Do you know the list of "Don't Starve" Bie Mea Apocalypse linkage? I believe that many players are still not clear about it. After all, there are quite a lot of various mechanical elements in the game, and it is still difficult to be familiar with them all. For this reason, the editor has brought an introduction to the linkage between "Don't Starve" and the Bingya Apocalypse. The introduction of the content, I hope it can help all players.
We've been eyeing a Bleak Apocalypse crossover for some time. The 2023 roadmap that was previously on the table may have been packed to the brim, but we couldn’t resist the temptation to bring you a bite-sized update.
This update will be released on PC, Xbox and PlayStation platforms, and the Switch version will be added in an update soon.
"Bea Me Apocalypse" x "Don't Starve: Online Edition"
Some furry stuff is coming! A fascinating transformation is coming, and it’s hard to contain our excitement. You will be amazed by this crazy collaboration!
Crown trinkets can now be found in wet bags captured from Oasis Lake.
Providing the Antlion with the tiara will reward the player with a new blueprint.
Warm stones can now calm ant lions for 4 days.
Beach toys can now soothe antlions for 3 days.
Fixed a rounding error when calculating Antlion tribute values.
Increased chance of getting the first Desert Goggles Blueprint and Beach Toy from the Wet Bag.
For a limited time, log in to Don't Starve Together and receive Bie Bah, Bah Bah Blade, Flock Chest, Bah Bah's Reward Chest, and item skins inspired by Bah Bah Apocalypse.
We've also added new live drops inspired by the Bleak Apocalypse. From now until September 8, you can watch the live stream to get the Camellia Flower Bed.
Don't let Bie Ya endure famine in the "Bie Mie Revelation" x "Don't Starve Together" linkage update!
Can you survive in the new survival game mode of Bleak Apocalypse? Can it complete the task of converting Weber into a believer? This free crossover update adds Confession Mode, 7 cosmetics from Don’t Starve Together, and Webber Cultists!
The above content is all the content that the editor brings to you today. If this introduction to the linkage of "Don't Starve" and the Apocalypse has been helpful to you, then I hope you can share this guide more so that more players can see it. This guide allows them to play the game more happily.