Библиотека, написанная на C для микроконтроллера AVR. Этот код основан на другом общедоступном репозитории, я не помню, где он находится. Если кто-то узнает код, который не принадлежит мне, и будет знать репозиторий, я буду рад добавить ссылку сюда.
Текущая версия 0.2.1
git clone -b 0.2.1 [email protected]:Triplkrypl/avr-net-enc28j60.git
Поддерживаемая версия 0.2
TCP синхронный, а не постоянный клиент
TCP асинхронный не постоянный клиент
// define SPI pins connected to enc28j60 SI, SO, SCK pins
// SPI pins can changes on different AVR processors look into chip datasheet where SPI pins are
// this example is for AVR atmega328p
#define ENC28J60_DDR DDRB
#define ENC28J60_PORT PORTB
#define ENC28J60_SI_PIN_DDR DDB3
#define ENC28J60_SI_PIN PORTB3
#define ENC28J60_SO_PIN_DDR DDB4
#define ENC28J60_SCK_PIN_DDR DDB5
#define ENC28J60_SCK_PIN PORTB5
// define rest digitals I/O pins connected to enc28j60 RESET, INT, CS pins
// this pins have to be in same DDR and PORT as SPI pins
#define ENC28J60_INT_PIN_DDR DDB1
#define ENC28J60_INT_PIN PORTB1
#define ENC28J60_CS_PIN_DDR DDB2
#define ENC28J60_CS_PIN PORTB2
// define IP, MAC address for you AVR
#define NET_IP 192, 168, 0, 150
#define NET_MAC 0x15, 0x8, 0x45, 0x89, 0x69, 0x99
// define RAM buffer size for network packets
// this define maximum size of incoming packet,
// define maximum size of sended packet,
// and define tcp max segment size
// bigger value allow send and receive bigger packet (UDP datagram) and better performance for TCP
// lower value save RAM, you can create bigger buffer than AVR RAM or to big than no space for application :-)
// minimum recommended value is 600 bytes, in IPV4 standard minimum IP datagram size is 576 bytes
// you can use smaller buffer, if you sure than you do not receive bigger packets
#define NET_BUFFER_SIZE 600
// define size of arp cache array, default value 5
// arp requests for ip are cached in RAM
// defined zero size turn off cache and code for cache is not included in compilation
// bigger value allow save more ip in cache is good if your AVR communicate with more hosts
// lower value is good for more dynamic network in smaller cache will often rewrite unused ip in cache
// define for tcp.c include
// define how many tcp connection can live in AVR (server/client connections)
// if number connections is equal as limit all new incoming TCP connections are dropped,
// and TcpConnect function call will return TCP_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID
// bigger value allow more connected hosts at one time
// lower value is RAM free
// define for http.c include
// define which tcp port is used for http listener
// definition of maximum request parts length, whole received request can be bigger than
// NET_BUFFER_SIZE because request can be received in multiple tcp packet but be ware out of memory
// define maximum request url length in bytes without host, example "/some/url?somequery"
// define maximum request headers length without first request header line where is method...
// define maximum request body length
// turn on/off callback from tcp.c, if http.c is included
// http.c define all callbacks from tcp.c so can not be used without define HTTP_TCP_INCLUDED as 1
// if tcp callbacks is turn on have to be defined in application as if tcp.c is included
// if you want use only http protocol you do not need this define and use default value 0
// if you want implement other protocol which used tcp and use http to, turn tcp callback on
// all tcp callback is not call on packet related to http protocol, this packets are handled inside http.c
// you can define end of all outgoing http header rows by default is used windows row ending,
// change only if you know than application on other side accept other row ending
//#define HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK "rn"
// you have to define your cpu frequency because of delay.h library
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
// include icmp.c if you want your AVR to response PING
#include "src/icmp.c"
// include udp.c if you want handle incoming UDP datagram or send them
//#include "src/udp.c"
// include tcp.c if you want handle incoming TCP connection or connect somewhere
//#include "src/tcp.c"
// include http.c if you want handle incoming HTTP requests or send them
//#include "src/http.c"
// include one of icmp.c or udp.c or tcp.c or http.c,
// otherwise AVR will only response on ARP and it is little useless :-)
// not include tcp.c and http.c both if you want use both correctly,
// include http.c and before define HTTP_TCP_INCLUDED as 1
// you have to include network.c (main include for library)
#include "src/network.c"
int main (){
// at start of main function call NetInit for init enc28j60 chip init memory for cache...
NetInit ();
for (;;){
// in application loop everytime call NetHandleNetwork for handle incoming packet from ethernet
NetHandleNetwork ();
Если вы включаете tcp.c , вам необходимо определить обратный вызов функций TcpOnNewConnection , TcpOnConnect , TcpOnIncomingData , TcpOnDisconnect. Вам также необходимо определить эти обратные вызовы, если вы включаете http.c и определяете HTTP_TCP_INCLUDED как 1.
// function called if new tcp client is connecting into AVR, it is like firewall,
// library listen on all TCP ports you can specify witch port is accepted or not
// you have to return:
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_DROP drop new connection without any response for sender
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_OK accept new connection and allow established connection
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_REJECT not allow established connection and library send icmp unreachable packet
// icmp packet is send only if icmp.c is included
// without icmp protocol NET_HANDLE_RESULT_REJECT behave as NET_HANDLE_RESULT_DROP
unsigned char TcpOnNewConnection ( const unsigned char connectionId ){
if ( TcpGetConnection ( connectionId ) -> port != 80 ){
// function called after successful established any connection
// server connection and client connection created by TcpConnect function
// purpose this callback s init any data or memory for new connection before send data
void TcpOnConnect ( const unsigned char connectionId ){
// if you listen on more than one ports you always check port for execute correct logic
// also if you use client connection from AVR anywhere,
// check here you client connection id for handle asynchronous communication
if ( TcpGetConnection ( connectionId ) -> port == 80 ){
// function called always if AVR receive any data from any connection,
// server receive data from client or client receive asynchronous data
// data catched by synchronous wait is not send in this function
void TcpOnIncomingData ( const unsigned char connectionId , const unsigned char * data , unsigned short dataLength ){
// here always check port if you listen on multiple ports or use client connection with asynchronous responses
// so you can deliver incoming data in to correct logic
if ( TcpGetConnection ( connectionId ) -> port == 80 ){
// function called after closed any connection passively from other side or actively by TcpDisconnect function
// it is necessary for correct clear application memory after any connection ends
// if you prepare any memory in TcpOnConnect callback clear it here
void TcpOnDisconnect ( const unsigned char connectionId ){
// always check port or client connection id here,
// if you for different connection type prepare different memory you have to know what you have to clear
// use this callback even if you use synchronous wait for response,
// other side can close connection asynchronously sooner than you expect
if ( TcpGetConnection ( connectionId ) -> port == 80 ){
Если вы включите udp.c , вам необходимо определить обратный вызов функции UdpOnIncomingDatagram.
// function called any time if any UPD datagram income into AVR except UDP datagram cathed by synchronous wait
// you have to return:
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_DROP inform library that your application code nothing do with datagram
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_OK inform library that your application code do somethink with datagram
// NET_HANDLE_RESULT_REJECT inform library that your application code nothing do with datagram
// after that library send unreachable icmp packet, icmp packet is send only if icmp.c is included
// without icmp protocol NET_HANDLE_RESULT_REJECT behave as NET_HANDLE_RESULT_DROP
unsigned char UdpOnIncomingDatagram ( const UdpDatagram datagram , const unsigned char * data , unsigned short dataLength ){
if ( datagram . port == 5000 ){
// do something
Если вы включите http.c , вам необходимо определить обратный вызов функции HttpOnIncomingRequest.
// function called any time if http request if fully parsed and ready to be processed
// only request incoming with destination HTTP_SERVER_PORT is allow for parsing and passed in this callback
// response must be send by function HttpSendResponse called inside this callback
// response is not returned as return value because otherwise is dynamic allocation needed
// if HttpSendResponse is not called, library close tcp connection without send any response after callback ends
// any 404 and 500 or other applications errors have to be handled in application
// request analysis in application must be made before any other http communication,
// global memory allocated for request is reused for save memory on stack and data can be modified
void HttpOnIncomingRequest ( const HttpRequest * request ){
if ( strcmp ( request -> method , "GET" ) == 0 && CharsCmp ( request -> url , request -> urlLength , "/some-url" , strlen ( "/some-url" ))){
// do some logic
HttpStatus status = { 200 , "OK" };
HttpSendResponse ( & status , "SomeHeader: :-)" HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK , strlen ( "SomeHeader: :-)" HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK ), "SomeData" , strlen ( "SomeData" ));
return ;
HttpStatus status = { 404 , "Not Found" };
HttpSendResponse ( & status , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 );
Функции из tcp.c TcpGetConnection , TcpConnect , TcpSendData , TcpReceiveData , TcpDisconnect
// function return connection structure pointer with information about TCP connection remote ip, mac, port...
// if connection not found by connectionId return 0
const TcpConnection * TcpGetConnection ( const unsigned char connectionId );
// function connect as client into server with milliseconds timeout
// return: TCP_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID in any error or after timeout on success return established connectionId
unsigned char TcpConnect ( const unsigned char ip [ IP_V4_ADDRESS_SIZE ], const unsigned short remotePort , const unsigned short timeout );
// function send data into any established connection with timeout for TCP ack packet
// return: 1 on success, 0 on any error
// you can send bigger data than NET_BUFFER_SIZE if you do this data is send in multiple packet
unsigned char TcpSendData ( const unsigned char connectionId , const unsigned short timeout , const unsigned char * data , unsigned short dataLength );
// synchronous waiting for data with milliseconds timeout, zero timeout value means infinite waiting,
// in infinite timeout, function ends only if receive data or connection is closed
// after receive data are accessible by double pointer **data parameter
// this function is good if you send data as client and waiting for response from server,
// not use this function in TcpOnIncomingData on parameter connectionId another data will came in next callback call
// receive data by this function will never be send into TcpOnIncomingData callback
// return: 1 on success, 0 on any error
unsigned char TcpReceiveData ( const unsigned char connectionId , const unsigned short timeout , unsigned char * * data , unsigned short * dataLength );
// actively close any TCP connection, you can disconnect inactive clients as server,
// or client have to notify server that ending communication
// return: 1 on success, 0 on any error
unsigned char TcpDisconnect ( const unsigned char connectionId , unsigned short timeout );
Функции из udp.c UdpSendDataMac , UdpSendData , UdpSendDataTmpPort , UdpReceiveData
// send data into any host, you need know mac address,
// this function is good in UdpOnIncomingDatagram if you sending response as UDP server
// return:
// on success port used as srcPort in sended UDP datagram (port parameter)
// on fail return 0
unsigned short UdpSendDataMac ( const unsigned char * mac , const unsigned char * ip , const unsigned short remotePort , const unsigned short port , const unsigned char * data , const unsigned short dataLength );
// send data into any host, you not need know mac address, mac address is lookup by ARP
// return:
// on success port used as srcPort in sended UDP datagram (port parameter)
// on fail return 0
unsigned short UdpSendData ( const unsigned char * ip , const unsigned short remotePort , const unsigned short port , const unsigned char * data , const unsigned short dataLength );
// send data into any host, mac address is lookup and you specify only remotePort
// port (srcPort in sended UDP datagram is incrementing UDP port)
// this function is good for sending UDP request as client with synchronous waiting for response,
// you do not need store port value for long time
// return:
// on success port used as srcPort in sended UDP datagram
// (incrementing port, every sended UDP datagram rotate new port,
// also new client Tcp connection will cause incrementing)
// on fail return 0
// if you use this function instantly use UdpReceiveData for catch response with returned port value,
// or you lose it forever
unsigned short UdpSendDataTmpPort ( const unsigned char * ip , const unsigned short remotePort , const unsigned char * data , const unsigned short dataLength );
// synchronous wait for data from specify host with timeout
// use it if you pray for response from server or any other host
// catched data by this function is not send into UdpOnIncomingDatagram callback
unsigned char UdpReceiveData ( const unsigned char * ip , const unsigned short remotePort , const unsigned port , unsigned short timeout , unsigned char * * data , unsigned short * dataLength );
Функции из http.c HttpParseHeaderValue , HttpSendResponse , HttpSendRequest
// function parse value from http header rows, first parameter is http message as source of headers
// second parameter is header row key name for look up
// if header key name are more than once in message first one value is returned
// if header key name is not found in message, structure with zero length and zero pointer value is returned
// example: HttpParseHeaderValue(message, "Host"); with http headers:
// Host: somewhere.org
// SomeHeader: aaaaaaa
// will return structure with 13 length and "somewhere.org" value pointing into message structure without ending zero char
const HttpHeaderValue HttpParseHeaderValue ( const HttpMessage * message , const unsigned char * header );
// function send http response into network while is some request processed in callback HttpOnIncomingRequest
// function return 1 on success 0 on any error
// can be called only once per callback call and only if request is processed, in other http listener internal state return 0 as error
// if HttpStatus.message is 0 pointer default status message is filed by library
// headers parameter is all additional response header rows example:
// "ContentType: json" HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK
// "Language: en" HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK
// all header rows have to end with HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK string value
// usage of defined constant HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK is important due to consistent rows end sent by library and rows end in application
// headersLength parameter is length of headers parameter in bytes, if zero length is set no additional headers are send and headers parameter is ignored
// data parameter is data send in response body if dataLength is zero no body is send and data parameter is ignored
unsigned char HttpSendResponse ( const HttpStatus * status , unsigned char * headers , unsigned short headersLength , unsigned char * data , unsigned short dataLength );
// function send http request and synchronously wait for response
// return HttpResponse pointer on any error HttpResponse.status.code is 0 and HttpResponse.status.message contains simple error description
// connectionTimeout parameter define how long in milliseconds function wait for successful connect before send any request data
// requestTimeout parameter define how long function wait for response data, zero means infinite timeout
// method chars array end with zero character
// headers parameter contains all application request header rows example:
// "ContentType: json" HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK
// all header rows must end with HTTP_HEADER_ROW_BREAK
// headersLength parameter length of application header rows in bytes
// data parameter is for request body content
// dataLength parameter length of body content in bytes
// HttpResponse analyze immediately before any other http communication,
// structure share memory with HttpRequest and structure data can be rewritten
const HttpResponse * HttpSendRequest ( const unsigned char * ip , const unsigned short port , const unsigned short connectionTimeout , unsigned short requestTimeout , const unsigned char * method , const unsigned char * url , const unsigned char urlLength , const unsigned char * headers , const unsigned short headersLength , const unsigned char * data , unsigned short dataLength );