Se você precisar se aprofundar nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza que você vai adorar meu livro "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | Se você precisar de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência Java, o "Guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Amostras de hibernação e inicialização Spring
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de como armazenar data, hora e carimbos de data/hora no fuso horário UTC. A segunda configuração, useLegacyDatetimeCode
é necessária apenas para MySQL. Caso contrário, defina apenas hibernate.jdbc.time_zone
Pontos principais:
Descrição: Visualize os parâmetros de ligação/extração da instrução preparada por meio da configuração do registrador Log4J 2.
Pontos principais:
, exclua o registro padrão do Spring Bootpom.xml
, adicione dependência Log4j 2log4j2.xml
adicione, <Logger name="org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql" level="trace"/>
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Visualize os detalhes da consulta (tipo de consulta, parâmetros de vinculação, tamanho do lote, tempo de execução, etc.) via DataSource-Proxy
Pontos principais:
a dependência datasource-proxy
via ProxyFactory
e uma implementação de MethodInterceptor
Exemplo de saída:
saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
no MySQL Descrição: Inserções em lote por meio do método SimpleJpaRepository#saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
no MySQL
Pontos principais:
(apenas para verificar se o lote está funcionando)
defina o URL JDBC com rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(otimização para MySQL)
defina o URL JDBC com cachePrepStmts=true
(habilite o cache e é útil se você decidir definir prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc também; sem essa configuração o cache será desabilitado)
defina o URL JDBC com useServerPrepStmts=true
(desta forma você muda para instruções preparadas no lado do servidor (pode levar a um aumento significativo de desempenho))
para otimizar o lote ordenando inserçõesIDENTITY
fará com que o lote de inserção seja desabilitado@Version
para evitar instruções SELECT
extras disparadas antes do processamento em lote (também evita a perda de atualizações em transações de múltiplas solicitações). Instruções extra SELECT
são o efeito do uso de merge()
em vez de persist()
; nos bastidores, saveAll()
usa save()
, que no caso de entidades não novas (entidades que possuem IDs) chamará merge()
, que instrui o Hibernate a disparar uma instrução SELECT
para garantir que não haja nenhum registro no banco de dados com o mesmo identificadorsaveAll()
para não "sobrecarregar" o Contexto de Persistência; normalmente o EntityManager
deve ser liberado e limpo de tempos em tempos, mas durante a execução saveAll()
você simplesmente não pode fazer isso, então se em saveAll()
houver uma lista com uma grande quantidade de dados, todos esses dados atingirão o Persistence Contexto (Cache de 1º Nível) e permanecerá na memória até o momento da liberação; usar uma quantidade relativamente pequena de dados deve ser aceitável (neste exemplo, cada lote de 30 entidades é executado em uma transação separada e em um contexto persistente)saveAll()
retorna um List<S>
contendo as entidades persistidas; cada entidade persistida é adicionada a esta lista; se você simplesmente não precisa desta List
, ela foi criada para
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de inserções em lote via EntityManager
no MySQL. Desta forma você pode controlar facilmente os ciclos flush()
e clear()
do Contexto de Persistência (Cache de 1º Nível) dentro da transação atual. Isso não é possível via Spring Boot, saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
, pois esse método executa uma única liberação por transação. Outra vantagem é que você pode chamar persist()
em vez de merge()
- isso é usado nos bastidores pelo SpringBoot saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
e save(S entity)
Se você deseja executar um lote por transação (recomendado), verifique este exemplo.
Pontos principais:
(apenas para verificar se o lote está funcionando)
defina o URL JDBC com rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(otimização para MySQL)
defina o URL JDBC com cachePrepStmts=true
(habilite o cache e é útil se você decidir definir prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc também; sem essa configuração o cache será desabilitado)
defina o URL JDBC com useServerPrepStmts=true
(desta forma você muda para instruções preparadas no lado do servidor (pode levar a um aumento significativo de desempenho))
para otimizar o lote ordenando inserçõesIDENTITY
fará com que o lote de inserção seja
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: inserções em lote via JpaContext/EntityManager
no MySQL.
Pontos principais:
(apenas para verificar se o lote está funcionando)
defina o URL JDBC com rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(otimização para MySQL)
defina o URL JDBC com cachePrepStmts=true
(habilite o cache e é útil se você decidir definir prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc também; sem essa configuração o cache será desabilitado)
defina o URL JDBC com useServerPrepStmts=true
(desta forma você muda para instruções preparadas no lado do servidor (pode levar a um aumento significativo de desempenho))
para otimizar o lote ordenando inserçõesIDENTITY
fará com que o lote de inserção seja desabilitadoEntityManager
é obtido por tipo de entidade por meio de JpaContext#getEntityManagerByManagedType(Class<?> entity)
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: inserções em lote por meio de lote em nível de sessão do Hibernate (Hibernate 5.2 ou superior) no MySQL.
Pontos principais:
(apenas para verificar se o lote está funcionando)
defina o URL JDBC com rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(otimização para MySQL)
defina o URL JDBC com cachePrepStmts=true
(habilite o cache e é útil se você decidir definir prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc também; sem essa configuração o cache será desabilitado)
defina o URL JDBC com useServerPrepStmts=true
(desta forma você muda para instruções preparadas no lado do servidor (pode levar a um aumento significativo de desempenho))
para otimizar o lote ordenando inserçõesIDENTITY
fará com que o lote de inserção seja desabilitadoSession
do Hibernate é obtida desembrulhando-a via EntityManager#unwrap(Session.class)
Session#setJdbcBatchSize(Integer size)
e obtido via Session#getJdbcBatchSize()
Exemplo de saída:
, JPA EntityManager
e Session
de Hibernate Descrição: busca direta via exemplos de Spring Data, EntityManager
e Hibernate Session
Pontos principais:
usa find()
usa get()
Observação: você também pode ler a receita "Como enriquecer DTOs com propriedades virtuais por meio de projeções Spring"
Descrição: busque apenas os dados necessários do banco de dados por meio do Spring Data Projections (DTO).
Pontos principais:
)Nota: O uso de projeções não se limita ao uso do mecanismo de criação de consultas integrado à infraestrutura do repositório Spring Data. Também podemos buscar projeções via JPQL ou consultas nativas. Por exemplo, nesta aplicação usamos um JPQL.
Exemplo de saída (selecione as 2 primeiras linhas; selecione apenas "nome" e "idade"):
Se você precisar se aprofundar nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza que você vai adorar meu livro "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | Se você precisar de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência Java, o "Guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Descrição: Por padrão, os atributos de uma entidade são carregados antecipadamente (todos de uma vez). Mas também podemos carregá-los preguiçosamente . Isto é útil para tipos de colunas que armazenam grandes quantidades de dados: CLOB
, etc ou detalhes que devem ser carregados sob demanda. Nesta aplicação, temos uma entidade chamada Author
. Suas propriedades são: id
, name
, genre
, avatar
e age
. E queremos carregar o avatar
lentamente. Portanto, o avatar
deve ser carregado sob demanda.
Pontos principais:
, ative o aprimoramento de bytecode do Hibernate (por exemplo, use o plugin de aprimoramento de bytecode Maven)@Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
, desative Open Session in View Verifique também:
- Valores padrão para atributos carregados lentamente
- Atributo Lazy Load e Jackson Serialization
Descrição: Um proxy do Hibernate pode ser útil quando uma entidade filha pode ser persistida com uma referência ao seu pai (associação @ManyToOne
ou @OneToOne
). Nesses casos, buscar a entidade pai do banco de dados (executar a instrução SELECT
) é uma penalidade de desempenho e uma ação inútil, porque o Hibernate pode definir o valor da chave estrangeira subjacente para um proxy não inicializado.
Pontos principais:
-> usado neste exemploload()
e Book
, envolvidas em uma associação unidirecional @ManyToOne
( Author
é o lado pai)SELECT
), criamos um novo livro, definimos o proxy como o autor deste livro e salvamos o livro (isso acionará um INSERT
na tabela book
)Exemplo de saída:
é acionado e nenhum SELECT
Descrição: O N+1 é uma questão de busca preguiçosa (mas ansiosa não está isenta). Esta aplicação reproduz o comportamento N+1.
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação @OneToMany
bidirecional preguiçosaBook
com preguiça, portanto sem Author
(resulta em 1 consulta)Book
buscada e para cada entrada busque o Author
correspondente (resultados N consultas)Author
com preguiça, portanto sem Book
(resulta em 1 consulta)Author
buscada e para cada entrada busque o Book
correspondente (resultados N consultas) Exemplo de saída:
Dica Descrição: A partir do Hibernate 5.2.2, podemos otimizar entidades de consulta JPQL (HQL) do tipo SELECT DISTINCT
. Tenha em mente que esta dica é útil apenas para consultas JPQL (HQL) JOIN FETCH. Não é útil para consultas escalares (por exemplo, List<Integer>
), DTO ou HHH-13280. Nesses casos, a palavra-chave DISTINCT
JPQL é necessária para ser passada para a consulta SQL subjacente. Isso instruirá o banco de dados a remover duplicatas do conjunto de resultados.
Pontos principais:
@QueryHints(value = @QueryHint(name = HINT_PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH, value = "false"))
Exemplo de saída:
Nota: O mecanismo Hibernate Dirty Checking é responsável por identificar as modificações das entidades no momento da liberação e acionar as instruções UPDATE
correspondentes em nosso nome.
Descrição: Antes do Hibernate versão 5, o mecanismo Dirty Checking dependia da API Java Reflection para verificar todas as propriedades de cada entidade gerenciada. A partir da versão 5 do Hibernate, o mecanismo Dirty Checking pode contar com o mecanismo Dirty Tracking (que é a capacidade de uma entidade rastrear suas próprias alterações de atributos), que requer que o Hibernate Bytecode Enhancement esteja presente na aplicação. O mecanismo Dirty Tracking mantém um melhor desempenho, especialmente quando você tem um número relativamente grande de entidades.
Para Dirty Tracking , durante o processo de aprimoramento de bytecode , o bytecode das classes de entidade é instrumentado pelo Hibernate adicionando um rastreador , $$_hibernate_tracker
. No momento da liberação, o Hibernate usará esse rastreador para descobrir as alterações nas entidades (cada rastreador de entidade reportará as alterações). Isto é melhor do que verificar todas as propriedades de todas as entidades gerenciadas.
Normalmente (por padrão), a instrumentação ocorre em tempo de construção, mas também pode ser configurada para ocorrer em tempo de execução ou de implantação. É preferível que ocorra em tempo de construção para evitar sobrecarga no tempo de execução.
Adicionar o aprimoramento de bytecode e ativar o Dirty Tracking pode ser feito por meio de um plug-in adicionado via Maven ou Gradle (o Ant também pode ser usado). Usamos Maven, portanto o adicionamos em pom.xml
Pontos principais:
Exemplo de saída:
O efeito Bytecode Enhancement pode ser visto em Author.class
aqui. Observe como o bytecode foi instrumentado com $$_hibernate_tracker
em entidades e consultas Descrição: Esta aplicação é um exemplo de como é correto utilizar o Optional
Java 8 em entidades e consultas.
Pontos principais:
(por exemplo, findById()
em getters de entidadesdata-mysql.sql
Descrição: Esta aplicação é uma prova de conceito de como é correto implementar a associação bidirecional @OneToMany
do ponto de vista de desempenho.
Pontos principais:
no paiorphanRemoval
no pai para remover filhos sem referências@NaturalId
)) e/ou identificadores gerados pelo banco de dados e substitua (no lado filho) adequadamente os métodos equals()
e hashCode()
como aquitoString()
precisar ser substituído, preste atenção para envolver apenas os atributos básicos obtidos quando a entidade for carregada do banco de dados Nota: Preste atenção às operações de remoção, especialmente à remoção de entidades filhas. O CascadeType.REMOVE
e orphanRemoval=true
podem produzir muitas consultas. Nesses cenários, confiar em operações em massa é, na maioria das vezes, a melhor maneira de fazer exclusões.
Descrição: Esta aplicação é um exemplo de como escrever uma consulta via JpaRepository
, EntityManager
e Session
Pontos principais:
use @Query
ou Spring Data Query CreationEntityManager
e Session
use o método createQuery()
no Hibernate 5 e no MySQL Descrição: No MySQL e Hibernate 5, o tipo de gerador GenerationType.AUTO
resultará no uso do gerador TABLE
. Isso adiciona uma penalidade significativa de desempenho. A transformação desse comportamento para o gerador IDENTITY
pode ser obtida usando GenerationType.IDENTITY
ou o gerador nativo .
Pontos principais:
em vez de GenerationType.AUTO
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de quando a chamada save()
para uma entidade é redundante (não é necessária).
Pontos principais:
correspondente sem a necessidade de chamar explicitamente o método save()
quando não é necessariamente) não afeta o número de consultas acionadas, mas implica uma penalidade de desempenho nos processos subjacentes do HibernateSe você precisar se aprofundar nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza que você vai adorar meu livro "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | Se você precisar de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência Java, o "Guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
em inserções em lote via Hibernate Descrição: No PostgreSQL, o uso de GenerationType.IDENTITY
desativará o lote de inserção. O (BIG)SERIAL
está agindo "quase" como MySQL, AUTO_INCREMENT
. Nesta aplicação, usamos o GenerationType.SEQUENCE
que permite inserir lotes e o otimizamos por meio do algoritmo de otimização hi/lo
Pontos principais:
em vez de GenerationType.IDENTITY
para buscar um valor hi em uma viagem de ida e volta do banco de dados (o valor hi é útil para gerar um determinado/dado número de identificadores na memória; até que você não tenha esgotado todos os identificadores na memória, não há necessidade para buscar outro oi )pooled
e pooled-lo
do Hibernate (essas são otimizações de hi/lo
que permitem que serviços externos usem o banco de dados sem causar erros de chaves de duplicação)
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de uso da estratégia de herança de tabela única JPA ( SINGLE_TABLE
Pontos principais:
Exemplo de saída (abaixo está uma única tabela obtida de 3 entidades):
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de contagem e afirmação de instruções SQL acionadas "nos bastidores". É muito útil contar as instruções SQL para garantir que seu código não esteja gerando mais instruções SQL do que você imagina (por exemplo, N+1 pode ser facilmente detectado afirmando o número de instruções esperadas).
Pontos principais:
, adicione dependências para a biblioteca DataSource-Proxy e a biblioteca db-util de Vlad MihalceaProxyDataSourceBuilder
com countQuery()
via assertInsert/Update/Delete/Select/Count(long expectedNumberOfSql)
Exemplo de saída (quando o número de SQLs esperados não é igual à realidade, uma exceção é lançada):
Descrição: Este aplicativo é um exemplo de configuração de retornos de chamada JPA ( Pre/PostPersist
, Pre/PostUpdate
, Pre/PostRemove
e PostLoad
Pontos principais:
e não receber argumentos Exemplo de saída:
para compartilhar identificador no relacionamento @OneToOne
Descrição: em vez de @OneToOne
unidirecional/bidirecional regular , é melhor contar com @OneToOne
e @MapsId
unidirecionais. Esta aplicação é uma prova de conceito.
Pontos principais:
no lado filho@JoinColumn
para personalizar o nome da coluna de chave primária@OneToOne
, @MapsId
compartilhará a chave primária com a tabela pai (a propriedade id
atua como chave primária e chave estrangeira)Observação:
também pode ser usado para @ManyToOne
e EntityManager
Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com SqlResultSetMapping
e EntityManager
Pontos principais:
e EntityManager
e NamedNativeQuery
Nota: Se você quiser confiar na convenção de nomenclatura {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
para simplesmente criar na interface do repositório métodos com o mesmo nome da consulta nomeada nativa, pule este aplicativo e verifique este.
Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com SqlResultSetMapping
, NamedNativeQuery
Pontos principais:
, NamedNativeQuery
e SQL nativo Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com javax.persistence.Tuple
e SQL nativo.
Pontos principais:
em um repositório Spring e marque a consulta como nativeQuery = true
e JPQL Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com javax.persistence.Tuple
Pontos principais:
em um repositório SpringDescrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com Constructor Expression e JPQL.
Pontos principais:
SELECT new com.bookstore.dto.AuthorDto(, a.age) FROM Author a
Veja também:
Como buscar DTO por meio do construtor e do mecanismo Spring Data Query Builder
Se você precisar se aprofundar nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza que você vai adorar meu livro "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | Se você precisar de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência Java, o "Guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
e SQL nativo Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com Hibernate, ResultTransformer
e SQL nativo.
Pontos principais:
para DTO sem setters, mas com construtorTransformers.aliasToBean()
para DTO com settersEntityManager.createNativeQuery()
e unwrap(org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class)
está obsoleto, mas até que um substituto esteja disponível (provavelmente no Hibernate 6.0) ele pode ser usado (leia mais)ResultTransformer
e JPQL Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação contamos com Hibernate, ResultTransformer
Pontos principais:
para DTO sem setters, com construtorTransformers.aliasToBean()
para DTO com settersEntityManager.createQuery()
e unwrap(org.hibernate.query.Query.class)
está obsoleto, mas até que um substituto esteja disponível (no Hibernate 6.0) ele pode ser usado (leia mais)Descrição: buscar mais dados do que o necessário está sujeito a penalidades de desempenho. O uso do DTO nos permite extrair apenas os dados necessários. Nesta aplicação, contamos com visualizações de entidade Blaze-Persistence.
Pontos principais:
as dependências específicas do Blaze-PersistenceCriteriaBuilderFactory
e EntityViewManager
, findOne()
, etc@ElementCollection
regular (sem @OrderColumn
) Descrição: Este aplicativo revela as possíveis penalidades de desempenho ao usar @ElementCollection
. Neste caso, sem @OrderColumn
. Como você pode ver no próximo item (34) adicionar @OrderColumn
pode mitigar algumas penalidades de desempenho.
Pontos principais:
não possui uma chave primária@ElementCollection
é mapeado em uma tabela separada@ElementCollection
quando você tiver muitas inserções/exclusões nesta coleção; inserções/exclusões farão com que o Hibernate exclua todas as linhas da tabela existentes, processe a coleção na memória e reinsira as linhas restantes da tabela para espelhar a coleção da memória Exemplo de saída:
com @OrderColumn
Descrição: Este aplicativo revela as penalidades de desempenho decorrentes do uso de @ElementCollection
. Neste caso, com @OrderColumn
. Mas, como você pode ver nesta aplicação (em comparação com o item 33), adicionar @OrderColumn
pode mitigar algumas penalidades de desempenho quando as operações ocorrem perto do final da coleção (por exemplo, adicionar/remover no/do final da coleção). Principalmente, todos os elementos situados antes da entrada de adição/remoção permanecem intactos, portanto a penalidade de desempenho pode ser ignorada se afetarmos as linhas próximas ao final da coleção.
Pontos principais:
não possui uma chave primária@ElementCollection
é mapeado em uma tabela separada@ElementCollection
com @OrderColumn
quando você tiver muitas inserções e exclusões perto do final da coleção Exemplo de saída:
Nota: Antes de ler este item tente ver se o Hibernate5Module não é o que você está procurando.
Descrição: O antipadrão Open-Session in View é ativado por padrão no SpringBoot. Agora, imagine uma associação preguiçosa (por exemplo, @OneToMany
) entre duas entidades, Author
e Book
(um autor associou mais livros). Em seguida, um endpoint do controlador REST busca um Author
sem o Book
associado. Mas, o View (mais precisamente, Jackson), também força o carregamento lento do Book
associado. Como o OSIV fornecerá a Session
já aberta, as inicializações dos proxies ocorrerão com sucesso. A solução para evitar esta penalidade de desempenho começa desabilitando o OSIV. Além disso, inicialize explicitamente as associações lentas não buscadas. Dessa forma, o View não forçará o carregamento lento.
Pontos principais:
esta configuração:
e inicializar seu Book
associado explicitamente com valores (padrão) (por exemplo, null
neste nível de entidade para evitar renderizar null
ou o que é considerado vazio no JSON resultante NOTA: Se o OSIV estiver ativado, o desenvolvedor ainda poderá inicializar manualmente as associações lentas não buscadas, desde que faça isso fora de uma transação para evitar a liberação. Mas, por que isso está funcionando? Como a Session
está aberta, por que a inicialização manual das associações de uma entidade gerenciada não aciona a liberação? A resposta pode ser encontrada na documentação do OpenSessionInViewFilter
que especifica que: Este filtro, por padrão, não liberará a Session
do Hibernate , com o modo de liberação definido como FlushMode.NEVER
. Ele pressupõe ser usado em combinação com transações da camada de serviço que cuidam da liberação: O gerenciador de transações ativo alterará temporariamente o modo de liberação para FlushMode.AUTO
durante uma transação de leitura e gravação, com o modo de liberação redefinido para FlushMode.NEVER
no final de cada transação. Se você pretende utilizar este filtro sem transações, considere alterar o modo de liberação padrão (através da propriedade "flushMode").
Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para usar Spring Projections (DTO) e inner joins escritos via JPQL e SQL nativo (para MySQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação @OneToMany
bidirecional (preguiçosa))resources/data-mysql.sql
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para usar Spring Projections (DTO) e left joins escritos via JPQL e SQL nativo (para MySQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação @OneToMany
bidirecional (preguiçosa))resources/data-mysql.sql
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e as junções corretas escritas via JPQL e SQL nativo (para MySQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação bidirecional (preguiçosa) @OneToMany
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e junções completas inclusivas escritas via JPQL e SQL nativo (para PostgreSQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação bidirecional (preguiçosa) @OneToMany
)Se você precisar de um mergulho profundo nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza de que você vai adorar o meu livro "Práticas de Melhores Práticas de Persistência de Botas da Primavera" | Se você precisar de uma mão de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência de java, "o guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e as junções de esquerda exclusivas escritas via JPQL e SQL nativo (para MySQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação bidirecional (preguiçosa) @OneToMany
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e as junções de direito exclusivas escritas via JPQL e SQL nativo (para MySQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação bidirecional (preguiçosa) @OneToMany
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e junções completas exclusivas escritas via JPQL e SQL nativo (para PostgreSQL).
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação bidirecional (preguiçosa) @OneToMany
)Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de ganchos pós-comprometimento da primavera e como eles podem afetar o desempenho da camada de persistência.
Pontos principais:
Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito para o uso de projeções de primavera (DTO) e ingressar em entidades não relacionadas. O Hibernate 5.1 introduziu junções explícitas em entidades não relacionadas e a sintaxe e o comportamento são semelhantes às declarações JOIN
do SQL.
Pontos principais:
e Book
de entidades não relacionadas)resources/data-mysql.sql
e @Data
em entidades e como substituir equals()
e hashCode()
Descrição: As entidades devem implementar equals()
e hashCode()
como aqui. A idéia principal é que o hibernato exige que uma entidade seja igual a si mesma em todas as suas transições de estado ( transitória , anexada , desapegada e removida ). O uso do LOMBOK @EqualsAndHashCode
(ou @Data
) não respeitará esse requisito.
Pontos principais:
Evite essas abordagens
(entidade: LombokDefaultBook
, TEST: LombokDefaultEqualsAndHashCodeTest
apenas com chave primária (entidade: LombokIdBook
, TEST: LombokEqualsAndHashCodeWithIdOnlyTest
e hashCode()
(Entidade: DefaultBook
, Teste: DefaultEqualsAndHashCodeTest
e hashCode()
contendo apenas o identificador gerado pelo banco de dados (entidade: IdBook
, teste: IdEqualsAndHashCodeTest
)Prefira essas abordagens
, teste: BusinessKeyEqualsAndHashCodeTest
(entidade: NaturalIdBook
, teste: NaturalIdEqualsAndHashCodeTest
, teste: IdManEqualsAndHashCodeTest
, teste: IdGenEqualsAndHashCodeTest
) LazyInitializationException
através JOIN FETCH
Veja também:
Descrição: Normalmente, quando obtemos uma LazyInitializationException
tendemos a modificar o tipo de associação de LAZY
. Isso é muito ruim! Este é um cheiro de código. A melhor maneira de evitar essa exceção é confiar na JOIN FETCH
(se você planeja modificar as entidades buscadas) ou JOIN
+ dto (se os dados buscados forem lidos apenas). JOIN FETCH
permite que as associações sejam inicializadas junto com seus objetos pais usando uma única SELECT
. Isso é particularmente útil para buscar coleções associadas.
Este aplicativo é um exemplo JOIN FETCH
para evitar LazyInitializationException
Pontos principais:
e Book
em uma associação @OneToMany
Lazy-Bidirectional)JOIN FETCH
para buscar um autor, incluindo seus livrosJOIN FETCH
(ou JOIN
) para buscar um livro, incluindo seu autor Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Este é um exemplo de inicialização da primavera com base no artigo a seguir. É uma implementação funcional do exemplo do VLAD. É altamente recomendável ler esse artigo.
Pontos principais:
Descrição: Este é um exemplo de inicialização da mola que explora o Hibernate 5.2.10 Capacidade de atrasar a aquisição da conexão, conforme necessário. Por padrão, no modo Resource-Local , uma conexão de banco de dados é AQURIED imediatamente após chamar um método anotado com @Transactional
. Se esse método contiver algumas tarefas demoradas antes da primeira instrução SQL, a conexão não será aberta para nada. Mas o Hibernate 5.2.10 nos permite atrasar a aquisição de conexão, conforme necessário. Este exemplo depende do hikaricp como o pool de conexão padrão para a inicialização da mola.
Pontos principais:
Exemplo de saída:
algoritmo NOTA: Se os sistemas externos ao seu aplicativo precisarem inserir linhas em suas tabelas, não confie no algoritmo hi/lo
, pois, nesses casos, pode causar erros resultou da geração de identificadores duplicados. Confie em algoritmos pooled
ou pooled-lo
(otimizações de hi/lo
Descrição: Este é um exemplo de inicialização de mola do uso do algoritmo hi/lo
para gerar 1000 identificadores em 10 ida e volta para o banco de dados para lotes de 1000 inserções em lotes de 30.
Pontos principais:
(por exemplo, no PostgreSQL)hi/lo
Exemplo de saída:
Se você precisar de um mergulho profundo nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza de que você vai adorar o meu livro "Práticas de Melhores Práticas de Persistência de Botas da Primavera" | Se você precisar de uma mão de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência de java, "o guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma prova de conceito de como é correto implementar a Bidirecional @ManyToMany
Association da perspectiva de desempenho.
Pontos principais:
Not List
e CascadeType.MERGE
, mas evite CascadeType.REMOVE/ALL
é preguiçoso por padrão; Mantenha assim!@NaturalId
)) e/ou identificadores gerados por banco de dados e substituição (em ambos os lados) adequadamente os métodos equals()
e hashCode()
como aquitoString()
precisar ser substituído, preste atenção apenas para os atributos básicos buscados quando a entidade é carregada do banco de dadosSet
em vez de List
em @ManyToMany
associações Descrição: Este é um exemplo de inicialização de primavera de remoção de linhas em caso de uma List
bidirecional @ManyToMany
, Set
. A conclusão é que Set
é muito melhor! Isso também se aplica a unidirecional!
Pontos principais:
é muito mais eficaz do que List
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Veja os detalhes da consulta via log4jdbc.
Pontos principais:
, adicione dependência log4jdbc
Amostra de saída:
Descrição: Veja os parâmetros de ligação/extraídos da instrução preparada via TRACE
Pontos principais:
Amostra de saída:
como Integer
ou Date
via Hibernate Types Library Descrição: Os tipos de hibernato são um conjunto de tipos extras não suportados por padrão no núcleo de hibernato. Um desses tipos é java.time.YearMonth
. Este é um aplicativo de inicialização de primavera que usa o tipo Hibernate para armazenar este YearMonth
em um banco de dados MySQL como número inteiro ou data.
Pontos principais:
para mapear typeClass
para defaultForType
Exemplo de saída:
Nota : Usando as funções SQL na parte WHERE
(não na parte SELECT
) da consulta no JPA 2.1 pode ser feita via function()
como aqui.
Descrição: Tentar usar as funções SQL (padrão ou definido) em consultas JPQL pode resultar em exceções se o Hibernate não as reconhecerá e não puder analisar a consulta JPQL. Por exemplo, a função MySQL, concat_ws
não é reconhecida pelo hibernado. Este aplicativo é um aplicativo de inicialização de primavera com base no Hibernate 5.3, que registra a função concat_ws
via MetadataBuilderContributor
e informa a propriedade Hibernate sobre ele, metadata_builder_contributor
. Este exemplo também usa @Query
e EntityManager
, para que você possa ver dois casos de uso.
Pontos principais:
e registrar a função concat_ws
, set
para apontar a implementação do hibernato para MetadataBuilderContributor
Exemplo de saída:
Descrição: Este aplicativo é uma amostra de log apenas consultas lentas via DataSource-Proxy . Uma consulta lenta é uma consulta que tem um tempo de execução maior que um limite específico em milissegundos.
Pontos principais:
a dependência de próxi de dados de dadosDataSource
via ProxyFactory
e uma implementação do MethodInterceptor
Exemplo de saída:
Subconstração e Retorno Page<dto>
Descrição: Este aplicativo busca dados como Page<dto>
via paginação de deslocamento de inicialização da primavera. Na maioria das vezes, os dados que devem ser paginados são dados somente leitura . A busca dos dados em entidades deve ser feita apenas se planejarmos modificar esses dados, portanto, buscar dados somente leitura como Page<entity>
não for preferível, pois pode acabar em uma penalidade de desempenho significativa. A SELECT COUNT
acionada para contar o número total de registros é uma subconeração da SELECT
principal. Portanto, haverá uma única ida e volta ao banco de dados em vez de duas (normalmente, há uma consulta necessária para buscar os dados e outra para contar o número total de registros).
Pontos principais:
e o Pageable
adequado para criar uma Page<dto>
Subquery and Return List<dto>
Descrição: Este aplicativo busca dados como List<dto>
via paginação de deslocamento de inicialização da primavera. Na maioria das vezes, os dados que devem ser paginados são dados somente leitura . A busca dos dados em entidades deve ser feita apenas se planejarmos modificar esses dados, portanto, buscar dados somente leitura como List<entity>
não for preferível, pois pode acabar em uma penalidade de desempenho significativa. A SELECT COUNT
acionada para contar o número total de registros é uma subconeração da SELECT
principal. Portanto, haverá uma única ida e volta ao banco de dados em vez de duas (normalmente, há uma consulta necessária para buscar os dados e outra para contar o número total de registros).
Pontos principais:
Se você usar o spring-boot-starter-jdbc
ou spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
"Starters", você recebe automaticamente uma dependência para Hikaricp
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou apenas o hikaricp via
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos. Verifique o relatório Hickaricp revelando o status do pool de conexões.
Pontos principais:
, confie no spring.datasource.hikari.*
Para configurar o hikaricp Amostra de saída:
Se você precisar de um mergulho profundo nas receitas de performance expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza de que você vai adorar meu livro "Práticas de Melhores Práticas de Persistência de Botas da Primavera" | Se você precisar de uma mão de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência de java, "o guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Se você usar o spring-boot-starter-jdbc
ou spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
"Starters", você recebe automaticamente uma dependência para Hikaricp
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o Hikaricp via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos. Verifique o relatório Hickaricp revelando o status do pool de conexões.
Pontos principais:
, configure o Hikaricp por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Amostra de saída:
Este aplicativo é detalhado neste artigo da DZone.
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o Bonecp via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos.
Pontos principais:
Adicione a dependência do
, configure o BoneCP por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Amostra de saída:
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o viburdbcp via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos.
Pontos principais:
Adicione a dependência do
, configure o viburdbcp por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Amostra de saída:
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o C3P0 via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos.
Pontos principais:
Adicione a dependência
, configure C3P0 por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Amostra de saída:
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o DBCP2 via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos.
Pontos principais:
Adicione a dependência do
, configure o DBCP2 por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que configurou o TomCat via DataSourceBuilder
. O jdbcUrl
está configurado para um banco de dados MySQL. Para fins de teste, o aplicativo usa um ExecutorService
para simular usuários simultâneos.
Pontos principais:
Adicione a dependência do
, configure o TomCat por meio de um prefixo personalizado, por exemplo, app.datasource.*
que retorne o DataSource
Amostra de saída:
Nota: A melhor maneira de ajustar os parâmetros do pool de conexão consiste no uso do pool flexível pelo Vlad Mihalcea. Por meio do Flexy Pool, você pode encontrar as configurações ótimas que sustentam o alto desempenho do seu pool de conexão.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de kickoff que usa duas fontes de dados (dois bancos de dados MySQL, um nomeado authorsdb
e um chamado booksdb
) com dois pools de conexão (cada banco de dados usa seu próprio pool de conexão Hikaricp com diferentes configurações). Com base nos itens acima, é muito fácil de configurar dois pools de conexão de dois fornecedores diferentes.
Pontos principais:
, configure dois pools de conexão Hikaricp por meio de dois prefixos personalizados, por exemplo, app.datasource.ds1
e app.datasource.ds2
que retorne o primeiro DataSource
e marque -o como @Primary
que retorne o segundo DataSource
e aponte os pacotes para digitalizar para cada um delesEntityManager
nos pacotes certos Amostra de saída:
Nota : Se você deseja que você forneça uma API fluente sem alterar os setters, considere este item.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de amostra que altera os métodos de Setters de entidades para capacitar uma API fluente.
Pontos principais:
em vez de void
em setters Exemplo de API fluente:
Nota : Se você deseja que você forneça uma API fluente alterando os setters, considere este item.
Descrição: Este é um aplicativo de amostra que adiciona métodos adicionais de entidades (por exemplo, para setName
, adicionamos name
), a fim de capacitar uma API fluente.
Pontos principais:
em vez de void
Exemplo de API fluente:
Se você precisar de um mergulho profundo nas receitas de desempenho expostas neste repositório, tenho certeza de que você vai adorar o meu livro "Práticas de Melhores Práticas de Persistência de Botas da Primavera" | Se você precisar de uma mão de dicas e ilustrações de mais de 100 problemas de desempenho de persistência de java, "o guia ilustrado de desempenho de persistência Java" é para você. |
Slice<T> findAll()
Provavelmente isso é tudo o que você deseja: como buscar Slice<entity>
/ Slice<dto>
via fetchAll
/ fetchAllDto
Algumas implementações de Slice<T> findAll()
"SELECT e FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e;"
em vez de SQL com código duroSort
, portanto, a classificação de resultados é possívelSort
e uma Specification
de dados da primaveraSort
, um LockModeType
, um QueryHints
e uma Specification
de dados da primaveraPageable
de dados e/ou Specification
da mola, estendendo o SimpleJpaRepository
dos dados da mola. Basicamente, essa implementação é a única que retorna Page<T>
em vez de Slice<T>
, mas não aciona a SELECT COUNT
extra, pois foi eliminada substituindo o método da Page<T> readPage(...)
do SimpleJpaRepository
. A principal desvantagem é que, ao retirar uma Page<T>
você não sabe se há uma próxima página ou a atual é a última. No entanto, há soluções alternativas para ter isso também. Nesta implementação, você não pode definir LockModeType
ou Dicas de consulta. História : A Spring Boot fornece um mecanismo de paginação integrado baseado em deslocamento que retorna uma Page
ou Slice
. Cada uma dessas APIs representa uma página de dados e alguns metadados. A principal diferença é que Page
contém o número total de registros, enquanto Slice
só pode dizer se há outra página disponível. Para Page
, a Spring Boot fornece um método findAll()
capaz de Pageable
como argumentos uma Specification
ou/ou Example
. Para criar uma Page
que contenha o número total de registros, esse método aciona uma SELECT COUNT
extra ao lado da consulta usada para buscar os dados da página atual. Isso pode ser uma penalidade de desempenho, pois a consulta SELECT COUNT
é acionada toda vez que solicitarmos uma página. Para evitar essa bota extra-quadra, a Spring Boot fornece uma API mais relaxada, a API Slice
. O uso Slice
em vez de Page
remove a necessidade desta consulta SELECT COUNT
extra e retorna a página (registros) e alguns metadados sem o número total de registros. Portanto, embora Slice
não saiba o número total de registros, ainda pode dizer se há outra página disponível após a atual ou esta é a última página. O problema é que Slice
funciona bem para consultas que contêm o SQL, WHERE
a cláusula (incluindo aqueles que usam o mecanismo do construtor de consultas incorporado em dados de mola), mas não funciona para findAll()
. Este método ainda retornará uma Page
em vez de Slice
, portanto, a consulta de SELECT COUNT
é acionada para Slice<T> findAll(...);
Descrição: Este é um conjunto de aplicativos de amostras que fornece versões diferentes de um método de Slice<T> findAll(...)
. Temos a partir de uma implementação minimalista que se baseia em uma consulta codificada como: "SELECT e FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e";
(Esta receita), a uma implementação personalizada que suporta classificação, especificação, modo de bloqueio e consulta sugere uma implementação que se baseia na extensão SimpleJpaRepository
Pontos principais:
que exponha os métodos Slice<T> findAll(...)
( SlicePagingRepositoryImplementation
para retornar Slice<T>
(ou Page<T>
, mas sem o número total de elementos)SliceImpl
( Slice<T>
) ou uma PageImpl
( Page<T>
) sem o número total de elementosreadSlice()
ou substituir a página SimpleJpaRepository#readPage()
para evitar SELECT COUNT
) para esta classe abstract
por meio de um repositório de classe ( AuthorRepository
e List<dto>
Descrição: Normalmente, na paginação offset, há uma consulta necessária para buscar os dados e outra para contar o número total de registros. Porém, podemos buscar essas informações em um único banco de dados Rountrip por meio de uma subquery SELECT COUNT
aninhada na SELECT
principal. Melhor ainda, para fornecedores de bancos de dados que suportam as funções da janela, há uma solução que se baseia na COUNT(*) OVER()
como neste aplicativo que usa essa função de janela em uma consulta nativa contra o mysql 8. Portanto, prefira este em vez de SELECT COUNT
subcutilizada .
Pontos principais:
função da janela Exemplo:
Descrição: Quando contamos com uma paginação de deslocamento , temos a penalidade de desempenho induzida jogando fora os registros N antes de chegar ao deslocamento desejado. N maior leva a uma penalidade de desempenho significativa. Quando temos um N grande, é melhor confiar na paginação de teclas , que mantém um tempo "constante" para grandes conjuntos de dados. Para entender como o desligamento ruim pode ser executado, verifique este artigo:
Captura de tela desse artigo (Paginação Offset ):
Precisa saber se há mais registros?
Por sua natureza, o Keyset não usa uma SELECT COUNT
para buscar o número de registros totais. Mas, com um pequeno ajuste, podemos dizer facilmente se houver mais registros, portanto, para mostrar um botão da Next Page
do tipo. Principalmente, se você precisar de tal coisa, considere este aplicativo cujo clímax está listado abaixo:
public AuthorView fetchNextPage(long id, int limit) {
List<Author> authors = authorRepository.fetchAll(id, limit + 1);
if (authors.size() == (limit + 1)) {
authors.remove(authors.size() - 1);
return new AuthorView(authors, true);
return new AuthorView(authors, false);
Ou, assim (depende do método Author.toString()
public Map<List<Author>, Boolean> fetchNextPage(long id, int limit) {
List<Author> authors = authorRepository.fetchAll(id, limit + 1);
if(authors.size() == (limit + 1)) {
authors.remove(authors.size() -1);
return Collections.singletonMap(authors, true);
return Collections.singletonMap(authors, false);
Um botão Previous Page
pode ser implementado facilmente com base no primeiro registro.
Pontos principais:
cláusulas do seu SQLDescrição: Este é um exemplo de paginação clássica da bota de inicialização da primavera. No entanto, não é aconselhável usar essa abordagem na produção devido às suas penalidades de desempenho explicadas mais.
Quando confiamos em uma paginação com deslocamento , temos a penalidade de desempenho induzida jogando fora os registros N antes de atingir o deslocamento desejado. N maior leva a uma penalidade de desempenho significativa. Outra penalidade é a SELECT
necessária para contar o número total de registros. Para entender o quão ruim a paginação de deslocamento pode executar, verifique este artigo. Uma captura de tela desse artigo está abaixo: No entanto, talvez este exemplo seja um pouco extremo. Para conjuntos de dados relativamente pequenos, a paginação de deslocamento não é tão ruim (é próximo do desempenho da paginação de teclas ) e, como a Spring Boot fornece suporte interno para a paginação com deslocamento através da API
, é muito fácil usá-lo. No entanto, dependendo do caso, podemos otimizar um pouco a paginação de deslocamento, como nos exemplos a seguir:
Pegue uma página como uma Page
via coluna extraSELECT COUNT
subconstração e Page<dto>
subconstrável e Page<projection>
que mapeiam entidades e o número total de registros via projeção Pegue uma página como uma List
via coluna extraSELECT COUNT
SubcoMas: se a paginação offset estiver causando problemas de desempenho e você decidir ir com a paginação por teclas , verifique aqui (paginação por teclas ).
Pontos -chave da paginação clássica de deslocamento :
Exemplos de paginação clássica de deslocamento :
sem classificar:repository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size));
com a classificação:repository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name")));
Page<Author> findByName(String name, Pageable pageable);
Page<Author> queryFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable pageable);
Descrição: Vamos supor que tenhamos um relacionamento um para muitos entre as entidades Author
e Book
. Quando salvamos um autor, salvamos seus livros também, graças a cascata de tudo/persistir. Queremos criar um monte de autores com livros e salvá -los no banco de dados (por exemplo, um banco de dados MySQL) usando a técnica de lote. Por padrão, isso resultará no lote de cada autor e nos livros por autor (um lote para o autor e um lote para os livros, outro lote para o autor e outro lote para os livros, e assim por diante). Para lotes de autores e livros, precisamos solicitar inserções como neste aplicativo.
Key points: Beside all setting specific to batching inserts in MySQL, we need to set up in
the following property:
Example without ordered inserts:
Example with ordered inserts:
Description: Batch updates in MySQL.
Pontos principais:
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL, statements get rewritten into a single string buffer and sent in a single request)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
to optimize the batching by ordering atualizaçõ
a setting for enabling batching for versioned entities during update and delete operations (entities that contains @Version
for implicit optimistic locking); this setting is:
; starting with Hibernate 5, this setting should be true
by default Output example for single entity:
Output example for parent-child relationship:
Description: Batch deletes that don't involve associations in MySQL.
Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch()
and deleteInBatch()
don't use delete batching and don't take advantage of automatic optimstic locking mechanism to prevent lost updates (eg, @Version
is ignored). They rely on Query.executeUpdate()
to trigger bulk operations. These operations are fast, but Hibernate doesn't know which entities are removed, therefore, the Persistence Context is not updated accordingly (it's up to you to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistence Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one ( deleteAllInBatch()
) simply triggers a delete from entity_name
statement and is very useful for deleting all records. The second one ( deleteInBatch()
) triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ...
statement, therefore, is prone to cause issues if the generated DELETE
statement exceedes the maximum accepted size. This issue can be controlled by deleting the data in chunks, relying on IN
operator, and so on. Bulk operations are faster than batching which can be achieved via the deleteAll()
, deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
or delete()
method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll()
relies on delete()
. The delete()
/ deleteAll()
methods rely on EntityManager.remove()
therefore the Persistence Context is synchronized accordingly. Moreover, if automatic optimstic locking mechanism (to prevent lost updates ) is enabled then it will be used.
Key points for regular delete batching:
, deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
or delete()
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL, statements get rewritten into a single string buffer and sent in a single request)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
a setting for enabling batching for versioned entities during update and delete operations (entities that contains @Version
for implicit optimistic locking); this setting is:
; starting with Hibernate 5, this setting should be true
by default Exemplo de saída:
Description: Batch deletes in MySQL via orphanRemoval=true
Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch()
and deleteInBatch()
don't use delete batching and don't take advantage of cascading removal, orphanRemoval
and automatic optimstic locking mechanism to prevent lost updates (eg, @Version
is ignored). They rely on Query.executeUpdate()
to trigger bulk operations. These operations are fast, but Hibernate doesn't know which entities are removed, therefore, the Persistence Context is not updated accordingly (it's up to you to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistence Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one ( deleteAllInBatch()
) simply triggers a delete from entity_name
statement and is very useful for deleting all records. The second one ( deleteInBatch()
) triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ...
statement, therefore, is prone to cause issues if the generated DELETE
statement exceedes the maximum accepted size. This issue can be controlled by deleting the data in chunks, relying on IN
operator, and so on. Bulk operations are faster than batching which can be achieved via the deleteAll()
, deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
or delete()
method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll()
relies on delete()
. The delete()
/ deleteAll()
methods rely on EntityManager.remove()
therefore the Persistence Context is synchronized accordingly. If automatic optimstic locking mechanism (to prevent lost updates ) is enabled then it will be used. Moreover, cascading removals and orphanRemoval
works as well.
Key points for using deleteAll()/delete()
entity and each author can have several Book
( one-to-many )orphanRemoval=true
and CascadeType.ALL
from the corresponding Author
to enter into the scene; thanks to this setting, all disassociated books will be deleted; the generated DELETE
statements are batched (if orphanRemoval
is set to false
, a bunch of updates will be executed instead of deletes)Author
via the deleteAll()
or delete()
method (since we have dissaciated all Book
, the Author
deletion will take advantage of batching as well)ON DELETE CASCADE
Description: Batch deletes in MySQL via ON DELETE CASCADE
. Auto-generated database schema will contain the ON DELETE CASCADE
Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch()
and deleteInBatch()
don't use delete batching and don't take advantage of cascading removal, orphanRemoval
and automatic optimistic locking mechanism to prevent lost updates (eg, @Version
is ignored), but both of them take advantage on ON DELETE CASCADE
and are very efficient. They trigger bulk operations via Query.executeUpdate()
, therefore, the Persistence Context is not synchronized accordingly (it's up to you to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistence Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one simply triggers a delete from entity_name
statement, while the second one triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ...
declaração. For delete in batches rely on deleteAll()
, deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
or delete()
method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll()
relies on delete()
. Mixing batching with database automatic actions ( ON DELETE CASCADE
) will result in a partially synchronized Persistent Context.
Pontos principais:
entity and each author can have several Book
( one-to-many )orphanRemoval
or set it to false
and CascadeType.MERGE
@OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
next to @OneToMany
to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
(or, MySQL8Dialect
methods that uses bulk and batching deletes as wellExemplo de saída:
In Spring Boot Style Alternative implementation: In case that you want to avoid extending SimpleJpaRepository
check this implementation.
Description: This is a SpringBoot application that maps a natural business key using Hibernate @NaturalId
. This implementation allows us to use @NaturalId
as it was provided by Spring.
Pontos principais:
), mark the properties (business keys) that should act as natural IDs with @NaturalId
; commonly, there is a single such property, but multiple are suppored as well as here@NaturalId(mutable = false)
and @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false, unique = true, ...)
@NaturalId(mutable = true)
and @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true, unique = true, ...)
and hashCode()
using the natural id(s)@NoRepositoryBean
interface ( NaturalRepository
) to define two methods, named findBySimpleNaturalId()
and findByNaturalId()
) relying on Hibernate, Session
, bySimpleNaturalId()
and byNaturalId()
methods@EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = NaturalRepositoryImpl.class)
to register this implementation as the base classfindBySimpleNaturalId()
or findByNaturalId()
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that uses P6Spy. P6Spy is a framework that enables database data to be seamlessly intercepted and logged with no code changes to the application.
Pontos principais:
, add the P6Spy Maven
, set up JDBC URL as, jdbc:p6spy:mysql://localhost:3306/db_users
, set up driver class name as, com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
(this file contains P6Spy configurations); in this application, the logs will be outputed to console, but you can easy switch to a file; more details about P6Spy configurations can be found in documentation Amostra de saída:
Exception ( @Version
) Note: Optimistic locking mechanism via @Version
works for detached entities as well.
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.
Pontos principais:
, add the db-util
) that is prone to throw (or that calls a method that is prone to throw (this method can be annotated with @Transactional
)) an optimistic locking exception with @Retry(times = 10, on = OptimisticLockingFailureException.class)
Amostra de saída:
Exception (Hibernate Version-less Optimistic Locking Mechanism)Note: Optimistic locking mechanism via Hibernate version-less doesn't work for detached entities (don't close the Persistent Context).
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception (eg, in Spring Boot, OptimisticLockingFailureException
) via Hibernate version-less optimistic locking. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.
Pontos principais:
, add the db-util
library dependencyOptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect
) with @DynamicUpdate
and @OptimisticLocking(type = OptimisticLockType.DIRTY)
) that is prone to throw (or that calls a method that is prone to throw (this method can be annotated with @Transactional
)) an optimistic locking exception with @Retry(times = 10, on = OptimisticLockingFailureException.class)
Note: You may also like to read the recipe, "How To Create DTO Via Spring Data Projections"
Description: This is an application sample that fetches only the needed columns from the database via Spring Data Projections (DTO) and enrich the result via virtual properties.
Pontos principais:
and age
, use the @Value
and Spring SpEL to point to a backing property from the domain model (in this case, the domain model property age
is exposed via the virtual property years
, use the @Value
and Spring SpEL to enrich the result with two virtual properties that don't have a match in the domain model (in this case, rank
and books
) Exemplo de saída:
Description: Spring Data comes with the query creation mechanism for JPA that is capable to interpret a query method name and convert it into a SQL query in the proper dialect. This is possible as long as we respect the naming conventions of this mechanism. This is an application that exploit this mechanism to write queries that limit the result size. Basically, the name of the query method instructs Spring Data how to add the LIMIT
(or similar clauses depending on the RDBMS) clause to the generated SQL queries.
Pontos principais:
) Exemplos:
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAge(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeGreaterThanEqual(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeLessThan(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeOrderByNameDesc(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByGenreOrderByAgeAsc(String genre);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeGreaterThanEqualOrderByNameAsc(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByGenreAndAgeLessThanOrderByNameDesc(String genre, int age);
- List<AuthorDto> findFirst5ByOrderByAgeAsc();
- Page<Author> queryFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable p);
- Slice<Author> findFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable p);
The list of supported keywords is listed below:
In MySQL Note: As a rule, in real applications avoid generating schema via hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Use schema-*.sql
file or better Flyway
or Liquibase
migration tools.
Description: This application is an example of using schema-*.sql
to generate a schema(database) in MySQL.
Pontos principais:
, set the JDBC URL (eg, spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
, disable DDL auto (just don't add explicitly the hibernate.ddl-auto
, instruct Spring Boot to initialize the schema from schema-mysql.sql
And Match Entities To Them Via @Table
In MySQL Note: As a rule, in real applications avoid generating schema via hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Use schema-*.sql
file or better Flyway
or Liquibase
Description: This application is an example of using schema-*.sql
to generate two databases in MySQL. The databases are matched at entity mapping via @Table
Pontos principais:
, set the JDBC URL without the database, eg, spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306
, disable DDL auto (just don't specify hibernate.ddl-auto
, instruct Spring Boot to initialize the schema from schema-mysql.sql
entity, specify that the corresponding table ( author
) is in the database authorsdb
via @Table(schema="authorsdb")
entity, specify that the corresponding table ( book
) is in the database booksdb
via @Table(schema="booksdb")
Exemplo de saída:
results in the following SQL: insert into (age, genre, name) values (?, ?, ?)
results the following SQL: insert into (isbn, title) values (?, ?)
Note: For web-applications, pagination should be the way to go, not streaming. But, if you choose streaming then keep in mind the golden rule: keep th result set as small as posible. Also, keep in mind that the Execution Plan might not be as efficient as when using SQL-level pagination.
Description: This application is an example of streaming the result set via Spring Data and MySQL. This example can be adopted for databases that fetches the entire result set in a single roundtrip causing performance penalties.
Pontos principais:
(recommended in MySQL))Statement
fetch-size to Integer.MIN_VALUE
, or add useCursorFetch=true
to the JDBC URL and set Statement
fetch-size to a positive integer (eg, 30)createDatabaseIfNotExist
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of migrating a MySQL database via Flyway when the database exists (it is created before migration via MySQL specific parameter, createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
, V1.2__Description.sql
, ...spring.flyway.schemas
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of migrating a MySQL database when the database is created by Flyway via spring.flyway.schemas
. In this case, the entities should be annotated with @Table(schema = "bookstoredb")
or @Table(catalog = "bookstoredb")
. Here, the database name is bookstoredb
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
, add spring.flyway.schemas=bookstoredb
, where bookstoredb
is the database that should be created by Flyway (feel free to add your own database name)@Table(schema/catalog = "bookstoredb")
, V1.2__Description.sql
, ... Output of migration history example:
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Note: For production don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
to create your schema. Remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating schemas for MySQL and PostgreSQL. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of MySQL, where schema = database , we auto-create the schema ( authorsdb
) based on createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
. In case of PostgreSQL, where a database can have multiple schemas, we use the default postgres
database and auto-create in it the schema, booksdb
. For this we rely on Flyway, which is capable to create a missing schema.
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
, configure the JDBC URL for MySQL as, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/authorsdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
and for PostgreSQL as, jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=booksdb
, set spring.flyway.enabled=false
to disable default behaviorDataSource
for MySQL and one for PostgreSQLFlywayDataSource
for MySQL and one for PostgreSQLEntityManagerFactory
for MySQL and one for PostgreSQLdbmigrationmysql
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating two schemas in PostgreSQL using Flyway. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of PostgreSQL, where a database can have multiple schemas, we use the default postgres
database and auto-create two schemas, authors
and books
. For this we rely on Flyway, which is capable to create the missing schemas.
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
, configure the JDBC URL for books
as jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=books
and for authors
as jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=authors
, set spring.flyway.enabled=false
to disable default behaviorDataSource
, one for books
and one for authors
, one for books
and one for authors
, one for books
and one for authors
, place the migration SQLs files in dbmigrationbooks
, place the migration SQLs files in dbmigrationauthors
an @ElementCollection
Description: This application is an example applying JOIN FETCH
to fetch an @ElementCollection
Pontos principais:
is loaded lazy, keep it lazyJOIN FETCH
in the repository@Subselect
) in a Spring Boot Application Note: Consider using @Subselect
only if using DTO, DTO and extra queries, or map a database view to an entity is not a solution.
Description: This application is an example of mapping an entity to a query via Hibernate, @Subselect
. Mainly, we have two entities in a bidirectional one-to-many association. An Author
has wrote several Book
. The idea is to write a read-only query to fetch from Author
only some fields (eg, DTO), but to have the posibility to call getBooks()
and fetch the Book
in a lazy manner as well. As you know, a classic DTO cannot be used, since such DTO is not managed and we cannot navigate the associations (don't support any managed associations to other entities). Via Hibernate @Subselect
we can map a read-only and immutable entity to a query. This time, we can lazy navigate the associations.
Pontos principais:
(including association to Book
since no write operations are allowed@Synchronize
to write the needed query, map an entity to an SQL queryDescription: This application is an example of using Hibernate soft deletes in a Spring Boot application.
Pontos principais:
class BaseEntity
with a field named deleted
and Book
entities) that should take advantage of soft deletes should extend BaseEntity
annotation like this: @Where(clause = "deleted = false")
annotation to trigger UPDATE
SQLs in place of DELETE
SQLs, as follows: @SQLDelete(sql = "UPDATE author SET deleted = true WHERE id = ?")
Exemplo de saída:
If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc
or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
"starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP
Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.
Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via DataSourceBuilder
. The jdbcUrl
is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purposes, the application uses an ExecutorService
for simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.
Pontos principais:
that returns the DataSource
programmaticallyDescription: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.
Pontos principais:
base entity (eg, BaseEntity
) and annotate it with @MappedSuperclass
and @EntityListeners({AuditingEntityListener.class})
@CreatedDate protected LocalDateTime created;
@LastModifiedDate protected LocalDateTime lastModified;
@CreatedBy protected U createdBy;
@LastModifiedBy protected U lastModifiedBy;
@EnableJpaAuditing(auditorAwareRef = "auditorAware")
(this is needed for persisting the user that performed the modification; use Spring Security to return the currently logged-in user)@Bean
)Description: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.
Pontos principais:
to rename the table used for auditingValidityAuditStrategy
for fast database reads, but slower writes (slower than the default DefaultAuditStrategy
)Description: By default, the attributes of an entity are loaded eager (all at once). This application is an alternative to How To Use Hibernate Attribute Lazy Loading from here. This application uses a base class to isolate the attributes that should be loaded eagerly and subentities (entities that extends the base class) for isolating the attributes that should be loaded on demand.
Pontos principais:
, and annotate it with @MappedSuperclass
subentity of BaseAuthor
and don't add any attribute in it (this will inherit the attributes from the superclass)AuthorDeep
subentity of BaseAuthor
and add to it the attributes that should be loaded on demand (eg, avatar
)@Table(name = "author")
and AuthorDeepRepository
Run the following requests (via BookstoreController):
Check as well:
Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on constructor and Spring Data Query Builder Mechanism.
Pontos principais:
Veja também:
Dto Via Constructor Expression and JPQL
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: Using JOIN
is very useful for fetching DTOs (data that is never modified, not in the current or subsequent requests). For example, consider two entities, Author
and Book
in a lazy-bidirectional @OneToMany
association. And, we want to fetch a subset of columns from the parent table ( author
) and a subset of columns from the child table ( book
). This job is a perfect fit for JOIN
which can pick up columns from different tables and build a raw result set. This way we fetch only the needed data. Moreover, we may want to serve the result set in pages (eg, via LIMIT
). This application contains several approaches for accomplishing this task with offset pagination.
Pontos principais:
and COUNT(*) OVER()
window function)Slice
and List
for avoiding the truncation of the result set (an author can be fetched with only a subset of his books)LEFT JOIN FETCH
Veja também:
Description: Let's assume that we have two entities engaged in a one-to-many (or many-to-many) lazy bidirectional (or unidirectional) relationship (eg, Author
has more Book
). And, we want to trigger a single SELECT
that fetches all Author
and the corresponding Book
. This is a job for JOIN FETCH
which is converted behind the scene into a INNER JOIN
. Being an INNER JOIN
, the SQL will return only Author
that have Book
. If we want to return all Author
, including those that doesn't have Book
, then we can rely on LEFT JOIN FETCH
. Similar, we can fetch all Book
, including those with no registered Author
. This can be done via LEFT JOIN FETCH
Pontos principais:
and Book
in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)LEFT JOIN FETCH
to fetch all authors and books (fetch authors even if they don't have registered books)LEFT JOIN FETCH
to fetch all books and authors (fetch books even if they don't have registered authors)JOIN
Veja também:
Description: This is an application meant to reveal the differences between JOIN
. The important thing to keep in mind is that, in case of LAZY
fetching, JOIN
will not be capable to initialize the associated collections along with their parent objects using a single SQL SELECT
. On the other hand, JOIN FETCH
is capable to accomplish this kind of task. But, don't underestimate JOIN
, because JOIN
is the proper choice when we need to combine/join the columns of two (or more) tables in the same query, but we don't need to initialize the associated collections on the returned entity (eg, very useful for fetching DTO).
Pontos principais:
and Book
in a one-to-many lazy-bidirectional relationship)JOIN
to fetch an author including his booksJOIN
to fetch a book (1)JOIN
to fetch a book including its author (2)JOIN FETCH
to fetch a book including its authorNotice that:
, fetching Book
of Author
requires additional SELECT
statements being prone to N+1 performance penaltyJOIN
(1), fetching Author
of Book
requires additional SELECT
statements being prone to N+1 performance penaltyJOIN
(2), fetching Author
of Book
works exactly as JOIN FETCH
(requires a single SELECT
, fetching each Author
of a Book
requires a single SELECT
Description: If, for some reason, you need an entity in your Spring projection (DTO), then this application shows you how to do it via an example. In this case, there are two entities, Author
and Book
, involved in a lazy bidirectional one-to-many association (it can be other association as well, or even no materialized association). And, we want to fetch in a Spring projection the authors as entities, Author
, and the title
of the books.
Pontos principais:
and Book
in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)public Author getAuthor()
and public String getTitle()
Description: If, for some reason, you need an entity in your Spring projection (DTO), then this application shows you how to do it via an example. In this case, there are two entities, Author
and Book
, that have no materialized association between them, but, they share the genre
attribute. We use this attribute to join authors with books via JPQL. And, we want to fetch in a Spring projection the authors as entities, Author
, and the title
of the books.
Pontos principais:
and Book
)public Author getAuthor()
and public String getTitle()
Description: Let's assume that we have two entities, Author
and Book
. There is no materialized association between them, but, both entities shares an attribute named, genre
. We want to use this attribute to join the tables corresponding to Author
and Book
, and fetch the result in a DTO. The result should contain the Author
entity and only the title
attribute from Book
. Well, when you are in a scenario as here, it is strongly advisable to avoid fetching the DTO via constructor expression . This approach cannot fetch the data in a single SELECT
, and is prone to N+1. Way better than this consists of using Spring projections, JPA Tuple
or even Hibernate ResultTransformer
. These approaches will fetch the data in a single SELECT
. This application is a DON'T DO THIS example. Check the number of queries needed for fetching the data. In place, do it as here: Entity Inside Spring Projection (no association).
Description: This application is an example of fetching a DTO that includes attributes from an @ElementCollection
Pontos principais:
is loaded lazy, keep it lazyJOIN
in the repositorySet
Of Associated Entities In @ManyToMany
Association Via @OrderBy
Description: In case of @ManyToMany
association, we always should rely on Set
(not on List
) for mapping the collection of associated entities (entities of the other parent-side). Por que? Well, please see Prefer Set Instead of List in @ManyToMany Relationships. But, is well-known that HashSet
doesn't have a predefined entry order of elements. If this is an issue then this application relies on @OrderBy
which adds an ORDER BY
clause in the SQL statement. The database will handle the ordering. Further, Hibernate will preserve the order via a LinkedHashSet
This application uses two entities, Author
and Book
, involved in a lazy bidirectional many-to-many relationship. First, we fetch a Book
by title. Further, we call getAuthors()
to fetch the authors of this book. The fetched authors are ordered descending by name. The ordering is done by the database as a result of adding @OrderBy("name DESC")
, and is preserved by Hibernate.
Pontos principais:
, but doesn't provide consistency across all transition states (eg, transient state)LinkedHashSet
instead of HashSet
Note: Alternatively, we can use @OrderColumn
. This gets materialized in an additional column in the junction table. This is needed for maintaining a permanent ordering of the related data.
Description: This is a sample application that shows how versioned ( @Version
) optimistic locking and detached entity works. Running the application will result in an optimistic locking specific exception (eg, the Spring Boot specific, OptimisticLockingFailureException
Pontos principais:
; commit transaction and close the Persistence ContextfindById(1L)
and update it; commit the transaction and close the Persistence Contextsave()
and pass to it the detached entity; trying to merge ( EntityManager.merge()
) the entity will end up in an optimistic locking exception since the version of the detached and just loaded entity don't matchOptimisticLockException
Shaped Via @Version
Note: Optimistic locking via @Version
works for detached entities as well.
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. So, running the application should end up with a Spring specific ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException
Pontos principais:
method used for updating dataIf you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
After OptimisticLockException
Exception ( @Version
) Note: Optimistic locking via @Version
works for detached entities as well.
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occurs, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.
Pontos principais:
, add the db-util
In Version-less Optimistic LockingNote: Version-less optimistic locking doesn't work for detached entities (do not close the Persistence Context).
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. So, running the application should end up with a Spring specific ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException
Pontos principais:
method used for updating dataTransactionTemplate
After OptimisticLockException
Shaped Via Hibernate Version-less Optimistic Locking MechanismNote: Version-less optimistic locking doesn't work for detached entities (do not close the Persistence Context).
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.
Pontos principais:
, add the db-util
Description: This is a sample application that shows how to take advantage of versioned optimistic locking and detached entities in HTTP long conversations. The climax consists of storing the detached entities across multiple HTTP requests. Commonly, this can be accomplished via HTTP session.
Pontos principais:
for storing the detached entities Sample output (check the message caused by optimistic locking exception):
Note: Rely on this approach only if you simply cannot use JOIN FETCH WHERE
or @NamedEntityGraph
Description: This application is a sample of using Hibernate @Where
for filtering associations.
Pontos principais:
@Where(clause = "condition to be met")
in entity (check the Author
entity)Description: Batch inserts (in MySQL) in Spring Boot style.
Pontos principais:
(just to check that batching is working)
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
to optimize the batching by ordering insertsIDENTITY
will cause insert batching to be
Exemplo de saída:
And Return Page<entity>
Via Extra Column Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT
subquery nested in the main SELECT
. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER()
as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT
subquery.This application fetches data as Page<entity>
via Spring Boot offset pagination, but, if the fetched data is read-only , then rely on Page<dto>
as here.
Pontos principais:
@Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
and Pageable
to create a Page<entity>
Subquery And Return List<entity>
Via Extra Column Description: This application fetches data as List<entity>
via Spring Boot offset pagination. The SELECT COUNT
triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT
. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, one query is needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).
Pontos principais:
, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
subquery) into a List<entity>
Subquery And Return List<projection>
That Maps Entities And The Total Number Of Records Via Projection Description: This application fetches data as List<projection>
via Spring Boot offset pagination. The projection maps the entity and the total number of records. This information is fetched in a single database rountrip because the SELECT COUNT
triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT
. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records). Use this approch only if the fetched data is not read-only . Otherwise, prefer List<dto>
as here.
Pontos principais:
subquery) into a List<projection>
And Return List<entity>
Via Extra Column Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT
subquery nested in the main SELECT
. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER()
as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT
subquery.This application fetches data as List<entity>
via Spring Boot offset pagination, but, if the fetched data is read-only , then rely on List<dto>
as here.
Pontos principais:
, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
subquery) into a List<entity>
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Subquery And Return Page<entity>
Via Extra Column Description: This application fetches data as Page<entity>
via Spring Boot offset pagination. Use this only if the fetched data will be modified. Otherwise, fetch Page<dto>
as here. The SELECT COUNT
triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT
. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).
Pontos principais:
@Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
and Pageable
to create a Page<entity>
Subquery And Return Page<projection>
That Maps Entities And The Total Number Of Records Via Projection Description: This application fetches data as Page<projection>
via Spring Boot offset pagination. The projection maps the entity and the total number of records. This information is fetched in a single database rountrip because the SELECT COUNT
triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT
Pontos principais:
and Pageable
to create a Page<projection>
And Return Page<dto>
Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT
subquery nested in the main SELECT
. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER()
as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT
subquery . This application return a Page<dto>
Pontos principais:
and Pageable
to create a Page<dto>
/ Slice<dto>
Via fetchAll
/ fetchAllDto
Story : Spring Boot provides an offset based built-in paging mechanism that returns a Page
or Slice
. Each of these APIs represents a page of data and some metadata. The main difference is that Page
contains the total number of records, while Slice
can only tell if there is another page available. For Page
, Spring Boot provides a findAll()
method capable to take as arguments a Pageable
and/or a Specification
or Example
. In order to create a Page
that contains the total number of records, this method triggers an SELECT COUNT
extra-query next to the query used to fetch the data of the current page . This can be a performance penalty since the SELECT COUNT
query is triggered every time we request a page. In order to avoid this extra-query, Spring Boot provides a more relaxed API, the Slice
API. Using Slice
instead of Page
removes the need of this extra SELECT COUNT
query and returns the page (records) and some metadata without the total number of records. So, while Slice
doesn't know the total number of records, it still can tell if there is another page available after the current one or this is the last page. The problem is that Slice
work fine for queries containing the SQL, WHERE
clause (including those that uses the query builder mechanism built into Spring Data), but it doesn't work for findAll()
. This method will still return a Page
instead of Slice
therefore the SELECT COUNT
query is triggered for Slice<T> findAll(...);
Workaround: The trick is to simply define a method named fetchAll()
that uses JPQL and Pageable
to return Slice<entity>
, and a method named fetchAllDto()
that uses JPQL and Pageable
as well to return Slice<dto>
. So, avoid naming the method findAll()
Exemplo de uso:
public Slice<Author> fetchNextSlice(int page, int size) {
return authorRepository.fetchAll(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "age")));
public Slice<AuthorDto> fetchNextSliceDto(int page, int size) {
return authorRepository.fetchAllDto(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "age")));
Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTO) and inclusive full joins written in native SQL (for MySQL).
Pontos principais:
and Book
in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
) Description: This application is a sample of declaring an immutable entity. Moreover, the immutable entity will be stored in Second Level Cache via EhCache
Key points of declaring an immutable entity:
@Immutable (org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable)
hibernate.cache.use_reference_entries configuration
to true
If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc
or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
"starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP
Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.
Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via DataSourceBuilder
. The jdbcUrl
is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purposes, the application uses an ExecutorService
for simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.
Pontos principais:
that returns the DataSource
programmatically Amostra de saída:
For Skipping The Entity Identifier Retrieval Description: This is a SpringBoot - MySQL application that maps a natural business key using Hibernate @NaturalId
. This implementation allows us to use @NaturalId
as it was provided by Spring. Moreover, this application uses Second Level Cache ( EhCache
) and @NaturalIdCache
for skipping the entity identifier retrieval from the database.
Pontos principais:
for caching natural ids@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region = "Book")
for caching entites as well Output sample (for MySQL with IDENTITY
generator, @NaturalIdCache
and @Cache
Description: This application is an example of calculating a non-persistent property of an entity based on the persistent entity attributes. In this case, we will use JPA, @PostLoad
Pontos principais:
that calculates this non-persistent property based on the persistent entity attributes@Generated
Description: This application is an example of calculating an entity persistent property at INSERT
and/or UPDATE
time via Hibernate, @Generated
Pontos principais:
Calculate at INSERT
@Generated(value = GenerationTime.INSERT)
@Column(insertable = false)
Calculate at INSERT
@Generated(value = GenerationTime.ALWAYS)
@Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
Further, apply:
Método 1:
element of @Column
to specify as an SQL query expression the formula for calculating the persistent propertyMétodo 2:
Note: In production, you should not rely on columnDefinition
. You should disable hibernate.ddl-auto
(by omitting it) or set it to validate
, and add the SQL query expression in CREATE TABLE
(in this application, check the discount
column in CREATE TABLE
, file schema-sql.sql
). Nevertheless, not even schema-sql.sql
is ok in production. The best way is to rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is an example of calculating a non-persistent property of an entity based on the persistent entity attributes. In this case, we will use Hibernate, @Formula
Pontos principais:
add the SQL query expression that calculates this non-persistent property based on the persistent entity attributescreated
, createdBy
, lastModified
And lastModifiedBy
In Entities Via HibernateNote: The same thing can be obtained via Spring Data JPA auditing as here.
Description: This application is an example of adding in an entity the fields, created
, createdBy
, lastModified
and lastModifiedBy
via Hibernate support. These fields will be automatically generated/populated.
Pontos principais:
class (eg, BaseEntity
) annotated with @MappedSuperclass
class, define a field named created
and annotate it with the built-in @CreationTimestamp
class, define a field named lastModified
and annotate it with the built-in @UpdateTimestamp
class, define a field named createdBy
and annotate it with the @CreatedBy
class, define a field named lastModifiedBy
and annotate it with the @ModifiedBy
annotation via AnnotationValueGeneration
annotation via AnnotationValueGeneration
, createdBy
, lastModified
and lastModifiedBy
will extend the BaseEntity
)Description: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.
Pontos principais:
to rename the table used for auditingValidityAuditStrategy
for fast database reads, but slower writes (slower than the default DefaultAuditStrategy
or set it to validate
for avoiding schema generated from JPA annotationsschema-mysql.sql
and provide the SQL statements needed by Hibernate
for MySQL or
for the restDataSource
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is a kickoff for setting Flyway and MySQL DataSource
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
and Flyway programmaticallypostgres
And Schema public
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of migrating a PostgreSQL database via Flyway for the default database postgres
and schema public
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
, V1.2__Description.sql
, ...postgres
And Schema Created Via spring.flyway.schemas
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of migrating a schema ( bookstore
) created by Flyway via spring.flyway.schemas
in the default postgres
database. In this case, the entities should be annotated with @Table(schema = "bookstore")
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
, add spring.flyway.schemas=bookstore
, where bookstore
is the schema that should be created by Flyway in the postgres
database (feel free to add your own database name)@Table(schema = "bookstore")
, V1.2__Description.sql
, ...DataSource
Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is a kickoff for setting Flyway and PostgreSQL DataSource
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
and Flyway programmatically Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto
(or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
. Rely on Flyway or Liquibase.
Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating two databases in MySQL using Flyway. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of MySQL, where a database is the same thing with schema, we create two databases, authorsdb
and booksdb
Pontos principais:
, add the Flyway dependencyspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
or set it to validate
, configure the JDBC URL for booksdb
as jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/booksdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
and for authorsdb
as jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/authorsdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
, set spring.flyway.enabled=false
to disable default behaviorDataSource
, one for booksdb
and one for authorsdb
, one for booksdb
and one for authorsdb
, one for booksdb
and one for authorsdb
, place the migration SQLs files in dbmigrationbooksdb
, place the migration SQLs files in dbmigrationauthorsdb
Algorithm And External Systems Issue Description: This is a Spring Boot sample that exemplifies how the hi/lo
algorithm may cause issues when the database is used by external systems as well. Such systems can safely generate non-duplicated identifiers (eg, for inserting new records) only if they know about the hi/lo
presence and its internal work. So, better rely on pooled
or pooled-lo
algorithm which doesn't cause such issues.
Pontos principais:
generator type (eg, in PostgreSQL)hi/lo
algorithm as in
and is not aware of hi/lo
presence and/or behavior) Output sample: Running this application should result in the following error:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "author_pkey"
Detail: Key (id)=(2) already exists.
Algorithm Note: Rely on pooled-lo
or pooled
especially if, beside your application, external systems needs to insert rows in your tables. Don't rely on hi/lo
since, in such cases, it may cause errors resulted from generating duplicated identifiers.
Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the pooled
algorithm. The pooled
is an optimization of hi/lo
. This algorithm fetched from the database the current sequence value as the top boundary identifier (the current sequence value is computed as the previous sequence value + increment_size
). This way, the application will use in-memory identifiers generated between the previous top boundary exclusive (aka, lowest boundary) and the current top boundary inclusive.
Pontos principais:
generator type (eg, in PostgreSQL)pooled
algorithm as in
and is not aware of pooled
presence and/or behavior) Conclusion: In contrast to the classical hi/lo
algorithm, the Hibernate pooled
algorithm doesn't cause issues to external systems that wants to interact with our tables. In other words, external systems can concurrently insert rows in the tables relying on pooled
algorithm. Nevertheless, old versions of Hibernate can raise exceptions caused by INSERT
statements triggered by external systems that uses the lowest boundary as identifier. This is a good reason to update to Hibernate latest versions (eg, Hibernate 5.x), which have fixed this issue.
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Algorithm Note: Rely on pooled-lo
or pooled
especially if, beside your application, external systems needs to insert rows in your tables. Don't rely on hi/lo
since, in such cases, it may cause errors resulted from generating duplicated identifiers.
Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the pooled-lo
algorithm. The pooled-lo
is an optimization of hi/lo
similar with pooled
. Only that, the strategy of this algorithm fetches from the database the current sequence value and use it as the in-memory lowest boundary identifier. The number of in-memory generated identifiers is equal to increment_size
Pontos principais:
generator type (eg, in PostgreSQL)pooled-lo
algorithm as in
and is not aware of pooled-lo
presence and/or behavior)@BatchSize
Description: This application uses Hibernate specific @BatchSize
at class/entity-level and collection-level. Consider Author
and Book
entities invovled in a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
First use case fetches all Author
entities via a SELECT
query. Further, calling the getBooks()
method of the first Author
entity will trigger another SELECT
query that initializes the collections of the first three Author
entities returned by the previous SELECT
query. This is the effect of @BatchSize
at Author
's collection-level.
Second use case fetches all Book
entities via a SELECT
query. Further, calling the getAuthor()
method of the first Book
entity will trigger another SELECT
query that initializes the authors of the first three Book
entities returned by the previous SELECT
query. This is the effect of @BatchSize
at Author
Note: Fetching associated collections in the same query with their parent can be done via JOIN FETCH
or entity graphs as well. Fetching children with their parents in the same query can be done via JOIN FETCH
, entity graphs and JOIN
as well.
Pontos principais:
and Book
are in a lazy relationship (eg, @OneToMany
bidirectional relationship)Author
entity is annotated with @BatchSize(size = 3)
's collection is annotated with @BatchSize(size = 3)
) In Spring Boot Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans ) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity's related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT
statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans . To override the current FetchType
semantics there are properties that can be set:
Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY
regardless of the default/explicit FetchType
Load Graph , javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType
Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic ( @Basic
) attributes. . More details here.
Description: This is a sample application of using entity graphs in Spring Boot.
Pontos principais:
and Book
, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
entity use the @NamedEntityGraph
to define the entity graph (eg, load in a single SELECT
the authors and the associatated books)AuthorRepositry
rely on Spring @EntityGraph
annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous step Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans ) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity's related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT
statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans . To override the current FetchType
semantics there are properties that can be set:
Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY
regardless of the default/explicit FetchType
Load Graph , javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType
Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic ( @Basic
) attributes. . More details here.
Description: This is a sample application of using entity sub-graphs in Spring Boot. There is one example based on @NamedSubgraph
and one based on the dot notation (.) in an ad-hoc entity graph .
Pontos principais:
, Book
and Publisher
( Author
and Book
are involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
relationship, Book
and Publisher
are also involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
relationship; between Author
and Publisher
there is no relationship) Using @NamedSubgraph
entity define an entity graph via @NamedEntityGraph
; load the authors and the associatated books and use @NamedSubgraph
to define a sub-graph for loading the publishers associated with these booksAuthorRepository
rely on Spring @EntityGraph
annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous stepUsing the dot notation (.)
define an ad-hoc entity graph that fetches all publishers with associated books, and further, the authors associated with these books (eg, @EntityGraph(attributePaths = {""})
. Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans ) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity's related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT
statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans . To override the current FetchType
semantics there are properties that can be set:
Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY
regardless of the default/explicit FetchType
Load Graph , javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType
Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic ( @Basic
) attributes. . More details here.
Description: This is a sample application of defining ad-hoc entity graphs in Spring Boot.
Pontos principais:
and Book
, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
the authors and the associatated booksAuthorRepository
rely on Spring @EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"books"})
annotation to indicate the ad-hoc entity graph@Basic
Attributes In Hibernate And Spring Boot Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans ) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity's related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT
statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans . To override the current FetchType
semantics there are properties that can be set:
Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY
regardless of the default/explicit FetchType
Load Graph , javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes
are treated as FetchType.EAGER
. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType
Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic ( @Basic
) attributes. In other words, by default, attributes are annotated with @Basic
which rely on the default fetch policy. The default fetch policy is FetchType.EAGER
. These attributes are also loaded in case of fetch graph even if they are not explicitly specified via @NamedAttributeNode
. Annotating the basic attributes that should not be fetched with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
it is not enough. Both, fetch graph and load graph will ignore these settings as long as we don't add bytecode enhancement as well.
The main drawback consists of the fact the these basic attributes are fetched LAZY
by all other queries (eg, findById()
) not only by the queries using the entity graph, and most probably, you will not want this behavior.
Description: This is a sample application of using entity graphs with @Basic
attributes in Spring Boot.
Pontos principais:
and Book
, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
entity use the @NamedEntityGraph
to define the entity graph (eg, load the authors names (only the name
basic attribute; ignore the rest) and the associatated books)@Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
rely on Spring @EntityGraph
annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous stepSoftDeleteRepository
In Spring Boot ApplicationNote: Spring Data built-in support for soft deletes is discussed in DATAJPA-307.
Description: This application is an example of implementing soft deletes in Spring Data style via a repository named, SoftDeleteRepository
Pontos principais:
class, BaseEntity
, annotated with @MappedSuperclass
define a flag-field named deleted
(default this field to false
or in other words, not deleted)BaseEntity
named SoftDeleteRepository
and extend JpaRepository
Exemplo de saída:
In MySQL 8 Description: This application is an example of how to implement concurrent table based queue via SKIP_LOCKED
can skip over locks achieved by other concurrent transactions, therefore is a great choice for implementing job queues. In this application, we run two concurrent transactions. The first transaction will lock the records with ids 1, 2 and 3. The second transaction will skip the records with ids 1, 2 and 3 and will lock the records with ids 4, 5 and 6.
Pontos principais:
setup @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)
use @QueryHint
to setup javax.persistence.lock.timeout
In PostgreSQL Description: This application is an example of how to implement concurrent table based queue via SKIP_LOCKED
can skip over locks achieved by other concurrent transactions, therefore is a great choice for implementing job queues. In this application, we run two concurrent transactions. The first transaction will lock the records with ids 1, 2 and 3. The second transaction will skip the records with ids 1, 2 and 3 and will lock the records with ids 4, 5 and 6.
Pontos principais:
setup @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)
use @QueryHint
to setup javax.persistence.lock.timeout
Description: This application is a sample of JPA Join Table inheritance strategy ( JOINED
Pontos principais:
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is a sample of JPA Table-per-class inheritance strategy ( TABLE_PER_CLASS
Pontos principais:
Description: This application is a sample of using the JPA @MappedSuperclass
Pontos principais:
, and is annotated with @MappedSuperclass
is the proper alternative to the JPA table-per-class inheritance strategyNote: Hibernate5Module is an add-on module for Jackson JSON processor which handles Hibernate datatypes; and specifically aspects of lazy-loading .
Description: By default, in Spring Boot, the Open Session in View anti-pattern is enabled. Now, imagine a lazy relationship (eg, @OneToMany
) between two entities, Author
and Book
(an author has associated more books). Next, a REST controller endpoint fetches an Author
without the associated Book
. But, the View (more precisely, Jackson), forces the lazy loading of the associated Book
as well. Since OSIV will supply the already opened Session
, the Proxy
initializations take place successfully.
Of course, the correct decision is to disable OSIV by setting it to false
, but this will not stop Jackson to try to force the lazy initialization of the associated Book
entities. Running the code again will result in an exception of type: Could not write JSON: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.bookstore.entity.Author.books, could not initialize proxy - no Session; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.bookstore.entity.Author.books, could not initialize proxy - no Session .
Well, among the Hibernate5Module features we have support for dealing with this aspect of lazy loading and eliminate this exception. Even if OSIV will continue to be enabled (not recommended), Jackson will not use the Session
opened via OSIV.
Pontos principais:
that returns an instance of Hibernate5Module
bean with @JsonInclude(Include.NON_EMPTY)
to exclude null
or what is considered empty from the returned JSON Note: The presence of Hibernate5Module instructs Jackson to initialize the lazy associations with default values (eg, a lazy associated collection will be initialized with null
). Hibernate5Module doesn't work for lazy loaded attributes. For such case consider this item.
In MySQL Description: View the prepared statement binding parameters via profileSQL=true
in MySQL.
Pontos principais:
append logger=Slf4JLogger&profileSQL=true
to the JDBC URL (eg, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&logger=Slf4JLogger&profileSQL=true
) Amostra de saída:
Description: This application is an example of shuffling small results sets. DO NOT USE this technique for large results sets, since is extremely expensive.
Pontos principais:
query and append to it ORDER BY RAND()
(eg, in PostgreSQL is random()
) Description: Commonly, deleting a parent and the associated children via CascadeType.REMOVE
and/or orphanRemoval=true
involved several SQL statements (eg, each child is deleted in a dedicated DELETE
statement). When the number of entities is significant, this is far from being efficient, therefore other approaches should be employed.
Consider Author
and Book
in a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
association. This application exposes the best way to delete the parent(s) and the associated children in four scenarios listed below. These approaches relies on bulk deletions, therefore they are not useful if you want the deletions to take advantage of automatic optimistic locking mechanisms (eg, via @Version
Best way to delete author(s) and the associated books via bulk deletions when:
is in Persistent Context, no Book
are in the Persistent Context, no Book
and the associated Book
are in Persistent ContextAuthor
or Book
is in Persistent Context Note: The most efficient way to delete all entities via a bulk deletion can be done via the built-in deleteAllInBatch()
Description: Bulk operations (updates and deletes) are faster than batching, can benefit from indexing, but they have three main drawbacks:
is ignored), therefore the lost updates are not prevented (it is advisable to signal these updates by explicitly incrementing version
(if any is present))CascadeType.REMOVE
) and orphanRemoval
This application provides examples of bulk updates for Author
and Book
entities (between Author
and Book
there is a bidirectional lazy @OneToMany
association). Both, Author
and Book
, has a version
And Prefer Bidirectional @OneToMany
Relationship Description: As a rule of thumb, unidirectional @OneToMany
association is less efficient than the bidirectional @OneToMany
or the unidirectional @ManyToOne
associations. This application is a sample that exposes the DML statements generated for reads, writes and removal operations when the unidirectional @OneToMany
mapping is used.
Pontos principais:
is less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany
come with some optimizations for removal operations but is still less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany
eliminates the junction table but is still less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany
instead of List
or bidirectional @OneToMany
with @JoinColumn
relationship (eg, @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "author_id", updatable = false, insertable = false)
) still performs worse than bidirectional @OneToMany
Clause Description: This application is an example of using subqueries in JPQL WHERE
clause (you can easily use it in HAVING
clause as well).
Pontos principais:
Keep in mind that subqueries and joins queries may or may not be semantically equivalent (joins may returns duplicates that can be removed via DISTINCT
Even if the Execution Plan is specific to the database, historically speaking joins are faster than subqueries among different databases, but this is not a rule (eg, the amount of data may significantly influence the results). Of course, do not conclude that subqueries are just a replacement for joins that doesn't deserve attention. Tuning subqueries can increases their performance as well, but this is an SQL wide topic. So, benchmark! Benchmark! Benchmark!
As a rule of thumb, prefer subqueries only if you cannot use joins, or if you can prove that they are faster than the alternative joins.
Part Of JPQL Query And JPA 2.1 Note: Using SQL functions in SELECT
part (not in WHERE
part) of the query can be done as here.
Description: Starting with JPA 2.1, a JPQL query can call SQL functions in the WHERE
part via function()
. This application is an example of calling the MySQL, concat_ws
function, but user defined (custom) functions can be used as well.
Pontos principais:
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is an example of calling a MySQL stored procedure that returns a value (eg, an Integer
Pontos principais:
to shape the stored procedure in the entity@Procedure
in repository Description: This application is an example of calling a MySQL stored procedure that returns a result set. The application fetches entities (eg, List<Author>
) and DTO (eg, List<AuthorDto>
Key points:
since Spring Data @Procedure
will not workDescription: This application is an example of calling a MySQL stored procedure that returns a result set (entity or DTO) via a native query.
Pontos principais:
@Query(value = "{CALL FETCH_AUTHOR_BY_GENRE (:p_genre)}", nativeQuery = true)
Note: Most probably you'll like to process the result set via BeanPropertyRowMapper
as here. This is less verbose than the approach used here. Nevertheless, this approach is useful to understand how the result set looks like.
Description: This application is an example of calling a MySQL stored procedure that returns a result set via JdbcTemplate
Key points:
and SimpleJdbcCall
Description: This application is an example of retrieving the database auto-generated primary keys.
Key points:
Description: A Hibernate proxy can be useful when a child entity can be persisted with a reference to its parent ( @ManyToOne
or @OneToOne
association). In such cases, fetching the parent entity from the database (execute the SELECT
statement) is a performance penalty and a pointless action. Hibernate can set the underlying foreign key value for an uninitialized proxy. This topic is discussed here.
A proxy can be unproxied via Hibernate.unproxy()
. This method is available starting with Hibernate 5.2.10.
Key points:
To Yes/No Via AttributeConverter
Description: This application is an example of converting a Boolean
to Yes / No strings via AttributeConverter
. This kind of conversions are needed when we deal with legacy databases that connot be changed. In this case, the legacy database stores the booleans as Yes / No .
Key points:
Note: The @ManyToOne
association maps exactly to the one-to-many table relationship. The underlying foreign key is under child-side control in unidirectional or bidirectional relationship.
Description: This application shows that using only @ManyToOne
is quite efficient. On the other hand, using only @OneToMany
is far away from being efficient. Always, prefer bidirectional @OneToMany
or unidirectional @ManyToOne
. Consider two entities, Author
and Book
in a unidirectional @ManyToOne
Key points:
And Pageable
Pagination Description: Trying to combine JOIN FETCH
and Pageable
results in an exception of type org.hibernate.QueryException: query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list
. This application is a sample of how to avoid this exception.
Key points:
Note: Fixing the above exception will lead to an warning of type HHH000104, firstResult / maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!
. If this warning is a performance issue, and most probably it is, then follow by reading here.
Description: HHH000104 is a Hibernate warning that tell us that pagination of a result set is tacking place in memory. For example, consider the Author
and Book
entities in a lazy-bidirectional @OneToMany
association and the following query:
@Query(value = "SELECT a FROM Author a LEFT JOIN FETCH a.books WHERE a.genre = ?1",
countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM Author a WHERE a.genre = ?1")
Page<Author> fetchWithBooksByGenre(String genre, Pageable pageable);
Calling fetchWithBooksByGenre()
works fine only that the following warning is signaled: HHH000104: firstResult / maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!
Obviously, having pagination in memory cannot be good from performance perspective. This application implement a solution for moving pagination at database-level.
Key points:
of entities in read-write or read-only modeSlice
or List
of entities in read-write or read-only modeIf you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Actually Do Description: This application is meant to reveal what is the difference between @Transactional(readOnly = false)
and @Transactional(readOnly = true)
. In a nuthsell, readOnly = false
(default) fetches entites in read-write mode (managed). Before Spring 5.1, readOnly = true
just set FlushType.MANUAL/NEVER
, therefore the automatic dirty checking mechanism will not take action since there is no flush. In other words, Hibernate keep in the Persistent Context the fetched entities and the hydrated (loaded) state. By comparing the entity state with the hydrated state, the dirty checking mechanism can decide to trigger UPDATE
statements in our behalf. But, the dirty checking mechanism take place at flush time, therefore, without a flush, the hydrated state is kept in Persistent Context for nothing, representing a performance penalty. Starting with Spring 5.1, the read-only mode is propagated to Hibernate, therefore the hydrated state is discarded immediately after loading the entities. Even if the read-only mode discards the hydrated state the entities are still loaded in the Persistent Context, therefore, for read-only data, relying on DTO (Spring projection) is better.
Pontos principais:
readOnly = false
load data in read-write mode (managed)readOnly = true
discard the hydrated state (starting with Spring 5.1)Description: This application is an example of getting the current database transaction id in MySQL. Only read-write database transactions gets an id in MySQL. Every database has a specific query for getting the transaction id. Here it is a list of these queries.
Key points:
SELECT tx.trx_id FROM information_schema.innodb_trx tx WHERE tx.trx_mysql_thread_id = connection_id()
Description: This application is a sample of inspecting the Persistent Context content via org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext
Key points:
API Description: This application is an example of using the Hibernate SPI, org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator
for extracting tables metadata.
Key points:
and override integrate()
method to return metadata.getDatabase()
via LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
Relationship To A SQL Query Via The Hibernate @JoinFormula
Description: This application is an example of mapping the JPA @ManyToOne
relationship to a SQL query via the Hibernate @JoinFormula
annotation. We start with two entities, Author
and Book
, involved in a unidirectional @ManyToOne
relationship. Each book has a price. While we fetch a book by id (let's call it book A
), we want to fetch another book B
of the same author whose price is the next smaller price in comparison with book A
Key points:
is done via @JoinFormula
Description: This application is an example of fetching a read-only MySQL database view in a JPA immutable entity.
Pontos principais:
Description: This application is an example of updating, inserting and deleting data in a MySQL database view. Every update/insert/delete will automatically update the contents of the underlying table(s).
Key points:
Description: This application is an example of preventing inserts/updates of a MySQL view that are not visible through this view via WITH CHECK OPTION
. In other words, whenever you insert or update a row of the base tables through a view, MySQL ensures that the this operation is conformed with the definition of the view.
Key points:
to the viewjava.sql.SQLException: CHECK OPTION failed 'bookstoredb.author_anthology_view
Description: This application is an example of assigning a database temporary sequence of values to rows via the window function, ROW_NUMBER()
. This window function is available in almost all databases, and starting with version 8.x is available in MySQL as well.
Key points:
(you will use it internally, in the query, usually in the WHERE
clause and CTEs), but, this time, let's write a Spring projection (DTO) that contains a getter for the column generated by ROW_NUMBER
as wellROW_NUMBER()
window function Amostra de saída:
Description: This application is an example of finding top N rows of every group.
Key points:
window function Amostra de saída:
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Window Function Description: This application is an example of using ROW_NUMBER()
(and COUNT(*) OVER()
for counting all elements) window function to implement pagination.
Key points:
or Slice
, we return it as List
, therefore Pageable
is not used@Transactional
annotation is being ignored Description: This application is an example of fixing the case when @Transactional
annotation is ignored. Most of the time, this annotation is ignored in the following scenarios:
was added to a private
, protected
or package-protected
was added to a method defined in the same class where it is invokedPontos principais:
methods therepublic
methods from other services Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the hi/lo
algorithm and a custom implementation of SequenceStyleGenerator
for generating custom sequence IDs (eg, A-0000000001
, A-0000000002
, ...).
Key points:
and override the configure()
and generate()
And Blob
To byte[]
And String
Description: This application is an example of mapping Clob
and Blob
as byte[]
and String
Key points:
Locators Clob
And Blob
Description: This application is an example of mapping to JDBC's LOB
locators Clob
and Blob
Key points:
Inheritance Hierarchy Description: This application is a sample of fetching a certain subclass from a SINGLE_TABLE
inheritance hierarchy. This is useful when the dedicated repository of the subclass doesn't automatically add in the WHERE
clause a dtype
based condition for fetching only the needed subclass.
Key points:
clause a TYPE
Description: This is a SpringBoot application that defines a @ManyToOne
relationship that doesn't reference a primary key column. It references a Hibernate @NaturalId
Key points:
@JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "natural_id_column")
Description: This application is an example of implementing an advanced search via Specification
API. Mainly, you can give the search filters to a generic Specification
and fetch the result set. Pagination is supported as well. You can chain expressions via logical AND
and OR
to create compound filters. Nevertheless, there is room for extensions to add brackets support (eg, (x AND y) OR (x AND z)
), more operations, conditions parser and so on and forth.
Key points:
Query Fetch Joins Description: This application contains two examples of how to define JOIN
in Specification
to emulate JPQL join-fetch operations.
Pontos principais:
statements and the pagination is done in memory (very bad!)SELECT
statements but the pagination is done in the databaseJOIN
is defined in a Specification
implementationNote: You may also like to read the recipe, "How To Enrich DTO With Virtual Properties Via Spring Projections"
Description: Fetch only the needed data from the database via Spring Data Projections (DTO). The projection interface is defined as a static
interface (can be non- static
as well) in the repository interface.
Key points:
) - here, we can use query builder mechanism built into Spring Data repository infrastructureNote: Using projections is not limited to use query builder mechanism built into Spring Data repository infrastructure. We can fetch projections via JPQL or native queries as well. For example, in this application we use a JPQL.
Output example (select first 2 rows; select only "name" and "age"):
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: Consider an entity named Review
. This entity defines three @ManyToOne
relationships to Book
, Article
and Magazine
. A review can be associated with either a book, a magazine or an article. To validate this constraint, we can rely on Bean Validation as in this application.
Key points:
) added at class-level to the Review
) Description: This application uses EnumType.ORDINAL
and EnumType.STRING
for mapping Java enum
type to database. As a rule of thumb, strive to keep the data types as small as possible (eg, for EnumType.ORDINAL
, while for EnumType.STRING
use VARCHAR(max_needed_bytes)
). Relying on EnumType.ORDINAL
should be more efficient but is less expressive than EnumType.STRING
Key points:
set @Column(columnDefinition = "TINYINT")
To Database Via AttributeConverter
Description: This application maps a Java enum
via AttributeConverter
. In other words, it maps the enum
values HORROR
to the integers 1
, 2
and 3
and viceversa. This allows us to set the column type as TINYINT/SMALLINT
which is less space-consuming than VARCHAR(9)
needed in this case.
Pontos principais:
the corresponding entity fieldenum
To PostgreSQL enum
Type Description: This application maps a Java enum
type to PostgreSQL enum
Key points:
To PostgreSQL enum
Type Via Hibernate Types Library Description: This application maps a Java enum
type to PostgreSQL enum
type via Hibernate Types library.
Key points:
to specify the needed type class@Type
Description: Hibernate Types is a library of extra types not supported by Hibernate Core by default. This is a Spring Boot application that uses this library to persist JSON data (JSON Java Object
) in a MySQL json
column and for querying JSON data from the MySQL json
column to JSON Java Object
. Updates are supported as well.
Key points:
to map typeClass
to JsonStringType
Description: Hibernate Types is a library of extra types not supported by Hibernate Core by default. This is a Spring Boot application that uses this library to persist JSON data (JSON Java Object
) in a PostgreSQL json
column and for querying JSON data from the PostgreSQL json
column to JSON Java Object
. Updates are supported as well.
Key points:
to map typeClass
to JsonBinaryType
Description: This application is a sample of how OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
works in MySQL. This is useful when you want to increment the version of the locked entity even if this entity was not modified. Via OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
the version is updated (incremented) at the end of the currently running transaction.
Key points:
(which uses @Version
(child-side) and Chapter
(parent-side) there is a lazy unidirectional @ManyToOne
statement against the modification
table, therefore the chapter
table will not be modified by editorsChapter
entity version is needed to ensure that modifications are applied sequentially (the author and editor are notified if a modificaton was added since the chapter copy was loaded)version
is forcibly increased at each modification (this is materialized in an UPDATE
triggered against the chapter
table at the end of the currently running transaction)OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
in the corresponding repositoryObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException
Description: This application is a sample of how PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
works in MySQL. This is useful when you want to increment the version of the locked entity even if this entity was not modified. Via PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
the version is updated (incremented) immediately (the entity version update is guaranteed to succeed immediately after acquiring the row-level lock). The incrementation takes place before the entity is returned to the data access layer.
Pontos principais:
(which uses @Version
(child-side) and Chapter
(parent-side) there is a lazy unidirectional @ManyToOne
statement against the modification
table, therefore the chapter
table will not be modified by editorsChapter
entity version
is needed to ensure that modifications are applied sequentially (each editor is notified if a modificaton was added since his chapter copy was loaded and he must re-load the chapter)version
is forcibly increased at each modification (this is materialized in an UPDATE
triggered against the chapter
table immediately after aquiring the row-level lock)PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT
in the corresponding repositoryOptimisticLockException
and one that will lead to QueryTimeoutException
Note: Pay attention to the MySQL dialect: MySQL5Dialect
(MyISAM) doesn't support row-level locking, MySQL5InnoDBDialect
(InnoDB) acquires row-level lock via FOR UPDATE
(timeout can be set), MySQL8Dialect
(InnoDB) acquires row-level lock via FOR UPDATE NOWAIT
Works In MySQL Description: This application is an example of using PESSIMISTIC_READ
in MySQL. In a nutshell, each database system defines its own syntax for acquiring shared and exclusive locks and not all databases support both types of locks. Depending on Dialect
, the syntax can vary for the same database as well (Hibernate relies on Dialect
for chosing the proper syntax). In MySQL, MySQL5Dialect
doesn't support locking, while InnoDB engine ( MySQL5InnoDBDialect
and MySQL8Dialect
) supports shared and exclusive locks as expected.
Key points:
and @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)
on query-levelTransactionTemplate
to trigger two concurrent transactions that read and write the same rowIf you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Works With UPDATE
Operations Description: This application is an example of triggering UPDATE
operations in the context of PESSIMISTIC_WRITE
locking against MySQL. While UPDATE
are blocked until the exclusive lock is released, INSERT
depends on the transaction isolation level. Typically, even with exclusive locks, inserts are possible (eg, in PostgreSQL). In MySQL, for the default isolation level, REPEATABLE READ
, inserts are prevented against a range of locked entries, but, if we switch to READ_COMMITTED
, then MySQL acts as PostgreSQL as well.
Key points:
to acquire an exclusive lockUPDATE
on the rows locked by Transaction AUPDATE
, Transaction B is blocked until it timeouts or Transaction A releases the exclusive lockINSERT
, Transaction B can insert in the range of rows locked by Transaction A even if Transaction A is holding an exclusive lock on this range Note: Do not test transaction timeout via Thread.sleep()
! This is not working! Rely on two transactions and exclusive locks or even better rely on SQL sleep functions (eg, MySQL, SELECT SLEEP(n)
seconds, PostgreSQL, SELECT PG_SLEEP(n)
seconds). Most RDBMS supports a sleep function flavor.
Description: This application contains several approaches for setting a timeout period for a transaction or query. The timeout is signaled by a specific timeout exception (eg, .QueryTimeoutException
). After timeout, the transaction is rolled back. You can see this in the database (visually or query) and on log via a message of type: Initiating transaction rollback; Rolling back JPA transaction on EntityManager [SessionImpl(... <open>)]
Key points:
in seconds (see,
)@Transactional(timeout = n)
in secondsjavax.persistence.query.timeout
hint in millisecondsorg.hibernate.timeout
hint in seconds Note: If you are using TransactionTemplate
then the timeout can be set via TransactionTemplate.setTimeout(n)
in seconds.
Description: This application is a proof of concept of how to define a composite key via @Embeddable
and @EmbeddedId
. This application uses two entities, Author
and Book
involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
association. The identifier of Author
is composed by name
and age
via AuthorId
class. The identifier of Book
is just a regular auto-generated numeric value.
Key points:
) is public
and hashCode()
Description: This application is a proof of concept of how to define a composite key via @IdClass
. This application uses two entities, Author
and Book
involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany
association. The identifier of Author
is composed by name
and age
via AuthorId
class. The identifier of Book
is just a typical auto-generated numeric value.
Key points:
) is public
and hashCode()
Note : The @IdClass
can be useful when we cannot modify the compsite key class. Otherwise, rely on @Embeddable
Composite Primary Key Description: This application is a proof of concept of how to define a relationship in an @Embeddable
composite key. The composite key is AuthorId
and it belongs to the Author
Key points:
) is public
and hashCode()
Description: This is a SpringBoot application that loads multiple entities by id via a @Query
based on the IN
operator and via the Hibernate 5 MultiIdentifierLoadAccess
Pontos principais:
operator in a @Query
simply add the query in the proper repositoryMultiIdentifierLoadAccess
in Spring Data style provide the proper implementationMultiIdentifierLoadAccess
implementation allows us to load entities by multiple ids in batches and by inspecting or not the current Persistent Context (by default, the Persistent Context is not inspected to see if the entities are already loaded or not) Description: This application is a sample of fetching all attributes of an entity ( Author
) as a Spring projection (DTO). Commonly, a DTO contains a subset of attributes, but, sometimes we need to fetch the whole entity as a DTO. In such cases, we have to pay attention to the chosen approach. Choosing wisely can spare us from performance penalties.
Key points:
or List<AuthorDto>
via a JPQL of type SELECT a FROM Author a
WILL fetch the result set as entities in Persistent Context as well - avoid this approachList<Object[]>
or List<AuthorDto>
via a JPQL of type SELECT AS id, AS name, ... FROM Author a
will NOT fetch the result set in Persistent Context - this is efficientList<Object[]>
or List<AuthorDto>
via a native SQL of type SELECT id, name, age, ... FROM author
will NOT fetch the result set in Persistent Context - but, this approach is pretty slowList<Object[]>
via Spring Data query builder mechanism WILL fetch the result set in Persistent Context - avoid this approachList<AuthorDto>
via Spring Data query builder mechanism will NOT fetch the result set in Persistent ContextfindAll()
method) should be considered after JPQL with explicit list of columns to be fetched and query builder mechanism@ManyToOne
Or @OneToOne
Associations Description: This application fetches a Spring projection including the @ManyToOne
association via different approaches. It can be easily adapted for @OneToOne
association as well.
Key points:
Description: This application inspect the Persistent Context content during fetching Spring projections that includes collections of associations. In this case, we focus on a @OneToMany
association. Mainly, we want to fetch only some attributes from the parent-side and some attributes from the child-side.
Description: This application is a sample of reusing an interface-based Spring projection. This is useful to avoid defining multiple interface-based Spring projections in order to cover a range of queries that fetches different subsets of fields.
Key points:
annotation to avoid serialization of default fields (eg, fields that are not available in the current projection and are null
- these fields haven't been fetched in the current query)null
fields)If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is a sample of using dynamic Spring projections.
Key points:
<T> List<T> findByGenre(String genre, Class<T> type);
) Description: This application is a sample of batching inserts via EntityManager
in MySQL. This way you can easily control the flush()
and clear()
cycles of the Persistence Context (1st Level Cache) inside the current transaction. This is not possible via Spring Boot, saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
, since this method executes a single flush per transaction. Another advantage is that you can call persist()
instead of merge()
- this is used behind the scene by the SpringBoot saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
and save(S entity)
Moreover, this example commits the database transaction after each batch excecution. This way we avoid long-running transactions and, in case of a failure, we rollback only the failed batch and don't lose the previous batches. For each batch, the Persistent Context is flushed and cleared, therefore we maintain a thin Persistent Context. This way the code is not prone to memory errors and performance penalties caused by slow flushes.
Key points:
(just to check that batching is working)
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
to optimize the batching by ordering insertsIDENTITY
will cause insert batching to be
Exemplo de saída:
Description: This is a Spring Boot application that reads a relatively big JSON file (200000+ lines) and inserts its content in MySQL via batching using ForkJoinPool
, JdbcTemplate
and HikariCP.
Key points:
-> this setting will force sending the batched statements in a single request;cachePrepStmts=true
-> enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disableduseServerPrepStmts=true
-> this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost); moreover, you avoid the PreparedStatement
to be emulated at the JDBC Driver level;...?cachePrepStmts=true&useServerPrepStmts=true&rewriteBatchedStatements=true&createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
to measure the time needed to transfer the file into the
in the current location; this is the big JSON file collected from Internet;
component by uncomment the line, // @Component
; This is needed because this application relies on DataSource-Proxy (for details, see the following item)CompletableFuture
Description: This application is a sample of using CompletableFuture
for batching inserts. This CompletableFuture
uses an Executor
that has the number of threads equal with the number of your computer cores. Usage is in Spring style.
Description: Let's suppose that we have a one-to-many relationship between Author
and Book
entities. When we save an author, we save his books as well thanks to cascading all/persist. We want to create a bunch of authors with books and save them in the database (eg, a MySQL database) using the batch technique. By default, this will result in batching each author and the books per author (one batch for the author and one batch for the books, another batch for the author and another batch for the books, and so on). In order to batch authors and books, we need to order inserts as in this application.
Moreover, this example commits the database transaction after each batch excecution. This way we avoid long-running transactions and, in case of a failure, we rollback only the failed batch and don't lose the previous batches. For each batch, the Persistent Context is flushed and cleared, therefore we maintain a thin Persistent Context. This way the code is not prone to memory errors and performance penalties caused by slow flushes.
Key points:
the following property:
Example without ordered inserts:
Example with ordered inserts:
Description: Batch inserts (in MySQL) in Spring Boot style. This example commits the database transaction after each batch excecution. This way we avoid long-running transactions and, in case of a failure, we rollback only the failed batch and don't lose the previous batches.
Pontos principais:
(just to check that batching is working)
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
to optimize the batching by ordering insertsIDENTITY
will cause insert batching to be
Exemplo de saída:
Clause Parameter Padding Description: This application is an example of using Hibernate IN
cluase parameter padding. This way we can reduce the number of Execution Plans. Mainly, Hibernate is padding parameters as follows:
Key points:
Description: Fetch only the needed data from the database via Spring Data Projections (DTO). In this case, via class-based projections.
Key points:
and hashCode()
only for the columns that should be fetched from the databaseList<projection>
)Note: Using projections is not limited to use query builder mechanism built into Spring Data repository infrastructure. We can fetch projections via JPQL or native queries as well. For example, in this application we use a JPQL.
Output example (select first 2 rows; select only "name" and "age"):
Description: Batch inserts via Hibernate session-level batching (Hibernate 5.2 or higher) in MySQL. This example commits the database transaction after each batch excecution. This way we avoid long-running transactions and, in case of a failure, we rollback only the failed batch and don't lose the previous batches. For each batch, the Persistent Context is flushed and cleared, therefore we maintain a thin Persistent Context. This way the code is not prone to memory errors and performance penalties caused by slow flushes.
Pontos principais:
(just to check that batching is working)
set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true
(optimization for MySQL)
set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true
(enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize
, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit
, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true
(this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
to optimize the batching by ordering insertsIDENTITY
will cause insert batching to be disabledSession
is obtained by un-wrapping it via EntityManager#unwrap(Session.class)
Session#setJdbcBatchSize(Integer size)
and get via Session#getJdbcBatchSize()
Exemplo de saída:
Description: This application highlights the difference betweeen loading entities in read-write vs. read-only mode. If you plan to modify the entities in a future Persistent Context then fetch them as read-only in the current Persistent Context.
Key points:
Note: If you never plan to modify the fetched result set then use DTO (eg, Spring projection), not read-only entities.
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Note: Domain events should be used with extra-caution! The best practices for using them are revealed in my book, Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices.
Description: Starting with Spring Data Ingalls release publishing domain events by aggregate roots becomes easier. Entities managed by repositories are aggregate roots. In a Domain-Driven Design application, these aggregate roots usually publish domain events. Spring Data provides an annotation @DomainEvents
you can use on a method of your aggregate root to make that publication as easy as possible. A method annotated with @DomainEvents
is automatically invoked by Spring Data whenever an entity is saved using the right repository. Moreover, Spring Data provides the @AfterDomainEventsPublication
annotation to indicate the method that should be automatically called for clearing events after publication. Spring Data Commons comes with a convenient template base class ( AbstractAggregateRoot
) to help to register domain events and is using the publication mechanism implied by @DomainEvents
and @AfterDomainEventsPublication
. The events are registered by calling the AbstractAggregateRoot.registerEvent()
method. The registered domain events are published if we call one of the save methods (eg, save()
) of the Spring Data repository and cleared after publication.
This is a sample application that relies on AbstractAggregateRoot
and its registerEvent()
method. We have two entities, Book
and BookReview
involved in a lazy-bidirectional @OneToMany
association. A new book review is saved in CHECK
status and a CheckReviewEvent
is published. This event handler is responsible to check the review grammar, content, etc and switch the review status from CHECK
and propagate the new status to the database. So, this event is registered before saving the book review in CHECK
status and is published automatically after we call the
method. After publication, the event is cleared.
Key points:
and provide a method for registering eventsCheckReviewEvent
), but more can be registeredCheckReviewEventHandler
in an asynchronous manner via @Async
Description: This application is an example of testing the Hibernate Query Plan Cache (QPC). Hibernate QPC is enabled by default and, for entity queries (JPQL and Criteria API), the QPC has a size of 2048, while for native queries it has a size of 128. Pay attention to alter these values to accommodate all queries executed by your aplicativo. If the number of exectued queries is higher than the QPC size (especially for entity queries) then you will start to experiment performance penalties caused by entity compilation time added for each query execution.
In this application, you can adjust the QPC size in
. Mainly, there are 2 JPQL queries and a QPC of size 2. Switching from size 2 to size 1 will cause the compilation of one JPQL query at each execution. Measuring the times for 5000 executions using a QPC of size 2, respectively 1 reveals the importance of QPC in terms of time.
Pontos principais:
Description: This is a SpringBoot application that enables Hibernate Second Level Cache and EhCache provider. It contains an example of caching entities and an example of caching a query result.
Key points:
Description: This is a SpringBoot application representing a kickoff application for Spring Boot caching and EhCache
Key points:
And NamedNativeQuery
Note: If you want to rely on the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention for simply creating in the repository interface methods with the same name as of native named query then skip this application and check this one.
Description: This is a sample application of using SqlResultSetMapping
, NamedNativeQuery
and EntityResult
for fetching single entity and multiple entities as List<Object[]>
Key points:
, NamedNativeQuery
and EntityResult
Description: This is a SpringBoot application that loads multiple entities by id via a @Query
based on the IN
operator and via Specification
Key points:
operator in a @Query
simply add the query in the proper repositorySpecification
rely on
Description: Fetching more read-only data than needed is prone to performance penalties. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. Sometimes, we need to fetch a DTO made of a subset of properties (columns) from a parent-child association. For such cases, we can use SQL JOIN
that can pick up the desired columns from the involved tables. But, JOIN
returns an List<Object[]>
and most probably you will need to represent it as a List<ParentDto>
, where a ParentDto
instance has a List<ChildDto>
. For such cases, we can rely on a custom Hibernate ResultTransformer
. This application is a sample of writing a custom ResultTransformer
Key points:
interface Description: Is a common scenario to have a big List
and to need to chunk it in multiple smaller List
of given size. For example, if we want to employee a concurrent batch implementation we need to give to each thread a sublist of items. Chunking a list can be done via Google Guava, Lists.partition(List list, int size)
method or Apache Commons Collections, ListUtils.partition(List list, int size)
method. But, it can be implemented in plain Java as well. This application exposes 6 ways to do it. The trade-off is between the speed of implementation and speed of execution. For example, while the implementation relying on grouping collector is not performing very well, it is quite simple and fast to write it.
Key points:
class which relies on the built-in List.subList()
method Time-performance trend graphic for chunking 500, 1_000_000, 10_000_000 and 20_000_000 items in lists of 5 items:
Description: Consider the Book
and Chapter
entities. A book has a maximum accepted number of pages ( book_pages
) and the author should not exceed this number. When a chapter is ready for review, the author is submitting it. At this point, the publisher should check that the currently total number of pages doesn't exceed the allowed book_pages
This kind of checks or constraints are easy to implement via database triggers. This application relies on a MySQL trigger to empower our complex contraint ( check_book_pages
Key points:
) Description: This application is an example of using Spring Data Query By Example (QBE) to check if a transient entity exists in the database. Consider the Book
entity and a Spring controller that exposes an endpoint as: public String checkBook(@Validated @ModelAttribute Book book, ...)
. Beside writting an explicit JPQL, we can rely on Spring Data Query Builder mechanism or, even better, on Query By Example (QBE) API. In this context, QBE API is quite useful if the entity has a significant number of attributes and:
Key points:
extends QueryByExampleExecutor
<S extends T> boolean exists(Example<S> exmpl)
with the proper probe (an entity instance populated with the desired fields values)ExampleMatcher
which defines the details on how to match particular fields Note: Do not conclude that Query By Example (QBE) defines only the exists()
method. Check out all methods here.
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is meant to highlight that the best place to use @Transactional
for user defined query-methods is in repository interface, and afterwards, depending on situation, on service-methods level.
Key points:
Inheritance Strategy And Visitor Design Pattern Description: This application is an example of using JPA JOINED
inheritance strategy and Visitor pattern.
Key points:
Inheritance Strategy And Strategy Design Pattern Description: This application is an example of using JPA JOINED
inheritance strategy and Strategy pattern.
Key points:
Description: This folder holds several applications that shows how each Spring transaction propagation works.
Key points:
And UUID Identifiers Description: This application is an example of using the JPA GenerationType.AUTO
for assigning automatically UUID identifiers.
Key points:
columnDescription: This application is an example of manually assigning UUID identifiers.
Key points:
For Generating UUID Identifiers Description: This application is an example of using the Hibernate RFC 4122 compliant UUID generator, uuid2
Key points:
columnDescription: This Spring Boot application is a sample that reveals how Hibernate session-level repeatable reads works. Persistence Context guarantees session-level repeatable reads. Check out how it works.
Key points:
Note: For a detailed explanation of this application consider my book, Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices
Description: This application is an example of using Hibernate-specific hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans
. Check out the application log to see how transactions and database connections are used.
Key points:
Description: This application is an example of cloning entities. The best way to achieve this goal relies on copy-constructors. This way we can control what we copy. Here we use a bidirectional-lazy @ManyToMany
association between Author
and Book
Key points:
(only the genre
) and associate the corresponding booksAuthor
(only the genre
) and clone the books as wellIf you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Statement Only The Modified Columns Via Hibernate @DynamicUpdate
Description: This application is an example of using the Hibernate-specific, @DynamicUpdate
. By default, even if we modify only a subset of columns, the triggered UPDATE
statements will include all columns. By simply annotating the corresponding entity at class-level with @DynamicUpdate
the generated UPDATE
statement will include only the modified columns.
Key points:
for different subsets of columns via JDBC statements caching (each triggered UPDATE
string will be cached and reused accordingly)Description: This application is an example of logging execution time for a repository query-method.
Key points:
) Description: This application is an example of using the TransactionSynchronizationAdapter
for overriding beforeCommit()
, beforeCompletion()
, afterCommit()
and afterCompletion()
callbacks globally (application-level) and at method-level.
Key points:
And NamedNativeQuery
Using {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
Naming Convention Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on SqlResultSetMapping
, NamedNativeQuery
and the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of native named query.
Key points:
, NamedNativeQuery
And NamedNativeQuery
Using {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
Naming Convention Description: This is a sample application of using SqlResultSetMapping
, NamedNativeQuery
and EntityResult
for fetching single entity and multiple entities as List<Object[]>
. In this application we rely on the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of native named query.
Key points:
, NamedNativeQuery
and EntityResult
And Spring Projection (DTO) Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named queries @NamedQuery
and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named query.
Key points:
And Spring Projection (DTO) Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named native queries @NamedNativeQuery
and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named native query.
Key points:
Description: JPA named (native) queries are commonly written via @NamedQuery
and @NamedNativeQuery
annotations in entity classes. Spring Data allows us to write our named (native) queries in a typical *.properties
file inside the META-INF
folder of your classpath. This way, we avoid modifying our entities. This application shows you how to do it.
Warning: Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting ( Sort
). Nevertheless, using Sort
in named queries works fine. Moreover, using Sort
in Pageable
works fine for both, named queries and named native queries. At least this is how it behave in Spring Boot 2.2.2. From this point of view, this approach is better than using @NamedQuery
/ @NamedNativeQuery
or orm.xml
Key points:
naming convention for a quick and slim implementationorm.xml
File Description: JPA named (native) queries are commonly written via @NamedQuery
and @NamedNativeQuery
annotations in entity classes. Spring Data allows us to write our named (native) queries in a typical orm.xml
file inside the META-INF
folder of your classpath. This way, we avoid modifying our entities. This application shows you how to do it.
Warning: Pay attention that, via this approach, we cannot use named (native) queries with dynamic sorting ( Sort
). Using Sort
in Pageable
is ignored, therefore you need to explicitly add ORDER BY
in the queries. At least this is how it behave in Spring Boot 2.2.2. A better approach relies on using a properties file for listing the named (native) queries. In this case, dynamic Sort
works for named queries, but not for named native queries. Using Sort
in Pageable
works as expected in named (native) queries.
Key points:
naming convention for a quick and slim implementation Description: JPA named (native) queries are commonly written via @NamedQuery
and @NamedNativeQuery
annotations in entity classes. This application shows you how to do it.
Warning: Pay attention that, via this approach, we cannot use named (native) queries with dynamic sorting ( Sort
). Using Sort
in Pageable
is ignored, therefore you need to explicitly add ORDER BY
in the queries. At least this is how it behave in Spring Boot 2.2.2. A better approach relies on using a properties file for listing the named (native) queries. In this case, dynamic Sort
works for named queries, but not for named native queries. Using Sort
in Pageable
works as expected in named (native) queries. And, you don't need to modify/pollute entitites with the above annotations.
Key points:
and @NamedNativeQuery
annotations in entity classes{EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention for a quick and slim implementationSort
and Pageable
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named queries listed in a properties file and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named query.
Key points:
) in a folder named META-INF
the application classpath Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named native queries listed in a properties file and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named native query.
Key points:
) in a folder named META-INF
the application classpathorm.xml
File And Spring Projection (DTO) Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named queries listed in orm.xml
file and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named query.
Key points:
file in a folder named META-INF
the application classpathorm.xml
File And Spring Projection (DTO) Description: This application is an example of combining JPA named native queries listed in orm.xml
file and Spring projections (DTO). For queries names we use the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of named native query.
Key points:
file in a folder named META-INF
the application classpathorm.xml
Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on named native queries and result set mapping via orm.xml
and the {EntityName}.{RepositoryMethodName}
naming convention. This convention allows us to create in the repository interface methods with the same name as of native named query.
Key points:
and <sql-result-set-mapping/>
to map the native query to AuthorDto
classDescription: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTO) and cross joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).
Key points:
and Format
And BeanPropertyRowMapper
Description: This application is an example of calling a MySQL stored procedure that returns a result set via JdbcTemplate
and BeanPropertyRowMapper
Key points:
, SimpleJdbcCall
and BeanPropertyRowMapper
Description: This application is a sample of using the JPA @MappedSuperclass
and @EntityListeners
with JPA callbacks.
Key points:
, is not an entity, it can be abstract
, and is annotated with @MappedSuperclass
and @EntityListeners(BookListener.class)
defines JPA callbacks (eg, @PrePersist
is persisted, loaded, updated, etc the corresponding JPA callbacks are called@Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)
May Causes N+1 Issues Advice: Always evaluate JOIN FETCH
and entities graphs before deciding to use FetchMode.JOIN
. The FetchMode.JOIN
fetch mode always triggers an EAGER
load so the children are loaded when the parents are. Beside this drawback, FetchMode.JOIN
may return duplicate results. You'll have to remove the duplicates yourself (eg storing the result in a Set
). But, if you decide to go with FetchMode.JOIN
at least pay attention to avoid N+1 issues discussed below.
Note: Let's assume three entities, Author
, Book
and Publisher
. Between Author
and Book
there is a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
association. Between Author
and Publisher
there is a unidirectional-lazy @ManyToOne
. Between Book
and Publisher
there is no association.
Now, we want to fetch a book by id ( BookRepository#findById()
), including its author, and the author's publisher. In such cases, using Hibernate fetch mode, @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)
works as expected. Using JOIN FETCH
or entity graph is also working as expected.
Next, we want to fetch all books ( BookRepository#findAll()
), including their authors, and the authors publishers. In such cases, using Hibernate fetch mode, @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)
will cause N+1 issues. It will not trigger the expected JOIN
. In this case, using JOIN FETCH
or entity graph should be used.
Key points:
doesn't work for query-methods@Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)
works in cases that fetches the entity by id (primary key) like using EntityManager#find()
, Spring Data, findById()
, findOne()
Description: This application is an example of assigning a database temporary ranking of values to rows via the window function, RANK()
. This window function is available in almost all databases, and starting with version 8.x is available in MySQL as well.
Key points:
(you will use it internally, in the query, usually in the WHERE
clause and CTEs), but, this time, let's write a Spring projection (DTO) that contains a getter for the column generated by RANK()
as wellRANK()
window function Amostra de saída:
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
Description: This application is an example of assigning a database temporary ranking of values to rows via the window function, DENSE_RANK()
. In comparison with the RANK()
window function, DENSE_RANK()
avoid gaps within partition. This window function is available in almost all databases, and starting with version 8.x is available in MySQL as well.
Key points:
(you will use it internally, in the query, usually in the WHERE
clause and CTEs), but, this time, let's write a Spring projection (DTO) that contains a getter for the column generated by DENSE_RANK()
as wellDENSE_RANK()
window function Amostra de saída:
Description: This application is an example of distributing the number of rows in the specified (N) number of groups via the window function, NTILE(N)
. This window function is available in almost all databases, and starting with version 8.x is available in MySQL as well.
Key points:
(you will use it internally, in the query, usually in the WHERE
clause and CTEs), but, this time, let's write a Spring projection (DTO) that contains a getter for the column generated by NTILE()
as wellNTILE()
window function Amostra de saída:
Description: Spring Data comes with the Query Builder mechanism for JPA that is capable to interpret a query method name (known as a derived query) and convert it into a SQL query in the proper dialect. This is possible as long as we respect the naming conventions of this mechanism. Beside the well-known query of type find...
, Spring Data supports derived count queries and derived delete queries.
Key points:
(eg, long countByGenre(String genre)
) - Spring Data will generate a SELECT COUNT(...) FROM ...
or remove...
and returns long
(eg, long deleteByGenre(String genre)
) - Spring Data will trigger first a SELECT
to fetch entities in the Persistence Context, and, afterwards, it triggers a DELETE
for each entity that must be deleteddelete...
or remove...
and returns List<entity>
(eg, List<Author> removeByGenre(String genre)
) - Spring Data will trigger first a SELECT
to fetch entities in the Persistence Context, and, afterwards, it triggers a DELETE
for each entity that must be deletedDescription: Property expressions can refer to a direct property of the managed entity. However, you can also define constraints by traversing nested properties. This application is a sample of traversing nested properties for fetching entities and DTOs.
Key points:
has several Book
and each book has several Review
(between Author
and Book
there is a bidirectional-lazy @oneToMany
association, and, between Book
and Review
there is also a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
and we want to know the Author
of the Book
that has received this Review
the following query that will be processed by the Spring Data Query Builder mechanism: Author findByBooksReviews(Review review);
with two LEFT JOIN
. The algorithm starts by interpreting the entire part ( BooksReviews
) as the property and checks the domain class for a property with that name (uncapitalized). If the algorithm succeeds, it uses that property. If not, the algorithm splits up the source at the camel case parts from the right side into a head and a tail and tries to find the corresponding property — in our example, Books
and Reviews
. If the algorithm finds a property with that head, it takes the tail and continues building the tree down from there, splitting the tail up in the way just described. If the first split does not match, the algorithm moves the split point to the left and continues.Author
class has an booksReview
property as well. The algorithm would match in the first split round already, choose the wrong property, and fail (as the type of booksReview
probably has no code property). To resolve this ambiguity you can use _ inside your method name to manually define traversal points. So our method name would be as follows: Author findByBooks_Reviews(Review review);
Note: Fetching read-only data should be done via DTO, not managed entities. But, there is no tragedy to fetch read-only entities in a context as follows:
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
Under these circumstances, let's tackle a common case that I saw quite a lot. There is even an SO answer about it (don't do this):
Description: Let's assume that Author
and Book
are involved in a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
association. Imagine an user that loads a certain Author
(without the associated Book
). The user may be interested or not in the Book
, therefore, we don't load them with the Author
. If the user is interested in the Book
then he will click a button of type, View books . Now, we have to return the List<Book>
associated to this Author
So, at first request (query), we fetch an Author
. The Author
is detached. At second request (query), we want to load the Book
associated to this Author
. But, we don't want to load the Author
again (for example, we don't care about lost updates of Author
), we just want to load the associated Book
in a single SELECT
. A common (not recommended) approach is to load the Author
again (eg, via findById(author.getId())
) and call the author.getBooks()
. But, this end up in two SELECT
statements. One SELECT
for loading the Author
, and another SELECT
after we force the collection initialization. We force collection initialization because it will not be initialize if we simply return it. In order to trigger the collection initialization the developer call books.size()
or he rely on Hibernate.initialize(books);
But, we can avoid such solution by relying on an explicit JPQL or Query Builder property expressions. This way, there will be a single SELECT
and no need to call size()
or Hibernate.initialize();
Key points:
This item is detailed in my book, Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices.
Description: Behind the built-in Spring Data save()
there is a call of EntityManager#persist()
or EntityManager#merge()
. It is important to know this aspect in several cases. Among this cases, we have the entity update case (simple update or update batching).
Consider Author
and Book
involved in a bidirectional-lazy @OneToMany
association. And, we load an Author
, detach it, update it in the detached state, and save it to the database via save()
method. Calling save()
will come with the following two issues resulting from calling merge()
behind the scene:
(merge) and one UPDATE
will contain a LEFT OUTER JOIN
to fetch the associated Book
as well (we don't need the books!) How about triggering only the UPDATE
instead of this? The solution relies on calling Session#update()
. Calling Session.update()
requires to unwrap the Session
via entityManager.unwrap(Session.class)
Key points:
will trigger only the UPDATE
(there is no SELECT
works with versioned optimistic locking mechanism as well (so, lost updates are prevented)Streamable
Description: This application is a sample of fetching Streamable<entity>
and Streamable<dto>
. But, more important, this application contains three examples of how to not use Streamable
. It is very tempting and comfortable to fetch a Streamable
result set and chop it via filter()
, map()
, flatMap()
, and so on until we obtain only the needed data instead of writing a query (eg, JPQL) that fetches exactly the needed result set from the database. Mainly, we just throw away some of the fetched data to keep only the needed data. But, is not advisable to follow such practices because fetching more data than needed can cause significant performance penalties.
Moreover, pay attention to combining two or more Streamable
via the and()
method. The returned result may be different from what you are expecting to see. Each Streamable
produces a separate SQL statement and the final result set is a concatenation of the intermediate results sets (prone to duplicate values).
Key points:
via and()
; each Streamable
produces a separate SQL statement and the final result set is a concatenation of the intermediate results sets (prone to duplicate values)Streamable
Wrapper TypesDescription: A common practice consists of exposing dedicated wrappers types for collections resulted after mapping a query result set. This way, on a single query execution, the API can return multiple results. After we call a query-method that return a collection, we can pass it to a wrapper class by manually instantiation of that wrapper-class. But, we can avoid the manually instantiation if the code respects the following key points.
Key points:
factory method named of(…)
or valueOf(…)
taking Streamable
as argumentDescription: JPA 2.1 come with schema generation features. This feature can setup the database or export the generated commands to a file. The parameters that we should set are:
: Instructs the persistence provider how to setup the database. Possible values include: none
, create
, drop-and-create
, drop
: Instruct the persistence provider which scripts to create. Possible values include: none
, create
, drop-and-create
, drop
: Indicate the target location of the create script generated by the persistence provider. This can be as a file URL or a java.IO.Writer
: Indicate the target location of the drop script generated by the persistence provider. This can be as a file URL or a java.IO.Writer
Moreover, we can instruct the persistence provider to load data from a file into the database via:
. The value of this property represents the file location and it can be a file URL or a java.IO.Writer
Key points:
Description: Sometimes, we need to write in repositories certain query-methods that return a Map
instead of a List
or a Set
. For example, when we need a Map<Id, Entity>
or we use GROUP BY
and we need a Map<Group, Count>
. This application shows you how to do it via default
methods directly in repository.
Key points:
methods and Collectors.toMap()
Description: Consider one of the JPA inheritance strategies (eg, JOINED
). Handling entities inheritance With Spring Data repositories can be done as follows:
Description: This application is a sample of logging only slow queries via Hibernate 5.4.5,
property. A slow query is a query that has an execution time bigger than a specificed threshold in milliseconds.
Key points:
Exemplo de saída:
Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on JDK14 Records feature and Spring Data Query Builder Mechanism.
From Openjdk JEP359:
Records provide a compact syntax for declaring classes which are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data.
Key points: Define the AuthorDto
public record AuthorDto(String name, int age) implements Serializable {}
Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on JDK 14 Records, Constructor Expression and JPQL.
From Openjdk JEP359:
Records provide a compact syntax for declaring classes which are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data.
Key points:
Define the AuthorDto
public record AuthorDto(String name, int age) implements Serializable {}
Description: Fetching more read-only data than needed is prone to performance penalties. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. Sometimes, we need to fetch a DTO made of a subset of properties (columns) from a parent-child association. For such cases, we can use SQL JOIN
that can pick up the desired columns from the involved tables. But, JOIN
returns an List<Object[]>
and most probably you will need to represent it as a List<ParentDto>
, where a ParentDto
instance has a List<ChildDto>
. For such cases, we can rely on a custom Hibernate ResultTransformer
. This application is a sample of writing a custom ResultTransformer
As DTO, we rely on JDK 14 Records. From Openjdk JEP359:
Records provide a compact syntax for declaring classes which are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data.
Key points:
and BookDto
And ResultSetExtractor
Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTO allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on JDK14 Records feature, JdbcTemplate
and ResultSetExtractor
From Openjdk JEP359:
Records provide a compact syntax for declaring classes which are transparent holders for shallowly immutable data.
Key points:
and BookDto
and ResultSetExtractor
Description: This application is a sample of using dynamic Spring projections via DTO classes.
Key points:
<T> List<T> findByGenre(String genre, Class<T> type);
)If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices" | If you need a hand of tips and illustrations of 100+ Java persistence performance issues then "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide" is for you. |
And Return List<S>
Description: This application is a sample of using CompletableFuture
for batching inserts. This CompletableFuture
uses an Executor
that has the number of threads equal with the number of your computer cores. Usage is in Spring style. It returns List<S>
And Return List<S>
And Return List<S>
(2) Description: This application is an example of causing a database deadlock in MySQL. This application produces an exception of type: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLTransactionRollbackException: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
. However, the database will retry until transaction (A) succeeds.
Key points:
to acquire an exclusive lock to table author
genre with success and sleeps for 10sSELECT
to acquire an exclusive lock to table book
title with success and sleeps for 10s Description: This application is a proof of concept of how to define a composite key having an explicit part ( name
) and a generated part ( authorId
Key points:
Description: Sometimes we need to intercept the generated SQL that originates from Spring Data, EntityManager
, Criteria API, JdbcTemplate
and so on. This can be done as in this sample application. After interception, you can log, modify or even return a brand new SQL that will be executed in the end.
Key points:
281. Force inline params in Criteria API
NOTE Use this with high precaution since you open the gate for SQL injections.
Description: Sometimes we need to force inline params in Criteria API. By default, numeric parameters are inlined, but string parameters are not.
Key points:
the setting
as inline
Description: Arthur Gavlyukovskiy provide a suite of Spring Boot starters for quickly integrate P6Spy, Datasource Proxy, and FlexyPool. In this example, we add Datasource Proxy, but please consider this for more details.
Key points:
, add the datasource-proxy-spring-boot-starter
enable DEBUG
level for loggingDescription: This application is an example of using Java records as embeddable. This is available starting with Hibernate 6.0, but it was refined to be more accessible and easy to use in Hibernate 6.2
Key points:
) via @Embedded