Local de filmagem: Shanghai Liehuo Entertainment City meninos VS meninas ao vivo PK, é raro ter a sorte de testemunhar isso! A versão arcade foi lançada em 25 de novembro de 1998 e é a sequência de "Bakumatsu Romance: Moonlight Swordsman". Tomando como palco a turbulência do final do período Tokugawa, este é o segundo jogo da série de jogos de luta dramática de espadas que mostra uma batalha majestosa que nunca foi contada na história oficial. A história em torno do “Hell Gate” também atinge seu clímax na sequência. Em uma visão de mundo baseada na mitologia antiga, os destinos dos envolvidos nesta turbulência estão entrelaçados na corda do destino. O cenário fascinante, a alta atmosfera histórica e o "Mundo Yuehua" integrado com vários elementos também são apoiados por alguns entusiastas de jogos e entusiastas da história.
=========Endereço de download da série Yuehua Swordsman==========
Conjunto de espadachim romântico do luar Bakumatsu1https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/mmlm_yhjsset1_579.html
Conjunto de espadachim romântico do luar de Bakumatsu2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/mmlm_yhjsset2_580.html
Versão coreana de Bakumatsu Romantic Moonlight Swordsman https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/mmlm_yhjshwb_581.html
Romance do Bakumatsu 2 Espadachim Moonflower 2 Jovens do meio do mês espalhados sob a lua https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/mmlm2_yhjs2_yzfh_slyx_582.html
====== Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade Fighting Dragon e Tiger Fist ========
Punho de Dragão e Tigre https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/lhzq_557.html
Punho de Dragão e Tigre 2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/lhzq2_558.html
Punho do Dragão e Tigre 3 Caminho do Guerreiro Punho do Dragão e Tigre Gaiden https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/lhzq3_zsddl_lhzqwc_559.html
======== Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade Fighting World Heroes ==============
Herói Mundial https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sjyx_495.html
Herói Mundial 2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sjyx2_496.html
Herói Mundial 2Jet https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sjyx2Jet_497.html
Edição perfeita de heróis mundiais https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sjyxwmb_498.html
========= Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade Fighting Mortal Kombat =========
Mortal Kombat https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/zrkd_357.html
Mortal Kombat 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/zrkd2_358.html
Mortal Kombat 3https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/zrkd3_359.html
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/zjzrkd3_360.html
========= Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade Fighting Samurai Shodown =========
Alma Samurai https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh_460.html
Samurai Shodown 2 True Samurai Shodown Baohmaru Hell Transformation https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh2zsh_bwwdyb_461.html
Samurai Shodown 3 Espada Zhanhong Lang Wushuang https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh3_zhlwsj_462.html
Samurai Shodown 4 Amakusa Desce https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh4_tcjl_463.html
Samurai Shodown 5 Samurai Shodown Zero https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh5_shZero_464.html
Samurai Shodown 5 Edição Especial Samurai Shodown Zero Edição Especial https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/sh5tbb_shZerotbb_465.html
=========Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade Fighting Brawl==========
Super herói cômico https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/cjmhyx_362.html
Átomo Magnético X-Men https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Xzj_ccyzr_363.html
X-Men vs. Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Xzjdjb_364.html
Super heróis de quadrinhos vs. Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/cjmhyxdjb_365.html
Heróis de quadrinhos vs. super-heróis da Capcom https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/mhyxdCapcomcjyx_366.html
Svc Chaos Snk vs Capcom https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcom_395.html
Clone Svc Chaos Snk vs. Capcom https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcomklb_396.html
Svc Chaos Snk vs Capcom JAMMAPCB https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcom_JAMMAPCB_397.html
Svc Chaos Snk vs Capcom JAMMAPCBset2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcom_JAMMAPCBset2_398.html
Svc Chaos Snk fortalece Capcom https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcomjq_399.html
Svc Chaos Snk vs. Capcom versão aprimorada 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcomjq2b_400.html
Svc Chaos Snk Super Fortalece Capcom https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Svchc_SnkdCapcomcjjq_401.html
========== Fighting: Blood Temple Series Arcade ROM endereço de download ==========
Clã do Templo Haoxue https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/hxsyz_393.html
Clã Haoxueji 2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/hxsyz2_392.html
Clã Haoxueji 3https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/hxsyz3_391.html
A lenda mais forte do clã Goxueji https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/hxsyzwc_zqcs_389.html
Combatendo o Casamento Clã do Templo do Novo Sangue https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/dh_xhxsyz_390.html
========= Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade "The King of Fighters" =========
O Rei dos Lutadores 94 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_94_175.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 95 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_95_176.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 96 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_96_177.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 97 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_97_178.html
A batalha dos sonhos do King of Fighters 98 ainda não acabou https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_98_mzdwjs_179.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 99 Mil Anos de Batalha https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_99_qnzz_180.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 2000https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2000_181.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 2001https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2001_182.html
Desafio final do The King of Fighters 2002 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2002_zjtz_183.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 2003https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2003_184.html
The King of Fighters 2003 versão japonesa https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2003_rb_185.html
Batalhas de todas as equipes no 10º aniversário de The King of Fighters https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh10zn_sydwdzd_187.html
Batalha de todas as equipes do 10º aniversário do King of Fighters, edição exclusiva de 2005 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh10zn_sydwdzd_2005_dtb_188.html
Versão extra aprimorada da batalha do 10º aniversário do King of Fighters para todas as equipes https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh10zn_sydwdzd_ewjqb_189.html
The King of Fighters Edição Especial 2004https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_tbb_2004_190.html
Conjunto de clones de The King of Fighters 20031https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2003_klset1_191.html
Conjunto de clones de The King of Fighters 20032https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh_2003_klset2_192.html
The King of Fighters 2004 EX Hero https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2004_EX_yx_193.html
The King of Fighters 2004 EX Fengyun se fortalece https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2004_EX_fyjq_194.html
King of Fighters 95 set2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh95_set2_195.html
The King of Fighters 96 set2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh96_set2_196.html
King of Fighters 97 set2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh97_set2_197.html
Edição aprimorada de The King of Fighters 97 Rise Again https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh97_fyzqjqb_198.html
Rei dos Lutadores 97 Rei dos Lutadores https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh97_gdzw_199.html
A batalha dos sonhos do King of Fighters 98 ainda não acabou sem criptografia https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh98mzdwjs_wjm_200.html
A batalha dos sonhos do King of Fighters 98 ainda não acabou Coreano https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh98mzdwjs_hw_201.html
A batalha de 99 mil anos do King of Fighters anteriormentehttps://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh99_qnzz_earlier_202.html
Conjunto 2 da Guerra dos 99 Mil Anos do Rei dos Lutadores https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh99_qnzz_set2_203.html
The King of Fighters 99 Millennium War Engineering Edition https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh99_qnzz_gcb_204.html
O Rei dos Lutadores 99 Mil Anos de Guerra Não Criptografado https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh99_qnzz_wjm_205.html
The King of Fighters 2000 não criptografado https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2000_wjm_206.html
The King of Fighters 2001 set2https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2001_set2_207.html
The King of Fighters 2001 Tigre Agachado, Dragão Oculto 2003 set1https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2001_whcl2003_set1_208.html
The King of Fighters 2001 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Enhanced https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2001_whcl_fy_2003_cjjq_209.html
The King of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Challenge retorna https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2002_zjtz_fyzq_210.html
The King of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Challenge Rise Again Edição Aprimorada https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2002_zjtz_fyzqjqb_211.html
The King of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Challenge Magic Enhanced Edition https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2002_zjtz__mfjqb_212.html
The King of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Challenge Magic Enhanced Edition 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/qh2002_zjtz__mfjqb2_213.html
========= Endereço de download da ROM do jogo de arcade "Legend of the Hungry Wolf" =========
A lenda do lobo faminto: a batalha fatídica https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/elcs_smzz_166.html
Hungry Wolf 2 Nova Batalha https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/elcs2_xdzd_167.html
Edição especial de A Lenda do Lobo Faminto https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/elcs_tbb_168.html
Hungry Wolf 3 Conquista Antiga https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/elcs3_ygzz_169.html
Real Bout Lenda do Lobo Faminto https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Real_Bout_elcs_170.html
Edição especial da Lenda do Lobo Faminto do Real Bout https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Real_Bout_elcs_tbb_171.html
Real Bout Hungry Wolf 2 Novato https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/Real_Bout_elcs2_xdlz_172.html
Prova da matilha de lobos famintos e da marca do lobo https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/el_qlzz_lzly_173.html
=========<>Endereço de download da série==========
Street Fighter Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb_jtbw_230.html
Street Fighter 2 para 8 jogadores Street Fighter 2 para 8 jogadores World Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/8rjb2_8rjtbw2_txds_231.html
Street Fighter 2 de 12 homens Street Fighter 2 de 12 homens Os Quatro Reis https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/12rjb2_12rjtbw2_sdtw_243.html
Super Street Fighter 2 Super Street Fighter 2 Novos Desafiantes https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/cjjb2_cjjtbw2_xtzz_232.html
Super Street Fighter 2 Super Street Fighter 2 Novo Clone Challenger https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/cjjb2_cjjtbw2_xtzz_klb_233.html
O sonho do Junior Street Fighter Alpha Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/snjb_aef_dszm_234.html
Versão do filme Street Fighter Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb_jtbw_dyb_235.html
Teen Street Fighter Alpha 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/snjb_aef2_236.html
Street Fighter EX Street Fighter EX 3D Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jbEX_jtbwEX_3Djb_237.html
Street Fighter EX Street Fighter EX PLUS Street Fighter 3D https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jbEX_jtbwEX_PLUS_3Djb_238.html
Street Fighter Alpha 3 adolescente https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/snjb_aef3_239.html
Street Fighter EX2 Street Fighter EX2 Street Fighter 3D https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jbEX2_jtbwEX2_3Djb_240.html
Street Fighter EX2 Plus Street Fighter EX2 3D Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jtbwEX2_Plus_jbEX2_3Djb_241.html
Super Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Edição de 15º aniversário https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/cjjb2_jb2_15znjnb_242.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Quatro Reis Celestiais YYC https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_YYC_244.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Os Quatro Reis V004https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_V004_245.html
Acelerador de Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Four Kingshttps://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_Accelerator_246.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Os Quatro Reis Rainbow Edição 1 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_chb1_247.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Os Quatro Reis Rainbow Edition 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_chb2_248.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Os Quatro Reis Celestiais Onda Vermelha https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_sdtw_csbd_249.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Hiper Lutahttps://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_Hyper_Fighting_250.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fightinghttps://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_Turbo_Hyper_Fighting_251.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Dragon Subdue 1 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_jl1_252.html
Street Fighter 2 Street Fighter 2 Dragon Fighter 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/jb2_jtbw2_jl2_253.html
Versão para matar dragões de Street Fighter 2 - Versão para matar dragões de Street Fighter 2 https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/tlbjb2_tlbjtbw2_2825.html
Versão para matar dragões de Street Fighter Versão para matar dragões de Street Fighter https://www.mamecn.com/jiejirom/tlbjb_tlbjtbw_2824.html