username " , " access_token " ) ;
var clientOptions = new ClientOptions
MessagesAllowedInPeriod = 750 ,
ThrottlingPeriod = TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 30 )
} ;
WebSocketClient customClient = new WebSocketClient ( clientOptions ) ;
client = new TwitchClient ( customClient ) ;
client . Initialize ( credentials , " channel " ) ;
client . OnLog += Client_OnLog ;
client . OnJoinedChannel += Client_OnJoinedChannel ;
client . OnMessageReceived += Client_OnMessageReceived ;
client . OnWhisperReceived += Client_OnWhisperReceived ;
client . OnNewSubscriber += Client_OnNewSubscriber ;
client . OnConnected += Client_OnConnected ;
client . Connect ( ) ;
private void Client_OnLog ( object sender , OnLogArgs e )
Console . WriteLine ( $" { e . DateTime . ToString ( ) } : { e . BotUsername } - { e . Data } " ) ;
private void Client_OnConnected ( object sender , OnConnectedArgs e )
Console . WriteLine ( $" Connected to { e . AutoJoinChannel } " ) ;
private void Client_OnJoinedChannel ( object sender , OnJoinedChannelArgs e )
Console . WriteLine ( " Hey guys! I am a bot connected via TwitchLib! " ) ;
client . SendMessage ( e . Channel , " Hey guys! I am a bot connected via TwitchLib! " ) ;
private void Client_OnMessageReceived ( object sender , OnMessageReceivedArgs e )
if ( e . ChatMessage . Message . Contains ( " badword " ) )
client . TimeoutUser ( e . ChatMessage . Channel , e . ChatMessage . Username , TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 30 ) , " Bad word! 30 minute timeout! " ) ;
private void Client_OnWhisperReceived ( object sender , OnWhisperReceivedArgs e )
if ( e . WhisperMessage . Username == " my_friend " )
client . SendWhisper ( e . WhisperMessage . Username , " Hey! Whispers are so cool!! " ) ;
private void Client_OnNewSubscriber ( object sender , OnNewSubscriberArgs e )
if ( e . Subscriber . SubscriptionPlan == SubscriptionPlan . Prime )
client . SendMessage ( e . Channel , $" Welcome { e . Subscriber . DisplayName } to the substers! You just earned 500 points! So kind of you to use your Twitch Prime on this channel! " ) ;
client . SendMessage ( e . Channel , $" Welcome { e . Subscriber . DisplayName } to the substers! You just earned 500 points! " ) ;
Imports System
Imports TwitchLib.Client
Imports TwitchLib.Client.Enums
Imports TwitchLib.Client.Events
Imports TwitchLib.Client.Extensions
Imports TwitchLib.Client.Models
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim bot As New Bot()
End Sub
Friend Class Bot
Private client As TwitchClient
Public Sub New ()
Dim credentials As New ConnectionCredentials( "twitch_username" , "Token" )
client = New TwitchClient()
client.Initialize(credentials, "Channel" )
AddHandler client.OnJoinedChannel, AddressOf onJoinedChannel
AddHandler client.OnMessageReceived, AddressOf onMessageReceived
AddHandler client.OnWhisperReceived, AddressOf onWhisperReceived
AddHandler client.OnNewSubscriber, AddressOf onNewSubscriber
AddHandler client.OnConnected, AddressOf Client_OnConnected
End Sub
Private Sub Client_OnConnected( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As OnConnectedArgs)
Console.WriteLine( $ "Connected to {e.AutoJoinChannel}" )
End Sub
Private Sub onJoinedChannel( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As OnJoinedChannelArgs)
Console.WriteLine( "Hey guys! I am a bot connected via TwitchLib!" )
client.SendMessage(e.Channel, "Hey guys! I am a bot connected via TwitchLib!" )
End Sub
Private Sub onMessageReceived( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As OnMessageReceivedArgs)
If e.ChatMessage.Message.Contains( "badword" ) Then
client.TimeoutUser(e.ChatMessage.Channel, e.ChatMessage.Username, TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 30 ), "Bad word! 30 minute timeout!" )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub onWhisperReceived( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As OnWhisperReceivedArgs)
If e.WhisperMessage.Username = "my_friend" Then
client.SendWhisper(e.WhisperMessage.Username, "Hey! Whispers are so cool!!" )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub onNewSubscriber( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As OnNewSubscriberArgs)
If e.Subscriber.SubscriptionPlan = SubscriptionPlan.Prime Then
client.SendMessage(e.Channel, $ "Welcome {e.Subscriber.DisplayName} to the substers! You just earned 500 points! So kind of you to use your Twitch Prime on this channel!" )
client.SendMessage(e.Channel, $ "Welcome {e.Subscriber.DisplayName} to the substers! You just earned 500 points!" )
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Module
Para obter uma lista completa de eventos e chamadas do TwitchClient, clique aqui
Observação: TwitchAPI agora é uma classe singleton que precisa ser instanciada com clientid e token de autenticação opcionais. Saiba que a falha em fornecer pelo menos um ID de cliente e, às vezes, um token de acesso resultará em exceções. v5 (Obsoleto) e Helix operam quase inteiramente em IDs de usuário do Twitch. Existem métodos em todas as versões da API do Twitch para obter nomes de usuário/IDs de usuário correspondentes.
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Threading . Tasks ;
using TwitchLib . Api ;
using TwitchLib . Api . Helix . Models . Users ;
using TwitchLib . Api . V5 . Models . Subscriptions ; //v5 Deprecated
namespace Example
class Program
private static TwitchAPI api ;
private void Main ( )
api = new TwitchAPI ( ) ;
api . Settings . ClientId = " client_id " ;
api . Settings . AccessToken = " access_token " ; // App Secret is not an Accesstoken
private async Task ExampleCallsAsync ( )
//Gets a list of all the subscritions of the specified channel.
var allSubscriptions = await api . Helix . Subscriptions . GetBroadcasterSubscriptionsAsync ( " broadcasterID " , null , 100 , " accesstoken " )
//Get channels a specified user follows.
var userFollows = await api . Helix . Users . GetUsersFollowsAsync ( " user_id " ) ;
//Get Specified Channel Follows
var channelFollowers = await api . Helix . Users . GetUsersFollowsAsync ( fromId : " channel_id " ) ;
//Returns a stream object if online, if channel is offline it will be null/empty.
var streams = await api . Helix . Streams . GetStreamsAsync ( userIds : userIdsList ) ; // Alternative: userLogins: userLoginsList
//Update Channel Title/Game/Language/Delay - Only require 1 option here.
var request = new ModifyChannelInformationRequest ( ) { GameId = " New_Game_Id " , Title = " New stream title " , BroadcasterLanguage = " New_Language " , Delay = New_Delay } ;
await api . Helix . Channels . ModifyChannelInformationAsync ( " broadcaster_Id " , request , " AccessToken " ) ;
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports TwitchLib.Api
Imports TwitchLib.Api.Models.Helix.Users.GetUsersFollows
Imports TwitchLib.Api.Models.Helix.Users.GetUsers
Imports TwitchLib.Api.Models.v5.Subscriptions // V5 deprecated
Module Module1
Public api As TwitchAPI
Sub Main()
api = New TwitchAPI()
api.Settings.ClientId = "Client_id"
api.Settings.AccessToken = "access_token" // App Secret is not an Accesstoken
End Sub
Private Async Function getusersubs() As Task
'Checks subscription for a specific user and the channel specified.
Dim subscription As Subscription = Await api.Channels.v5.CheckChannelSubscriptionByUserAsync( "channel_id" , "user_id" )
Console.WriteLine( "User subed: " + subscription.User.Name.ToString)
End Function
Private Async Function streaming() As Task
'shows if the channel is streaming or not (true/false)
Dim isStreaming As Boolean = Await api.Streams.v5.BroadcasterOnlineAsync( "channel_id" )
If isStreaming = True Then
Console.WriteLine( "Streaming" )
Console.WriteLine( "Not Streaming" )
End If
End Function
Private Async Function chanupdate() As Task
'Update Channel Title/Game
'not used this yet
Await api.Channels.v5.UpdateChannelAsync( "channel_id" , "New stream title" , "Stronghold Crusader" )
End Function
Private Async Function getchanfollows() As Task
'Get Specified Channel Follows
Dim channelFollowers = Await api.Channels.v5.GetChannelFollowersAsync( "channel_id" )
End Function
Private Async Function getchanuserfollow() As Task
'Get channels a specified user follows.
Dim userFollows As GetUsersFollowsResponse = Await api.Users.helix.GetUsersFollowsAsync( "user_id" )
End Function
Private Async Function getnumberofsubs() As Task
'Get the number of subs to your channel
Dim numberofsubs = Await api.Channels.v5.GetChannelSubscribersAsync( "channel_id" )
End Function
Private Async Function getsubstochannel() As Task
'Gets a list of all the subscritions of the specified channel.
Dim allSubscriptions As List( Of Subscription) = Await api.Channels.v5.GetAllSubscribersAsync( "channel_id" )
Dim num As Integer
For num = 0 To allSubscriptions.Count - 1
Next num
End Function
End Module
Para obter uma lista completa de chamadas TwitchAPI, clique aqui
using System ;
using TwitchLib . PubSub ;
using TwitchLib . PubSub . Events ;
namespace TwitchLibPubSubExample
class Program
private TwitchPubSub client ;
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
new Program ( ) . Run ( ) ;
private void Run ( )
client = new TwitchPubSub ( ) ;
client . OnPubSubServiceConnected += onPubSubServiceConnected ;
client . OnListenResponse += onListenResponse ;
client . OnStreamUp += onStreamUp ;
client . OnStreamDown += onStreamDown ;
client . ListenToVideoPlayback ( " channelUsername " ) ;
client . ListenToBitsEvents ( " channelTwitchID " ) ;
client . Connect ( ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ; // Quick fix to keep program from closing right away. ReadKey could also be used.
private void onPubSubServiceConnected ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// SendTopics accepts an oauth optionally, which is necessary for some topics
client . SendTopics ( ) ;
private void onListenResponse ( object sender , OnListenResponseArgs e )
if ( ! e . Successful )
throw new Exception ( $" Failed to listen! Response: { e . Response } " ) ;
private void onStreamUp ( object sender , OnStreamUpArgs e )
Console . WriteLine ( $" Stream just went up! Play delay: { e . PlayDelay } , server time: { e . ServerTime } " ) ;
private void onStreamDown ( object sender , OnStreamDownArgs e )
Console . WriteLine ( $" Stream just went down! Server time: { e . ServerTime } " ) ;
Para obter uma lista completa das funcionalidades do TwitchPubSub, clique aqui
Veja o README da extensão aqui.
NOTA: Use esses projetos como referência, NÃO é garantido que eles estejam atualizados.
Se você tiver algum problema ao usar esses exemplos, indique a qual exemplo você está se referindo no problema ou no Discord.
Para instalar esta biblioteca via NuGet por meio do console NuGet, use:
Install-Package TwitchLib