The UP owner of "Infinite Lost" provides everyone with a comprehensive guide to the incentive plan time, and introduces this game that has recently launched new activities and new gameplay. Although many players are still in the exploratory stage, they believe that they will occasionally encounter problems that are difficult to solve. So, let’s check out the guide together to learn more about it.
The new themed event #夜夜whispers# has been officially updated, and the 8th issue of Lost in Time x Bilibili UP Main Incentive Program has been launched simultaneously. Bureau chiefs can participate in the event by submitting original videos and live streaming trial games!
In addition, this event has a new topic of submission "MBCC Creative Advertising Recruitment". Directors are expected to create exclusive creative advertisements for MBCC and share additional bonuses.
Activity time
September 28, 12:00 - November 13, 23:59
How to participate
Live broadcast track: Select the mobile game-Infinite Lost Zone when the broadcast starts to participate in the event.
Video track: Select the activity topic #无期 Lost UP Master Incentive Plan# when submitting, and you can participate in the activity.
This is the end of the time overview guide for "Infinite Lost" UP Master Incentive Plan. I hope the above content can be helpful to you and enable you to solve the problems you encounter. If the content of the appeal still cannot solve your problem, then I feel very sorry here, but I will continue to look for other answers to this question, so you can continue to pay attention.