A domain name is the name of a website, a server or a network system on the Internet. There are no duplicate domain names worldwide. The form of a domain name is an organic whole composed of several English letters and numbers, separated by "." into several parts. For example, abc.com is a domain name. In today's society, domain names have become an integral part of Internet culture. From the perspective of the business community, domain names have been hailed as “enterprises’ online trademarks.” There is no company that does not attach importance to the domain name of its product logo and trademark, and its value has been recognized by companies around the world.
The emergence of domain names is to facilitate memory, but sometimes, due to computer automatic naming rules and other reasons, domain names that are particularly long and difficult to remember will appear, which violates the meaning of domain names. Short domain names are easy to remember, but how to deal with long domain names? Here we will mention domain name address forwarding, which refers to pointing a domain name to another existing site, which is called "URL FORWARDING" in English. The domain name generally points to the original domain name or URL of the site, which is more complicated and difficult to remember. For example: www.abc.com can be forwarded to http://www.abc.com/123/abc/abc.html , or it can be forwarded to http://www.123.com )
Then use DNS-related resolution services to achieve the final purpose of accessing the website. Domain Name Server. There is a one-to-one correspondence between domain names and IP addresses on the Internet. Although domain names are easy for people to remember, machines can only recognize each other's IP addresses. The conversion between them is called domain name resolution. Domain name resolution requires a specialized domain name This is accomplished by a resolution server, and DNS is the server that performs domain name resolution. From domain name to URL to DNS is one of the common phenomena in domain name resolution. (Source: http://dns.qy.com.cn )