This site provides an overview of the Quartermaster locations in the Turtle Server in World of Warcraft. Many players have been troubled by this problem recently. If you don’t read the guide, it does take a lot of time to explore on your own. This game has recently added a lot of new content, and the gameplay has also been upgraded. The new game experience will allow players to explore for a while.
Shown here is the quartermaster position of the turtle server (Asian server)
Orgrimmar Quartermaster, Grocery Quartermaster:
Orgrimmar - diagonally opposite Bird Point (42,68)
Darkspear Quartermaster:
Durotar - Rooftop of Sen'jin Village Inn (56,74)
Tribal Cloth Armor Quartermaster Quartermaster:
Amani Outpost (45,48), can be teleported from Orgrimmar Mage Trainer
Thunder Bluff Military Supplies:
Thunder Bluff-Bank Entrance(44,58)
Undercity Military Supplies: (not found)
Durotar Guild Quartermaster: (Nothing)
Durotar - House opposite Nurwater Port Inn (59,26)
Stormwind City Quartermaster, Grocery Quartermaster:
Stormwind City-Old City(71,61)
Gnomeregan Quartermaster:
Ironforge - Gnome District (Artisan District) - Subway Entrance (76,51)
Ironforge Quartermaster:
Ironforge - Bank entrance (32, 63)
Darnassus Quartermaster:
Darnassus - Downstairs in the warrior area (between Salasi and the Warsong officer) (58,37)
Theramore Quartermaster: (Nothing)
Dustwallow Marsh - Theramore Island (66, 49)
Wildhammer Quartermaster:
The Hinterlands - Wildhammer Castle (14, 45)
[Mounts, robes, pets]
Argent Dawn Quartermaster: (Alliance)
Western Plaguelands - Coldwind Camp (43, 84)
[Drawings, shoulder enchantment]
Arathi Quartermaster:
Alliance: Arathi Highlands - Alliance Camp (Valley of Refuge)
Steamwheedle Port Quartermaster: (Nothing)
Stranglethorn Vale-Booty Bay-Port Authority Gate (24,72)
Blood Circle Quartermaster:
Stranglethorn Vale-Gurubashi Arena Entrance
Centaur Quartermaster:
Desolate Land - Magram Store - Magram Quartermaster (74, 74) [Purple Axe]
Desolate Land - Kyrgyz Existence - Kyrgyz Quartermaster (37, 81) [Purple Staff]
Scarlet Crusade Quartermaster:
Inside the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
Bloodsail Quartermaster:
Stranglethorn Vale - [The middle ship] in the second ship of the Bloodsail Pirates (31, 91)