The future of the Web is accelerating, and HTML5 has completed the formulation of details and is ready to go. Although its implementation still takes time, some forward-looking browsers have begun to support some features of HTML5. HTML5 is the biggest improvement in Web standards in 10 years, but what comes after HTML5? Is it HTML6?
no. The WHAT Working Group is working with the W3C to formulate the details of subsequent versions of HTML5. They have decided to formulate HTML without a version number after HTML5, which means that HTML in the future will be called HTML directly. What does this versionless HTML look like? Mark Pilgrim of the WHAT Working Group recently covered this in his series of blog posts:
The most likely change so far is to add a new <device> tag, which will provide access to certain devices, such as the camera or your mobile device's speed sensor.
The most obvious application of this tag is video chat, which is currently only possible through specific programs such as Adobe Flash. Pilgrim points out in his blog post that the device tag combined with HTML 5's video tag is sufficient for online video chat applications.
However, don’t be too happy yet. This process is still far away. The entire device API is still in development and no prototype has been implemented yet. This idea may also die on the way. As web developers, we're no stranger to this kind of thing, like the promise of a video codec that never came to fruition.
However, if device tags are finally implemented, web developers will have another tool that was previously only available in desktop programs.
HTML5 further reading
Learn more about HTML 5
Let JavaScript save HTML5 offline storage
Web Forms 2.0 lines will be replaced by HTML 5
HTML 5 is changing the web
5 exciting features of HTML 5
When HTML 5 meets Google
Will HTML 5 be the death of Flash and Silverlight?
Firefox Interview: OGG, HTML 5 and the Future of Video on the Web
XHTML 2: Died before leaving the battlefield, HTML 5: Being loved by thousands of people
HTML5 File API: drag and drop files from desktop to web
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