A programmer with the ID ultimus developed a new language called anic, which has attracted industry attention recently. According to the project's profile on Google Code, the official name of the language is ANI, and anic is the reference implementation of the language. ANI is an experimental, high-performance, statically safe, fully implicitly parallel, object-oriented general-purpose data flow programming language.
anic is written using the GNU toolchain, so it is very portable and can run on all major operating systems, including *NIX, Mac OS X and Windows (with Cygwin).
The Hello World program written in anic is as follows:
"Hello, World!" -std.out It is not easy to write a multi-threaded, real-time clock + calculator hybrid program in C language, but it will be so simple to write it in ANIC:
@std.in;a=[[0]]; op=[[' ']]; b=[[0]]; r=[[0]];0 { clock = [[int ms ]] { ("r" + ms/1000.0 + ":" + a + op + b + "=" + r) -std.out; 1 std.delay (ms+1) clock} };inLoop = { in-a in-op in-b inLoop};\op ?? {'+': (a+b) '-': (a-b) '*': (a* b) '/': (a/b) : 0} -r;
The forum for this project is already very active, and many programmers from Google are participating.
Cool, isn't it? Start trying it now: