The editor recently saw on Tieba that many players encountered the HD avatars of all characters in Beast Party and didn’t know what to do. Here today, the editor brings you the solution to this problem. As long as you follow the editor's rhythm, you will be able to solve the problem smoothly and play this game smoothly.
1. Earth Baotian (dinosaur, resistant to waves, resistant to waves)
2. Nemo (Corgi)
3. Tai Ge (from the tiger and the Pleasant Goat)
4. Macchiato
5.Watch (Otter)
6. Moss (Reindeer)
7. Agua (can reach duck)
8. Crocodile (Crocodile who loves bathing)
9.Carrot (rabbit)
10. Bacon (Page)
11. Barbie (King Kong)
12. Wall-E (brave cow)
13. Unicorn (sunny little white horse)
14. Night Owl
The above content is the entire content of this guide on what all-character HD avatars are in Beast Party. If you see other players worrying about this problem, then share this guide with them so that they can continue. Happy games can also encourage the editor of