Este repositório implementa um agente LLM que recebe um prompt do usuário e testes de unidade correspondentes. O agente gera o código, testa sua execução correta e garante que ele passe nos testes de unidade. Se o código falhar na execução ou falhar em qualquer teste de unidade, o agente regenerará o código até que seja bem-sucedido.
Este projeto baseia-se no código do Notebook LangChain (, onde um agente gera código com base no prompt do usuário e verifica se a execução funciona.
A principal contribuição deste projeto é a integração de testes unitários ao processo de execução de código.
Além disso, o código original do notebook Jupyter foi refatorado em um projeto Python estruturado adequado para implantação. Ao aderir às melhores práticas de codificação, o código foi modularizado, funções reutilizáveis foram criadas e documentação e testes adequados foram garantidos. O resultado é um projeto .py bem organizado, de fácil manutenção e pronto para produção.
git clone https : // github . com / paulomuraroferreira / Self_correcting_coding_agent . git
cd Self_correcting_coding_agent
$ pip install - e .
Crie um arquivo .env e preencha as seguintes variáveis de ambiente:
OPENAI_API_KEY = your_openai_api_key
OPENAI_CHAT_MODEL = "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"
Insira o prompt do código no arquivo O prompt deve ser descritivo e especificar o nome das classes.
Por exemplo:
Python Class Description
Class Name: BankAccount
The BankAccount class represents a user's bank account, allowing for deposits, withdrawals, and viewing the transaction history. The class ensures that withdrawals cannot exceed the current balance and that deposits and withdrawals are properly recorded in the transaction history.
balance (float): The current balance of the account, initialized to 0.
transactions (list): A list to store the history of transactions. Each transaction is stored as a dictionary with keys type (either 'deposit' or 'withdrawal'), amount, and date.
deposit(amount: float) -> None: Adds the specified amount to the balance and records the transaction.
withdraw(amount: float) -> bool: Attempts to subtract the specified amount from the balance. Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False. Records the transaction if successful.
get_balance() -> float: Returns the current balance.
get_transaction_history() -> list: Returns a list of all transactions.
main = Main(QUESTION3)
Adicione o código de teste de unidade em um arquivo .py na pasta src/unit_test_folder. Além disso, importe a classe correspondente do arquivo Por exemplo, para o prompt acima, o LLM irá gerar uma classe chamada BankAccount. Portanto, o src/unit_test_folder/ deve incluir:
de src.code_solution importar conta bancária
Execute o arquivo
python main . py
Para o exemplo acima, o código exibirá a seguinte saída:
================================ Human Message =================================
Python Class Description
Class Name: BankAccount
The BankAccount class represents a user's bank account, allowing for deposits, withdrawals, and viewing the transaction history. The class ensures that withdrawals cannot exceed the current balance and that deposits and withdrawals are properly recorded in the transaction history.
balance (float): The current balance of the account, initialized to 0.
transactions (list): A list to store the history of transactions. Each transaction is stored as a dictionary with keys type (either 'deposit' or 'withdrawal'), amount, and date.
deposit(amount: float) -> None: Adds the specified amount to the balance and records the transaction.
withdraw(amount: float) -> bool: Attempts to subtract the specified amount from the balance. Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False. Records the transaction if successful.
get_balance() -> float: Returns the current balance.
get_transaction_history() -> list: Returns a list of all transactions.
2024-08-18 14:51:24,955 - INFO - - ---GENERATING CODE SOLUTION---
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Here is my attempt to solve the problem: The BankAccount class is designed to manage a user's bank account by allowing deposits, withdrawals, and tracking transaction history. It ensures that withdrawals do not exceed the available balance and records each transaction with details such as type, amount, and date.
Imports: from datetime import datetime
Code: class BankAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.balance = 0.0
self.transactions = []
def deposit(self, amount: float) -> None:
self.balance += amount
transaction = {
'type': 'deposit',
'amount': amount,
def withdraw(self, amount: float) -> bool:
if amount > self.balance:
return False
self.balance -= amount
transaction = {
'type': 'withdrawal',
'amount': amount,
return True
def get_balance(self) -> float:
return self.balance
def get_transaction_history(self) -> list:
return self.transactions
2024-08-18 14:51:28,979 - INFO - - ---CHECKING CODE---
2024-08-18 14:51:29,170 - INFO - -
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.3.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent/venv/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.4.0
collecting ... collected 7 items
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 14%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 28%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 42%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 57%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 71%]
src/unit_test_folder/ FAILED [ 85%]
src/unit_test_folder/ FAILED [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_invalid_deposit _____________________________
account = <src.code_solution.BankAccount object at 0x7fac0d4f0b90>
def test_invalid_deposit(account):
"""Test that depositing a negative amount raises ValueError."""
> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'ValueError'>
src/unit_test_folder/ Failed
___________________________ test_invalid_withdrawal ____________________________
account = <src.code_solution.BankAccount object at 0x7fac0d4f1f40>
def test_invalid_withdrawal(account):
"""Test that withdrawing a negative amount raises ValueError."""
> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'ValueError'>
src/unit_test_folder/ Failed
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED src/unit_test_folder/ - Failed:...
FAILED src/unit_test_folder/ - Fail...
========================= 2 failed, 5 passed in 0.02s ==========================
2024-08-18 14:51:29,170 - INFO - - Some tests failed.
2024-08-18 14:51:29,172 - INFO - - ---DECISION: RE-TRY SOLUTION---
================================ Human Message =================================
Your solution failed the unit test: ============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.3.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent/venv/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.4.0
collecting ... collected 7 items
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 14%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 28%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 42%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 57%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 71%]
src/unit_test_folder/ FAILED [ 85%]
src/unit_test_folder/ FAILED [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_invalid_deposit _____________________________
account = <src.code_solution.BankAccount object at 0x7fac0d4f0b90>
def test_invalid_deposit(account):
"""Test that depositing a negative amount raises ValueError."""
> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <c ... (truncated)
2024-08-18 14:51:29,175 - INFO - - ---GENERATING CODE SOLUTION---
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Here is my attempt to solve the problem: The previous solution did not handle cases where negative amounts were deposited or withdrawn. The unit tests expect a ValueError to be raised in such cases, but the original implementation did not include this validation. To fix this, we need to add checks in the deposit and withdraw methods to raise a ValueError if the amount is negative.
Imports: from datetime import datetime
Code: class BankAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.balance = 0.0
self.transactions = []
def deposit(self, amount: float) -> None:
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError("Deposit amount must be positive.")
self.balance += amount
transaction = {
'type': 'deposit',
'amount': amount,
def withdraw(self, amount: float) -> bool:
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError("Withdrawal amount must be positive.")
if amount > self.balance:
return False
self.balance -= amount
transaction = {
'type': 'withdrawal',
'amount': amount,
return True
def get_balance(self) -> float:
return self.balance
def get_transaction_history(self) -> ... (truncated)
2024-08-18 14:51:34,913 - INFO - - ---CHECKING CODE---
2024-08-18 14:51:35,131 - INFO - -
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.3.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent/venv/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/paulo/Python_projects/Self_correcting_coding_agent
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.4.0
collecting ... collected 7 items
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 14%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 28%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 42%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 57%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 71%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [ 85%]
src/unit_test_folder/ PASSED [100%]
============================== 7 passed in 0.01s ===============================
2024-08-18 14:51:35,131 - INFO - - All tests passed!
2024-08-18 14:51:35,131 - INFO - - ---NO CODE TEST FAILURES---
2024-08-18 14:51:35,133 - INFO - - ---DECISION: FINISH---