Eevee is a beloved Pokémon character with eight evolved forms. In the Padia region, all evolved forms of Eevee can be captured, and they appear in many scenes. If you want to form a complete Eevee team, then capture their evolved forms in various places.
1. The capture locations of Fire Ibu are in the North Padia Sea, Areas 1-2 in the North, Area 6 in the South, Baogu Hollow, Area 3 in the West, Jinxue Mountain Road, Shuangmo Mountain and other areas.
2. Reyib’s capture locations are in Daguo Lake, West District 3, Guoba Forest Road, Jinxue Mountain Road and other areas.
3. The capture locations of Water Eevee are in the North Padia Sea, North Areas 1-3, Cauldron Lake, Baogu Hollow, Area Zero, Frost Moist Mountain and other areas.
4. The catching locations of Sun Eevee are in North Area 3, Area Zero, Area 3 West, Jinxue Mountain Road, Shuangmo Mountain and other areas.
5. The capture locations of Moon Eevee are in Areas 1-3 in the North, Area 6 in the South, Baogu Hollow, Area Zero, Area 3 in the West, Jinxue Mountain Road, Shuangmo Mountain and other areas.
6. The capture locations of Yeyibu are in Daguo Lake, West District 3, Guoba Forest Road, Jinxue Mountain Road and other areas.
7. Ice Eevee can be caught in North Area 1, North Area 3, Daguo Lake, Guoba Forest Road, Jinxue Mountain Road, Shuangmo Mountain and other areas.
8. The capture locations of Fairy Eevee are in South Area 6, Baogu Hollow, West Area 3, Jinxue Mountain Road and other areas.
That’s it for this issue’s sharing of the locations of all Eevee forms in “Pokémon Vermillion”. I hope you all like it. Please pay attention for more game guides, we will update the most complete content as soon as possible to help you understand the game.