D. Transparent border color
#box { border: solid 1px transparent; } |
A transparent border color allows a border to occupy the same space as the border color when it is visible (or opaque).
Support status
IE6 No IE7 Yes IE8 Yes |
E. Fixed position element
#box { position: fixed; } |
This value of the position attribute allows an element to be positioned absolutely relative to the window.
Support status
IE6 No IE7 Yes IE8 Yes |
F. Fixed position background image
#box { background-image: url(images/bg.jpg); background-position: 0 0; background-attachment: fixed; } |
A value of fixed allows a background image to be positioned absolutely relative to the window.
Support status
IE6 No IE7 Yes IE8 Yes |
Just like position:fixed, IE6 also does not support the fixed value of background-positon. However, in IE6 this value only works when used on the root element.
G. Attribute value "inherit"
#box { display: inherit; } |
Applying the value inherit to an attribute allows an element to inherit a calculated value from its containing element.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |
IE6 and IE7 do not support inherit values except for the direction and visibility properties.
H. The border of the table cell is blank
table td { border-spacing: 3px; } |
This property sets the space between the borders of adjacent table cells.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |
I. Render empty cells in the table
table { empty-cells: show; } |
This attribute, which only applies to elements whose display attribute is set to table-cell, allows empty cells to render their borders and backgrounds. Otherwise, they will not be visible.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |
J. Horizontal position of table title
table { caption-side: bottom; } |
This attribute allows placing the title of a table at the bottom of the table - the default is the header.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |
K. Trim area
#box { clip:rect(20px, 300px, 200px, 100px) } |
This property specifies that a region of a box is visible and the remaining portion is trimmed or invisible.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |
Interestingly, IE6 and IE7 can also use this attribute if no commas are used to separate the values. (For example, use spaces to separate clipped values.)
L. Orphanes and windows in the printed page
p { orphans: 4; } p { widows: 4; } |
The orphans attribute sets the minimum number of lines displayed at the bottom of the printed page. The windows attribute is used to set the minimum number of lines of paragraphs displayed in the header of the printed page.
Support status
IE6 No IE7No IE8 Yes |