Corretor de eventos simples e leve para C#
using Executor;
using System;
/* ----------------------------------------
Simple subscribe / publish (strings define the channels "A" in this case)
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); });
// output --> Hello World
/* ----------------------------------------
Broadcasts can only go to their designated subscriptions
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel A"); });
broker.Subscribe("B", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel B"); });
// output --> Hello World from Channel B
/* ----------------------------------------
Broadcasts can only go to multiple subscriptions
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel A"); });
broker.Subscribe("B", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel B"); });
broker.Subscribe("B", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel B Again"); });
// output --> Hello World from Channel B
// Hello World from Channel B Again
/* ----------------------------------------
Broadcasts can carry values (as long as those values implement IBrokerContext)
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello " + ((BrokerContext)x).Value); });
broker.Broadcast("A", new BrokerContext { Value = "World !!" });
// output --> Hello World !!
/* ----------------------------------------
Same value can be broadcast to mulitple channels
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello " + ((BrokerContext)x).Value + " from Channel A!!"); });
broker.Subscribe("B", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello " + ((BrokerContext)x).Value + " from Channel B!!"); });
broker.Broadcast(new[] { "A", "B" }, new BrokerContext { Value = "World" });
// output --> Hello World from Channel A!!!!
// Hello World from Channel B!!!!
/* ----------------------------------------
BrokerContext has a reference to the original broker, so you can chain broadcasts
---------------------------------------- */
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("A", (x) => { x.Broker.Broadcast("B",x); });
broker.Subscribe("B", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from Channel 'B' !!"); });
broker.Broadcast("B", new BrokerContext());
// output --> Hello World from Channel 'B' !!
/* ----------------------------------------
Channels are NOT case sensitive (trailing/leading whitespace is also removed)
var broker = new Broker();
broker.Subscribe("SomeTEXT", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World (ignore case)"); });
// output --> Hello World (ignore case)
/* ----------------------------------------
A default broker is implemented as a singleton
---------------------------------------- */
Broker.Default.Subscribe("C", (x) => { Console.WriteLine("Hello World (default broker)"); });
// output --> Hello World (default broker)
Console.WriteLine("Any key to quit...");