A maneira mais fácil de verificar quem não o seguiu de volta ao Instagram é fazê -lo manualmente, acompanhando o número exato de seguidores. Se você notar que sua contagem de seguidores diminui, poderá investigar as listas "a seguir" desses usuários específicos para verificar se eles ainda estão seguindo você.
Obviamente, isso é muito demorado e impraticável-especialmente quando você tem muitos seguidores que flutuam regularmente. A partir de agora você pode usar este script para verificar quem não o seguiu de volta!
const sleep = milliseconds => new Promise ( resolve => setTimeout ( resolve , milliseconds ) ) ; async function handleOutput ( type , data ) { const styles = ` padding: 0.5rem 0; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 700; ` ; const getMinutes = ( ) => { const steps = Math . floor ( ( data . followingCount - data . currentPageCount ) / data . estimatedStepValue ) ; const seconds = steps * 3 + Math . floor ( steps / 5 * 15 ) ; const minutes = Math . floor ( seconds / 60 ) ; if ( minutes <= 1 ) return "1 minute" ; else return ` ${ minutes } minutes` ; } ; if ( type === "PROGRESS" ) { console . clear ( ) ; console . warn ( `%cProgress ${ data . currentPageCount } / ${ data . followingCount } ( ${ parseInt ( data . currentPageCount / data . followingCount * 100 ) } %) - ETA: ${ getMinutes ( ) } ` , styles ) ; } else if ( type === "RATE_LIMIT" ) { console . clear ( ) ; console . warn ( "%cRATE LIMIT: Waiting 15 seconds before requesting again..." , styles ) ; await sleep ( 15000 ) ; } else if ( type === "FINISH" ) { console . clear ( ) ; if ( data . unfollowers . length === 0 ) return console . warn ( `%cPROCESS FINISHED - Everyone followed you back! ?` , styles ) ; console . group ( `%cPROCESS FINISHED - ${ data . unfollowers . length } ${ data . unfollowers . length === 1 ? "user" : "users" } didn't follow you back. ?` , styles ) ; data . unfollowers . forEach ( unfollower => console . log ( ` ${ unfollower . username } ${ unfollower . isVerified ? " ☑️" : "" } - https://www.instagram.com/ ${ unfollower . username } /` ) ) ; console . groupEnd ( ) ; } } ; class Script { constructor ( checkVerifiedUsers ) { this . checkVerifiedUsers = checkVerifiedUsers ; this . unfollowers = [ ] ; this . canQuery = false ; this . nextPageHash = "" ; this . requestsCount = 0 ; this . followingCount = 0 ; this . currentPageCount = 0 ; this . estimatedStepValue = 0 ; } getCookie ( cookieName ) { return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => { const cookies = document . cookie . split ( ";" ) ; for ( const cookie of cookies ) { const pair = cookie . split ( "=" ) ; if ( pair [ 0 ] . trim ( ) === cookieName ) resolve ( decodeURIComponent ( pair [ 1 ] ) ) ; } reject ( "Cookie not found!" ) ; } ) ; } createURLParamsString ( params ) { return Object . keys ( params ) . map ( key => { const value = params [ key ] ; if ( typeof value === "object" ) return ` ${ key } = ${ JSON . stringify ( value ) } ` ; else return ` ${ key } = ${ value } ` ; } ) . join ( "&" ) ; } async generateURL ( ) { const params = { query_hash : "3dec7e2c57367ef3da3d987d89f9dbc8" , variables : { id : await this . getCookie ( "ds_user_id" ) , first : "1000" } } ; if ( this . nextPageHash ) params . variables . after = this . nextPageHash ; return `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/? ${ this . createURLParamsString ( params ) } ` ; } async startScript ( ) { try { do { if ( this . requestsCount !== 0 && this . requestsCount % 5 === 0 ) await handleOutput ( "RATE_LIMIT" ) ; const url = await this . generateURL ( ) ; const { data } = await fetch ( url ) . then ( res => res . json ( ) ) ; if ( checkVerifiedUsers ) { data . user . edge_follow . edges . forEach ( edge => { if ( ! edge . node . follows_viewer ) this . unfollowers . push ( { username : edge . node . username , isVerified : edge . node . is_verified } ) ; } ) ; } else { data . user . edge_follow . edges . forEach ( edge => { if ( ! edge . node . is_verified && ! edge . node . follows_viewer ) this . unfollowers . push ( { username : edge . node . username } ) ; } ) ; } this . canQuery = data . user . edge_follow . page_info . has_next_page ; this . nextPageHash = data . user . edge_follow . page_info . end_cursor ; this . requestsCount ++ ; this . followingCount = data . user . edge_follow . count ; this . currentPageCount += data . user . edge_follow . edges . length ; if ( this . estimatedStepValue === 0 ) this . estimatedStepValue = data . user . edge_follow . edges . length ; handleOutput ( "PROGRESS" , { currentPageCount : this . currentPageCount , estimatedStepValue : this . estimatedStepValue , followingCount : this . followingCount } ) ; await sleep ( 3000 ) ; } while ( this . canQuery ) ; handleOutput ( "FINISH" , { unfollowers : this . unfollowers } ) ; } catch ( error ) { return console . error ( `Something went wrong!n ${ error } ` ) ; } } } ; const checkVerifiedUsers = confirm ( "Do you want to check the verified users as well?" ) ; const script = new Script ( checkVerifiedUsers ) ; script . startScript ( ) ;
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Não se esqueça de dar uma estrela ao projeto, obrigado! ?
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