Um kit de ferramentas para bancos de dados SQLite, com foco no desenvolvimento de aplicativos
Servindo orgulhosamente a comunidade desde 2015
Lançamento mais recente : 13 de outubro de 2024 • Versão 7.0.0-beta.6 • Changelog • Migrando de GRDB 6 para GRDB 7
Requisitos : iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15+ / tvOS 13.0+ / watchOS 7.0+ • sqlite 3.20.0+ • swift 6+ / xcode 16+
Contato :
Use esta biblioteca para salvar os dados permanentes do seu aplicativo nos bancos de dados SQLite. Ele vem com ferramentas embutidas que atendem às necessidades comuns:
Geração SQL
Aprimore seus modelos de aplicativos com métodos de persistência e busca de busca, para que você não precise lidar com as linhas SQL e de banco de dados RAW quando não quiser.
Observação do banco de dados
Obtenha notificações quando os valores do banco de dados forem modificados.
Simultaneidade robusta
Os aplicativos multidreados podem usar com eficiência seus bancos de dados, incluindo bancos de dados WAL que suportam leituras e gravações simultâneas.
Evoluir o esquema do seu banco de dados ao enviar novas versões do seu aplicativo.
Aproveite suas habilidades SQLite
Nem todos os desenvolvedores precisam de recursos avançados do SQLite. Mas quando você o faz, o GRDB é tão nítido quanto você deseja. Venha com suas habilidades SQL e SQLite, ou aprenda novas à medida que avança!
Uso • Documentação • Instalação • FAQ
import GRDB
// 1. Open a database connection
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : " /path/to/database.sqlite " )
// 2. Define the database schema
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . create ( table : " player " ) { t in
t . primaryKey ( " id " , . text )
t . column ( " name " , . text ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " score " , . integer ) . notNull ( )
// 3. Define a record type
struct Player : Codable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
var id : String
var name : String
var score : Int
// 4. Write and read in the database
try dbQueue . write { db in
try Player ( id : " 1 " , name : " Arthur " , score : 100 ) . insert ( db )
try Player ( id : " 2 " , name : " Barbara " , score : 1000 ) . insert ( db )
let players : [ Player ] = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Player . fetchAll ( db )
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . execute ( sql : """
longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL)
""" )
try db . execute ( sql : """
INSERT INTO place (title, favorite, latitude, longitude)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
""" , arguments : [ " Paris " , true , 48.85341 , 2.3488 ] )
let parisId = db . lastInsertedRowID
// Avoid SQL injection with SQL interpolation
try db . execute ( literal : """
INSERT INTO place (title, favorite, latitude, longitude)
VALUES ( ( " King's Cross " ) , ( true ) , ( 51.52151 ) , ( - 0.12763 ) )
""" )
Consulte a execução de atualizações
try dbQueue . read { db in
// Fetch database rows
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM place " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
let title : String = row [ " title " ]
let isFavorite : Bool = row [ " favorite " ]
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : row [ " latitude " ] ,
longitude : row [ " longitude " ] )
// Fetch values
let placeCount = try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place " ) ! // Int
let placeTitles = try String . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT title FROM place " ) // [String]
let placeCount = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place " ) !
Veja buscar consultas
struct Place {
var id : Int64 ?
var title : String
var isFavorite : Bool
var coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D
// snip: turn Place into a "record" by adopting the protocols that
// provide fetching and persistence methods.
try dbQueue . write { db in
// Create database table
try db . create ( table : " place " ) { t in
t . autoIncrementedPrimaryKey ( " id " )
t . column ( " title " , . text ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " favorite " , . boolean ) . notNull ( ) . defaults ( to : false )
t . column ( " longitude " , . double ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " latitude " , . double ) . notNull ( )
var berlin = Place (
id : nil ,
title : " Berlin " ,
isFavorite : false ,
coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D ( latitude : 52.52437 , longitude : 13.41053 ) )
try berlin . insert ( db )
berlin . id // some value
berlin . isFavorite = true
try berlin . update ( db )
Veja registros
try dbQueue . read { db in
// Place
let paris = try Place . find ( db , id : 1 )
// Place?
let berlin = try Place . filter ( Column ( " title " ) == " Berlin " ) . fetchOne ( db )
// [Place]
let favoritePlaces = try Place
. filter ( Column ( " favorite " ) == true )
. order ( Column ( " title " ) )
. fetchAll ( db )
// Int
let favoriteCount = try Place . filter ( Column ( " favorite " ) ) . fetchCount ( db )
// SQL is always welcome
let places = try Place . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM place " )
Veja a interface de consulta
// Define the observed value
let observation = ValueObservation . tracking { db in
try Place . fetchAll ( db )
// Start observation
let cancellable = observation . start (
in : dbQueue ,
onError : { error in ... } ,
onChange : { ( places : [ Place ] ) in print ( " Fresh places: ( places ) " ) } )
Suporte pronto para combinar e rxswift:
// Combine
let cancellable = observation . publisher ( in : dbQueue ) . sink (
receiveCompletion : { completion in ... } ,
receiveValue : { ( places : [ Place ] ) in print ( " Fresh places: ( places ) " ) } )
// RxSwift
let disposable = observation . rx . observe ( in : dbQueue ) . subscribe (
onNext : { ( places : [ Place ] ) in print ( " Fresh places: ( places ) " ) } ,
onError : { error in ... } )
Consulte Observação do banco de dados, Combine suporte, RXGRDB.
O GRDB é executado em cima do SQLite : você deve se familiarizar com as perguntas frequentes do SQLite. Para obter informações gerais e detalhadas, pule para a documentação do SQLite.
Perguntas frequentes
Código de amostra
Os procedimentos de instalação abaixo possuem o GRDB, use a versão do SQLite que é enviada com o sistema operacional de destino.
Consulte Criptografia para o procedimento de instalação do GRDB com SQLCIPHER.
Consulte as compilações SQLITE personalizadas para o procedimento de instalação do GRDB com uma construção personalizada de SQLite.
O Swift Package Manager automatiza a distribuição do código SWIFT. Para usar o GRDB com o SPM, adicione uma dependência a
O GRDB oferece duas bibliotecas, GRDB
e GRDB-dynamic
. Escolha apenas um. Em caso de dúvida, prefira GRDB
. A biblioteca GRDB-dynamic
pode revelar útil se você o vincular a vários alvos no seu aplicativo e deseja apenas vincular a uma estrutura dinâmica compartilhada uma vez. Veja como vincular um pacote SWIFT como dinâmico para obter mais informações.
Nota : Linux não é suportado no momento.
O Cocoapods é um gerente de dependência para projetos Xcode. Para usar o GRDB com Cocoapods (versão 1.2 ou superior), especifique no seu Podfile
pod 'GRDB.swift'
O GRDB pode ser instalado como uma estrutura ou uma biblioteca estática.
Nota importante para a instalação do Cocoapods
Devido a um problema em Cocoapods, atualmente não é possível implantar novas versões do GRDB em Cocoapods. A última versão disponível no Cocoapods é 6.24.1. Para instalar versões posteriores do GRDB usando Cocoapods, use uma das seguintes soluções alternativas:
Dependem da filial GRDB6
. Isso é mais ou menos equivalente ao que pod 'GRDB.swift', '~> 6.0'
normalmente faria, se os Cocoapods aceitariam novas versões GRDB a serem publicadas:
# Can't use semantic versioning due to
pod 'GRDB.swift' , git : '' , branch : 'GRDB6'
Depende de uma versão específica explicitamente (substitua a tag pela versão que você deseja usar):
# Can't use semantic versioning due to
# Replace the tag with the tag that you want to use.
pod 'GRDB.swift' , git : '' , tag : 'v6.29.0'
Cartago não é suportado . Para algum contexto sobre essa decisão, consulte #433.
Faça o download de uma cópia do GRDB ou clone seu repositório e verifique a versão mais recente da versão marcada.
Incorpore o projeto GRDB.xcodeproj
em seu próprio projeto.
Adicione o alvo GRDB
na seção de dependências de destino da guia Fases de construção do seu destino de aplicativo (destino de extensão para o relógio).
Adicione o GRDB.framework
à seção de binários incorporados da guia Geral do seu destino de aplicativo (destino de extensão para o relógio).
O GRDB fornece duas classes para acessar bancos de dados SQLite: DatabaseQueue
e DatabasePool
import GRDB
// Pick one:
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : " /path/to/database.sqlite " )
let dbPool = try DatabasePool ( path : " /path/to/database.sqlite " )
As diferenças são:
Se você não tiver certeza, escolha DatabaseQueue
. Você sempre poderá mudar para o DatabasePool
mais tarde.
Para obter mais informações e dicas ao abrir conexões, consulte as conexões do banco de dados.
Nesta seção da documentação, conversaremos SQL. Salte para a interface de consulta se o SQL não for sua xícara de chá.
: O protocolo para tipos de valor personalizadoTópicos avançados:
Uma vez concedido com uma conexão de banco de dados, o método execute(sql:arguments:)
Executa as instruções SQL que não retornam nenhuma linha de banco de dados, como CREATE TABLE
, etc.
Por exemplo:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . execute ( sql : """
score INT)
""" )
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES (?, ?) " ,
arguments : [ " Barbara " , 1000 ] )
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE player SET score = :score WHERE id = :id " ,
arguments : [ " score " : 1000 , " id " : 1 ] )
O ?
e chaves prefixadas por cólon como :score
na consulta SQL são os argumentos das declarações . Você passa argumentos com matrizes ou dicionários, como no exemplo acima. Consulte Valores para obter mais informações sobre os tipos de argumentos suportados (bool, int, string, data, enums rápidos, etc.) e StatementArguments
para uma documentação detalhada dos argumentos sqlite.
Você também pode incorporar argumentos de consulta diretamente em suas consultas SQL, com execute(literal:)
, como no exemplo abaixo. Consulte a interpolação do SQL para obter mais detalhes.
try dbQueue . write { db in
let name = " O'Brien "
let score = 550
try db . execute ( literal : """
INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES ( ( name ) , ( score ) )
""" )
Nunca incorpore valores diretamente em suas seqüências de SQL brutas . Consulte Evitando a injeção de SQL para obter mais informações:
// WRONG: don't embed values in raw SQL strings
let id = 123
let name = textField . text
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE player SET name = ' ( name ) ' WHERE id = ( id ) " )
// CORRECT: use arguments dictionary
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE player SET name = :name WHERE id = :id " ,
arguments : [ " name " : name , " id " : id ] )
// CORRECT: use arguments array
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE player SET name = ? WHERE id = ? " ,
arguments : [ name , id ] )
// CORRECT: use SQL Interpolation
try db . execute (
literal : " UPDATE player SET name = ( name ) WHERE id = ( id ) " )
Junte -se a várias declarações com um ponto e vírgula :
try db . execute ( sql : """
INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES (?, ?);
INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES (?, ?);
""" , arguments : [ " Arthur " , 750 , " Barbara " , 1000 ] )
try db . execute ( literal : """
INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES ( ( " Arthur " ) , ( 750 ) );
INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES ( ( " Barbara " ) , ( 1000 ) );
""" )
Quando você deseja garantir que uma única declaração seja executada, use uma Statement
Após uma declaração de inserção , você pode obter o ID da linha da linha inserida com lastInsertedRowID
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO player (name, score) VALUES (?, ?) " ,
arguments : [ " Arthur " , 1000 ] )
let playerId = db . lastInsertedRowID
Não perca os registros, que fornecem métodos clássicos de persistência :
var player = Player ( name : " Arthur " , score : 1000 )
try player . insert ( db )
let playerId = player . id
As conexões do banco de dados permitem buscar linhas de banco de dados, valores simples e modelos personalizados, também conhecidos como "registros".
Linhas são os resultados brutos das consultas SQL:
try dbQueue . read { db in
if let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM wine WHERE id = ? " , arguments : [ 1 ] ) {
let name : String = row [ " name " ]
let color : Color = row [ " color " ]
print ( name , color )
Os valores são os bool, int, string, data, enumes rápidas, etc. armazenados nas colunas da linha:
try dbQueue . read { db in
let urls = try URL . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT url FROM wine " )
while let url = try urls . next ( ) {
print ( url )
Os registros são seus objetos de aplicativo que podem se inicializar a partir de linhas:
let wines = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Wine . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM wine " )
Em todo o GRDB , você sempre pode buscar cursores , matrizes , conjuntos ou valores únicos de qualquer tipo afetado (linha do banco de dados, valor simples ou registro personalizado):
try Row . fetchCursor ( ... ) // A Cursor of Row
try Row . fetchAll ( ... ) // [Row]
try Row . fetchSet ( ... ) // Set<Row>
try Row . fetchOne ( ... ) // Row?
retorna um cursor sobre valores buscados:
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " ) // A Cursor of Row
retorna uma matriz :
let players = try Player . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " ) // [Player]
Retorna um conjunto :
let names = try String . fetchSet ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " ) // Set<String>
retorna um único valor opcional e consome uma única linha de banco de dados (se houver).
let count = try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT COUNT(*) ... " ) // Int?
Todos esses métodos de busca requerem uma sequência SQL que contém uma única instrução SQL. Quando você deseja buscar várias declarações unidas a um ponto e vírgula, iterará as múltiplas instruções preparadas encontradas na sequência SQL.
Sempre que você consome várias linhas do banco de dados, você pode buscar uma matriz, um conjunto ou um cursor .
Os métodos fetchAll()
e fetchSet()
retornam uma matriz e conjuntos regulares, que você itera como todas as outras matrizes e conjuntos:
try dbQueue . read { db in
// [Player]
let players = try Player . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " )
for player in players {
// use player
Ao contrário de matrizes e conjuntos, os cursores devolvidos por fetchCursor()
carregam seus resultados passo após etapa:
try dbQueue . read { db in
// Cursor of Player
let players = try Player . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " )
while let player = try players . next ( ) {
// use player
Os cursores não podem ser usados em nenhum tópico : você deve consumir um cursor na fila de despacho em que foi criado. Particularmente, não extraia um cursor de um método de acesso ao banco de dados:
// Wrong
let cursor = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Player . fetchCursor ( db , ... )
while let player = try cursor . next ( ) { ... }
Por outro lado, matrizes e conjuntos podem ser consumidos em qualquer tópico:
// OK
let array = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Player . fetchAll ( db , ... )
for player in array { ... }
Os cursores podem ser iterados apenas uma vez. Matrizes e conjuntos podem ser iterados muitas vezes.
Os cursores iteram o banco de dados resulta de maneira preguiçosa e não consome muita memória. Matrizes e conjuntos contêm cópias dos valores do banco de dados e podem ter muita memória quando houver muitos resultados buscados.
Os cursores são concedidos com acesso direto ao SQLite, diferentemente de matrizes e conjuntos que precisam reservar um tempo para copiar os valores do banco de dados. Se você cuidar do desempenho extra, poderá preferir cursores.
Os cursores podem alimentar coleções SWIFT.
Você usará a maior parte do tempo fetchAll
ou fetchSet
quando quiser uma matriz ou um conjunto. Para necessidades mais específicas, você pode preferir um dos inicializadores abaixo. Todos eles aceitam um argumento extra minimumCapacity
opcional que ajuda a otimizar seu aplicativo quando você tem uma idéia do número de elementos em um cursor (o fetchAll
e fetchSet
embutidos não executam essa otimização).
Matrizes e todos os tipos em conformidade com RangeReplaceableCollection
// [String]
let cursor = try String . fetchCursor ( db , ... )
let array = try Array ( cursor )
Conjuntos :
// Set<Int>
let cursor = try Int . fetchCursor ( db , ... )
let set = try Set ( cursor )
Dicionários :
// [Int64: [Player]]
let cursor = try Player . fetchCursor ( db )
let dictionary = try Dictionary ( grouping : cursor , by : { $0 . teamID } )
// [Int64: Player]
let cursor = try Player . fetchCursor ( db ) . map { ( $0 . id , $0 ) }
let dictionary = try Dictionary ( uniqueKeysWithValues : cursor )
Os cursores adotam o protocolo do cursor, que se parece muito com sequências preguiçosas padrão de Swift. Como tal, os cursores vêm com muitos métodos de conveniência: compactMap
, contains
, dropFirst
, dropLast
, drop(while:)
, enumerated
, filter
, first
, flatMap
, forEach
, joined
, joined(separator:)
, max
, max(by:)
, min
, min(by:)
, map
, prefix
, prefix(while:)
, reduce
, reduce(into:)
, suffix
// Prints all Github links
try URL
. fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT url FROM link " )
. filter { url in url . host == " " }
. forEach { url in print ( url ) }
// An efficient cursor of coordinates:
let locations = try Row .
. fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT latitude, longitude FROM place " )
. map { row in
CLLocationCoordinate2D ( latitude : row [ 0 ] , longitude : row [ 1 ] )
Os cursores não são seqüências rápidas. Isso ocorre porque as seqüências rápidas não podem lidar com erros de iteração, ao ler os resultados do SQLite, podem falhar a qualquer momento.
Os cursores exigem um pouco de cuidado :
Não modifique os resultados durante uma iteração de cursor:
// Undefined behavior
while let player = try players . next ( ) {
try db . execute ( sql : " DELETE ... " )
Não transforme um cursor de Row
em uma matriz ou um conjunto. Você não receberia as linhas distintas que espera. Para obter uma variedade de linhas, use Row.fetchAll(...)
. Para obter um conjunto de linhas, use Row.fetchSet(...)
. De um modo geral, certifique -se de copiar uma linha sempre que a extrair de um cursor para uso posterior: row.copy()
Se você não vê ou não se importa com a diferença, use matrizes. Se você se preocupa com memória e desempenho, use cursores quando apropriado.
Buscar cursores de linhas, matrizes , conjuntos ou linhas únicas (consulte Métodos de busca):
try dbQueue . read { db in
try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // A Cursor of Row
try Row . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // [Row]
try Row . fetchSet ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Set<Row>
try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Row?
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM wine " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
let name : String = row [ " name " ]
let color : Color = row [ " color " ]
print ( name , color )
let rows = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Row . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM player " )
Os argumentos são matrizes ou dicionários opcionais que preenchem o posicional ?
e chaves prefixadas no cólon como :name
na consulta:
let rows = try Row . fetchAll ( db ,
sql : " SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = ? " ,
arguments : [ " Arthur " ] )
let rows = try Row . fetchAll ( db ,
sql : " SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = :name " ,
arguments : [ " name " : " Arthur " ] )
Consulte Valores para obter mais informações sobre os tipos de argumentos suportados (bool, int, string, data, enums rápidos, etc.) e StatementArguments
para uma documentação detalhada dos argumentos sqlite.
Ao contrário das matrizes de linha que contêm cópias das linhas do banco de dados, os cursores de linha estão próximos do metal sqlite e requerem um pouco de cuidado:
Nota : Não transforme um cursor de
em uma matriz ou um conjunto . Você não receberia as linhas distintas que espera. Para obter uma variedade de linhas, useRow.fetchAll(...)
. Para obter um conjunto de linhas, useRow.fetchSet(...)
. De um modo geral, certifique -se de copiar uma linha sempre que a extrair de um cursor para uso posterior:row.copy()
Leia os valores da coluna por índice ou nome da coluna:
let name : String = row [ 0 ] // 0 is the leftmost column
let name : String = row [ " name " ] // Leftmost matching column - lookup is case-insensitive
let name : String = row [ Column ( " name " ) ] // Using query interface's Column
Certifique -se de pedir um opcional quando o valor pode ser nulo:
let name : String ? = row [ " name " ]
O subscrito row[]
retorna o tipo que você solicita. Consulte os valores para obter mais informações sobre os tipos de valor suportados:
let bookCount : Int = row [ " bookCount " ]
let bookCount64 : Int64 = row [ " bookCount " ]
let hasBooks : Bool = row [ " bookCount " ] // false when 0
let string : String = row [ " date " ] // "2015-09-11 18:14:15.123"
let date : Date = row [ " date " ] // Date
self . date = row [ " date " ] // Depends on the type of the property.
Você também pode usar o operador de fundição as
row [ ... ] as Int
row [ ... ] as Int ?
Aviso : Evite o
operadores:if let int = row [ ... ] as? Int { ... } // BAD - doesn't work if let int = row [ ... ] as Int ? { ... } // GOOD
AVISO : Evite valores de linha Nil-Coalescing e prefira o método
:let name : String ? = row [ " nickname " ] ?? row [ " name " ] // BAD - doesn't work let name : String ? = row . coalesce ( [ " nickname " , " name " ] ) // GOOD
De um modo geral, você pode extrair o tipo necessário, desde que possa ser convertido do valor subjacente do SQLite:
As conversões bem -sucedidas incluem:
Consulte Valores para obter mais informações sobre tipos suportados (bool, int, string, data, enum Swift etc.)
Null retorna nil.
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT NULL " ) !
row [ 0 ] as Int ? // nil
row [ 0 ] as Int // fatal error: could not convert NULL to Int.
Porém, há uma exceção: o tipo de banco de dados:
row [ 0 ] as DatabaseValue // DatabaseValue.null
As colunas ausentes retornam nil.
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 'foo' AS foo " ) !
row [ " missing " ] as String ? // nil
row [ " missing " ] as String // fatal error: no such column: missing
Você pode verificar explicitamente uma presença na coluna com o método hasColumn
Conversões inválidas lançam um erro fatal.
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 'Mom’s birthday' " ) !
row [ 0 ] as String // "Mom’s birthday"
row [ 0 ] as Date ? // fatal error: could not convert "Mom’s birthday" to Date.
row [ 0 ] as Date // fatal error: could not convert "Mom’s birthday" to Date.
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 256 " ) !
row [ 0 ] as Int // 256
row [ 0 ] as UInt8 ? // fatal error: could not convert 256 to UInt8.
row [ 0 ] as UInt8 // fatal error: could not convert 256 to UInt8.
Esses erros fatais de conversão podem ser evitados com o tipo de banco de dados:
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 'Mom’s birthday' " ) !
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ 0 ]
if dbValue . isNull {
// Handle NULL
} else if let date = Date . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) {
// Handle valid date
} else {
// Handle invalid date
Essa verbosidade extra é a conseqüência de ter que lidar com um banco de dados não confiável: você pode considerar corrigir o conteúdo do seu banco de dados. Veja erros fatais para obter mais informações.
O SQLite possui um sistema de tipo fraco e fornece conversões de conveniência que podem girar a corda para int, dobrar para Blob, etc.
O GRDB às vezes deixa essas conversões passarem:
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT '20 small cigars' " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
row [ 0 ] as Int // 20
Não surte: essas conversões não impediram que o SQLite se tornasse o mecanismo de banco de dados imensamente bem -sucedido que você deseja usar. E o GRDB adiciona verificações de segurança descritas logo acima. Você também pode impedir essas conversões de conveniência usando o tipo de banco de dados.
é um tipo intermediário entre o SQLite e seus valores, que fornece informações sobre o valor bruto armazenado no banco de dados.
Você obtém DatabaseValue
como outros tipos de valor:
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ 0 ]
let dbValue : DatabaseValue ? = row [ " name " ] // nil if and only if column does not exist
// Check for NULL:
dbValue . isNull // Bool
// The stored value:
dbValue . storage . value // Int64, Double, String, Data, or nil
// All the five storage classes supported by SQLite:
switch dbValue . storage {
case . null : print ( " NULL " )
case . int64 ( let int64 ) : print ( " Int64: ( int64 ) " )
case . double ( let double ) : print ( " Double: ( double ) " )
case . string ( let string ) : print ( " String: ( string ) " )
case . blob ( let data ) : print ( " Data: ( data ) " )
Você pode extrair valores regulares (bool, int, string, data, enums swift, etc.) do DatabaseValue
com o método FromDatabaseValue ():
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ " bookCount " ]
let bookCount = Int . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // Int?
let bookCount64 = Int64 . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // Int64?
let hasBooks = Bool . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // Bool?, false when 0
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ " date " ]
let string = String . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // "2015-09-11 18:14:15.123"
let date = Date . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // Date?
retorna nulo para conversões inválidas:
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 'Mom’s birthday' " ) !
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ 0 ]
let string = String . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // "Mom’s birthday"
let int = Int . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // nil
let date = Date . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) // nil
Row adota o protocolo Standard RandomAccessCollection e pode ser visto como um dicionário de DatabaseValue:
// All the (columnName, dbValue) tuples, from left to right:
for (columnName , dbValue ) in row {
Você pode construir linhas a partir de dicionários (dicionários Swift padrão e nsdictionary). Consulte Valores para obter mais informações sobre tipos suportados:
let row : Row = [ " name " : " foo " , " date " : nil ]
let row = Row ( [ " name " : " foo " , " date " : nil ] )
let row = Row ( /* [AnyHashable: Any] */ ) // nil if invalid dictionary
No entanto, as linhas não são dicionários reais: eles podem conter colunas duplicadas:
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 1 AS foo, 2 AS foo " ) !
row . columnNames // ["foo", "foo"]
row . databaseValues // [1, 2]
row [ " foo " ] // 1 (leftmost matching column)
for (columnName , dbValue ) in row { ... } // ("foo", 1), ("foo", 2)
Quando você constrói um dicionário a partir de uma linha , você deve desambiguar colunas idênticas e escolher como apresentar os valores do banco de dados. Por exemplo:
Um dicionário [String: DatabaseValue]
que mantém o valor mais à esquerda em caso de nome da coluna duplicada:
let dict = Dictionary ( row , uniquingKeysWith : { ( left , _ ) in left } )
Um dicionário [String: AnyObject]
que mantém o valor mais à direita em caso de nome da coluna duplicado. Este dicionário é idêntico ao resultado de resultado do FMRESULTSET do FMDB. Ele contém valores nsnull para colunas nulas e pode ser compartilhado com o Objective-C:
let dict = Dictionary (
row . map { ( column , dbValue ) in
( column , dbValue . storage . value as AnyObject )
} ,
uniquingKeysWith : { ( _ , right ) in right } )
A [String: Any]
dicionário que possa alimentar, por exemplo, JSOnserialization:
let dict = Dictionary (
row . map { ( column , dbValue ) in
( column , dbValue . storage . value )
} ,
uniquingKeysWith : { ( left , _ ) in left } )
Consulte a documentação do Dictionary.init(_:uniquingKeysWith:)
Para obter mais informações.
Em vez de linhas, você pode buscar valores diretamente. Existem muitos tipos de valor suportados (bool, int, string, data, enumes rápidos, etc.).
Como linhas, buscar valores como cursores , matrizes , conjuntos ou valores únicos (consulte Métodos de busca). Os valores são extraídos da coluna mais à esquerda das consultas SQL:
try dbQueue . read { db in
try Int . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // A Cursor of Int
try Int . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // [Int]
try Int . fetchSet ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Set<Int>
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Int?
let maxScore = try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT MAX(score) FROM player " ) // Int?
let names = try String . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT name FROM player " ) // [String]
retorna nulo em dois casos: a instrução SELECT não produziu linha ou uma linha com um valor nulo:
// No row:
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 42 WHERE FALSE " ) // nil
// One row with a NULL value:
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT NULL " ) // nil
// One row with a non-NULL value:
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 42 " ) // 42
Para solicitações que podem conter nulos, busque opcionais:
try dbQueue . read { db in
try Optional < Int > . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // A Cursor of Int?
try Optional < Int > . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // [Int?]
try Optional < Int > . fetchSet ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Set<Int?>
Dica : um caso de uso avançado, quando você busca um valor, é distinguir os casos de uma declaração que não produzem linha ou uma linha com um valor nulo. Para fazer isso, use
, que retorna uma dupla opcionalInt??
:// No row: try Optional < Int > . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 42 WHERE FALSE " ) // .none // One row with a NULL value: try Optional < Int > . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT NULL " ) // .some(.none) // One row with a non-NULL value: try Optional < Int > . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 42 " ) // .some(.some(42))
Existem muitos tipos de valor suportados (bool, int, string, data, enumes rápidos, etc.). Veja valores para obter mais informações.
GRDB Navios com suporte embutido para os seguintes tipos de valor:
Biblioteca padrão Swift : bool, dupla, flutuação, todos os tipos inteiros assinados e não assinados, string, enumes rápidas.
Fundação : Dados, Data, Datecomponents, Decimal, NSNULL, NSNUMBER, NSSTRING, URL, UUID.
CoreGraphics : CGFLOAT.
DatabaseValue , o tipo que fornece informações sobre o valor bruto armazenado no banco de dados.
Padrões de texto completo : fts3pattern e fts5pattern.
De um modo geral, todos os tipos que adotam o protocolo DatabaseValueConvertible
Os valores podem ser usados como argumentos de declaração:
let url : URL = ...
let verified : Bool = ...
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO link (url, verified) VALUES (?, ?) " ,
arguments : [ url , verified ] )
Os valores podem ser extraídos das linhas:
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM link " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
let url : URL = row [ " url " ]
let verified : Bool = row [ " verified " ]
Os valores podem ser buscados diretamente:
let urls = try URL . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT url FROM link " ) // [URL]
Use valores em registros:
struct Link : FetchableRecord {
var url : URL
var isVerified : Bool
init ( row : Row ) {
url = row [ " url " ]
isVerified = row [ " verified " ]
Use valores na interface de consulta:
let url : URL = ...
let link = try Link . filter ( Column ( " url " ) == url ) . fetchOne ( db )
Os dados se adaptam às colunas BLOB SQLITE. Pode ser armazenado e buscado no banco de dados, como outros valores:
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT data, ... " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
let data : Data = row [ " data " ]
Em cada etapa da iteração de solicitação, o subscrito row[]
cria duas cópias dos bytes do banco de dados: um buscado pelo SQLite e outro, armazenado no valor de dados SWIFT.
Você tem a oportunidade de salvar a memória por não copiar os dados buscados pelo SQLite:
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
try row . withUnsafeData ( name : " data " ) { ( data : Data ? ) in
Os dados não copiados não vivem mais que a etapa de iteração: verifique se você não os usa além desse ponto.
Data e DatEComponents podem ser armazenados e buscados no banco de dados.
Aqui está como o GRDB suporta os vários formatos de data suportados pelo SQLite:
Formato SQLite | Data | DataComponents |
AAAA-MM-DD | Leia ¹ | Leia / escreva |
AAAA-MM-DD HH: MM | Leia ¹ ² | Leia ² / Escreva |
AAA AA AYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS | Leia ¹ ² | Leia ² / Escreva |
AAA AA AYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS.SSS | Leia ¹ ² / Escreva ¹ | Leia ² / Escreva |
AAA AA AYYY-MM-DD T HH: MM | Leia ¹ ² | Leia ² |
AAA AYYY-MM-DD T HH: MM: SS | Leia ¹ ² | Leia ² |
AAA AA AYYY-MM-DD T HH: MM: SS.SSS | Leia ¹ ² | Leia ² |
HH: MM | Leia ² / Escreva | |
HH: MM: SS | Leia ² / Escreva | |
HH: MM: SS.SS | Leia ² / Escreva | |
TIMESTAMPS desde a época Unix | Leia ³ | |
now |
Components Componentes ausentes são assumidos como zero. As datas são armazenadas e lidas no fuso horário da UTC, a menos que o formato seja seguido por um indicador de fuso horário ⁽²⁾.
² Este formato pode ser opcionalmente seguido por um indicador de fuso horário do formulário [+-]HH:MM
ou apenas Z
³ Grdb 2+ interpreta os valores numéricos como registros de data e hora que combinam Date(timeIntervalSince1970:)
. Versões anteriores do GRDB usadas para interpretar os números como Julian Days. Os dias de Julian ainda são suportados, com a Date(julianDay:)
AVISO : O intervalo de anos válidos nos formatos de data do SQLite é 0000-9999. Você precisará escolher outro formato de data quando seu aplicativo precisar processar anos fora desse intervalo. Veja os seguintes capítulos.
A data pode ser armazenada e buscada no banco de dados, como outros valores:
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO player (creationDate, ...) VALUES (?, ...) " ,
arguments : [ Date ( ) , ... ] )
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , ... ) !
let creationDate : Date = row [ " creationDate " ]
As datas são armazenadas usando o formato "AAAA-MM-DD HH: MM: SS.SSS" no fuso horário da UTC. É preciso para o milissegundo.
Nota : Este formato foi escolhido porque é o único formato que é:
- Comparável (
trabalha)- Comparável com a palavra -chave sqlite current_timestamp (
Works)- Capaz de alimentar as funções de data e hora do SQLite
- Preciso o suficiente
AVISO : O intervalo de anos válidos no formato de data do SQLite é 0000-9999. Você terá problemas com anos fora desse intervalo, como erros de decodificação ou cálculos de data inválida com funções de data e hora do SQLite.
Alguns aplicativos podem preferir outro formato de data:
redonda exata.Você deve pensar duas vezes antes de escolher um formato de data diferente:
redonda exata não são tão óbvias necessidades quanto parece à primeira vista. As datas geralmente não são com precisão a ida e volta assim que deixam seu aplicativo, porque os outros sistemas que seu aplicativo se comunica com a representação da sua própria data (a versão Android do seu aplicativo, o servidor com o qual o aplicativo está falando etc.) no topo Desse modo, a comparação Date
é pelo menos tão difícil e desagradável quanto a comparação de pontos flutuantes.A personalização do formato de data é explícita. Por exemplo:
let date = Date ( )
let timeInterval = date . timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO player (creationDate, ...) VALUES (?, ...) " ,
arguments : [ timeInterval , ... ] )
if let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , ... ) {
let timeInterval : TimeInterval = row [ " creationDate " ]
let creationDate = Date ( timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate : timeInterval )
Consulte também Registros codificáveis para obter mais opções de personalização de data e DatabaseValueConvertible
se você deseja definir um tipo de data com representação de banco de dados personalizada.
O DatEComponents é suportado indiretamente, através do tipo de auxiliar de dados de dados de dados .
O DatabasedAtEComponents lê componentes de data de todos os formatos de data suportados pelo SQLite e os armazena no formato de sua escolha, de HH: MM a AAAA-MM-DD HH: MM: SS.SSS.
AVISO : O intervalo de anos válidos é 0000-9999. Você terá problemas com anos fora desse intervalo, como erros de decodificação ou cálculos de data inválida com funções de data e hora do SQLite. Veja a data para obter mais informações.
O DatabasedAtComponents pode ser armazenado e buscado no banco de dados, assim como outros valores:
let components = DateComponents ( )
components . year = 1973
components . month = 9
components . day = 18
// Store "1973-09-18"
let dbComponents = DatabaseDateComponents ( components , format : . YMD )
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO player (birthDate, ...) VALUES (?, ...) " ,
arguments : [ dbComponents , ... ] )
// Read "1973-09-18"
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT birthDate ... " ) !
let dbComponents : DatabaseDateComponents = row [ " birthDate " ]
dbComponents . format // .YMD (the actual format found in the database)
dbComponents . dateComponents // DateComponents
NSNumber e Decimal podem ser armazenados e buscados no banco de dados, como outros valores.
Aqui está como o GRDB suporta os vários tipos de dados suportados pelo SQLite:
Inteiro | Dobro | Corda | |
NSNumber | Leia / escreva | Leia / escreva | Ler |
NsdecimalNumber | Leia / escreva | Leia / escreva | Ler |
Decimal | Ler | Ler | Leia / escreva |
Todos os três tipos podem decodificar números inteiros e duplos:
let number = try NSNumber . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 10 " ) // NSNumber
let number = try NSDecimalNumber . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 1.23 " ) // NSDecimalNumber
let number = try Decimal . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT -100 " ) // Decimal
Todos os três tipos decodificarem seqüências de dados como números decimais:
let number = try NSNumber . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT '10' " ) // NSDecimalNumber (sic)
let number = try NSDecimalNumber . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT '1.23' " ) // NSDecimalNumber
let number = try Decimal . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT '-100' " ) // Decimal
e NSDecimalNumber
enviam números inteiros assinados de 64 bits e duplos no banco de dados:
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (10)
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ NSNumber ( value : 10 ) ] )
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (10.0)
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ NSNumber ( value : 10.0 ) ] )
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (10)
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ NSDecimalNumber ( string : " 10.0 " ) ] )
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (10.5)
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ NSDecimalNumber ( string : " 10.5 " ) ] )
Aviso : como o SQLite não suporta números decimais, o envio de um
não inteiro pode resultar em perda de precisão durante a conversão para dobrar.Em vez de enviar
não inteiro para o banco de dados, você pode preferir:
- Envie
(essas cordas decimais da loja no banco de dados).- Envie os números inteiros (por exemplo, armazenam quantidades de centavos em vez de quantidades de euros).
envia strings decimais no banco de dados:
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES ('10')
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ Decimal ( 10 ) ] )
// INSERT INTO transfer VALUES ('10.5')
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO transfer VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ Decimal ( string : " 10.5 " ) ! ] )
O UUID pode ser armazenado e buscado no banco de dados, como outros valores.
O GRDB armazena UUIDs como bolhas de dados de 16 bytes e os decodifica de blobs de dados de 16 bytes e cordas como "E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F".
Enums Swift e geralmente todos os tipos que adotam o protocolo RawRepresentable podem ser armazenados e buscados no banco de dados, assim como seus valores brutos:
enum Color : Int {
case red , white , rose
enum Grape : String {
case chardonnay , merlot , riesling
// Declare empty DatabaseValueConvertible adoption
extension Color : DatabaseValueConvertible { }
extension Grape : DatabaseValueConvertible { }
// Store
try db . execute (
sql : " INSERT INTO wine (grape, color) VALUES (?, ?) " ,
arguments : [ Grape . merlot , Color . red ] )
// Read
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM wine " )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
let grape : Grape = row [ " grape " ]
let color : Color = row [ " color " ]
Quando um valor de banco de dados não corresponde a nenhum caso de enum , você recebe um erro fatal. Este erro fatal pode ser evitado com o tipo de banco de dados:
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT 'syrah' " ) !
row [ 0 ] as String // "syrah"
row [ 0 ] as Grape ? // fatal error: could not convert "syrah" to Grape.
row [ 0 ] as Grape // fatal error: could not convert "syrah" to Grape.
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ 0 ]
if dbValue . isNull {
// Handle NULL
} else if let grape = Grape . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) {
// Handle valid grape
} else {
// Handle unknown grape
O SQLite permite definir funções e agregados SQL.
Uma função SQL ou agregada personalizada estende SQLite:
SELECT reverse(name) FROM player; -- custom function
SELECT maxLength(name) FROM player; -- custom aggregate
Um argumento de função pega uma matriz de DatabaseValue e retorna qualquer valor válido (bool, int, string, data, enums swift, etc.), o número de valores do banco de dados é garantido como argumento .
O SQLite tem a oportunidade de realizar otimizações adicionais quando as funções são "puras", o que significa que seu resultado depende apenas de seus argumentos. Portanto, certifique -se de definir o argumento puro como verdadeiro quando possível.
let reverse = DatabaseFunction ( " reverse " , argumentCount : 1 , pure : true ) { ( values : [ DatabaseValue ] ) in
// Extract string value, if any...
guard let string = String . fromDatabaseValue ( values [ 0 ] ) else {
return nil
// ... and return reversed string:
return String ( string . reversed ( ) )
Você disponibiliza uma função para uma conexão de banco de dados por meio de sua configuração:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . add ( function : reverse )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
try dbQueue . read { db in
// "oof"
try String . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT reverse('foo') " ) !
As funções podem levar um número variável de argumentos:
Quando você não fornece nenhum argumento explícito, a função pode levar qualquer número de argumentos:
let averageOf = DatabaseFunction ( " averageOf " , pure : true ) { ( values : [ DatabaseValue ] ) in
let doubles = values . compactMap { Double . fromDatabaseValue ( $0 ) }
return doubles . reduce ( 0 , + ) / Double ( doubles . count )
db . add ( function : averageOf )
// 2.0
try Double . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT averageOf(1, 2, 3) " ) !
As funções podem jogar:
let sqrt = DatabaseFunction ( " sqrt " , argumentCount : 1 , pure : true ) { ( values : [ DatabaseValue ] ) in
guard let double = Double . fromDatabaseValue ( values [ 0 ] ) else {
return nil
guard double >= 0 else {
throw DatabaseError ( message : " invalid negative number " )
return sqrt ( double )
db . add ( function : sqrt )
// SQLite error 1 with statement `SELECT sqrt(-1)`: invalid negative number
try Double . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT sqrt(-1) " ) !
Use funções personalizadas na interface de consulta:
// SELECT reverseString("name") FROM player
Player . select ( reverseString ( nameColumn ) )
GRDB Navios com funções SQL embutidas que executam transformações de string com reconhecimento de unicode. Veja Unicode.
, DatabaseAggregate
Antes de registrar um agregado personalizado, você precisa definir um tipo que adote o protocolo DatabaseAggregate
protocol DatabaseAggregate {
// Initializes an aggregate
init ( )
// Called at each step of the aggregation
mutating func step ( _ dbValues : [ DatabaseValue ] ) throws
// Returns the final result
func finalize ( ) throws -> DatabaseValueConvertible ?
Por exemplo:
struct MaxLength : DatabaseAggregate {
var maxLength : Int = 0
mutating func step ( _ dbValues : [ DatabaseValue ] ) {
// At each step, extract string value, if any...
guard let string = String . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValues [ 0 ] ) else {
// ... and update the result
let length = string . count
if length > maxLength {
maxLength = length
func finalize ( ) -> DatabaseValueConvertible ? {
let maxLength = DatabaseFunction (
" maxLength " ,
argumentCount : 1 ,
pure : true ,
aggregate : MaxLength . self )
Como as funções SQL personalizadas, você disponibiliza uma função agregada a uma conexão de banco de dados por meio de sua configuração:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . add ( function : maxLength )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
try dbQueue . read { db in
// Some Int
try Int . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT maxLength(name) FROM player " ) !
O método step
do agregado leva uma variedade de DatabaseValue. Essa matriz contém tantos valores quanto o parâmetro ArgumentCount (ou qualquer número de valores, quando o ArgumentCount é omitido).
O método finalize
do agregado retorna o valor agregado final (bool, int, string, data, enumes rápidas, etc.).
O SQLite tem a oportunidade de realizar otimizações adicionais quando os agregados são "puros", o que significa que seu resultado depende apenas de suas entradas. Portanto, certifique -se de definir o argumento puro como verdadeiro quando possível.
Use agregados personalizados na interface de consulta:
// SELECT maxLength("name") FROM player
let request = Player . select ( maxLength . apply ( nameColumn ) )
try Int . fetchOne ( db , request ) // Int?
Se nem todas as APIs SQLITE estão expostas no GRDB, você ainda poderá usar a interface Sqlite C e chamar as funções SQLite C.
Para acessar as funções c sqlite do SQLCIPHER ou do sistema SQLite, você precisa executar uma importação extra:
import SQLite3 // System SQLite
import SQLCipher // SQLCipher
let sqliteVersion = String ( cString : sqlite3_libversion ( ) )
Ponteiros crus para conexões e declarações de banco de dados estão disponíveis no Database.sqliteConnection
and Statement.sqliteStatement
try dbQueue . read { db in
// The raw pointer to a database connection:
let sqliteConnection = db . sqliteConnection
// The raw pointer to a statement:
let statement = try db . makeStatement ( sql : " SELECT ... " )
let sqliteStatement = statement . sqliteStatement
- Esses indicadores são de propriedade do GRDB: não feche as conexões ou finalize declarações criadas pelo GRDB.
- O GRDB abre as conexões SQLite no "modo multi-thread", o que (estranhamente) significa que eles não são seguros de threads . Certifique -se de tocar em bancos de dados e instruções brutos dentro de suas filas de despacho dedicadas.
- Use a interface Sqlite C bruta por sua conta e risco. O GRDB não o impedirá de se atirar no pé.
No topo da API SQLITE, o GRDB fornece protocolos que ajudam a manipular linhas de banco de dados como objetos regulares denominados "Records":
try dbQueue . write { db in
if var place = try Place . fetchOne ( db , id : 1 ) {
place . isFavorite = true
try place . update ( db )
Obviamente, você precisa abrir uma conexão de banco de dados e criar tabelas de banco de dados primeiro.
Para definir um tipo de registro, defina um tipo e estenda -o com protocolos que vêm com conjuntos de recursos focados.
Por exemplo:
struct Player: {
var id: Int64
var name: String
var score: Int
// Players can be fetched from the database.
extension Player: FetchableRecord { ... }
// Players can be saved into the database.
extension Player: PersistableRecord { ... }
Veja alguns exemplos de definições de registro.
NOTA: Se você estiver familiarizado com o objeto NSmanAgedObject do Core Data ou do reino, poderá experimentar um choque cultural: os registros GRDB não são exclusivos, não atualizam automaticamente e não carregam preguiçosos. Esse é um objetivo e uma conseqüência da programação orientada ao protocolo.
Dica: As práticas recomendadas para projetar o Guia de tipos de registros fornecem orientação geral.
Dica: consulte os aplicativos de demonstração para aplicativos de amostra que usam registros.
Visão geral
Protocolos e a classe de registro
Para inserir um registro no banco de dados, chame o método insert
let player = Player ( name : " Arthur " , email : " [email protected] " )
try player . insert ( db )
está disponível para tipos que adotam o protocolo PersistableRecord.
Para buscar registros do banco de dados, chame um método de busca:
let arthur = try Player . fetchOne ( db , // Player?
sql : " SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = ? " ,
arguments : [ " Arthur " ] )
let bestPlayers = try Player // [Player]
. order ( Column ( " score " ) . desc )
. limit ( 10 )
. fetchAll ( db )
let spain = try Country . fetchOne ( db , id : " ES " ) // Country?
let italy = try Country . find ( db , id : " IT " ) // Country
A busca do SQL bruto está disponível para tipos que adotam o protocolo FetchableReCord.
A busca sem SQL, usando a interface de consulta, está disponível para tipos que adotam o protocolo FetchableReCord e TableRecord.
Para atualizar um registro no banco de dados, ligue para o método update
var player : Player = ...
player . score = 1000
try player . update ( db )
É possível evitar atualizações inúteis:
// does not hit the database if score has not changed
try player . updateChanges ( db ) {
$0 . score = 1000
Veja a interface de consulta para atualizações de lote:
try Player
. filter ( Column ( " team " ) == " red " )
. updateAll ( db , Column ( " score " ) += 1 )
Os métodos de atualização estão disponíveis para tipos que adotam o protocolo PersistableRecord. As atualizações de lote estão disponíveis no protocolo TableRecord.
Para excluir um registro no banco de dados, ligue para o método delete
let player : Player = ...
try player . delete ( db )
Você também pode excluir a chave primária, a chave exclusiva ou executar excluídas em lote (consulte Solicitações de exclusão):
try Player . deleteOne ( db , id : 1 )
try Player . deleteOne ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
try Country . deleteAll ( db , ids : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
try Player
. filter ( Column ( " email " ) == nil )
. deleteAll ( db )
Métodos de exclusão estão disponíveis para tipos que adotam o protocolo PersistableRecord. As exclusão de lote estão disponíveis no protocolo TableRecord.
Para contar registros, ligue para o método fetchCount
let playerCount : Int = try Player . fetchCount ( db )
let playerWithEmailCount : Int = try Player
. filter ( Column ( " email " ) == nil )
. fetchCount ( db )
está disponível para tipos que adotam o protocolo TableRecord.
Detalhes a seguir:
GRDB Navios com três protocolos de registro . Seus próprios tipos adotarão um ou vários deles, de acordo com as habilidades com as quais você deseja estender seus tipos.
O FetchableReCord é capaz de decodificar linhas de banco de dados .
struct Place : FetchableRecord { ... }
let places = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Place . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM place " )
Dica :
pode derivar sua implementação do protocoloDecodable
padrão. Consulte registros codificáveis para obter mais informações.
pode decodificar linhas de banco de dados, mas não é capaz de criar solicitações SQL para você. Para isso, você também precisa de TableRecord
TableRecord é capaz de gerar consultas SQL :
struct Place : TableRecord { ... }
let placeCount = try dbQueue . read { db in
// Generates and runs `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM place`
try Place . fetchCount ( db )
Quando um tipo adota TableRecord
e FetchableRecord
, ele pode carregar dessas solicitações:
struct Place : TableRecord , FetchableRecord { ... }
try dbQueue . read { db in
let places = try Place . order ( Column ( " title " ) ) . fetchAll ( db )
let paris = try Place . fetchOne ( id : 1 )
PersistableRecord é capaz de escrever : pode criar, atualizar e excluir linhas no banco de dados:
struct Place : PersistableRecord { ... }
try dbQueue . write { db in
try Place . delete ( db , id : 1 )
try Place ( ... ) . insert ( db )
Um registro persistente também pode se comparar com outros registros e evitar atualizações inúteis do banco de dados.
Dica :
pode derivar sua implementação do protocoloEncodable
padrão. Consulte registros codificáveis para obter mais informações.
O protocolo FetchableLereCord concede métodos de busca para qualquer tipo que possa ser construído a partir de uma linha de banco de dados:
protocol FetchableRecord {
/// Row initializer
init ( row : Row ) throws
Por exemplo:
struct Place {
var id : Int64 ?
var title : String
var coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D
extension Place : FetchableRecord {
init ( row : Row ) {
id = row [ " id " ]
title = row [ " title " ]
coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : row [ " latitude " ] ,
longitude : row [ " longitude " ] )
As linhas também aceitam enums de coluna:
extension Place : FetchableRecord {
enum Columns : String , ColumnExpression {
case id , title , latitude , longitude
init ( row : Row ) {
id = row [ Columns . id ]
title = row [ Columns . title ]
coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : row [ Columns . latitude ] ,
longitude : row [ Columns . longitude ] )
Consulte os valores da coluna para obter mais informações sobre o subscrito da row[]
Quando o seu tipo de registro adota o protocolo decodificável padrão, você não precisa fornecer a implementação para init(row:)
. Veja registros codificáveis para obter mais informações:
// That's all
struct Player : Decodable , FetchableRecord {
var id : Int64
var name : String
var score : Int
O FetchableReCord permite que a adoção de tipos seja buscada nas consultas SQL:
try Place . fetchCursor ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // A Cursor of Place
try Place . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // [Place]
try Place . fetchSet ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Set<Place>
try Place . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " , arguments : ... ) // Place?
Consulte Métodos de busca para obter informações sobre os métodos fetchCursor
, fetchAll
, fetchSet
e fetchOne
. Consulte StatementArguments
para obter mais informações sobre os argumentos de consulta.
NOTA : Por razões de desempenho, o mesmo argumento de linha para
é reutilizado durante a iteração de uma consulta busca. Se você deseja manter a linha para uso posterior, certifique -se de armazenar uma cópia:self.row = row.copy()
Inicializador atende às necessidades da maioria dos aplicativos. Mas alguma aplicação é mais exigente do que outros. Quando o FetchableReRecord não fornece exatamente o suporte necessário, dê uma olhada no capítulo Beyond FetchableReCord.
O protocolo TableRecord gera SQL para você:
protocol TableRecord {
static var databaseTableName : String { get }
static var databaseSelection : [ any SQLSelectable ] { get }
A propriedade do tipo databaseSelection
é opcional e documentada nas colunas selecionadas por um capítulo de solicitação.
A propriedade Tipo de databaseTableName
é o nome de uma tabela de banco de dados. Por padrão, é derivado do nome do tipo:
struct Place : TableRecord { }
print ( Place . databaseTableName ) // prints "place"
Por exemplo:
Você ainda pode fornecer um nome de tabela personalizado:
struct Place : TableRecord {
static let databaseTableName = " location "
print ( Place . databaseTableName ) // prints "location"
Quando um tipo adota o TableRecord e o FetchableReCord, ele pode ser buscado usando a interface de consulta:
// SELECT * FROM place WHERE name = 'Paris'
let paris = try Place . filter ( nameColumn == " Paris " ) . fetchOne ( db )
A TableRecord também pode buscar lidar com as chaves primárias e exclusivas: consulte a busca por chave e teste para obter a existência de registro.
, MutablePersistableRecord
, PersistableRecord
Os tipos de registro GRDB podem criar, atualizar e excluir linhas no banco de dados.
Essas habilidades são concedidas por três protocolos:
// Defines how a record encodes itself into the database
protocol EncodableRecord {
/// Defines the values persisted in the database
func encode ( to container : inout PersistenceContainer ) throws
// Adds persistence methods
protocol MutablePersistableRecord : TableRecord , EncodableRecord {
/// Optional method that lets your adopting type store its rowID upon
/// successful insertion. Don't call it directly: it is called for you.
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess )
// Adds immutability
protocol PersistableRecord : MutablePersistableRecord {
/// Non-mutating version of the optional didInsert(_:)
func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess )
Sim, três protocolos em vez de um. Aqui está como você escolhe um ou outro:
Se o seu tipo for uma classe , escolha PersistableRecord
. On top of that, implement didInsert(_:)
if the database table has an auto-incremented primary key.
If your type is a struct, and the database table has an auto-incremented primary key , choose MutablePersistableRecord
, and implement didInsert(_:)
Otherwise , choose PersistableRecord
, and ignore didInsert(_:)
The encode(to:)
method defines which values (Bool, Int, String, Date, Swift enums, etc.) are assigned to database columns.
The optional didInsert
method lets the adopting type store its rowID after successful insertion, and is only useful for tables that have an auto-incremented primary key. It is called from a protected dispatch queue, and serialized with all database updates.
Por exemplo:
extension Place : MutablePersistableRecord {
/// The values persisted in the database
func encode ( to container : inout PersistenceContainer ) {
container [ " id " ] = id
container [ " title " ] = title
container [ " latitude " ] = coordinate . latitude
container [ " longitude " ] = coordinate . longitude
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
var paris = Place (
id : nil ,
title : " Paris " ,
coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D ( latitude : 48.8534100 , longitude : 2.3488000 ) )
try paris . insert ( db )
paris . id // some value
Persistence containers also accept column enums:
extension Place : MutablePersistableRecord {
enum Columns : String , ColumnExpression {
case id , title , latitude , longitude
func encode ( to container : inout PersistenceContainer ) {
container [ Columns . id ] = id
container [ Columns . title ] = title
container [ Columns . latitude ] = coordinate . latitude
container [ Columns . longitude ] = coordinate . longitude
When your record type adopts the standard Encodable protocol, you don't have to provide the implementation for encode(to:)
. See Codable Records for more information:
// That's all
struct Player : Encodable , MutablePersistableRecord {
var id : Int64 ?
var name : String
var score : Int
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
Types that adopt the PersistableRecord protocol are given methods that insert, update, and delete:
try place . insert ( db )
let insertedPlace = try place . inserted ( db ) // non-mutating
try place . update ( db )
try place . update ( db , columns : [ " title " ] )
// Maybe UPDATE
try place . updateChanges ( db , from : otherPlace )
try place . updateChanges ( db ) { $0 . isFavorite = true }
try place . save ( db )
let savedPlace = place . saved ( db ) // non-mutating
try place . upsert ( db )
let insertedPlace = place . upsertAndFetch ( db )
try place . delete ( db )
let exists = try place . exists ( db )
See Upsert below for more information about upserts.
The TableRecord protocol comes with batch operations :
try Place . updateAll ( db , ... )
try Place . deleteAll ( db )
try Place . deleteAll ( db , ids : ... )
try Place . deleteAll ( db , keys : ... )
try Place . deleteOne ( db , id : ... )
try Place . deleteOne ( db , key : ... )
For more information about batch updates, see Update Requests.
All persistence methods can throw a DatabaseError.
and updateChanges
throw RecordError if the database does not contain any row for the primary key of the record.
makes sure your values are stored in the database. It performs an UPDATE if the record has a non-null primary key, and then, if no row was modified, an INSERT. It directly performs an INSERT if the record has no primary key, or a null primary key.
and deleteOne
returns whether a database row was deleted or not. deleteAll
returns the number of deleted rows. updateAll
returns the number of updated rows. updateChanges
returns whether a database row was updated or not.
All primary keys are supported , including composite primary keys that span several columns, and the hidden rowid
To customize persistence methods , you provide Persistence Callbacks, described below. Do not attempt at overriding the ready-made persistence methods.
UPSERT is an SQLite feature that causes an INSERT to behave as an UPDATE or a no-op if the INSERT would violate a uniqueness constraint (primary key or unique index).
Note : Upsert apis are available from SQLite 3.35.0+: iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+, or with a custom SQLite build or SQLCipher.
Note : With regard to persistence callbacks, an upsert behaves exactly like an insert. In particular: the
callbacks reports the rowid of the inserted or updated row;willUpdate
are not called.
PersistableRecord provides three upsert methods:
Inserts or updates a record.
The upsert behavior is triggered by a violation of any uniqueness constraint on the table (primary key or unique index). In case of conflict, all columns but the primary key are overwritten with the inserted values:
struct Player : Encodable , PersistableRecord {
var id : Int64
var name : String
var score : Int
// INSERT INTO player (id, name, score)
// VALUES (1, 'Arthur', 1000)
// name =,
// score = excluded.score
let player = Player ( id : 1 , name : " Arthur " , score : 1000 )
try player . upsert ( db )
(requires FetchableRecord conformance)
Inserts or updates a record, and returns the upserted record.
The onConflict
and doUpdate
arguments let you further control the upsert behavior. Make sure you check the SQLite UPSERT documentation for detailed information.
: the "conflict target" is the array of columns in the uniqueness constraint (primary key or unique index) that triggers the upsert.
If empty (the default), all uniqueness constraint are considered.
: a closure that returns columns assignments to perform in case of conflict. Other columns are overwritten with the inserted values.
By default, all inserted columns but the primary key and the conflict target are overwritten.
In the example below, we upsert the new vocabulary word "jovial". It is inserted if that word is not already in the dictionary. Otherwise, count
is incremented, isTainted
is not overwritten, and kind
is overwritten:
// CREATE TABLE vocabulary(
// kind TEXT NOT NULL,
// isTainted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
// count INT DEFAULT 1))
struct Vocabulary : Encodable , PersistableRecord {
var word : String
var kind : String
var isTainted : Bool
// INSERT INTO vocabulary(word, kind, isTainted)
// VALUES('jovial', 'adjective', 0)
// count = count + 1, -- on conflict, count is incremented
// kind = excluded.kind -- on conflict, kind is overwritten
let vocabulary = Vocabulary ( word : " jovial " , kind : " adjective " , isTainted : false )
let upserted = try vocabulary . upsertAndFetch (
db , onConflict : [ " word " ] ,
doUpdate : { _ in
[ Column ( " count " ) += 1 , // on conflict, count is incremented
Column ( " isTainted " ) . noOverwrite ] // on conflict, isTainted is NOT overwritten
} )
The doUpdate
closure accepts an excluded
TableAlias argument that refers to the inserted values that trigger the conflict. You can use it to specify an explicit overwrite, or to perform a computation. In the next example, the upsert keeps the maximum date in case of conflict:
// INSERT INTO message(id, text, date)
// VALUES(...)
// text = excluded.text,
// date = MAX(date,
let upserted = try message . upsertAndFetch ( doUpdate : { excluded in
// keep the maximum date in case of conflict
[ Column ( " date " ) . set ( to : max ( Column ( " date " ) , excluded [ " date " ] ) ) ]
} )
(does not require FetchableRecord conformance)
This method is identical to upsertAndFetch(_:onConflict:doUpdate:)
described above, but you can provide a distinct FetchableRecord record type as a result, in order to specify the returned columns.
clause SQLite is able to return values from a inserted, updated, or deleted row, with the RETURNING
Note : Support for the
clause is available from SQLite 3.35.0+: iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, tvOS 15.0+, watchOS 8.0+, or with a custom SQLite build or SQLCipher.
clause helps dealing with database features such as auto-incremented ids, default values, and generated columns. You can, for example, insert a few columns and fetch the default or generated ones in one step.
clause in all persistence methods that contain AndFetch
in their name.
For example, given a database table with an auto-incremented primary key and a default score:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . execute ( sql : """
""" )
You can define a record type with full database information, and another partial record type that deals with a subset of columns:
// A player with full database information
struct Player : Codable , PersistableRecord , FetchableRecord {
var id : Int64
var name : String
var score : Int
// A partial player
struct PartialPlayer : Encodable , PersistableRecord {
static let databaseTableName = " player "
var name : String
And now you can get a full player by inserting a partial one:
try dbQueue . write { db in
let partialPlayer = PartialPlayer ( name : " Alice " )
// INSERT INTO player (name) VALUES ('Alice') RETURNING *
let player = try partialPlayer . insertAndFetch ( db , as : Player . self )
print ( player . id ) // The inserted id
print ( player . name ) // The inserted name
print ( player . score ) // The default score
For extra precision, you can select only the columns you need, and fetch the desired value from the provided prepared Statement
try dbQueue . write { db in
let partialPlayer = PartialPlayer ( name : " Alice " )
// INSERT INTO player (name) VALUES ('Alice') RETURNING score
let score = try partialPlayer . insertAndFetch ( db , selection : [ Column ( " score " ) ] ) { statement in
try Int . fetchOne ( statement )
print ( score ) // Prints 1000, the default score
There are other similar persistence methods, such as upsertAndFetch
, saveAndFetch
, updateAndFetch
, updateChangesAndFetch
, etc. They all behave like upsert
, save
, update
, updateChanges
, except that they return saved values. Por exemplo:
// Save and return the saved player
let savedPlayer = try player . saveAndFetch ( db )
See Persistence Methods, Upsert, and updateChanges
methods for more information.
Batch operations can return updated or deleted values:
Warning : Make sure you check the documentation of the
clause, which describes important limitations and caveats for batch operations.
let request = Player . filter ( ... ) ...
// Fetch all deleted players
let deletedPlayers = try request . deleteAndFetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
// Fetch a selection of columns from the deleted rows
let statement = try request . deleteAndFetchStatement ( db , selection : [ Column ( " name " ) ] )
let deletedNames = try String . fetchSet ( statement )
// Fetch all updated players
// UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING *
let updatedPlayers = try request . updateAndFetchAll ( db , [ Column ( " score " ) += 10 ] ) // [Player]
// Fetch a selection of columns from the updated rows
// UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING score
let statement = try request . updateAndFetchStatement (
db , [ Column ( " score " ) += 10 ] ,
select : [ Column ( " score " ) ] )
let updatedScores = try Int . fetchAll ( statement )
Your custom type may want to perform extra work when the persistence methods are invoked.
To this end, your record type can implement persistence callbacks . Callbacks are methods that get called at certain moments of a record's life cycle. With callbacks it is possible to write code that will run whenever an record is inserted, updated, or deleted.
In order to use a callback method, you need to provide its implementation. For example, a frequently used callback is didInsert
, in the case of auto-incremented database ids:
struct Player : MutablePersistableRecord {
var id : Int64 ?
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
try dbQueue . write { db in
var player = Player ( id : nil , ... )
try player . insert ( db )
print ( player . id ) // didInsert was called: prints some non-nil id
Callbacks can also help implementing record validation:
struct Link : PersistableRecord {
var url : URL
func willSave ( _ db : Database ) throws {
if url . host == nil {
throw ValidationError ( " url must be absolute. " )
try link . insert ( db ) // Calls the willSave callback
try link . update ( db ) // Calls the willSave callback
try link . save ( db ) // Calls the willSave callback
try link . upsert ( db ) // Calls the willSave callback
Here is a list with all the available persistence callbacks, listed in the same order in which they will get called during the respective operations:
Inserting a record (all record.insert
and record.upsert
Updating a record (all record.update
Deleting a record (only the record.delete(_:)
For detailed information about each callback, check the reference.
In the MutablePersistableRecord
protocol, willInsert
and didInsert
are mutating methods. In PersistableRecord
, they are not mutating.
Note : The
method performs an UPDATE if the record has a non-null primary key, and then, if no row was modified, an INSERT. It directly performs an INSERT if the record has no primary key, or a null primary key. It triggers update and/or insert callbacks accordingly.Warning : Callbacks are only invoked from persistence methods called on record instances. Callbacks are not invoked when you call a type method, perform a batch operations, or execute raw SQL.
Warning : When a
callback is invoked, do not assume that the change is actually persisted on disk, because the database may still be inside an uncommitted transaction. When you need to handle transaction completions, use the afterNextTransaction(onCommit:onRollback:). Por exemplo:struct PictureFile : PersistableRecord { var path : String func willDelete ( _ db : Database ) { db . afterNextTransaction { _ in try ? deleteFileOnDisk ( ) } } }
When a record type maps a table with a single-column primary key, it is recommended to have it adopt the standard Identifiable protocol.
struct Player : Identifiable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
var id : Int64 // fulfills the Identifiable requirement
var name : String
var score : Int
When id
has a database-compatible type (Int64, Int, String, UUID, ...), the Identifiable
conformance unlocks type-safe record and request methods:
let player = try Player . find ( db , id : 1 ) // Player
let player = try Player . fetchOne ( db , id : 1 ) // Player?
let players = try Player . fetchAll ( db , ids : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) // [Player]
let players = try Player . fetchSet ( db , ids : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) // Set<Player>
let request = Player . filter ( id : 1 )
let request = Player . filter ( ids : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )
try Player . deleteOne ( db , id : 1 )
try Player . deleteAll ( db , ids : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )
Note : Not all record types can be made
, and not all tables have a single-column primary key. GRDB provides other methods that deal with primary and unique keys, but they won't check the type of their arguments:// Available on non-Identifiable types try Player . fetchOne ( db , key : 1 ) try Player . fetchOne ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] ) try Country . fetchAll ( db , keys : [ " FR " , " US " ] ) try Citizenship . fetchOne ( db , key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] ) let request = Player . filter ( key : 1 ) let request = Player . filter ( keys : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) try Player . deleteOne ( db , key : 1 ) try Player . deleteAll ( db , keys : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )
Note : It is not recommended to use
on record types that use an auto-incremented primary key:// AVOID declaring Identifiable conformance when key is auto-incremented struct Player { var id : Int64 ? // Not an id suitable for Identifiable var name : String var score : Int } extension Player : FetchableRecord , MutablePersistableRecord { // Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) { id = inserted . rowID } }For a detailed rationale, please see issue #1435.
Some database tables have a single-column primary key which is not called "id":
try db . create ( table : " country " ) { t in
t . primaryKey ( " isoCode " , . text )
t . column ( " name " , . text ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " population " , . integer ) . notNull ( )
In this case, Identifiable
conformance can be achieved, for example, by returning the primary key column from the id
struct Country : Identifiable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
var isoCode : String
var name : String
var population : Int
// Fulfill the Identifiable requirement
var id : String { isoCode }
let france = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Country . fetchOne ( db , id : " FR " )
Record types that adopt an archival protocol (Codable, Encodable or Decodable) get free database support just by declaring conformance to the desired record protocols:
// Declare a record...
struct Player : Codable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
var name : String
var score : Int
// ...and there you go:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try Player ( name : " Arthur " , score : 100 ) . insert ( db )
let players = try Player . fetchAll ( db )
Codable records encode and decode their properties according to their own implementation of the Encodable and Decodable protocols. Yet databases have specific requirements:
protocol).For more information about Codable records, see:
Tip : see the Demo Applications for sample code that uses Codable records.
When a Codable record contains a property that is not a simple value (Bool, Int, String, Date, Swift enums, etc.), that value is encoded and decoded as a JSON string . Por exemplo:
enum AchievementColor : String , Codable {
case bronze , silver , gold
struct Achievement : Codable {
var name : String
var color : AchievementColor
struct Player : Codable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
var name : String
var score : Int
var achievements : [ Achievement ] // stored in a JSON column
try dbQueue . write { db in
// INSERT INTO player (name, score, achievements)
// 'Arthur',
// 100,
// '[{"color":"gold","name":"Use Codable Records"}]')
let achievement = Achievement ( name : " Use Codable Records " , color : . gold )
let player = Player ( name : " Arthur " , score : 100 , achievements : [ achievement ] )
try player . insert ( db )
GRDB uses the standard JSONDecoder and JSONEncoder from Foundation. By default, Data values are handled with the .base64
strategy, Date with the .millisecondsSince1970
strategy, and non conforming floats with the .throw
You can customize the JSON format by implementing those methods:
protocol FetchableRecord {
static func databaseJSONDecoder ( for column : String ) -> JSONDecoder
protocol EncodableRecord {
static func databaseJSONEncoder ( for column : String ) -> JSONEncoder
Tip : Make sure you set the JSONEncoder
option. This option makes sure that the JSON output is stable. This stability is required for Record Comparison to work as expected, and database observation tools such as ValueObservation to accurately recognize changed records.
By default, Codable Records store their values into database columns that match their coding keys: the teamID
property is stored into the teamID
This behavior can be overridden, so that you can, for example, store the teamID
property into the team_id
protocol FetchableRecord {
static var databaseColumnDecodingStrategy : DatabaseColumnDecodingStrategy { get }
protocol EncodableRecord {
static var databaseColumnEncodingStrategy : DatabaseColumnEncodingStrategy { get }
See DatabaseColumnDecodingStrategy and DatabaseColumnEncodingStrategy to learn about all available strategies.
By default, Codable Records encode and decode their Data properties as blobs, and Date and UUID properties as described in the general Date and DateComponents and UUID chapters.
To sum up: dates encode themselves in the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" format, in the UTC time zone, and decode a variety of date formats and timestamps. UUIDs encode themselves as 16-bytes data blobs, and decode both 16-bytes data blobs and strings such as "E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F".
Those behaviors can be overridden:
protocol FetchableRecord {
static func databaseDataDecodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseDataDecodingStrategy
static func databaseDateDecodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseDateDecodingStrategy
protocol EncodableRecord {
static func databaseDataEncodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseDataEncodingStrategy
static func databaseDateEncodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseDateEncodingStrategy
static func databaseUUIDEncodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseUUIDEncodingStrategy
See DatabaseDataDecodingStrategy, DatabaseDateDecodingStrategy, DatabaseDataEncodingStrategy, DatabaseDateEncodingStrategy, and DatabaseUUIDEncodingStrategy to learn about all available strategies.
There is no customization of uuid decoding, because UUID can already decode all its encoded variants (16-bytes blobs and uuid strings, both uppercase and lowercase).
Customized coding strategies apply:
, filter(id:)
, deleteAll(_:keys:)
, etc.They do not apply in other requests based on data, date, or uuid values.
So make sure that those are properly encoded in your requests. Por exemplo:
struct Player : Codable , FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord , Identifiable {
// UUIDs are stored as strings
static func databaseUUIDEncodingStrategy ( for column : String ) -> DatabaseUUIDEncodingStrategy {
. uppercaseString
var id : UUID
try dbQueue . write { db in
let uuid = UUID ( )
let player = Player ( id : uuid , ... )
// OK: inserts a player in the database, with a string uuid
try player . insert ( db )
// OK: performs a string-based query, finds the inserted player
_ = try Player . filter ( id : uuid ) . fetchOne ( db )
// NOT OK: performs a blob-based query, fails to find the inserted player
_ = try Player . filter ( Column ( " id " ) == uuid ) . fetchOne ( db )
// OK: performs a string-based query, finds the inserted player
_ = try Player . filter ( Column ( " id " ) == uuid . uuidString ) . fetchOne ( db )
Your Codable Records can be stored in the database, but they may also have other purposes. In this case, you may need to customize their implementations of Decodable.init(from:)
and Encodable.encode(to:)
, depending on the context.
The standard way to provide such context is the userInfo
dictionary. Implement those properties:
protocol FetchableRecord {
static var databaseDecodingUserInfo : [ CodingUserInfoKey : Any ] { get }
protocol EncodableRecord {
static var databaseEncodingUserInfo : [ CodingUserInfoKey : Any ] { get }
For example, here is a Player type that customizes its decoding:
// A key that holds a decoder's name
let decoderName = CodingUserInfoKey ( rawValue : " decoderName " ) !
struct Player : FetchableRecord , Decodable {
init ( from decoder : Decoder ) throws {
// Print the decoder name
let decoderName = decoder . userInfo [ decoderName ] as? String
print ( " Decoded from ( decoderName ?? " unknown decoder " ) " )
You can have a specific decoding from JSON...
// prints "Decoded from JSON"
let decoder = JSONDecoder ( )
decoder . userInfo = [ decoderName : " JSON " ]
let player = try decoder . decode ( Player . self , from : jsonData )
... and another one from database rows:
extension Player : FetchableRecord {
static var databaseDecodingUserInfo : [ CodingUserInfoKey : Any ] {
[ decoderName : " database row " ]
// prints "Decoded from database row"
let player = try Player . fetchOne ( db , ... )
Note : make sure the
properties are explicitly declared as[CodingUserInfoKey: Any]
. If they are not, the Swift compiler may silently miss the protocol requirement, resulting in sticky empty userInfo.
Codable types are granted with a CodingKeys enum. You can use them to safely define database columns:
struct Player : Codable {
var id : Int64
var name : String
var score : Int
extension Player : FetchableRecord , PersistableRecord {
enum Columns {
static let id = Column ( CodingKeys . id )
static let name = Column ( CodingKeys . name )
static let score = Column ( CodingKeys . score )
See the query interface and Recommended Practices for Designing Record Types for further information.
Records that adopt the EncodableRecord protocol can compare against other records, or against previous versions of themselves.
This helps avoiding costly UPDATE statements when a record has not been edited.
and hasDatabaseChanges
Methods The updateChanges
methods perform a database update of the changed columns only (and does nothing if record has no change).
This method lets you compare two records:
if let oldPlayer = try Player . fetchOne ( db , id : 42 ) {
var newPlayer = oldPlayer
newPlayer . score = 100
if try newPlayer . updateChanges ( db , from : oldPlayer ) {
print ( " player was modified, and updated in the database " )
} else {
print ( " player was not modified, and database was not hit " )
This method lets you update a record in place:
if var player = try Player . fetchOne ( db , id : 42 ) {
let modified = try player . updateChanges ( db ) {
$0 . score = 100
if modified {
print ( " player was modified, and updated in the database " )
} else {
print ( " player was not modified, and database was not hit " )
MethodThis method returns whether two records have the same database representation:
let oldPlayer : Player = ...
var newPlayer : Player = ...
if newPlayer . databaseEquals ( oldPlayer ) == false {
try newPlayer . save ( db )
Note : The comparison is performed on the database representation of records. As long as your record type adopts the EncodableRecord protocol, you don't need to care about Equatable.
and hasDatabaseChanges
Methods databaseChanges(from:)
returns a dictionary of differences between two records:
let oldPlayer = Player ( id : 1 , name : " Arthur " , score : 100 )
let newPlayer = Player ( id : 1 , name : " Arthur " , score : 1000 )
for (column , oldValue ) in try newPlayer . databaseChanges ( from : oldPlayer ) {
print ( " ( column ) was ( oldValue ) " )
// prints "score was 100"
For an efficient algorithm which synchronizes the content of a database table with a JSON payload, check groue/SortedDifference.
GRDB records come with many default behaviors, that are designed to fit most situations. Many of those defaults can be customized for your specific needs:
queries, and generally define what happens when a persistence method violates a unique index.Player.fetchAll(db)
.Codable Records have a few extra options:
Insertions and updates can create conflicts : for example, a query may attempt to insert a duplicate row that violates a unique index.
Those conflicts normally end with an error. Yet SQLite let you alter the default behavior, and handle conflicts with specific policies. For example, the INSERT OR REPLACE
statement handles conflicts with the "replace" policy which replaces the conflicting row instead of throwing an error.
The five different policies are: abort (the default), replace, rollback, fail, and ignore.
SQLite let you specify conflict policies at two different places:
In the definition of the database table:
// CREATE TABLE player (
// )
try db . create ( table : " player " ) { t in
t . autoIncrementedPrimaryKey ( " id " )
t . column ( " email " , . text ) . unique ( onConflict : . replace ) // <--
// Despite the unique index on email, both inserts succeed.
// The second insert replaces the first row:
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO player (email) VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ " [email protected] " ] )
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT INTO player (email) VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ " [email protected] " ] )
In each modification query:
// CREATE TABLE player (
// email TEXT UNIQUE
// )
try db . create ( table : " player " ) { t in
t . autoIncrementedPrimaryKey ( " id " )
t . column ( " email " , . text ) . unique ( )
// Again, despite the unique index on email, both inserts succeed.
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO player (email) VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ " [email protected] " ] )
try db . execute ( sql : " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO player (email) VALUES (?) " , arguments : [ " [email protected] " ] )
When you want to handle conflicts at the query level, specify a custom persistenceConflictPolicy
in your type that adopts the PersistableRecord protocol. It will alter the INSERT and UPDATE queries run by the insert
, update
and save
persistence methods:
protocol MutablePersistableRecord {
/// The policy that handles SQLite conflicts when records are
/// inserted or updated.
/// This property is optional: its default value uses the ABORT
/// policy for both insertions and updates, so that GRDB generate
/// regular INSERT and UPDATE queries.
static var persistenceConflictPolicy : PersistenceConflictPolicy { get }
struct Player : MutablePersistableRecord {
static let persistenceConflictPolicy = PersistenceConflictPolicy (
insert : . replace ,
update : . replace )
// INSERT OR REPLACE INTO player (...) VALUES (...)
try player . insert ( db )
Note : If you specify the
policy for inserts, thedidInsert
callback will be called with some random id in case of failed insert. You can detect failed insertions withinsertAndFetch
:// How to detect failed `INSERT OR IGNORE`: // INSERT OR IGNORE INTO player ... RETURNING * do { let insertedPlayer = try player . insertAndFetch ( db ) { // Succesful insertion catch RecordError . recordNotFound { // Failed insertion due to IGNORE policy }Note : The
policy may have to delete rows so that inserts and updates can succeed. Those deletions are not reported to transaction observers (this might change in a future release of SQLite).
Some GRDB users eventually discover that the FetchableRecord protocol does not fit all situations. Use cases that are not well handled by FetchableRecord include:
Your application needs polymorphic row decoding: it decodes some type or another, depending on the values contained in a database row.
Your application needs to decode rows with a context: each decoded value should be initialized with some extra value that does not come from the database.
Since those use cases are not well handled by FetchableRecord, don't try to implement them on top of this protocol: you'll just fight the framework.
We will show below how to declare a record type for the following database table:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . create ( table : " place " ) { t in
t . autoIncrementedPrimaryKey ( " id " )
t . column ( " title " , . text ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " isFavorite " , . boolean ) . notNull ( ) . defaults ( to : false )
t . column ( " longitude " , . double ) . notNull ( )
t . column ( " latitude " , . double ) . notNull ( )
Each one of the three examples below is correct. You will pick one or the other depending on your personal preferences and the requirements of your application:
This is the shortest way to define a record type.
See the Record Protocols Overview, and Codable Records for more information.
struct Place : Codable {
var id : Int64 ?
var title : String
var isFavorite : Bool
private var latitude : CLLocationDegrees
private var longitude : CLLocationDegrees
var coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D {
get {
CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : latitude ,
longitude : longitude )
set {
latitude = newValue . latitude
longitude = newValue . longitude
// SQL generation
extension Place : TableRecord {
/// The table columns
enum Columns {
static let id = Column ( CodingKeys . id )
static let title = Column ( CodingKeys . title )
static let isFavorite = Column ( CodingKeys . isFavorite )
static let latitude = Column ( CodingKeys . latitude )
static let longitude = Column ( CodingKeys . longitude )
// Fetching methods
extension Place : FetchableRecord { }
// Persistence methods
extension Place : MutablePersistableRecord {
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
See the Record Protocols Overview for more information.
struct Place {
var id : Int64 ?
var title : String
var isFavorite : Bool
var coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D
// SQL generation
extension Place : TableRecord {
/// The table columns
enum Columns : String , ColumnExpression {
case id , title , isFavorite , latitude , longitude
// Fetching methods
extension Place : FetchableRecord {
/// Creates a record from a database row
init ( row : Row ) {
id = row [ Columns . id ]
title = row [ Columns . title ]
isFavorite = row [ Columns . isFavorite ]
coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : row [ Columns . latitude ] ,
longitude : row [ Columns . longitude ] )
// Persistence methods
extension Place : MutablePersistableRecord {
/// The values persisted in the database
func encode ( to container : inout PersistenceContainer ) {
container [ Columns . id ] = id
container [ Columns . title ] = title
container [ Columns . isFavorite ] = isFavorite
container [ Columns . latitude ] = coordinate . latitude
container [ Columns . longitude ] = coordinate . longitude
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
This struct derives its persistence methods from the standard Encodable protocol (see Codable Records), but performs optimized row decoding by accessing database columns with numeric indexes.
See the Record Protocols Overview for more information.
struct Place : Encodable {
var id : Int64 ?
var title : String
var isFavorite : Bool
private var latitude : CLLocationDegrees
private var longitude : CLLocationDegrees
var coordinate : CLLocationCoordinate2D {
get {
CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : latitude ,
longitude : longitude )
set {
latitude = newValue . latitude
longitude = newValue . longitude
// SQL generation
extension Place : TableRecord {
/// The table columns
enum Columns {
static let id = Column ( CodingKeys . id )
static let title = Column ( CodingKeys . title )
static let isFavorite = Column ( CodingKeys . isFavorite )
static let latitude = Column ( CodingKeys . latitude )
static let longitude = Column ( CodingKeys . longitude )
/// Arrange the selected columns and lock their order
static var databaseSelection : [ any SQLSelectable ] {
Columns . id ,
Columns . title ,
Columns . favorite ,
Columns . latitude ,
Columns . longitude ,
// Fetching methods
extension Place : FetchableRecord {
/// Creates a record from a database row
init ( row : Row ) {
// For high performance, use numeric indexes that match the
// order of Place.databaseSelection
id = row [ 0 ]
title = row [ 1 ]
isFavorite = row [ 2 ]
coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D (
latitude : row [ 3 ] ,
longitude : row [ 4 ] )
// Persistence methods
extension Place : MutablePersistableRecord {
// Update auto-incremented id upon successful insertion
mutating func didInsert ( _ inserted : InsertionSuccess ) {
id = inserted . rowID
The query interface lets you write pure Swift instead of SQL:
try dbQueue . write { db in
// Update database schema
try db . create ( table : " wine " ) { t in ... }
// Fetch records
let wines = try Wine
. filter ( originColumn == " Burgundy " )
. order ( priceColumn )
. fetchAll ( db )
// Count
let count = try Wine
. filter ( colorColumn == Color . red )
. fetchCount ( db )
// Update
try Wine
. filter ( originColumn == " Burgundy " )
. updateAll ( db , priceColumn *= 0.75 )
// Delete
try Wine
. filter ( corkedColumn == true )
. deleteAll ( db )
You need to open a database connection before you can query the database.
Please bear in mind that the query interface can not generate all possible SQL queries. You may also prefer writing SQL, and this is just OK. From little snippets to full queries, your SQL skills are welcome:
try dbQueue . write { db in
// Update database schema (with SQL)
try db . execute ( sql : " CREATE TABLE wine (...) " )
// Fetch records (with SQL)
let wines = try Wine . fetchAll ( db ,
sql : " SELECT * FROM wine WHERE origin = ? ORDER BY price " ,
arguments : [ " Burgundy " ] )
// Count (with an SQL snippet)
let count = try Wine
. filter ( sql : " color = ? " , arguments : [ Color . red ] )
. fetchCount ( db )
// Update (with SQL)
try db . execute ( sql : " UPDATE wine SET price = price * 0.75 WHERE origin = 'Burgundy' " )
// Delete (with SQL)
try db . execute ( sql : " DELETE FROM wine WHERE corked " )
So don't miss the SQL API.
Note : the generated SQL may change between GRDB releases, without notice: don't have your application rely on any specific SQL output.
, Table
The query interface requests let you fetch values from the database:
let request = Player . filter ( emailColumn != nil ) . order ( nameColumn )
let players = try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
let count = try request . fetchCount ( db ) // Int
Query interface requests usually start from a type that adopts the TableRecord
struct Player : TableRecord { ... }
// The request for all players:
let request = Player . all ( )
let players = try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
When you can not use a record type, use Table
// The request for all rows from the player table:
let table = Table ( " player " )
let request = table . all ( )
let rows = try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Row]
// The request for all players from the player table:
let table = Table < Player > ( " player " )
let request = table . all ( )
let players = try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
Note : all examples in the documentation below use a record type, but you can always substitute a
Next, declare the table columns that you want to use for filtering, or sorting:
let idColumn = Column ( " id " )
let nameColumn = Column ( " name " )
You can also declare column enums, if you prefer:
// and can be used just as
// idColumn and nameColumn declared above.
enum Columns : String , ColumnExpression {
case id
case name
You can now build requests with the following methods: all
, none
, select
, distinct
, filter
, matching
, group
, having
, order
, reversed
, limit
, joining
, including
, with
. All those methods return another request, which you can further refine by applying another method:
, none()
: the requests for all rows, or no row.
// SELECT * FROM player
Player . all ( )
By default, all columns are selected. See Columns Selected by a Request.
and select(..., as:)
define the selected columns. See Columns Selected by a Request.
// SELECT name FROM player
Player . select ( nameColumn , as : String . self )
annotated(with: expression...)
extends the selection.
// SELECT *, (score + bonus) AS total FROM player
Player . annotated ( with : ( scoreColumn + bonusColumn ) . forKey ( " total " ) )
annotated(with: aggregate)
extends the selection with association aggregates.
// SELECT team.*, COUNT(DISTINCT AS playerCount
// FROM team
// LEFT JOIN player ON player.teamId =
Team . annotated ( with : Team . players . count )
annotated(withRequired: association)
and annotated(withOptional: association)
extends the selection with Associations.
// SELECT player.*, team.color
// FROM player
// JOIN team ON = player.teamId
Player . annotated ( withRequired : Player . team . select ( colorColumn ) )
performs uniquing.
Player . select ( nameColumn , as : String . self ) . distinct ( )
applies conditions.
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
Player . filter ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . contains ( idColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (name IS NOT NULL) AND (height > 1.75)
Player . filter ( nameColumn != nil && heightColumn > 1.75 )
and filter(ids:)
are type-safe methods available on Identifiable Records:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = 1
Player . filter ( id : 1 )
// SELECT * FROM country WHERE isoCode IN ('FR', 'US')
Country . filter ( ids : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
and filter(keys:)
apply conditions on primary and unique keys:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = 1
Player . filter ( key : 1 )
// SELECT * FROM country WHERE isoCode IN ('FR', 'US')
Country . filter ( keys : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
// SELECT * FROM citizenship WHERE citizenId = 1 AND countryCode = 'FR'
Citizenship . filter ( key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE email = '[email protected]'
Player . filter ( key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
(FTS3, FTS5) performs full-text search.
// SELECT * FROM document WHERE document MATCH 'sqlite database'
let pattern = FTS3Pattern ( matchingAllTokensIn : " SQLite database " )
Document . matching ( pattern )
When the pattern is nil, no row will match.
group(expression, ...)
groups rows.
// SELECT name, MAX(score) FROM player GROUP BY name
. select ( nameColumn , max ( scoreColumn ) )
. group ( nameColumn )
applies conditions on grouped rows.
// SELECT team, MAX(score) FROM player GROUP BY team HAVING MIN(score) >= 1000
. select ( teamColumn , max ( scoreColumn ) )
. group ( teamColumn )
. having ( min ( scoreColumn ) >= 1000 )
applies conditions on grouped rows, according to an association aggregate.
// SELECT team.*
// FROM team
// LEFT JOIN player ON player.teamId =
Team . having ( Team . players . count >= 5 )
order(ordering, ...)
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name
Player . order ( nameColumn )
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY score DESC, name
Player . order ( scoreColumn . desc , nameColumn )
SQLite considers NULL values to be smaller than any other values for sorting purposes. Hence, NULLs naturally appear at the beginning of an ascending ordering and at the end of a descending ordering. With a custom SQLite build, this can be changed using .ascNullsLast
and .descNullsFirst
Player . order ( nameColumn . ascNullsLast )
Each order
call clears any previous ordering:
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name
Player . order ( scoreColumn ) . order ( nameColumn )
reverses the eventual orderings.
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY score ASC, name DESC
Player . order ( scoreColumn . desc , nameColumn ) . reversed ( )
If no ordering was already specified, this method has no effect:
// SELECT * FROM player
Player . all ( ) . reversed ( )
limit(limit, offset: offset)
limits and pages results.
// SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 5
Player . limit ( 5 )
Player . limit ( 5 , offset : 10 )
, joining(optional:)
, including(required:)
, including(optional:)
, and including(all:)
fetch and join records through Associations.
// SELECT player.*, team.*
// FROM player
// JOIN team ON = player.teamId
Player . including ( required : Player . team )
embeds a common table expression:
// WITH ... SELECT * FROM player
let cte = CommonTableExpression ( ... )
Player . with ( cte )
Other requests that involve the primary key:
selects the primary key.
// SELECT id FROM player
Player . selectPrimaryKey ( as : Int64 . self ) // QueryInterfaceRequest<Int64>
// SELECT code FROM country
Country . selectPrimaryKey ( as : String . self ) // QueryInterfaceRequest<String>
// SELECT citizenId, countryCode FROM citizenship
Citizenship . selectPrimaryKey ( as : Row . self ) // QueryInterfaceRequest<Row>
sorts by primary key.
// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY id
Player . orderByPrimaryKey ( )
// SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY code
Country . orderByPrimaryKey ( )
// SELECT * FROM citizenship ORDER BY citizenId, countryCode
Citizenship . orderByPrimaryKey ( )
groups rows by primary key.
You can refine requests by chaining those methods:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (email IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY name
Player . order ( nameColumn ) . filter ( emailColumn != nil )
The select
, order
, group
, and limit
methods ignore and replace previously applied selection, orderings, grouping, and limits. On the opposite, filter
, matching
, and having
methods extend the query:
Player // SELECT * FROM player
. filter ( nameColumn != nil ) // WHERE (name IS NOT NULL)
. filter ( emailColumn != nil ) // AND (email IS NOT NULL)
. order ( nameColumn ) // - ignored -
. reversed ( ) // - ignored -
. order ( scoreColumn ) // ORDER BY score
. limit ( 20 , offset : 40 ) // - ignored -
. limit ( 10 ) // LIMIT 10
Raw SQL snippets are also accepted, with eventual arguments:
// SELECT DATE(creationDate), COUNT(*) FROM player WHERE name = 'Arthur' GROUP BY date(creationDate)
. select ( sql : " DATE(creationDate), COUNT(*) " )
. filter ( sql : " name = ? " , arguments : [ " Arthur " ] )
. group ( sql : " DATE(creationDate) " )
By default, query interface requests select all columns:
// SELECT * FROM player
struct Player : TableRecord { ... }
let request = Player . all ( )
// SELECT * FROM player
let table = Table ( " player " )
let request = table . all ( )
The selection can be changed for each individual requests, or in the case of record-based requests, for all requests built from this record type.
The select(...)
and select(..., as:)
methods change the selection of a single request (see Fetching from Requests for detailed information):
let request = Player . select ( max ( Column ( " score " ) ) )
let maxScore = try Int . fetchOne ( db , request ) // Int?
let request = Player . select ( max ( Column ( " score " ) ) , as : Int . self )
let maxScore = try request . fetchOne ( db ) // Int?
The default selection for a record type is controlled by the databaseSelection
struct RestrictedPlayer : TableRecord {
static let databaseTableName = " player "
static var databaseSelection : [ any SQLSelectable ] { [ Column ( " id " ) , Column ( " name " ) ] }
struct ExtendedPlayer : TableRecord {
static let databaseTableName = " player "
static var databaseSelection : [ any SQLSelectable ] { [ AllColumns ( ) , Column . rowID ] }
// SELECT id, name FROM player
let request = RestrictedPlayer . all ( )
// SELECT *, rowid FROM player
let request = ExtendedPlayer . all ( )
Note : make sure the
property is explicitly declared as[any SQLSelectable]
. If it is not, the Swift compiler may silently miss the protocol requirement, resulting in stickySELECT *
requests. To verify your setup, see the How do I print a request as SQL? PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES.
Feed requests with SQL expressions built from your Swift code:
GRDB comes with a Swift version of many SQLite built-in operators, listed below. But not all: see Embedding SQL in Query Interface Requests for a way to add support for missing SQL operators.
, <>
, <
, <=
, >
, >=
, IS
Comparison operators are based on the Swift operators ==
, !=
, ===
, !==
, <
, <=
, >
, >=
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (name = 'Arthur')
Player . filter ( nameColumn == " Arthur " )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (name IS NULL)
Player . filter ( nameColumn == nil )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (score IS 1000)
Player . filter ( scoreColumn === 1000 )
// SELECT * FROM rectangle WHERE width < height
Rectangle . filter ( widthColumn < heightColumn )
Subqueries are supported:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score = (SELECT max(score) FROM player)
let maximumScore = Player . select ( max ( scoreColumn ) )
Player . filter ( scoreColumn == maximumScore )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score = (SELECT max(score) FROM player)
let maximumScore = SQLRequest ( " SELECT max(score) FROM player " )
Player . filter ( scoreColumn == maximumScore )
Note : SQLite string comparison, by default, is case-sensitive and not Unicode-aware. See string comparison if you need more control.
, /
, +
, -
SQLite arithmetic operators are derived from their Swift equivalent:
// SELECT ((temperature * 1.8) + 32) AS fahrenheit FROM planet
Planet . select ( ( temperatureColumn * 1.8 + 32 ) . forKey ( " fahrenheit " ) )
Note : an expression like
nameColumn + "rrr"
will be interpreted by SQLite as a numerical addition (with funny results), not as a string concatenation. See theconcat
operator below.
When you want to join a sequence of expressions with the +
or *
operator, use joined(operator:)
// SELECT score + bonus + 1000 FROM player
let values = [
scoreColumn ,
bonusColumn ,
1000 . databaseValue ]
Player . select ( values . joined ( operator : . add ) )
Note in the example above how you concatenate raw values: 1000.databaseValue
. A plain 1000
would not compile.
When the sequence is empty, joined(operator: .add)
returns 0, and joined(operator: .multiply)
returns 1.
, |
, ~
, <<
, >>
Bitwise operations (bitwise and, or, not, left shift, right shift) are derived from their Swift equivalent:
// SELECT mask & 2 AS isRocky FROM planet
Planet . select ( ( Column ( " mask " ) & 2 ) . forKey ( " isRocky " ) )
Concatenate several strings:
// SELECT firstName || ' ' || lastName FROM player
Player . select ( [ firstNameColumn , " " . databaseValue , lastNameColumn ] . joined ( operator : . concat ) )
Note in the example above how you concatenate raw strings: " ".databaseValue
. A plain " "
would not compile.
When the sequence is empty, joined(operator: .concat)
returns the empty string.
, OR
The SQL logical operators are derived from the Swift &&
, ||
e !
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE ((NOT verified) OR (score < 1000))
Player . filter ( !verifiedColumn || scoreColumn < 1000 )
When you want to join a sequence of expressions with the AND
or OR
operator, use joined(operator:)
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (verified AND (score >= 1000) AND (name IS NOT NULL))
let conditions = [
verifiedColumn ,
scoreColumn >= 1000 ,
nameColumn != nil ]
Player . filter ( conditions . joined ( operator : . and ) )
When the sequence is empty, joined(operator: .and)
returns true, and joined(operator: .or)
returns false:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE 1
Player . filter ( [ ] . joined ( operator : . and ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE 0
Player . filter ( [ ] . joined ( operator : . or ) )
, IN
To check inclusion in a Swift sequence (array, set, range…), call the contains
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
Player . filter ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . contains ( idColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
Player . filter ( ! [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . contains ( idColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
Player . filter ( ( 0 ... 1000 ) . contains ( scoreColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (score >= 0) AND (score < 1000)
Player . filter ( ( 0 ..< 1000 ) . contains ( scoreColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE initial BETWEEN 'A' AND 'N'
Player . filter ( ( " A " ... " N " ) . contains ( initialColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (initial >= 'A') AND (initial < 'N')
Player . filter ( ( " A " ..< " N " ) . contains ( initialColumn ) )
To check inclusion inside a subquery, call the contains
method as well:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (SELECT playerId FROM playerSelection)
let selectedPlayerIds = PlayerSelection . select ( playerIdColumn )
Player . filter ( selectedPlayerIds . contains ( idColumn ) )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (SELECT playerId FROM playerSelection)
let selectedPlayerIds = SQLRequest ( " SELECT playerId FROM playerSelection " )
Player . filter ( selectedPlayerIds . contains ( idColumn ) )
To check inclusion inside a common table expression, call the contains
method as well:
// WITH selectedName AS (...)
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE name IN selectedName
let cte = CommonTableExpression ( named : " selectedName " , ... )
. with ( cte )
. filter ( cte . contains ( nameColumn ) )
Note : SQLite string comparison, by default, is case-sensitive and not Unicode-aware. See string comparison if you need more control.
To check if a subquery would return rows, call the exists
// Teams that have at least one other player
// SELECT * FROM team
let teamAlias = TableAlias ( )
let player = Player . filter ( Column ( " teamID " ) == teamAlias [ Column ( " id " ) ] )
let teams = Team . aliased ( teamAlias ) . filter ( player . exists ( ) )
// Teams that have no player
// SELECT * FROM team
let teams = Team . aliased ( teamAlias ) . filter ( !player . exists ( ) )
In the above example, you use a TableAlias
in order to let a subquery refer to a column from another table.
In the next example, which involves the same table twice, the table alias requires an explicit disambiguation with TableAlias(name:)
// Players who coach at least one other player
// SELECT coach.* FROM player coach
let coachAlias = TableAlias ( name : " coach " )
let coachedPlayer = Player . filter ( Column ( " coachId " ) == coachAlias [ Column ( " id " ) ] )
let coaches = Player . aliased ( coachAlias ) . filter ( coachedPlayer . exists ( ) )
Finally, subqueries can also be expressed as SQL, with SQL Interpolation:
// SELECT coach.* FROM player coach
let coachedPlayer = SQLRequest ( " SELECT * FROM player WHERE coachId = ( coachAlias [ Column ( " id " ) ] ) " )
let coaches = Player . aliased ( coachAlias ) . filter ( coachedPlayer . exists ( ) )
The SQLite LIKE operator is available as the like
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (email LIKE '')
Player . filter ( emailColumn . like ( " " ) )
// SELECT * FROM book WHERE (title LIKE '%10%%' ESCAPE '')
Player . filter ( emailColumn . like ( " %10 \ %% " , escape : " \ " ) )
Note : the SQLite LIKE operator is case-insensitive but not Unicode-aware. For example, the expression
'a' LIKE 'A'
is true but'æ' LIKE 'Æ'
is false.
The full-text MATCH operator is available through FTS3Pattern (for FTS3 and FTS4 tables) and FTS5Pattern (for FTS5):
FTS3 and FTS4:
let pattern = FTS3Pattern ( matchingAllTokensIn : " SQLite database " )
// SELECT * FROM document WHERE document MATCH 'sqlite database'
Document . matching ( pattern )
// SELECT * FROM document WHERE content MATCH 'sqlite database'
Document . filter ( contentColumn . match ( pattern ) )
let pattern = FTS5Pattern ( matchingAllTokensIn : " SQLite database " )
// SELECT * FROM document WHERE document MATCH 'sqlite database'
Document . matching ( pattern )
To give an alias to an expression, use the forKey
// SELECT (score + bonus) AS total
// FROM player
Player . select ( ( Column ( " score " ) + Column ( " bonus " ) ) . forKey ( " total " ) )
If you need to refer to this aliased column in another place of the request, use a detached column:
// SELECT (score + bonus) AS total
// FROM player
// ORDER BY total
. select ( ( Column ( " score " ) + Column ( " bonus " ) ) . forKey ( " total " ) )
. order ( Column ( " total " ) . detached )
Unlike Column("total")
, the detached column Column("total").detached
is never associated to the "player" table, so it is always rendered as total
in the generated SQL, even when the request involves other tables via an association or a common table expression.
GRDB comes with a Swift version of many SQLite built-in functions, listed below. But not all: see Embedding SQL in Query Interface Requests for a way to add support for missing SQL functions.
Those are based on the abs
, average
, coalesce
, count
, dateTime
, julianDay
, length
, max
, min
, sum
, and total
Swift functions:
// SELECT MIN(score), MAX(score) FROM player
Player . select ( min ( scoreColumn ) , max ( scoreColumn ) )
// SELECT COUNT(name) FROM player
Player . select ( count ( nameColumn ) )
Player . select ( count ( distinct : nameColumn ) )
// SELECT JULIANDAY(date, 'start of year') FROM game
Game . select ( julianDay ( dateColumn , . startOfYear ) )
For more information about the functions dateTime
and julianDay
, see Date And Time Functions.
Use the cast
Swift function:
// SELECT (CAST(wins AS REAL) / games) AS successRate FROM player
Player . select ( ( cast ( winsColumn , as : . real ) / gamesColumn ) . forKey ( " successRate " ) )
See CAST expressions for more information about SQLite conversions.
Use the Swift ??
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'Anonymous') FROM player
Player . select ( nameColumn ?? " Anonymous " )
// SELECT IFNULL(name, email) FROM player
Player . select ( nameColumn ?? emailColumn )
The query interface does not give access to those SQLite functions. Nothing against them, but they are not unicode aware.
Instead, GRDB extends SQLite with SQL functions that call the Swift built-in string functions capitalized
, lowercased
, uppercased
, localizedCapitalized
, localizedLowercased
and localizedUppercased
Player . select ( nameColumn . uppercased ( ) )
Note : When comparing strings, you'd rather use a collation:
let name : String = ... // Not recommended nameColumn . uppercased ( ) == name . uppercased ( ) // Better nameColumn . collating ( . caseInsensitiveCompare ) == name
Custom SQL functions and aggregates
You can apply your own custom SQL functions and aggregates:
let f = DatabaseFunction ( " f " , ... )
// SELECT f(name) FROM player
Player . select ( f . apply ( nameColumn ) )
You will sometimes want to extend your query interface requests with SQL snippets. This can happen because GRDB does not provide a Swift interface for some SQL function or operator, or because you want to use an SQLite construct that GRDB does not support.
Support for extensibility is large, but not unlimited. All the SQL queries built by the query interface request have the shape below. If you need something else, you'll have to use raw SQL requests.
WITH ... -- 1
SELECT ... -- 2
FROM ... -- 3
JOIN ... -- 4
WHERE ... -- 5
GROUP BY ... -- 6
HAVING ... -- 7
ORDER BY ... -- 8
LIMIT ... -- 9
WITH ...
: see Common Table Expressions.
The selection can be provided as raw SQL:
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien'), score FROM player
let request = Player . select ( sql : " IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien'), score " )
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien'), score FROM player
let defaultName = " O'Brien "
let request = Player . select ( sql : " IFNULL(name, ?), score " , arguments : [ suffix ] )
The selection can be provided with SQL Interpolation:
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien'), score FROM player
let defaultName = " O'Brien "
let request = Player . select ( literal : " IFNULL(name, ( defaultName ) ), score " )
The selection can be provided with a mix of Swift and SQL Interpolation:
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien') AS displayName, score FROM player
let defaultName = " O'Brien "
let displayName : SQL = " IFNULL( ( Column ( " name " ) ) , ( defaultName ) ) AS displayName "
let request = Player . select ( displayName , Column ( " score " ) )
When the custom SQL snippet should behave as a full-fledged expression, with support for the +
Swift operator, the forKey
aliasing method, and all other SQL Operators, build an expression literal with the SQL.sqlExpression
// SELECT IFNULL(name, 'O''Brien') AS displayName, score FROM player
let defaultName = " O'Brien "
let displayName = SQL ( " IFNULL( ( Column ( " name " ) ) , ( defaultName ) ) " ) . sqlExpression
let request = Player . select ( displayName . forKey ( " displayName " ) , Column ( " score " ) )
Such expression literals allow you to build a reusable support library of SQL functions or operators that are missing from the query interface. For example, you can define a Swift date
func date ( _ value : some SQLSpecificExpressible ) -> SQLExpression {
SQL ( " DATE( ( value ) ) " ) . sqlExpression
// SELECT * FROM "player" WHERE DATE("createdAt") = '2020-01-23'
let request = Player . filter ( date ( Column ( " createdAt " ) ) == " 2020-01-23 " )
See the Query Interface Organization for more information about SQLSpecificExpressible
and SQLExpression
FROM ...
: only one table is supported here. You can not customize this SQL part.
JOIN ...
: joins are fully controlled by Associations. You can not customize this SQL part.
The WHERE clause can be provided as raw SQL:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score >= 1000
let request = Player . filter ( sql : " score >= 1000 " )
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score >= 1000
let minScore = 1000
let request = Player . filter ( sql : " score >= ? " , arguments : [ minScore ] )
The WHERE clause can be provided with SQL Interpolation:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE score >= 1000
let minScore = 1000
let request = Player . filter ( literal : " score >= ( minScore ) " )
The WHERE clause can be provided with a mix of Swift and SQL Interpolation:
// SELECT * FROM player WHERE (score >= 1000) AND (team = 'red')
let minScore = 1000
let scoreCondition : SQL = " ( Column ( " score " ) ) >= ( minScore ) "
let request = Player . filter ( scoreCondition && Column ( " team " ) == " red " )
See SELECT ...
above for more SQL Interpolation examples.
The GROUP BY clause can be provided as raw SQL, SQL Interpolation, or a mix of Swift and SQL Interpolation, just as the selection and the WHERE clause (see above).
The HAVING clause can be provided as raw SQL, SQL Interpolation, or a mix of Swift and SQL Interpolation, just as the selection and the WHERE clause (see above).
The ORDER BY clause can be provided as raw SQL, SQL Interpolation, or a mix of Swift and SQL Interpolation, just as the selection and the WHERE clause (see above).
In order to support the desc
and asc
query interface operators, and the reversed()
query interface method, you must provide your orderings as expression literals with the SQL.sqlExpression
// SELECT * FROM "player"
// ORDER BY (score + bonus) ASC, name DESC
let total = SQL ( " (score + bonus) " ) . sqlExpression
let request = Player
. order ( total . desc , Column ( " name " ) )
. reversed ( )
: use the limit(_:offset:)
method. You can not customize this SQL part.
Once you have a request, you can fetch the records at the origin of the request:
// Some request based on `Player`
let request = Player . filter ( ... ) ... // QueryInterfaceRequest<Player>
// Fetch players:
try request . fetchCursor ( db ) // A Cursor of Player
try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
try request . fetchSet ( db ) // Set<Player>
try request . fetchOne ( db ) // Player?
Por exemplo:
let allPlayers = try Player . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
let arthur = try Player . filter ( nameColumn == " Arthur " ) . fetchOne ( db ) // Player?
See fetching methods for information about the fetchCursor
, fetchAll
, fetchSet
and fetchOne
You sometimes want to fetch other values .
The simplest way is to use the request as an argument to a fetching method of the desired type:
// Fetch an Int
let request = Player . select ( max ( scoreColumn ) )
let maxScore = try Int . fetchOne ( db , request ) // Int?
// Fetch a Row
let request = Player . select ( min ( scoreColumn ) , max ( scoreColumn ) )
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , request ) ! // Row
let minScore = row [ 0 ] as Int ?
let maxScore = row [ 1 ] as Int ?
You can also change the request so that it knows the type it has to fetch:
With asRequest(of:)
, useful when you use Associations:
struct BookInfo : FetchableRecord , Decodable {
var book : Book
var author : Author
// A request of BookInfo
let request = Book
. including ( required : Book . author )
. asRequest ( of : BookInfo . self )
let bookInfos = try dbQueue . read { db in
try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [BookInfo]
With select(..., as:)
, which is handy when you change the selection:
// A request of Int
let request = Player . select ( max ( scoreColumn ) , as : Int . self )
let maxScore = try dbQueue . read { db in
try request . fetchOne ( db ) // Int?
Fetching records according to their primary key is a common task.
Identifiable Records can use the type-safe methods find(_:id:)
, fetchOne(_:id:)
, fetchAll(_:ids:)
and fetchSet(_:ids:)
try Player . find ( db , id : 1 ) // Player
try Player . fetchOne ( db , id : 1 ) // Player?
try Country . fetchAll ( db , ids : [ " FR " , " US " ] ) // [Countries]
All record types can use find(_:key:)
, fetchOne(_:key:)
, fetchAll(_:keys:)
and fetchSet(_:keys:)
that apply conditions on primary and unique keys:
try Player . find ( db , key : 1 ) // Player
try Player . fetchOne ( db , key : 1 ) // Player?
try Country . fetchAll ( db , keys : [ " FR " , " US " ] ) // [Country]
try Player . fetchOne ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] ) // Player?
try Citizenship . fetchOne ( db , key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] ) // Citizenship?
When the table has no explicit primary key, GRDB uses the hidden rowid
// SELECT * FROM document WHERE rowid = 1
try Document . fetchOne ( db , key : 1 ) // Document?
When you want to build a request and plan to fetch from it later , use a filter
let request = Player . filter ( id : 1 )
let request = Country . filter ( ids : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
let request = Player . filter ( key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
let request = Citizenship . filter ( key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] )
You can check if a request has matching rows in the database.
// Some request based on `Player`
let request = Player . filter ( ... ) ...
// Check for player existence:
let noSuchPlayer = try request . isEmpty ( db ) // Bool
You should check for emptiness instead of counting:
// Correct
let noSuchPlayer = try request . fetchCount ( db ) == 0
// Even better
let noSuchPlayer = try request . isEmpty ( db )
You can also check if a given primary or unique key exists in the database.
Identifiable Records can use the type-safe method exists(_:id:)
try Player . exists ( db , id : 1 )
try Country . exists ( db , id : " FR " )
All record types can use exists(_:key:)
that can check primary and unique keys:
try Player . exists ( db , key : 1 )
try Country . exists ( db , key : " FR " )
try Player . exists ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
try Citizenship . exists ( db , key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] )
You should check for key existence instead of fetching a record and checking for nil:
// Correct
let playerExists = try Player . fetchOne ( db , id : 1 ) != nil
// Even better
let playerExists = try Player . exists ( db , id : 1 )
Requests can count. The fetchCount()
method returns the number of rows that would be returned by a fetch request:
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM player
let count = try Player . fetchCount ( db ) // Int
let count = try Player . filter ( emailColumn != nil ) . fetchCount ( db )
let count = try Player . select ( nameColumn ) . distinct ( ) . fetchCount ( db )
let count = try Player . select ( nameColumn , scoreColumn ) . distinct ( ) . fetchCount ( db )
Other aggregated values can also be selected and fetched (see SQL Functions):
let request = Player . select ( max ( scoreColumn ) )
let maxScore = try Int . fetchOne ( db , request ) // Int?
let request = Player . select ( min ( scoreColumn ) , max ( scoreColumn ) )
let row = try Row . fetchOne ( db , request ) ! // Row
let minScore = row [ 0 ] as Int ?
let maxScore = row [ 1 ] as Int ?
Requests can delete records , with the deleteAll()
// DELETE FROM player
try Player . deleteAll ( db )
// DELETE FROM player WHERE team = 'red'
try Player
. filter ( teamColumn == " red " )
. deleteAll ( db )
// DELETE FROM player ORDER BY score LIMIT 10
try Player
. order ( scoreColumn )
. limit ( 10 )
. deleteAll ( db )
Note Deletion methods are available on types that adopt the TableRecord protocol, and
:struct Player : TableRecord { ... } try Player . deleteAll ( db ) // Fine try Table ( " player " ) . deleteAll ( db ) // Just as fine
Deleting records according to their primary key is a common task.
Identifiable Records can use the type-safe methods deleteOne(_:id:)
and deleteAll(_:ids:)
try Player . deleteOne ( db , id : 1 )
try Country . deleteAll ( db , ids : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
All record types can use deleteOne(_:key:)
and deleteAll(_:keys:)
that apply conditions on primary and unique keys:
try Player . deleteOne ( db , key : 1 )
try Country . deleteAll ( db , keys : [ " FR " , " US " ] )
try Player . deleteOne ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
try Citizenship . deleteOne ( db , key : [ " citizenId " : 1 , " countryCode " : " FR " ] )
When the table has no explicit primary key, GRDB uses the hidden rowid
// DELETE FROM document WHERE rowid = 1
try Document . deleteOne ( db , id : 1 ) // Document?
Requests can batch update records . The updateAll()
method accepts column assignments defined with the set(to:)
// UPDATE player SET score = 0, isHealthy = 1, bonus = NULL
try Player . updateAll ( db ,
Column ( " score " ) . set ( to : 0 ) ,
Column ( " isHealthy " ) . set ( to : true ) ,
Column ( " bonus " ) . set ( to : nil ) )
// UPDATE player SET score = 0 WHERE team = 'red'
try Player
. filter ( Column ( " team " ) == " red " )
. updateAll ( db , Column ( " score " ) . set ( to : 0 ) )
// UPDATE player SET top = 1 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10
try Player
. order ( Column ( " score " ) . desc )
. limit ( 10 )
. updateAll ( db , Column ( " top " ) . set ( to : true ) )
// UPDATE country SET population = 67848156 WHERE id = 'FR'
try Country
. filter ( id : " FR " )
. updateAll ( db , Column ( " population " ) . set ( to : 67_848_156 ) )
Column assignments accept any expression:
// UPDATE player SET score = score + (bonus * 2)
try Player . updateAll ( db , Column ( " score " ) . set ( to : Column ( " score " ) + Column ( " bonus " ) * 2 ) )
As a convenience, you can also use the +=
, -=
, *=
, or /=
// UPDATE player SET score = score + (bonus * 2)
try Player . updateAll ( db , Column ( " score " ) += Column ( " bonus " ) * 2 )
Default Conflict Resolution rules apply, and you may also provide a specific one:
// UPDATE OR IGNORE player SET ...
try Player . updateAll ( db , onConflict : . ignore , /* assignments... */ )
Note The
method is available on types that adopt the TableRecord protocol, andTable
:struct Player : TableRecord { ... } try Player . updateAll ( db , ... ) // Fine try Table ( " player " ) . updateAll ( db , ... ) // Just as fine
Until now, we have seen requests created from any type that adopts the TableRecord protocol:
let request = Player . all ( ) // QueryInterfaceRequest<Player>
Those requests of type QueryInterfaceRequest
can fetch and count:
try request . fetchCursor ( db ) // A Cursor of Player
try request . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
try request . fetchSet ( db ) // Set<Player>
try request . fetchOne ( db ) // Player?
try request . fetchCount ( db ) // Int
When the query interface can not generate the SQL you need , you can still fallback to raw SQL:
// Custom SQL is always welcome
try Player . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT ... " ) // [Player]
But you may prefer to bring some elegance back in, and build custom requests:
// No custom SQL in sight
try Player . customRequest ( ) . fetchAll ( db ) // [Player]
To build custom requests , you can use one of the built-in requests or derive requests from other requests.
SQLRequest is a fetch request built from raw SQL. Por exemplo:
extension Player {
static func filter ( color : Color ) -> SQLRequest < Player > {
SQLRequest < Player > (
sql : " SELECT * FROM player WHERE color = ? "
arguments : [ color ] )
// [Player]
try Player . filter ( color : . red ) . fetchAll ( db )
SQLRequest supports SQL Interpolation:
extension Player {
static func filter ( color : Color ) -> SQLRequest < Player > {
" SELECT * FROM player WHERE color = ( color ) "
The asRequest(of:)
method changes the type fetched by the request. It is useful, for example, when you use Associations:
struct BookInfo : FetchableRecord , Decodable {
var book : Book
var author : Author
let request = Book
. including ( required : Book . author )
. asRequest ( of : BookInfo . self )
// [BookInfo]
try request . fetchAll ( db )
The adapted(_:)
method eases the consumption of complex rows with row adapters. See RowAdapter
and splittingRowAdapters(columnCounts:)
for a sample code that uses adapted(_:)
GRDB can encrypt your database with SQLCipher v3.4+.
Use CocoaPods, and specify in your Podfile
# GRDB with SQLCipher 4
pod 'GRDB.swift/SQLCipher'
pod 'SQLCipher' , '~> 4.0'
# GRDB with SQLCipher 3
pod 'GRDB.swift/SQLCipher'
pod 'SQLCipher' , '~> 3.4'
Make sure you remove any existing pod 'GRDB.swift'
from your Podfile. GRDB.swift/SQLCipher
must be the only active GRDB pod in your whole project, or you will face linker or runtime errors, due to the conflicts between SQLCipher and the system SQLite.
You create and open an encrypted database by providing a passphrase to your database connection:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
try db . usePassphrase ( " secret " )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
It is also in prepareDatabase
that you perform other SQLCipher configuration steps that must happen early in the lifetime of a SQLCipher connection. Por exemplo:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
try db . usePassphrase ( " secret " )
try db . execute ( sql : " PRAGMA cipher_page_size = ... " )
try db . execute ( sql : " PRAGMA kdf_iter = ... " )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
When you want to open an existing SQLCipher 3 database with SQLCipher 4, you may want to run the cipher_compatibility
// Open an SQLCipher 3 database with SQLCipher 4
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
try db . usePassphrase ( " secret " )
try db . execute ( sql : " PRAGMA cipher_compatibility = 3 " )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
See SQLCipher 4.0.0 Release and Upgrading to SQLCipher 4 for more information.
You can change the passphrase of an already encrypted database.
When you use a database queue, open the database with the old passphrase, and then apply the new passphrase:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . changePassphrase ( " newSecret " )
When you use a database pool, make sure that no concurrent read can happen by changing the passphrase within the barrierWriteWithoutTransaction
block. You must also ensure all future reads open a new database connection by calling the invalidateReadOnlyConnections
try dbPool . barrierWriteWithoutTransaction { db in
try db . changePassphrase ( " newSecret " )
dbPool . invalidateReadOnlyConnections ( )
Note : When an application wants to keep on using a database queue or pool after the passphrase has changed, it is responsible for providing the correct passphrase to the
method called in the database preparation function. Considerar:// WRONG: this won't work across a passphrase change let passphrase = try getPassphrase ( ) var config = Configuration ( ) config . prepareDatabase { db in try db . usePassphrase ( passphrase ) } // CORRECT: get the latest passphrase when it is needed var config = Configuration ( ) config . prepareDatabase { db in let passphrase = try getPassphrase ( ) try db . usePassphrase ( passphrase ) }
Note : The
method does not prevent database snapshots from accessing the database during the passphrase change, or after the new passphrase has been applied to the database. Those database accesses may throw errors. Applications should provide their own mechanism for invalidating open snapshots before the passphrase is changed.
Note : Instead of changing the passphrase "in place" as described here, you can also export the database in a new encrypted database that uses the new passphrase. See Exporting a Database to an Encrypted Database.
Providing a passphrase won't encrypt a clear-text database that already exists, though. SQLCipher can't do that, and you will get an error instead: SQLite error 26: file is encrypted or is not a database
Instead, create a new encrypted database, at a distinct location, and export the content of the existing database. This can both encrypt a clear-text database, or change the passphrase of an encrypted database.
The technique to do that is documented by SQLCipher.
With GRDB, it gives:
// The existing database
let existingDBQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : " /path/to/existing.db " )
// The new encrypted database, at some distinct location:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
try db . usePassphrase ( " secret " )
let newDBQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : " /path/to/new.db " , configuration : config )
try existingDBQueue . inDatabase { db in
try db . execute (
sql : """
SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted');
""" ,
arguments : [ newDBQueue . path , " secret " ] )
// Now the export is completed, and the existing database can be deleted.
It is recommended to avoid keeping the passphrase in memory longer than necessary. To do this, make sure you load the passphrase from the prepareDatabase
// NOT RECOMMENDED: this keeps the passphrase in memory longer than necessary
let passphrase = try getPassphrase ( )
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
try db . usePassphrase ( passphrase )
// RECOMMENDED: only load the passphrase when it is needed
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
let passphrase = try getPassphrase ( )
try db . usePassphrase ( passphrase )
This technique helps manages the lifetime of the passphrase, although keep in mind that the content of a String may remain intact in memory long after the object has been released.
For even better control over the lifetime of the passphrase in memory, use a Data object which natively provides the resetBytes
// RECOMMENDED: only load the passphrase when it is needed and reset its content immediately after use
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
var passphraseData = try getPassphraseData ( ) // Data
defer {
passphraseData . resetBytes ( in : 0 ..< passphraseData . count )
try db . usePassphrase ( passphraseData )
Some demanding users will want to go further, and manage the lifetime of the raw passphrase bytes. Veja abaixo.
GRDB offers convenience methods for providing the database passphrases as Swift strings: usePassphrase(_:)
and changePassphrase(_:)
. Those methods don't keep the passphrase String in memory longer than necessary. But they are as secure as the standard String type: the lifetime of actual passphrase bytes in memory is not under control.
When you want to precisely manage the passphrase bytes, talk directly to SQLCipher, using its raw C functions.
Por exemplo:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
... // Carefully load passphrase bytes
let code = sqlite3_key ( db . sqliteConnection , /* passphrase bytes */ )
... // Carefully dispose passphrase bytes
guard code == SQLITE_OK else {
throw DatabaseError (
resultCode : ResultCode ( rawValue : code ) ,
message : db . lastErrorMessage )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
When the passphrase is securely stored in the system keychain, your application can protect it using the kSecAttrAccessible
Such protection prevents GRDB from creating SQLite connections when the passphrase is not available:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
let passphrase = try loadPassphraseFromSystemKeychain ( )
try db . usePassphrase ( passphrase )
// Success if and only if the passphrase is available
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
For the same reason, database pools, which open SQLite connections on demand, may fail at any time as soon as the passphrase becomes unavailable:
// Success if and only if the passphrase is available
let dbPool = try DatabasePool ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
// May fail if passphrase has turned unavailable
try dbPool . read { ... }
// May trigger value observation failure if passphrase has turned unavailable
try dbPool . write { ... }
Because DatabasePool maintains a pool of long-lived SQLite connections, some database accesses will use an existing connection, and succeed. And some other database accesses will fail, as soon as the pool wants to open a new connection. It is impossible to predict which accesses will succeed or fail.
For the same reason, a database queue, which also maintains a long-lived SQLite connection, will remain available even after the passphrase has turned unavailable.
Applications are thus responsible for protecting database accesses when the passphrase is unavailable. To this end, they can use Data Protection. They can also destroy their instances of database queue or pool when the passphrase becomes unavailable.
You can backup (copy) a database into another.
Backups can for example help you copying an in-memory database to and from a database file when you implement NSDocument subclasses.
let source : DatabaseQueue = ... // or DatabasePool
let destination : DatabaseQueue = ... // or DatabasePool
try source . backup ( to : destination )
The backup
method blocks the current thread until the destination database contains the same contents as the source database.
When the source is a database pool, concurrent writes can happen during the backup. Those writes may, or may not, be reflected in the backup, but they won't trigger any error.
has an analogous backup
let source : DatabaseQueue = ... // or DatabasePool
let destination : DatabaseQueue = ... // or DatabasePool
try source . write { sourceDb in
try destination . barrierWriteWithoutTransaction { destDb in
try sourceDb . backup ( to : destDb )
This method allows for the choice of source and destination Database
handles with which to backup the database.
The backup
methods take optional pagesPerStep
and progress
parameters. Together these parameters can be used to track a database backup in progress and abort an incomplete backup.
When pagesPerStep
is provided, the database backup is performed in steps . At each step, no more than pagesPerStep
database pages are copied from the source to the destination. The backup proceeds one step at a time until all pages have been copied.
When a progress
callback is provided, progress
is called after every backup step, including the last. Even if a non-default pagesPerStep
is specified or the backup is otherwise completed in a single step, the progress
callback will be called.
try source . backup (
to : destination ,
pagesPerStep : ... )
{ backupProgress in
print ( " Database backup progress: " , backupProgress )
If a call to progress
throws when backupProgress.isComplete == false
, the backup will be aborted and the error rethrown. However, if a call to progress
throws when backupProgress.isComplete == true
, the backup is unaffected and the error is silently ignored.
Warning : Passing non-default values of
to the backup methods is an advanced API intended to provide additional capabilities to expert users. GRDB's backup API provides a faithful, low-level wrapper to the underlying SQLite online backup API. GRDB's documentation is not a comprehensive substitute for the official SQLite documentation of their backup API.
The interrupt()
method causes any pending database operation to abort and return at its earliest opportunity.
It can be called from any thread.
dbQueue . interrupt ( )
dbPool . interrupt ( )
A call to interrupt()
that occurs when there are no running SQL statements is a no-op and has no effect on SQL statements that are started after interrupt()
A database operation that is interrupted will throw a DatabaseError with code SQLITE_INTERRUPT
. If the interrupted SQL operation is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE that is inside an explicit transaction, then the entire transaction will be rolled back automatically. If the rolled back transaction was started by a transaction-wrapping method such as DatabaseWriter.write
or Database.inTransaction
, then all database accesses will throw a DatabaseError with code SQLITE_ABORT
until the wrapping method returns.
Por exemplo:
try dbQueue . write { db in
try Player ( ... ) . insert ( db ) // throws SQLITE_INTERRUPT
try Player ( ... ) . insert ( db ) // not executed
try dbQueue . write { db in
do {
try Player ( ... ) . insert ( db ) // throws SQLITE_INTERRUPT
} catch { }
} // throws SQLITE_ABORT
try dbQueue . write { db in
do {
try Player ( ... ) . insert ( db ) // throws SQLITE_INTERRUPT
} catch { }
try Player ( ... ) . insert ( db ) // throws SQLITE_ABORT
} // throws SQLITE_ABORT
You can catch both SQLITE_INTERRUPT
do {
try dbPool . write { db in ... }
} catch DatabaseError . SQLITE_INTERRUPT , DatabaseError . SQLITE_ABORT {
// Oops, the database was interrupted.
For more information, see Interrupt A Long-Running Query.
SQL injection is a technique that lets an attacker nuke your database.
Here is an example of code that is vulnerable to SQL injection:
let id = 1
let name = textField . text
try dbQueue . write { db in
try db . execute ( sql : " UPDATE students SET name = ' ( name ) ' WHERE id = ( id ) " )
If the user enters a funny string like Robert'; DROP TABLE students; --
, SQLite will see the following SQL, and drop your database table instead of updating a name as intended:
UPDATE students SET name = ' Robert ' ;
DROP TABLE students;
-- ' WHERE id = 1
To avoid those problems, never embed raw values in your SQL queries . The only correct technique is to provide arguments to your raw SQL queries:
let name = textField . text
try dbQueue . write { db in
// Good
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE students SET name = ? WHERE id = ? " ,
arguments : [ name , id ] )
// Just as good
try db . execute (
sql : " UPDATE students SET name = :name WHERE id = :id " ,
arguments : [ " name " : name , " id " : id ] )
When you use records and the query interface, GRDB always prevents SQL injection for you:
let id = 1
let name = textField . text
try dbQueue . write { db in
if var student = try Student . fetchOne ( db , id : id ) {
student . name = name
try student . update ( db )
GRDB can throw DatabaseError, RecordError, or crash your program with a fatal error.
Considering that a local database is not some JSON loaded from a remote server, GRDB focuses on trusted databases . Dealing with untrusted databases requires extra care.
DatabaseError are thrown on SQLite errors:
do {
try Pet ( masterId : 1 , name : " Bobby " ) . insert ( db )
} catch let error as DatabaseError {
// The SQLite error code: 19 (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT)
error . resultCode
// The extended error code: 787 (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY)
error . extendedResultCode
// The eventual SQLite message: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
error . message
// The eventual erroneous SQL query
// "INSERT INTO pet (masterId, name) VALUES (?, ?)"
error . sql
// The eventual SQL arguments
// [1, "Bobby"]
error . arguments
// Full error description
// > SQLite error 19: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed -
// > while executing `INSERT INTO pet (masterId, name) VALUES (?, ?)`
error . description
If you want to see statement arguments in the error description, make statement arguments public.
SQLite uses results codes to distinguish between various errors .
You can catch a DatabaseError and match on result codes:
do {
try ...
} catch let error as DatabaseError {
switch error {
// foreign key constraint error
case DatabaseError . SQLITE_CONSTRAINT :
// any other constraint error
default :
// any other database error
You can also directly match errors on result codes:
do {
try ...
// foreign key constraint error
} catch DatabaseError . SQLITE_CONSTRAINT {
// any other constraint error
} catch {
// any other database error
Each DatabaseError has two codes: an extendedResultCode
(see extended result code), and a less precise resultCode
(see primary result code). Extended result codes are refinements of primary result codes, as SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY
, for example.
Warning : SQLite has progressively introduced extended result codes across its versions. The SQLite release notes are unfortunately not quite clear about that: write your handling of extended result codes with care.
RecordError is thrown by the PersistableRecord protocol when the update
method could not find any row to update:
do {
try player . update ( db )
} catch let RecordError . recordNotFound ( databaseTableName : table , key : key ) {
print ( " Key ( key ) was not found in table ( table ) . " )
RecordError is also thrown by the FetchableRecord protocol when the find
method does not find any record:
do {
let player = try Player . find ( db , id : 42 )
} catch let RecordError . recordNotFound ( databaseTableName : table , key : key ) {
print ( " Key ( key ) was not found in table ( table ) . " )
Fatal errors notify that the program, or the database, has to be changed.
They uncover programmer errors, false assumptions, and prevent misuses. Aqui estão alguns exemplos:
The code asks for a non-optional value, when the database contains NULL:
// fatal error: could not convert NULL to String.
let name : String = row [ " name " ]
Solution: fix the contents of the database, use NOT NULL constraints, or load an optional:
let name : String ? = row [ " name " ]
Conversion from database value to Swift type fails:
// fatal error: could not convert "Mom’s birthday" to Date.
let date : Date = row [ " date " ]
// fatal error: could not convert "" to URL.
let url : URL = row [ " url " ]
Solution: fix the contents of the database, or use DatabaseValue to handle all possible cases:
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ " date " ]
if dbValue . isNull {
// Handle NULL
} else if let date = Date . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) {
// Handle valid date
} else {
// Handle invalid date
The database can't guarantee that the code does what it says:
// fatal error: table player has no unique index on column email
try Player . deleteOne ( db , key : [ " email " : " [email protected] " ] )
Solution: add a unique index to the column, or use the deleteAll
method to make it clear that you may delete more than one row:
try Player . filter ( Column ( " email " ) == " [email protected] " ) . deleteAll ( db )
Database connections are not reentrant:
// fatal error: Database methods are not reentrant.
dbQueue . write { db in
dbQueue . write { db in
Solution: avoid reentrancy, and instead pass a database connection along.
Let's consider the code below:
let sql = " SELECT ... "
// Some untrusted arguments for the query
let arguments : [ String : Any ] = ...
let rows = try Row . fetchCursor ( db , sql : sql , arguments : StatementArguments ( arguments ) )
while let row = try rows . next ( ) {
// Some untrusted database value:
let date : Date ? = row [ 0 ]
It has two opportunities to throw fatal errors:
In such a situation, you can still avoid fatal errors by exposing and handling each failure point, one level down in the GRDB API:
// Untrusted arguments
if let arguments = StatementArguments ( arguments ) {
let statement = try db . makeStatement ( sql : sql )
try statement . setArguments ( arguments )
var cursor = try Row . fetchCursor ( statement )
while let row = try iterator . next ( ) {
// Untrusted database content
let dbValue : DatabaseValue = row [ 0 ]
if dbValue . isNull {
// Handle NULL
if let date = Date . fromDatabaseValue ( dbValue ) {
// Handle valid date
} else {
// Handle invalid date
See Statement
and DatabaseValue for more information.
SQLite can be configured to invoke a callback function containing an error code and a terse error message whenever anomalies occur.
This global error callback must be configured early in the lifetime of your application:
Database . logError = { ( resultCode , message ) in
NSLog ( " %@ " , " SQLite error ( resultCode ) : ( message ) " )
Warning : Database.logError must be set before any database connection is opened. This includes the connections that your application opens with GRDB, but also connections opened by other tools, such as third-party libraries. Setting it after a connection has been opened is an SQLite misuse, and has no effect.
See The Error And Warning Log for more information.
SQLite lets you store unicode strings in the database.
However, SQLite does not provide any unicode-aware string transformations or comparisons.
built-in SQLite functions are not unicode-aware:
// "JéRôME"
try String . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT UPPER('Jérôme') " )
GRDB extends SQLite with SQL functions that call the Swift built-in string functions capitalized
, lowercased
, uppercased
, localizedCapitalized
, localizedLowercased
and localizedUppercased
let uppercased = DatabaseFunction . uppercase
try String . fetchOne ( db , sql : " SELECT ( uppercased . name ) ('Jérôme') " )
Those unicode-aware string functions are also readily available in the query interface:
Player . select ( nameColumn . uppercased )
SQLite compares strings in many occasions: when you sort rows according to a string column, or when you use a comparison operator such as =
and <=
The comparison result comes from a collating function , or collation . SQLite comes with three built-in collations that do not support Unicode: binary, nocase, and rtrim.
GRDB comes with five extra collations that leverage unicode-aware comparisons based on the standard Swift String comparison functions and operators:
(uses the built-in <=
and ==
Swift operators)caseInsensitiveCompare
A collation can be applied to a table column. All comparisons involving this column will then automatically trigger the comparison function:
try db . create ( table : " player " ) { t in
// Guarantees case-insensitive email unicity
t . column ( " email " , . text ) . unique ( ) . collate ( . nocase )
// Sort names in a localized case insensitive way
t . column ( " name " , . text ) . collate ( . localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare )
// Players are sorted in a localized case insensitive way:
let players = try Player . order ( nameColumn ) . fetchAll ( db )
Warning : SQLite requires host applications to provide the definition of any collation other than binary, nocase and rtrim. When a database file has to be shared or migrated to another SQLite library of platform (such as the Android version of your application), make sure you provide a compatible collation.
If you can't or don't want to define the comparison behavior of a column (see warning above), you can still use an explicit collation in SQL requests and in the query interface:
let collation = DatabaseCollation . localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare
let players = try Player . fetchAll ( db ,
sql : " SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name COLLATE ( collation . name ) ) " )
let players = try Player . order ( nameColumn . collating ( collation ) ) . fetchAll ( db )
You can also define your own collations :
let collation = DatabaseCollation ( " customCollation " ) { ( lhs , rhs ) -> NSComparisonResult in
// return the comparison of lhs and rhs strings.
// Make the collation available to a database connection
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . add ( collation : collation )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
Both SQLite and GRDB use non-essential memory that help them perform better.
You can reclaim this memory with the releaseMemory
// Release as much memory as possible.
dbQueue . releaseMemory ( )
dbPool . releaseMemory ( )
This method blocks the current thread until all current database accesses are completed, and the memory collected.
Warning : If
is called while a long read is performed concurrently, then no other read access will be possible until this long read has completed, and the memory has been released. If this does not suit your application needs, look for the asynchronous options below:
You can release memory in an asynchronous way as well:
// On a DatabaseQueue
dbQueue . asyncWriteWithoutTransaction { db in
db . releaseMemory ( )
// On a DatabasePool
dbPool . releaseMemoryEventually ( )
does not block the current thread, and does not prevent concurrent database accesses. In exchange for this convenience, you don't know when memory has been freed.
The iOS operating system likes applications that do not consume much memory.
Database queues and pools automatically free non-essential memory when the application receives a memory warning, and when the application enters background.
You can opt out of this automatic memory management:
var config = Configuration ( )
config . automaticMemoryManagement = false
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config ) // or DatabasePool
FAQ: Opening Connections
FAQ: General
FAQ: Associations
FAQ: ValueObservation
FAQ: Errors
First choose a proper location for the database file. Document-based applications will let the user pick a location. Apps that use the database as a global storage will prefer the Application Support directory.
The sample code below creates or opens a database file inside its dedicated directory (a recommended practice). On the first run, a new empty database file is created. On subsequent runs, the database file already exists, so it just opens a connection:
// HOW TO create an empty database, or open an existing database file
// Create the "Application Support/MyDatabase" directory
let fileManager = FileManager . default
let appSupportURL = try fileManager . url (
for : . applicationSupportDirectory , in : . userDomainMask ,
appropriateFor : nil , create : true )
let directoryURL = appSupportURL . appendingPathComponent ( " MyDatabase " , isDirectory : true )
try fileManager . createDirectory ( at : directoryURL , withIntermediateDirectories : true )
// Open or create the database
let databaseURL = directoryURL . appendingPathComponent ( " db.sqlite " )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : databaseURL . path )
Open a read-only connection to your resource:
// HOW TO open a read-only connection to a database resource
// Get the path to the database resource.
if let dbPath = Bundle . main . path ( forResource : " db " , ofType : " sqlite " ) {
// If the resource exists, open a read-only connection.
// Writes are disallowed because resources can not be modified.
var config = Configuration ( )
config . readonly = true
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
} else {
// The database resource can not be found.
// Fix your setup, or report the problem to the user.
Database connections are automatically closed when DatabaseQueue
or DatabasePool
instances are deinitialized.
If the correct execution of your program depends on precise database closing, perform an explicit call to close()
. This method may fail and create zombie connections, so please check its detailed documentation.
When you want to debug a request that does not deliver the expected results, you may want to print the SQL that is actually executed.
You can compile the request into a prepared Statement
try dbQueue . read { db in
let request = Player . filter ( Column ( " email " ) == " [email protected] " )
let statement = try request . makePreparedRequest ( db ) . statement
print ( statement ) // SELECT * FROM player WHERE email = ?
print ( statement . arguments ) // ["[email protected]"]
Another option is to setup a tracing function that prints out the executed SQL requests. For example, provide a tracing function when you connect to the database:
// Prints all SQL statements
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . trace { print ( $0 ) }
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
try dbQueue . read { db in
// Prints "SELECT * FROM player WHERE email = ?"
let players = try Player . filter ( Column ( " email " ) == " [email protected] " ) . fetchAll ( db )
If you want to see statement arguments such as '[email protected]'
in the logged statements, make statement arguments public.
Note : the generated SQL may change between GRDB releases, without notice: don't have your application rely on any specific SQL output.
Use the trace(options:_:)
method, with the .profile
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . trace ( options : . profile ) { event in
// Prints all SQL statements with their duration
print ( event )
// Access to detailed profiling information
if case let . profile ( statement , duration ) = event , duration > 0.5 {
print ( " Slow query: ( statement . sql ) " )
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
try dbQueue . read { db in
let players = try Player . filter ( Column ( " email " ) == " [email protected] " ) . fetchAll ( db )
// Prints "0.003s SELECT * FROM player WHERE email = ?"
If you want to see statement arguments such as '[email protected]'
in the logged statements, make statement arguments public.
Since GRDB 1.0, all backwards compatibility guarantees of semantic versioning apply: no breaking change will happen until the next major version of the library.
There is an exception, though: experimental features , marked with the " EXPERIMENTAL " badge. Those are advanced features that are too young, or lack user feedback. They are not stabilized yet.
Those experimental features are not protected by semantic versioning, and may break between two minor releases of the library. To help them becoming stable, your feedback is greatly appreciated.
No, GRDB does not support library evolution and ABI stability. The only promise is API stability according to semantic versioning, with an exception for experimental features.
Yet, GRDB can be built with the "Build Libraries for Distribution" Xcode option ( BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION
), so that you can build binary frameworks at your convenience.
Let's say you have two record types, Book
and Author
, and you want to only fetch books that have an author, and discard anonymous books.
We start by defining the association between books and authors:
struct Book : TableRecord {
static let author = belongsTo ( Author . self )
struct Author : TableRecord {
And then we can write our request and only fetch books that have an author, discarding anonymous ones:
let books : [ Book ] = try dbQueue . read { db in
// SELECT book.* FROM book
// JOIN author ON = book.authorID
let request = Book . joining ( required : Book . author )
return try request . fetchAll ( db )
Note how this request does not use the filter
method. Indeed, we don't have any condition to express on any column. Instead, we just need to "require that a book can be joined to its author".
See How do I filter records and only keep those that are NOT associated to another record? below for the opposite question.
Let's say you have two record types, Book
and Author
, and you want to only fetch anonymous books that do not have any author.
We start by defining the association between books and authors:
struct Book : TableRecord {
static let author = belongsTo ( Author . self )
struct Author : TableRecord {
And then we can write our request and only fetch anonymous books that don't have any author:
let books : [ Book ] = try dbQueue . read { db in
// SELECT book.* FROM book
// LEFT JOIN author ON = book.authorID
let authorAlias = TableAlias ( )
let request = Book
. joining ( optional : Book . author . aliased ( authorAlias ) )
. filter ( !authorAlias . exists )
return try request . fetchAll ( db )
This request uses a TableAlias in order to be able to filter on the eventual associated author. We make sure that the Author.primaryKey
is nil, which is another way to say it does not exist: the book has no author.
See How do I filter records and only keep those that are associated to another record? above for the opposite question.
Let's say you have two record types, Book
and Author
, and you want to fetch all books with their author name, but not the full associated author records.
We start by defining the association between books and authors:
struct Book : Decodable , TableRecord {
static let author = belongsTo ( Author . self )
struct Author : Decodable , TableRecord {
enum Columns {
static let name = Column ( CodingKeys . name )
And then we can write our request and the ad-hoc record that decodes it:
struct BookInfo : Decodable , FetchableRecord {
var book : Book
var authorName : String ? // nil when the book is anonymous
static func all ( ) -> QueryInterfaceRequest < BookInfo > {
// SELECT book.*, AS authorName
// FROM book
// LEFT JOIN author ON = book.authorID
let authorName = Author . Columns . name . forKey ( CodingKeys . authorName )
return Book
. annotated ( withOptional : Book . author . select ( authorName ) )
. asRequest ( of : BookInfo . self )
let bookInfos : [ BookInfo ] = try dbQueue . read { db in
BookInfo . all ( ) . fetchAll ( db )
By defining the request as a static method of BookInfo, you have access to the private CodingKeys.authorName
, and a compiler-checked SQL column name.
By using the annotated(withOptional:)
method, you append the author name to the top-level selection that can be decoded by the ad-hoc record.
By using asRequest(of:)
, you enhance the type-safety of your request.
Sometimes it looks that a ValueObservation does not notify the changes you expect.
There may be four possible reasons for this:
To answer the first two questions, look at SQL statements executed by the database. This is done when you open the database connection:
// Prints all SQL statements
var config = Configuration ( )
config . prepareDatabase { db in
db . trace { print ( " SQL: ( $0 ) " ) }
let dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue ( path : dbPath , configuration : config )
If, after that, you are convinced that the expected changes were committed into the database, and not overwritten soon after, trace observation events:
let observation = ValueObservation
. tracking { db in ... }
. print ( ) // <- trace observation events
let cancellable = observation . start ( ... )
Look at the observation logs which start with cancel
or failure
: maybe the observation was cancelled by your app, or did fail with an error.
Look at the observation logs which start with value
: make sure, again, that the expected value was not actually notified, then overwritten.
Finally, look at the observation logs which start with tracked region
. Does the printed database region cover the expected changes?
Por exemplo:
: The empty region, which tracks nothing and never triggers the observation.player(*)
: The full player
: The id
and name
columns of the player
: The id
and name
columns of the row with id 1 in the player
: Both the full player
and team
tables If you happen to use the ValueObservation.trackingConstantRegion(_:)
method and see a mismatch between the tracked region and your expectation, then change the definition of your observation by using tracking(_:)
. You should witness that the logs which start with tracked region
now evolve in order to include the expected changes, and that you get the expected notifications.
If after all those steps (thanks you!), your observation is still failing you, please open an issue and provide a minimal reproducible example!
You may get this error when using the read
and write
methods of database queues and pools:
// Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
let string = try dbQueue . read { db in
let result = try String . fetchOne ( db , ... )
return result
This is a limitation of the Swift compiler.
The general workaround is to explicitly declare the type of the closure result:
// General Workaround
let string = try dbQueue . read { db -> String ? in
let result = try String . fetchOne ( db , ... )
return result
You can also, when possible, write a single-line closure:
// Single-line closure workaround:
let string = try dbQueue . read { db in
try String . fetchOne ( db , ... )
The insert
and save
persistence methods can trigger a compiler error in async contexts:
var player = Player ( id : nil , name : " Arthur " )
try await dbWriter . write { db in
// Error: Mutation of captured var 'player' in concurrently-executing code
try player . insert ( db )
print ( player . id ) // A non-nil id
When this happens, prefer the inserted
and saved
methods instead:
// OK
var player = Player ( id : nil , name : " Arthur " )
player = try await dbWriter . write { [ player ] db in
return try player . inserted ( db )
print ( player . id ) // A non-nil id
This error message is self-explanatory: do check for misspelled or non-existing column names.
However, sometimes this error only happens when an app runs on a recent operating system (iOS 14+, Big Sur+, etc.) The error does not happen with previous ones.
When this is the case, there are two possible explanations:
Maybe a column name is really misspelled or missing from the database schema.
To find it, check the SQL statement that comes with the DatabaseError.
Maybe the application is using the character "
instead of the single quote '
as the delimiter for string literals in raw SQL queries. Recent versions of SQLite have learned to tell about this deviation from the SQL standard, and this is why you are seeing this error .
For example: this is not standard SQL: UPDATE player SET name = "Arthur"
The standard version is: UPDATE player SET name = 'Arthur'
It just happens that old versions of SQLite used to accept the former, non-standard version. Newer versions are able to reject it with an error.
The fix is to change the SQL statements run by the application: replace "
with '
in your string literals.
It may also be time to learn about statement arguments and SQL injection:
let name : String = ...
// NOT STANDARD (double quote)
try db . execute ( sql : """
UPDATE player SET name = " ( name ) "
""" )
try db . execute ( sql : " UPDATE player SET name = ' ( name ) ' " )
// STANDARD, AND RECOMMENDED (statement arguments)
try db . execute ( sql : " UPDATE player SET name = ? " , arguments : [ name ] )
For more information, see Double-quoted String Literals Are Accepted, and Configuration.acceptsDoubleQuotedStringLiterals.
Those errors may be the sign that SQLite can't access the database due to data protection.
When your application should be able to run in the background on a locked device, it has to catch this error, and, for example, wait for UIApplicationDelegate.applicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable(_:) or UIApplicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable notification and retry the failed database operation.
do {
try ...
} catch DatabaseError . SQLITE_IOERR , DatabaseError . SQLITE_AUTH {
// Handle possible data protection error
This error can also be prevented altogether by using a more relaxed file protection.
You may get the error "wrong number of statement arguments" when executing a LIKE query similar to:
let name = textField . text
let players = try dbQueue . read { db in
try Player . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM player WHERE name LIKE '%?%' " , arguments : [ name ] )
The problem lies in the '%?%'
SQLite only interprets ?
as a parameter when it is a placeholder for a whole value (int, double, string, blob, null). In this incorrect query, ?
is just a character in the '%?%'
string: it is not a query parameter, and is not processed in any way. See for more information about SQLite parameters.
To fix the error, you can feed the request with the pattern itself, instead of the name:
let name = textField . text
let players : [ Player ] = try dbQueue . read { db in
let pattern = " % ( name ) % "
return try Player . fetchAll ( db , sql : " SELECT * FROM player WHERE name LIKE ? " , arguments : [ pattern ] )
: it contains GRDB-enabled playgrounds to play with.Obrigado
URIs don't change: people change them.
This chapter was renamed to Embedding SQL in Query Interface Requests.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has been renamed Record Comparison.
This chapter has moved.
Custom Value Types conform to the DatabaseValueConvertible
This chapter has been renamed Beyond FetchableRecord.
This chapter was replaced with Persistence Callbacks.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter was removed. See the references of DatabaseReader and DatabaseWriter.
This chapter has been renamed Data, Date, and UUID Coding Strategies.
This chapter has been superseded by the Sharing a Database guide.
This chapter has moved.
FTS5 is enabled by default since GRDB 6.7.0.
FetchedRecordsController has been removed in GRDB 5.
The Database Observation chapter describes the other ways to observe the database.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter was replaced with the documentation of splittingRowAdapters(columnCounts:).
See Records and the Query Interface.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This protocol has been renamed PersistableRecord in GRDB 3.0.
This error was renamed to RecordError.
This chapter has moved.
The Record
class is a legacy GRDB type. Since GRDB 7, it is not recommended to define record types by subclassing the Record
This chapter has moved.
This protocol has been renamed FetchableRecord in GRDB 3.0.
This protocol has been renamed TableRecord in GRDB 3.0.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has moved.
This chapter has been superseded by ValueObservation and DatabaseRegionObservation.