InfiQr codeigniter
Biblioteca geradora InfiQR Qrcode para PHP codeigniter
// Load library in your controller
// Call Infiqr and pass the content to simply generate image output in your controller
$this->infiqr->generate('Hello, testing qr code');
$phoneNo = '(049)012-345-678';
// we building raw data
$codeContents = 'tel:'.$phoneNo;
$email='[email protected]';
$codeContents = 'mailto:'.$email;
// here our data
$name = 'John Doe';
$phone = '(049)012-345-678';
// we building raw data
$codeContents = 'BEGIN:VCARD'."n";
$codeContents .= 'FN:'.$name."n";
$codeContents .= 'TEL;WORK;VOICE:'.$phone."n";
$codeContents .= 'END:VCARD';
Source : -
This Library was built using [PHPqrcode](
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Obrigado, - Naseem Fasal naseem em infiyo ponto com / @naseemfasal