Расчет в реальном времени статистической вероятности того, что каждый игрок в покере выиграет данную раздачу.
Cli пока нет, вы можете запустить тестовые примеры, отредактировав main.py
# ...
# The seed state of the table and players.
# - player_cards requires one entry in the player_cards list for each player, with exactly two cards each
# - table_cards requires a list of known cards on the table. This reflects the current state of
# the table, so it can be a list with 0 cards, or 3/4/5 cards.
s = {
"player_cards" : [
[ Card ( 8 , Suits . Diamonds ), Card ( 10 , Suits . Hearts )],
[ Card ( 12 , Suits . Spades ), Card ( 10 , Suits . Spades )]
"table_cards" : [
Card ( 13 , Suits . Spades ),
Card ( 14 , Suits . Spades ),
Card ( 12 , Suits . Diamonds ),
Card ( 12 , Suits . Clubs )
def main ():
# initialize table state
t = Table ( player_count = len ( s [ 'player_cards' ]))
d = Dealer ()
d . deal ( table = t , seed = s )
# the dealer can update state to reveal new random cards if necessary
d . flip ( t )
print ( " n Table: n " )
print ( t . table_cards_str ())
# initialize the stats engine
p = Pokerstatter ()
start = time . time ()
print ( ' n Begin evaluate:' )
# evaluate the current table state
# any valid table state can be evaluated(0 cards or 3/4/5 cards)
# less known cards takes more time
p . evaluate ( t )
end = time . time ()
print ( f"Completed in { end - start } s" )
print ( t . players_str ())
# ...