Recently, a player named DogIsDead777 on the reddit platform made his own "Elden Ring" walking temple (mobile temple) model. This model is loved by many netizens because of its extremely high accuracy. Many players have expressed interest in purchasing this model.
According to the creators, the model is basically made from 100% pink insulation board, a bit of cardboard and a Vietnamese plastic takeout bowl. Although the production materials are very common, the models produced are very realistic. In addition, the creator used a magnifying glass to show off its details.
Many netizens expressed their love for this model in the comment area. Some of them wanted to buy this walking temple model and asked about the price. However, the producer considered that it took them five months to complete it. works, so pricing cannot be given at the moment.
In addition, the creators also stated that they have been looking for a way to add a white skull to the model, but many parts are too large for this model. White skulls are an important part of the Wandering Temple, and players can destroy the Wandering Temple by breaking the skulls attached to their feet.